Love Me At My Worst (Kylo Ren...

By AlexWrites2

290K 10.3K 4.4K

In the midst of the First Order's destruction, an Officer decides to reach out to the illusive Kylo Ren. At f... More

Chapter 1. An Officer
Chapter 2. Kitchens
Chapter 3. Hi
Chapter 4. Write up
Chapter 5. Friends
Chapter 6. Games
Chapter 7. Calm
Chapter 8. An Escalation
Chapter 9. Battle
Chapter 10. Mistresses
Chapter 11. Win
Chapter 12. Promotion
Chapter 13. Wedding Invitations
Chapter 14. The Wedding is Probably Cancelled
Chapter 15. A Groom without a Bride
Chapter 16. The First Order mourns
Chapter 17. Face of a Killer
Chapter 18. Truth
Chapter 19. Plans
Chapter 20. Lonely Soul no more
Chapter 22. Fly
Chapter 23. Corellia
Chapter 24. Origin
Chapter 25. Ha'. manga'chuq
Chapter 26. Nebula
Chapter 27. Our Ship
Chapter 28. Dolphus 3
Chapter 29. That arm gone boi
Chapter 30. Help
Chapter 31. Saw
Chapter 32. Armitage
Chapter 33. Final Battle

Chapter 21. Revenge

5.9K 208 55
By AlexWrites2

The rocking of the transport ship scared you to your core. Your fellow officers stood next to you piled in like sardines. You had never ridden in a ship with this many people, and you had a sneaking suspicion it was against regulations. From the sounds coming from the floorboards your suspicions were probably correct.

Land. Run. Fly. You kept repeating the steps inside your head as a mantra. It was a simple plan. Nothing could go wrong right?

Your heart beat faster as the ship hit the ground with a crash. Several officers toppled to the ground and a girl behind you began to throw up. This was the saddest excuse for an army the galaxy had ever seen.

When the doors opened you climbed out as quickly as possibly and immediately began looking for Kylo. He stood with another ship, standing next to Hux. You turned to survey the landing spot. You gulped as you realized there was a huge problem with your plan. The forest near the resistance base only stretched around the side where it stopped about 2 miles from your current location. There was no cover for you and Kylo to use as you escaped. You looked back at Kylo, he too looking at you. Even through his mask you knew he was realizing the same thing you were. There was nothing between you and the resistance base. Only grassy fields and the sun.

What are we going to do?! You screamed mentally. You saw Kylo wince from his position and knew he was listening in.

Follow my lead. The deep voice of Kylo spoke inside your head. You nodded toward him and he gestured for you to approach him and the General. When you reached then you understood what Kylo was doing.

"General we should have a scout go around those woods there and tell us the resistances status. As to help us with a proper time to strike." He said in his modulated voice. Hux raised an eyebrow.

"I suppose that is wise." He agreed. Kylo pushed you forward slightly.

"(Y/N) will go."

What are you doing? I can't go alone! How will you join me?"

Ill meet you there I swear. Just get yourself to those woods.

"Alright." The General handed you a com. "Report your findings when you get to a vantage point." His eyes bore into yours and you nodded quickly.

"Yes sir." You gave Kylo a parting look and headed in the direction of the forest. Jogging lightly you expected it wouldn't take you long to get there. It took you about 30 minutes and left you panting a bit. You found a tree near the edge and climbed up quickly. You looked over a branch to see the resistance barracks.

People were moving like ants. They all looked so cheerful, chatting and yelling at eachother. You grimaced as you realized some of them may die soon. They seemed so unsuspecting.

"This is (Y/N), the resistance does not seem prepared for an attack sir." You spoke into the com. You waited a few seconds before the crackling voice of Hux came through.

"Affirmative. Attack will begin shortly," You gulped.

Guess this is it.

(Y/N) I need you to promise me something.

No no Oh no

If I can't make it to you-

NO you will make it to me. So shut your stupid mouth. You growled angrily. We are leaving together. I will not go without you.


I love you Kylo.

I love you too.

The attack began before you could think. You had to give it to General Hux, he knew how to attack fast. You jumped down from your position and quickly ran onto the open runway of resistance. People screaming and running at eachother on the far side gave you enough room to run at a ship undetected. You crouched behind some crates and headed towards what looked like a running X-Wing. You knew the basics of flying but you secretly hoped Kylo could fly because he'd probably have more experience than you.

As you made your way over, you watched as a group of resistance Pilots ran toward the fight. One of them caught your eye.

Strong jaw. Curly hair. Five o'clock shadow.

