Not Your Typical Family

By Lil_Bit16

111K 3.8K 415

Book 1- Not your typical thug Book 2- Not your typical love (Alternate ending) Book 3- Not your typical Fami... More



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By Lil_Bit16

"Wait, you have to go?" Karma asked as she stood in the doorway of the hut. She held Keegan in her arms as she watched Kacy pull a black hoodie over his head.

It had been a week since everyone had relocated to the private island and now was the time to stop running and hiding.

However, Kacy still was iffy about the whole situation. The plan was first, to meet Chris out in the states. Chris was claiming to never have helped Jose to a certain extent but Kacy, didn't believe that.

His guard was up and if Dion and Morgan wasn't on guard, Kacy was for them.

Karma knew, eventually the time would come for them to stop running but she also hoped she'd be able to go with him. The last time they each did a mission alone, Karma had to fake her death.

Thinking the worse, she hoped Kacy wouldn't have to fake his and be gone for a long period of time. Or worse, actually be gone.

"Yea mama, I have ta' go. But ya know I won't be gone long" he kissed her lips and kissed Keegan's forehead "And when all this ova with, I'm done with this shit"

"You sure?"

"More than sure, Karma"

The jet had landed almost 30 minutes ago and everyone was simply waiting on Kacy to say his goodbyes. Kissing Karma one last time, then his son, he called out to Moesha.

She came jogging towards the door and into Kacy's arms. He lifted her and she wrapped her arms around his neck "Please come back Kacy" she said.

In her mind, she still believed he wouldn't.

"Ya know I'm coming back Moe. "

"I love you"

"I love you too. Take care of Keegan fa' me, ok? And don't give Karma a hard time"

"I won't"


The next day, the girls all had received a good morning text from the guys and were instructed to move into one hut, to be safer. Earlier that day, Karma had also received a call from her mom.

She chose to stay with Ashton instead of moving to the island and the reason was simple to Karma.

They were working on the relationship. As long as Afrika was out the picture, Karma was fine.

Baby Morgan was down for a nap while Keegan and Moesha were wide awake with the girls.

Keegan sat on Kats lap while Ash tried to do something with Moesha's long, thick natural hair. The sight was kinda funny to Karma, seeing as Ash didn't know how to do hair for her life.

"Moe, poor baby. Come here, let me help" Karma laughed. Moesha stood up Ash lap and went over to Karma. "So y'all believe Chris and his story?"

"Hell no" Kat mumbled. "His ass is and will always be a snake in my eyes. Once you switch up on us, that's it. No coming back"

"Yea. Same. I tried talking Morgan into not trusting Chris or anything that comes from his mouth but he's his own person" Ash shrugged. "He'll see it on his own though. "

"Hope nothing too drastic has to happen for him to see the truth though" Karma spoke, braiding Moesha's hair.

Across the water, back in the states, the guys had just landed in front of a warehouse. It looked abandoned but walking inside it, it was full of cars and different weapons. Weapons that are illegal in the states.

Chris stood by one of the cars and turned to face the guys. He waved them over and Morgan was the first to follow behind him then Dion. Kacy made sure his gun was loaded and ready as he watched his surroundings.

Chris led the men down stairs, towards an underground place where more weapons And another set of stairs. "This, is where y'all can stay. I'm about to go check on Ed then I'll be back. "

Chris left and Kacy sighed "Y'all sure y'all trust this man? Cause ion got a good feeling about this"

"Man, just chill out" Morgan mumbled, walking over to the computer. He sat down at the desk and typed in Jose's name into the browser bar. It took a few seconds but within no time, a list of contacts popped up on the screen and even a map.

The map zoomed in on a location as a red dot flashed on the map. Dion got closer to the screen and touched it, having it zoom out.

"He still in Columbia. The house we went to then few times"

"So what ? Let's hit this Nigga now" Morgan stood up and Dion pushed him back down.

"That wouldn't be smart, at all" Dion chuckled. While Dion and Morgan went back and forth, Kacy made it his business to walk around the safe room and check things out.

He felt against the walls for soft spots, checked behind posters and even looked behind the cabinets and in the corners of the room. 

For awhile, he thought he was overreacting. That is, until he turned back to face Morgan and Dion to see a camera on the top of the wide screen.

His eyebrows furrowed together and he went and took charge of the computer. Not sure what to look for exactly, he just clicked on whatever until the same exact room he stood in, flashed up on the screen.

Backing away from the computer, all three men looked at the screen which was split in two. On the left side was Kacy, Morgan and Dion .

On the right side, stood Chris and Jose in a room. Their backs were turned towards the camera but the conversation could be heard easily.

"I got them niggas in the safe room. We could take them out easy" Chris mumbled, getting hype.

