Curtis Sister: Zaylee Curtis

By HotPinkMonkey

61.4K 1.1K 195

I am the Curtis' little sister, Zaylee. I can be a trouble maker at times. I live with my three older brother... More

Soda's Girlfriend And Me
Sticking Up for One Another
Stuck At Home And Back To School
Am I Going To Be Okay?
Where Am I? Where Is He?
Untitled Part 9
Where's Your Girlfriend?
Stay Strong, I'm Here
Untitled Part 13
Another Girl?
Don't Think We'll Ever Leave
The Good Old Times
The Guys
New Book


6K 97 42
By HotPinkMonkey

I woke up to someone shaking me awake and calling my name. I rolled over and pulled the covers over my head, to give them a hint to leave me alone and let me sleep. I mean I am 7 year old. They need sleep, unless you want a grumpy girl all day then go ahead and be my guest.

"Zay, wake up. Time for school" Soda said.

"Ugh, let me sleep" I said. He pulled the covers off me and picked me up. He walked out of my room and carried me to the kitchen. I didn't hold onto him, he can carry me. He set me down on the chair and I let my head fall to the table and into my food.

"When did you go to bed Zay?" Darry asked. I made a sound to say 'leave me alone'.

"C'mon Zay, you need to eat" Soda said.

"Not hungry" I said. I usually say that now. The gang is getting worried lately with me not eating at all. They always try to make me eat, but it don't work. Plus at school, the kids steal my lunch or throw it at me. I come home sometimes with dried up ketchup or mashed potatoes in my hair.

Soda lifted my head up and cleaned the food off my face. He finished cleaning my face and I pushed my plate away and got up from the table.

"Where you going Zay?" Ponyboy asked.

"Clothes" Is all I said. I walked down the hall and went to my bedroom. I shut the door and picked out jeans, a pink shirt and my leather jacket. It helps show that I am a greaser and that I ain't afraid of no good socs. I opened the door and went to the couch. I turned Mickey mouse on and watched.

Soda and Ponyboy walked in and Ponyboy picked me up and swung me around. I giggled and Soda laughed along. Pony threw me over to Soda and he brought me outside. Ponyboy and Darry came outside.

"Ponyboy can you walk Zay to school?" Darry asked. Soda put me down and I ran to Darry and hugged him tight.

"Yeah" Pony said. Darry and Soda got in their truck and left. I took Pony's hand and we walked down the road to school.

"Gonna have a good day, right?"

"Yes, Pony. I always do good" I lied to him and smiled. To be honest, I am great at lying to peoples faces. The only person who can tell I am really lying is Johnny. That's how he gets me talking.  We got to school and he bent down to my level. I hugged him and  he hugged me back. I let go and ran to the playground. Pony left and walked down the road to his school. He's in grade 9, instead of 8. He's so smart for his age. I am top kid in my grade. I can even beat some 2nd graders. I sat under the slid and waited for bell to ring.

The bell rang and I walked to the doors to go inside. I bumped into Emily, the queen bee girl, she stopped and looked at me.

"Looks like we got some greasy trash" She said. I gave her a death glare and she pushed me into the door and her ring cut the side of my head, above my temple. She left inside and I got up. I walked inside and went to class. I sat at my desk in the middle of the class. I was surrounded by three boys and a girl. The boys would throw paper and garbage at me.

"Hello class" The teacher said. Here goes my very boring day at school. Half way through the day, the boys started to call and whisper names into my ear. Like Greaser girl, Girl everyone hates, Has no friends. I finally got up and turned to him and gave him a smirk. I tackled him to the ground and punched him. I gave him a black eye, the other two boys joined in and they punched me in the jaw and the eye.

"Enough all of you" The teacher said and she pulled me away from the three of them. The girls got up and went to help the boys. I walked out of the class and sat outside on my own. I sat there all afternoon, didn't go to the nurses office for help. I just let blood run down my face and onto my clothes. I ruined my shirt, no longer pink. It's pink and bright red. The hallway's flooded with people and I waited until everyone left. One boy stopped and looked at me. He sat down next to me and put his thumb over my cut.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, thanks for askin." I said. He smiled and looked at me.

"So wanna hang with me?"