(Y/N) no-

You drowned out Kylo's voice. All you saw was the man running toward crossfire. Suddenly you were sprinting. He was toward the back of his pack of pilots and you managed to grab him by the shoulders.

"What-uh!" He yelled as you pushed him onto the ground behind some crates. Your eyes were blaring with anger. "gUYS!" He tried to scream before you cut him off by shoving your hand over his mouth. Fear crossed his face.

"Officer Saw. Pretty. Dark curly hair. 23. Engaged to General Hux. That ring a bell?" You said with venom in your voice. His eyes widened and he shook his head. "Figures." You scoffed. "Just kill a girl and don't even remember her. You're just a ruthless killer aren't you?" His eyes were panicked now. "Sounds fair, but trust me when I say I'll remember killing you." You reached to your side for the blaster in your holster.

(Y/N) stop. Let him speak. Kylos voice flooded your head stronger than it ever had. You paused and let the blaster fall back into place. Slowly you let your hand release his mouth.

"Damn, thought you weren't gonna let me get a word in." He joked nervously. His eyes were scared and he eyed your blaster.

"You have 5 minutes to tell me what happened the day you were attacking the First Order base." You commanded. His eyebrows raised and fell to a defeated look.

"Alright. Well yeah, I killed your friend. Saw? That's her name? Yeah. She was really pretty. Trust me when I say I felt horrible." Hot tears began to fall down your cheeks.

"You think that makes it better?!" You yelled. He held up his hands in defense.

"No! No listen!" You gripped your blaster tightly. "Okay. So lemme tell you what happened. Then you can kill me alright? So we got our assignments, we weren't supposed to kill Officers, just go in and quickly get some high ups. The really bad ones. You know like Hux and stuff."
You scoffed.

"How did just killing some officials go to destroying the entire base?!" You said icly

" The base exploding was just a distraction for us to go in and get him and the others." He sighed and you realized this was painful for him too. His brown eyes looked sad at the memory. "General Organa gave me a real important job -said it was because she trusted me. I was supposed to go kill General Hux. And man! Was I nervous!" He chuckled bitterly. You cocked your head.

"You didn't kill Hux. He's leading this attack right now." You pointed out. He nodded.

"Yeah I know. Ya see, I've never killed anyone before. Or-" He winced "Well, before your friend. At least not up close. I'm a pilot, I've always done long range stuff. I was really freaking out but I wanted the General to be proud." Explosions behind you made you shiver. The battle was getting intense and you knew you didn't have long.

"Hurry up." You growled.

"Yeah I'm getting there. Anyway. I'm leading a group through the halls. And I'm shaking real bad. Then bam, your friend jumps in front of me and well-" He sighed. "You know what happened. She fell to the ground and I didn't know what to do. I was scared and freaking out and I just ran away. So yeah. That's it. You can kill me now if you want. I'm sorry about your friend, I bet she was real nice." His brown eyes bore into yours and you sighed. Tears were falling a lot at this point. You thought back to a conversation you had with Saw.

"I don't think i could ever kill someone, I'm glad we aren't Stormtroopers." She chuckled.

"I think I could. If they had done something horrible." You said with a shrug. She shook her head.

"I couldn't. If for some reason I had to I would be so nervous! They'd probably get me before i got them!"

"God I wanna kill you so much right now." You laughed bitterly, tears still falling. "What's your name?" You asked between sobs.

"Poe. You?" He said with a smile.

"(Y/N)." You said quickly.

"Alright (Y/N). So, are ya gonna shoot me? Because I figure you got about a minute before someone finds us." You looked him up and down. With a sigh you climbed off of him and helped him up to a crouch.

"No. I'm not. Not because I feel like you don't deserve it, but because she wouldn't want me too." Your voice cracked a bit.

"Well then she must have been a pretty cool lady." Poe said with a smile.

"She was." You sighed. "Go. Get out of here before I change my mind." You said with another tear.

"Don't have to tell me twice." Poe said with a laugh. His face sobered up a bit. "And (Y/N), I am really sorry about your friend."

"Yeah yeah. " You waved him off and he ran out from behind the crates. You took a deep breath.

You didn't kill Saw's murderer, no matter how much you wanted to. Maybe it was the fact that he seemed like a nice guy. Or the fact that he was just as scared as you were. You and Saw had always talked about how scared and nervous your jobs made you, and Poe was just a nervous guy who had made a mistake. Saw wouldn't want you to take a life for that. You looked up to see the X-Wing still waiting for you. You pushed your feelings aside. A look of determination crossed your face.

Time to fly.

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