"No man, not yet. Let's not rush into it" Jose mumbled.

Kacy chuckled as he grabbed his gun from his waistband. "Y'all believe me now?"

Quickly, Morgan and Dion pulled out their guns and they started to make their way towards the door. But what stopped them?

A crowd of men on the other side of the door with automatic guns in hand.

"Fuck man"


"I swea'" Kacy mumbled as he stood up against the pole with his hands tied above his head and his ankles tied together. "The first mistake this Nigga make, he a dead man"

Dion chuckled as he sat tied to a steel chair with his arms behind his back and feet tied "Dead ass. "

Morgan sat down, also tied in a chair but he said nothing. The whole time, he thought Chris would come out and say how he was kidding.

How he was also for the crew.

But he wasn't. Morgan had to face the fact that Chris was a snake and turned on them for money. Not only did Chris turn on the crew for money but he teamed up with Jose, the man that was always out for them.

Kacy looked over at Morgan and knew what he was thinking about so he didn't speak. That was until the door opened , allowing a little more light inside.

Just from the laugh, the guys knew it was Chris. Just hearing his voice and being in his presence, blood was boiling.

"Listen y'all. I didn't mean for this to happen" Chris said with a smile. "But hey, shit happens and people die"

"Man, ya ain't about that shit" Kacy mumbled.

"Who said y'all was dying?" Chris laughed harder "Y'all girls on the way here and once they come, boom"

Dion looked at Kacy and then Morgan. Nobody said anything but they were all thinking it.

"Don't worry bout how we know that, though. We got another lil snake from y'all side"

Chris turned to walk out the room until he stopped and faced the guys again. His attention went more towards Dion.

"Oh, congratulations on your baby"

"Man, the fuck you talking about?"

"Oh you don't know huh? Kats pregnant" Dion's face went from disbelief to complete shock "But she won't be for long"

Chris left the room and Dion hung his head, angry. His hands fumbled behind his back, trying so desperately to get free but it just wasn't working. "Fuck man" he groaned.

"Just chill, D. Calm down" Morgan spoke.

"Calm down ? Morgan, how I'm pose to calm down when my fucking wife is on her way here to get killed, and she's pregnant? "

"Dion, we both got kids iight? We both married. We feelin' the same way you are" Kacy said, trying to get Dion to calm down.

"Nah, y'all don't. We been trying for this baby for how long to hear it won't happen then to it finally happening? Y'all have no idea how I feel" the room grew quite for awhile as Dion called himself down then sighed "Who been snitching?"

"Ion know but when I find out" Morgan trailed off.

The jet landed back in the states and the girls exited the plane. They were all dressed in black and had their guns in their waistband. Not really knowing what they'd do or where they'd go exactly, they knew they had to do something.

The good thing is though, they knew which area in Columbia the guys were being held. Just not the exact spot. So earlier that day, Karma called Ed, who was actually doing pretty well and made an appointment to see him in the hospital.

Pushing open the room door slowly, Ash smiled when she laid eyes on Ed. He was sitting up straight in the bed with a smile on his face as well.

The girls entered the room and hugged Ed tightly "We're glad you're doing better" Kat said.

"Me too" he nodded "dead ass thought I was a goner when that Nigga shot me"

"Don't worry cause when we find him, we'll handle him for you" Karma promised.

"Nah, I'll handle him on my own. I'm coming with y'all" Ed pulled the covers back to show he already had on pants.

"Um, no you're not" Ash laughed .

"Isn't it illegal to sneak someone out the hospital?" Kat mumbled.

"Very much so but hell, isn't it illegal to hold three people hostage and threaten to kill them?" Ed threw back. The girls nodded, seeing where he was coming from and didn't protest when he slowly stood up and stretched a little. "I'm still a lil sore but I'll feel better when I see that Nigga with a bullet hole through his forehead"

"Damn ok, come on then"

Eventually, finding their way out the hospital without being seen, they all made their way over to a cabin that Kat rented out on the outside of town till the morning.

They all needed time to think about what was about to happen and needed time to think of a plan.

Back in Columbia, the room door opened again. This time, instead of Chris coming in, it was Jose with a visitor. She stood tall and dark skinned, easily grabbing anyone's attention who walked past her .

"So you finally got them, huh? You did good baby" she kissed his lips and he happily kisses her back.

"And now that everything is going the way it's supposed to, there's something I wanna ask you" Jose slowly got down on one knee and pulled a box from his pocket "We've been through some hard times baby and even though it was rocky, you never left my side. I know this is long over due but Afrika, will you marry me?"

She covered her mouth with her hands as tears ran down her face. "Oh yes, Jose. I'll marry you"

Sliding the ring on her finger, the men watched in disgust. Looked like another person was added to the list of people dying.

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