I missed you

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Buttercup POV

Ok so when Brick left I immediately cheered I'm kidding kidding I was sad,yeah I know what you're thinking but I miss my Bricky it's me.Anyways blossom and bubbles should be coming in 3..........2............1"BUTTERCUP!!!!"of course the person I expected blossom was yelling at me"what bloss"I told but there was no point on asking I knew what she was going to say.

"Don't you bloss me buttercup you know exactly why I'm yelling at you"she said,"well.........buttercup what she was trying to say is.....why did you skip school"my sister bubbles asked with her sad face typical bubbles.

"Well if you must know I was resting"I told them so they would leave me alone"Are you sick buttercup"bubbles asked in a worried tone"of course she's not bubbles she just skipped school cause she thinks it's cool"Blossom said

Actually I kind of have to admit that that is kind of a good reason if you were me but I have to tell em"actuall I was bossy but you're to worried about 'having a education' to worry about me I said stomping up the stairs hearing my sisters calling my name.

To BC's room

I didn't care about dinner or anyone except for one person......Brick,my Brick but he already left so I started singing feel this moment

One day while my light is glowing but until the gates are open I just want a feel this moment woah woah I just want to feel this moment

I started sobbing to bad I couldn't actually I heard pitbull sing the part about being together I started crying loudly I missed Brick"waaahhh Brick I miss you"I whispered softly so no one could hear.

I cried and cried I feel like bubbles everytime I make her cry I giggled at that but ended up crying I never cried this much I couldn't call him his brothers would probably answer and my sisters would hear.

I decided to leave not caring if my sisters found out

To bricks house brick POV short one sorry

I was at my house with my brothers and I was bored as fuck I missed BC"hey Brick you okay"boomer asked in a worried tone"yeah I'm cool"I told but to be quite honest I wasn't"bro look there's a new game comin out wanna steal it"butch said

"Naw I'm gonna stay here I'm tired as hell"I told"okay suit yourself"my brothers said in sync and with that they left,man I'm hungry I thought I went to the kitchen to get my leftover sandwich but when I open the fridge it was gone.

Who the fuck stole my sandwich I'm gonna kill my brothers when they get home and I mean it"mmmm"I heard someone say I thought my brothers left.I closed the fridge and saw"Buttercup""yes""what are you doing here.....eating my sandwich!?!!?"I asked"well I was hungry and no reason"she said at least it wasn't my brothers that ate my sandwich.I sat at the table with BC wondering why she was here?"BC why are you here"I asked a second time"ummm......well.....you see"

Ha cliffhanger

But don't worry update soon I promise but for now cliffhanger what do you think will happen leave a comment.

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Brick and buttercup:byez you readerz XD

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