Chapter 17

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It's Buttercup

Chapter 17

No one POV

The professor stood with his mouth hanging open at the front door looking at the baby not knowing that it's his own daughter would you?He walked over to buttercup and picked her up while she giggled and smiled"hi there what's your name"the professor said.

"Mwy name is buttewcup"buttercup spoke"what,blossom what is the meaning of this why is buttercup a baby"the professor asked confused"buttercup can tell you she's been doing all types of shit all day"butch said while buttercup glared at him.

"Buttercup what happened"the professor asked curiously"well I was hungwy and I went in the wefwigiwator and I saw this sandwich and I decided to eat it and now I'm a baby"buttercup said while the others said awww on buttercups cute voice.

"Shut wup"buttercup said while the professor stared at buttercup with awe"she's so cute when she says it like that"brick said"SHUT WUP BWICK!!!"buttercup said pouting while brick picked her up"please take her to the lab"the professor said while leading the others to the lab.

"Pwofessew please"buttercup said"buttercup you must drink this if you want to turn back to normal"professor said"but pwofessow I don't want to dwink I-"brick interrupted her with a kiss on the cheek he's not that perverted"bwick!!!"buttercup said while blushing and brick chuckling"fine I'll dwink it not because bwick kissed me just because of what I say goes now give me the dwink pwofessow"buttercup said getting the drink from the professor.

She drank the purple liquid it made her gag"bleh this taste like shit"buttercup said,"buttercup language bubbles said while she laughed,buttercup slowly grew until she reached sixteen.

"Yes I'm back bitches"buttercup shouted"buttercup lang-" "yeah I know blossom language"buttercup said,"I missed being sixteen"buttercup said jumping"and I miss doing this"brick said as he kissed buttercup passionately.

Buttercup POV

Brick kissed me and boy did I miss it but lit don't tell him he would tease me forever"ehem"I pulled away to see the professor crossing his arms while the others giggled while I could feel myself blush red.


The professor said he was leaving for a few weeks leaving us at home with the boys did I mention were alone with the boys oooo"hey didn't you think it was cute how BC said shut up"butch said"no it was shut wup"boomer said laughing while the others joined in.

"Shut up you bitches"I said while I glared making the others jump,I felt sick and went to the restroom I guess that potion does a number you does it.

"Hey BC you okay"I couldn't see who it was I was too busy puking my guys out"I'm fine"I said turning from the bowl seeing brick"no your not"he said to me kneeling beside me.

"I told you I'm fi- burugh"I said puking again while he smirked"yeah whatever you say puke breath"brick said while I tried to punch him but he dodged, I was finally done puking and sat up from the toilet bowl that had a bad smell I sat up and cuddled into bricks chest while brick carried me bridal style back to the living room.

And she's back woohoo but tell me what you think and great news

Almost there



And I'm starting a new book it's gonna be on vampires ppg and rrb version of course I'll tell u the deets later byez

Red and Green equals fate?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon