My Kind Of Perfect [Greyson C...

By Awesomeness_09

48K 278 81

Keith Anderson had two best friends who are always there for her. She is known in school for her denseness. B... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 - New Beginning = SEASON 2
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 - FINALE

Chapter 22

1.1K 4 0
By Awesomeness_09

Keith's P.O.V

I woke up, feeling drowsy...I looked at my clock and it's 12:00?! I woke up 12:00 in the afternoon?! Geez what's happening to me? I rolled over to my pillow and hit the sidetable...Ouch...There's some kind of a book that fell..I rubbed my eyes as I pick up the book...It's some kind of album, silly me...It says here memories...Hmm..funny...What's this anyway?

A smile cross my face as I saw memories of me with Greyson, Cody and Alli when we were still young...I laughed at the picture of me with Greyson and Cody kissing me on the cheek on my 7th birthday...


Sarah: Happy birthday sweetie..(kisses my cheek)

Me: (smiles) Thanks mom! 

Bert: Happy birthday, princess...(smiles)

Me: Thanks Dad 

Bert: I bought you a present...(smiles)

Me: (unwraps gift) Oh my gosh! It's a brand new fishing tackle!! (tries to swing it) It's so light!! Just the way I like it (smiles) Thanks Dad (kisses cheek)

Kevin: Happy Birthday, sis!! (hugs me)

Me: Thanks little bro (hugs back)

Greyson: Happy birthday, Keith...I got a gift for you...(smiles)

Me: (smiles) Thanks..

Cody: Hey Keith, Happy Birthday...I got you a present...(smiles)

Me: (takes both gifts) Thanks guys (smiles)

Cody: Open mine first..

Greyson: No, I gave it first...So she has to open mine..

Cody: No, mine...

Greyson: Mine...

Alli: (laughs) Boys will be boys...Here Keith open mine...Happy Birthday..(smiles)

Me: Thanks...(unwraps gift) Wow, a necklace!! It says..BFF4EVER...Aww..that's sweet (hugs her) 

Cody and Greyson glared at Alli which Alli returned with a smirk...

Sarah: Okay everyone...picture time!!

Cody and Greyson sat beside me making me between them...I put arms around their shoulder and smiled...

Sarah: Okay...1...2...

When mom said 3 they suddenly leaned and kissed my cheek...After that they looked away with their faces red as a beet...Me and Alli just shared a laugh...


I chuckled softly remembering the little moment...As I turn the page I saw me and Cody dancing a slow dance on the dancefloor when we were 10 years old....


The song was a fast one then it turned slow...Many guys ask me to dance but I refused since it was my first dance with another guy, I need it to be important and remembered...Alli was dancing with someone that leaves me with Greyson and Cody....

Greyson: Umm...Keith wanna da-

Jenny: (walks towards Greyson) Greyson, let's dance...

Greyson: Wait I was gonna as-

Jenny: Come on!! (drags Greyson at the dancefloor)

I chuckled softly as Cody grabs my hand...I blushed slightly and smiled at him....

Cody: Wanna dance?

Me: (stands up) I'd love to...

He led me to the center of the dancefloor...He gently wrapped his arms around my waist while I wrap my arms around his neck...We slowly rock back and forth, left to right...We stared at each other's eyes then I slowly placed my head to his shoulder...Then we suddenly saw a flash...

Me: (chuckles) Alli !...

Alli: I need to take a picture...It's your first dance right?

Me: (blushed) Yes...

Cody: Wow...I'm honored to be your first on the dancefloor...(smiles)

Me: I'm happy it was you...(smiles) It's a night I won't forget...(kisses his cheek)

Cody looked away with his face red as a beet...I gently pinch his cheek and giggled...


A smile crept my face as I remembered it..I flipped the next page and saw a picture of me and Greyson kissing?! Woah...when did this happened? It says here...Me and Greyson on New Year Party...Oh now I remember...We were 12 years old on that day..


We were celebrating New Year's Eve with the Chance Family...We had so much fun and there were games that we enjoyed...It made the bond of our families stronger even though Dad's not here to celebrate with us after their divorce...We were sitting while watching fire on the fireplace...I sat on the red carpet with Greyson sitting beside me...

Lisa: Well there's a saying that when you wish for something, it will come true when you kissed someone...

Scott: Really? Do you made any wishes kids?

Tanner: Yes..

Alexa: (blushes) Done...

Greyson: I don't need any wishes...I got what I want...(looks at me)

Sarah: How about you kids?

Kevin: I wish for a new robot...

Sarah: (laughs) That's cute Kevin...

Me: Hmm...I wished for something...

Lisa: What is it?

Me: (smiles) I won't tell...

Scott: Do you want it to come true?

Me Yes!!

Sarah: Oh my gosh, It's close to midnight...let the countdown begin..

 Lisa: 10

Scott: 9

Greyson: What's your wish?

Tanner: 8

Me: (smiles) Just something...

Alexa: 7

Greyson: (laughs) Why won't you tell me?

Kevin: 6

Me: I'll tell you later...

Sarah: 5

Me: Hey Grey...

Lisa: 4

Greyson: Hmm?

Tanner: 3

Me: I wanna make my wish come true..

Greyson: Everyone wants that..

Alexa: 2

 Me: I wanna do something..(smiles)

As they all say 1...I pulled Greyson close to me and crashes my lips against his...I could feel him kissing back..I saw a flash but we ignored it....After 2 minutes, we pulled away...Greyson looks away with his face red as a beet while I blushed slightly then giggled softly...

Me: Will my wish come true?

Sarah: It depends...What's your wish anyway?

Me: I want waffles for breakfast..

Kevin: But we always have waffles for breakfast...

Me: See it worked (smiles)


Sometimes I asked myself why would I wish for something that not important? What am I saying?! Waffles are my number one priority!! Ahemm...I was about to turn to the next page when the door suddenly opened revealing Kevin's head...

Kevin: Alli's here...(closes door)

I sighed and hid the album on my sideteable...Wow come they've flown so fast...It made me feel guilty about myself that I was realy too slow on realizing my feelings for them...I slowly stood up and went downstairs...

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