Red and Green equals fate?

Oleh YaoiFanFoLife

14.8K 343 77

:P plz read it's cool I know all you ppg and rrb fans out there will love you won't believe it it's so amazin... Lebih Banyak

Sleepy Bc
Sucking Face
Buttercups Sitter
I did not
I missed you
So what im Buttercup Bitch >:)
What the hell
Truth or Dare
Heaven :D or Hell >:)
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Book is out


1.2K 25 6
Oleh YaoiFanFoLife

Previously on Red and Green Equals Fate?

I can't believe I'm kissing Brick,what I can't also believe we found love in a hopeless place.

Anyways on with the story enjoy

Buttercup POV

We are in school and I have detention for being late again,but I don't give a crap cause school is boring as hell."Buttercup,BUTTERCUP!!!"my teacher or whatever his name was,was trying to get my attention."Yo teach I told you to call me BC"I said"Well "BC"care to answer this question"he said grinning I was stupid obviously,but when it comes to sass I'm on it."I don't don't know care to stop being an ass" I said smirking which caused a few laughs around the class."Buttercup Utonium you have Detention"he said"Oh we'll poor me"I said getting ready to punch him.When was that stupid ass bell gonna ring,it was 1:59 only one minute till school ends."Oh and before I forget you all have project due by next week so I'm gonna assign you partners,so Bubbles and blossom,dexter with princess,Mitch with robin,boomer and butch,and finally Buttercup and Brick.Oh no he did not just do that,I thought as if anything could get worse the bell rang which meant detention started."We'll Buttercup turns out you have a partner to help you with detention"the teacher said."Oh who is it"I asked"Oh it's-"he was interrupted"Me Brick Jojo"I turned and it was Brick.He was my partner I am in some deep shit."We'll we better get started"I told him."Yes we shall beautiful"Brick said"Brick would you shut up with the sappy stuff"I said feeling a blush creeping on my cheeks,"oh you mean like this"he said as he cupped my face and kissed me."Brick.......Brick"I said but he ignored me oh I give up as I wrapped my arms around his neck,"oh Brick why do you make feel this way"I asked him curious"Because Butterbabe,....."he said mumbling the last part."What was that couldn't quite catch that"I said smirking"I said I love you,I always have but people always assumed I liked blossom only because she's my counterpart,you have all these things about you and you get out my head you personality is legit and you don't care if someone talks about you cause you don't give a shit(a/n:ha just rhymed there),your different BC and that's why I don't just like you,I love you"Brick said hugging me tight."Whatever"I said"aww come on BC you know you love me"Brick said,"do I know that......"do I know that I thought yes I do but I will never admit it,was it me or were Brick's muscles looking sexy and why is so hot in here."Hey BC you know red is your color"Brick said grinning holy shoot was I blushing,I pulled out my phone and sure enough I was.Crossed my arms pouting,"aww BC don't be like that it's cute when you blush"Brick said causing me to turn redder god dammit Brick why do you make me feel this way why I tell you.For some reason I was humming the intro of MLP(my little pony)weird right,"Brick"I asked"yeah what is it Buttercheeks"he said"whatever anyways.......well........if I told I liked you you would like me back right?"I asked"Butters I told you already I loved you BC,and besides are you saying you like me"Brick said smirking"no,no I'm not Bricky"I said."Did you just call me Bricky"he said smirking,I couldn't believe I was falling for him."Alright you kids go home,you've been long enough"the teacher said"Bye asshole"I said running out the clas leaving Brick in the dust.Good I lost,ha that's what I thought I kept running until some strong arms wrapped around my waist"what do you want red"I said"oh nothing I just need your number so I can txt you BC and don't forget we're partners"he said grinning which I sighed in defeat giving him my number which made him grin"come on BC want me to walk you home it's getting late"He said."Come on red"I said pulling his hand which made me blush,"God Brick your turning me soft"I said then I felt a squeeze not in my hand my ass,"your right you are soft"he said with a smirk"."S-shut up you pervert"I said"finally"said as reached my front door"bye red"I said getting my keys"what happened to Bricky"he said"oh shut up you ass"I said"I believe I'm not the one with the ass here"he said"Brick you asshole"I said.I was about to go inside until Brick turned me around and kissed me and god will it felt good,he pulled away but I pulled back I wasn't done I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist I lost until "bubbles she's been gone for awhile now should we go to the school"My sister blossom freakin worry wart."Brick gotta go I'll see u later"I told him and kissed his cheek and he flew away.Well I'm in some deep shit when I get inside but today was great and that's not normal for me.

Hey guys what we think

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See you in the next chap

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