"Sure" Wow, my first friend since pre-kinder garden, the age of 4 years old. He helped me up and we walked outside. We walked down the sidewalk of the school and then an older lady came. I assume it's his mom or older sister.

"Hey Jayden, meet a new friend?" She asked and then looked at me.

"Yeah mom, I did. She's really nice" He said. I smiled and he took his mom's hand.

"Bye" He said. I waved goodbye and he left with mom. I walked down the sidewalk and made my way home. No one is else, just me. Soda picks Pony up after school. I walk home alone, sometimes Johnny or Two-bit come and get me.

I opened the door to the house and walked in. I left the door open and went to my room. I don't play with dolls, or play with jewellery and do dress up. I'm a greaser, leather jackets and bad girl side. Not rich little snobby princess. I hate them a lot.

"Zay, we're home" Soda yelled. I sat at my desk and played with my fingers. I bet the gang is here too. I can hear them, they're loud when combined all together.

"Zay!" Two-bit shouted. They all started yelling my name. My door opened and one of them walked in. I kept my head down and my hair in my face.

"There you are" Ponyboy said.

"Been here since I came from school"

"How was school?"

"Great, I guess"

"You okay Zay?"

"Yeah why?"

"Because you ain't looking at me or seeing the gang"

"Tired from school, that's all"

"I'll leave ya alone" He got up and left my room and shut the door. I crawled into bed and pulled up the covers over my head. I threw my pillow on the floor and closed my eyes.


I woke up and sat up in my big bed. I rubbed my eyes and sat on the edge of the bed. I can hear the others outside talking. Darry's not home yet if it's this loud in here. I got up and walked out to the living room. I plopped down on the couch next to Johnny. I stuck a pillow in my face so they can't see my face.

"Hey kiddo, what's up?" Johnny asked.

"Nothing at all. I'm bored" I said. He picked me up and I dropped the pillow on the floor beside me. He took my hair out of my face and I put my head down. I don't want Johnny to be worried about me.

"You okay Zay?"

"She's been like that since I saw her after school" Ponyboy said. He lifted my head and made me look at him. I didn't want him to find out this way.

"What happened?" He asked. I sat there and I didn't want to say nothin. I sat there on Johnny's lap and looked at him.

"What happened to who?" Darry asked walking in the door.

"Zay" Johnny said. Darry dropped his things and picked me up off of Johnny.

"What did you do?" He asked.

"I fell at school and then I ran into a tree" I said. Johnny looked at me and I looked away so he couldn't give me away.

"You sure?" Pony asked.

"Yes, why don't you believe me?" I asked. Darry put me down and I ran to my room. I slammed the door shut and jumped on my bed. The door opened and Johnny came in. He sat next to me on the bed.

"You wanna tell me what really happened?" I can't tell him, he's gonna tell Darry, Soda and Pony what happened. I don't need them to find out that I got into a fight at school and that I get picked on. They have enough things that happen around here, I don't need to add anything.


"I can't tell you this time Johnny" I said.

"Why not?"

"Because you'll tell Pony or Soda"

"I promise not this time" I got up and jumped on his lap and brought a smile to his face, which gave me a smile too.

"Atschooleveryonebulliesmeandipickfightssomuch.theystealmylunchatschoolandinevereat.theyhatemeatschool." I said really fast.

"Slow down and tell me slower" He said.

"At school everyone bullies me and I pick fights so much. They steal me lunch at school and I never eat. They hate me at school" I said.

"They really do that? Are they the ones who give you all the cuts and bruises?"

"Yeah, got beat up be three boys. I started it by tackling the one boy and I gave him a black eye. The other two beat me up. This cut above my eye is from a girl. She pushed me into the door this morning after Pony left."

"C'mon lets go watch some tv before supper"

"Okay, but do I have to eat?" I asked.

"You'll have to ask Darry" He picked me up and I held onto his shoulder and he walked out of my room and we sat down on the couch and they all looked at me. I watched Mickey on the tv. I love this show and it's really the only thing on for kids and Two-bit.

"So Zay, what happened?" Soda asked.

