Sleepy Bc

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Buttercup POV

"Buttercup wake up"was all I heard before I fell out of bed I was so sleepy I shouldn't have stayed to play that new video game the professor got me."BC were going to be late if you don't get up"I sat up to see blossom my red headed sister in my doorway with a angry look on her face."I'm up I'm up"I said while yawning.I got up put my clothes on and went down stairs and saw my two sisters bubbles and blossom waiting for me impatiently downstairs.

"Gosh BC what took you so long"blossom said."Oh nothing just sleepy"I responded,all you readers are probably wondering we'll I'm about to tell you.This might be weird but I couldn't sleep cause I was thinking about one of the rowdies it was strange cause it wasn't Butch.It was Blossom's counterpart,yes I know what your think what the heck BC you're into smarties and guys with caps.Well you are right about that and worse Of all they go to our school,yay me."Come on BC you're slowing us down"Blossom said did she know who she was talking to or what.I was listening to where have you been by Rihanna and started running,and closed my eyes ignoring my surroundings.I ignored my sisters and turned on another song which was"This Kiss" I started singing"I went out last I'm going out tonight anything to get your attention.This kiss is something I can't miss your lips are undeniable.I started dancing by a tree where I started singing about Brick."I like Brick and I cannot lie
You other sisters can't deny.Everytime I think about you I think about that kiss,oh yeah a kiss is what I miss."I stopped cause I was interrupted when someone pulled out my earbud,god damn you whoever you are."Nice singing"I heard a voice say I looked around and saw no one,if someone sneaks up on me I'm gonna murder them.I looked around until I suddenly came face to face with the person I didn't want to see"B-Brick"I stuttered"Yeah"he said"What are you doing here"I asked him furious at him on how he knew I was here."Oh I couldn't help but follow you"he said grinning which turned into and instant smirk."You didn't hear anything d-did you"I asked nervously.Hopefully he didn't hear me I hoped."Oh I heard nothing"he said"Phew"I said "except the part where I saw you swaying those beautiful hips of yours"he said smirking I felt my face getting hot hopefully he won't notice under this shade."Did you have to say beautiful"I asked"No but your ass was a better view he said squeezing it."BRICK!!"I said shocked and I thought Butch was the pervert,"oh BC I heard you singing to every word"he said still having that smirk on his face"Get that smirk off your face before I knock it off for ass,ok so if I was singing if you heard me what was singing"I asked hoping he really didn't hear me."Oh BC I heard you loud and clear super hearing remember"he said"we'll you must've heard wrong cause it wasn't me."I said confidently

"Was too"

"Was not"

"Was too"

"Was not"

"Was too"

"Was Not"

"Was not"

"Was too"

"Oh BC you are right you were singing"he said"thank you Brick,hey!!!!you tricked me."I said angr"oh but I like it when you feisty it's cute"he said"S-shut up you freaking ass"I said."I believe we're getting off subject"he said"I believe it went like this I like Brick and I cannot lie,you other sisters can't deny.Everytime I think about you I think about that kiss,oh yeah a kiss is what I miss"he finished"oh so good bravo"I said sarcastically while clapping."Glad you think so Babe"he said"don't call me babe,and besides I was singing about you and Blossom"I said."Oh yeah ok sure"he said pinning me against the tree,was it just me or did the temperature just rise.I was still and stiff,I couldn't decide what to do I couldn't get out of his grasp he was strong.I never knew that,maybe cause I fought Butch all the time and got used to the fact of always fighting Butch.I couldn't help but stare at Brick's muscles,for some reason I wanted to touch em.No snap out of it BC he's the enemy and definitely not you counterpart.Oh I can't help it I touched his muscles moving my hand down his arm and looked up to him only to see him smirking."Oh shut up red boy"I said and tugged his shirt immediately smashing his lips on mine.I was kissing Blossom's counterpart,Jesus,and the worst part was I was liking it god dammit.It was like years our tongues battling and me having my arms around his niece and his arms around my waist I was kissing Brick I could believe it was us who found love in a hopeless place.

Hey so what do we think and yes peeps I'm back,we'll I was never gone.anyway I'm back with another story yes I like brickercup so deal any ways enjoy the story.

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Brick:BC you can't just barge in and take peoples jobs it unnatural

BC:shut it you always acting like a smartass

Brick:getting feisty are we

BC:don't start red boy

Brick:oh I can't resist you're so cute when you're angry


And Brick and Buttercup you'll be partnered up for this project oh no now I'm in some deep shit.


Brick and BC:bye love y'all and we love us

And don't forget to check out my other story the secret of tough love this is PPGZloveRRBZ signing off peace ;)

And don't forget to check out my other story the secret of tough love this is PPGZloveRRBZ signing off peace ;)

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