"Same as I told you earlier. Fell off the play structure and ran into the tree" I said. I got off the couch and went to the kitchen I climbed up on the counter and grabbed a cup. I got down and went into the fridge. Apple juice is the first thing I saw. I took it out and pulled the cap off. I poured some into to my cup and then put the rest in the fridge. I grabbed my cup and Darry came in.

"What ya want for supper?" He asked.

"Nothing" I said.

"Did you eat lunch at least?"

"Nope" I said and walked into the living room. I climbed up on the couch and sat next to Johnny. I drank my juice and put the cup beside me. They all looked at me and I wonder what they're all thinking.

"What you drinkin?" Dally asked me.

"Liquid dummy" I said. They all started laughing and then Darry came peeking out from the kitchen. Here he goes again.

"Watch your language Zay" he said.

"It's better then Two-bit's that's for sure" I said.

"Gee Zay, you never really talk and when you do your sassy" Steve said.

"I sure am. Now come catch me." I said. I jumped over Johnny and run out the front door. I ran to the side of the house and they all came out. I'd laugh if I can beat all these suckers. I ran around with them chasing me for awhile. They all got tired and I wasn't even tired yet. You'd think it be me and not them.

"We're gonna sit down for a minute" Soda said. I shrugged my shoulders and looked out at the road. I saw Emily walking down the road with her group of girls and the guys I beat up a little. She stopped at the end of my house and stood there arms crossed.

"Looks like they gave you a good beating Grease" She said.

"Go die in a hole" I sassed off. Her eyes went wide.

"What'd you say to me Trash?"

"I said go die in flippin hole" I run up to her and pushed her to the ground. The girls all backed up and two boys helped her up. One came after me. I punched him in the face and he fell. I sat on his back and twisted his arm back. While one boy started kicking me. I've never been this violent and in front of my brothers too.

"Zay, stop!" Soda yelled and they all came running over to us. Soda pulled me off of him and I gave him one last punch in the stomach and he went down.

"Beat it filthy socs" I yelled. They all ran off and Soda still has me tight in his arms.

"Zay, what's wrong with you?" Pony asked.

"Me?!" I shouted. "It's them the no do damn rotten socs. I hate them. They don't deserve to pick on me every day and make me look terrible." I shouted. I hit Soda's arm and his grip loosened and I jumped down and ran into the house. Darry saw me and he stopped me.

"Let me go Darry" I yelled. I hit him and ran to my room. I slammed the door shut and crawled on top of my bed. I took my shoes off and threw them at the door.

"No good rotten socs. I tell ya. They're worthless pieces of junk" I screamed. I have no idea why I have so much energy right now. I've never said this many bad words and acted like this in front of the gang or my brothers. They all came in my room and Soda held me down. I struggled to get free from his grip. They're all saying things like ' Calm down' or ' What's wrong'.

"Zay calm down" Soda said. I kept on trying to break free from his grip. No use for a 7 year old. No way was I leaving his grip.

"No, let me go" I yelled and they all covered their ears from my shrieking noises.

"Stop resisting Zay" Darry said.

"No, let me go now" I said. I started kicking my feet in the air and Dal came and held my feet so I didn't hurt anyone. I screamed and shrieked as loud as I could. Soda and Dally had to cover their ears. I got loose from their grips and ran out the front door. I ran down the street and they followed me. A car came and I didn't bother looking. I ran across and the whole gang yelled " Zay!" Real loud. I ran and Ponyboy caught up to me and he held me as the others all came. Soda took me and he held me tight and we all walked back home.

"Soda let me go. I can handle myself"

"NO you almost got hit by a car" He said.

"No, that was a an overgrown sheep running down the road" I said. My vision started to go blurry and I was starting to get less agressive with them. We walked into the house and I still have Soda's arms around me. He sat down and I just gave up trying to get loose from his grip.

"What's wrong with her?" Pony asked.

"I don't know, but I don't like it" Soda said.

"Hey Johnny what'd she tell you?" Darry asked.

"She told me not to tell. The way she is, I don't feel like looking like those kids she beat up" Johnny said. It's getting harder and harder for me to keep my eyes open and my head up. It's like I was slowly falling asleep. I couldn't keep my eyes open no more and I just fell asleep in Soda's arms.


How do you all like it so far? Please vote and comment. I might not post every night, but I will sure try. Thanks.

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