Panem Boarding School

By jaded_clovers

38.8K 734 669

I swear the story is better than the description. Clove is a sixteen year old girl that makes the long move... More

Chapter 1- Patience is Virtue
Chapter 2- Assumptions
Chapter 3- Cheese Buns Anyone?
Chapter 4- Coffee?!
Chapter 5- Dodge!
Chapter 6- Paper Airplanes
Chapter 7- You Posted It ONLINE?!
Chapter 8- "My Bikini Top!"
Chapter 9- Mr. Cameraman
Chapter 10- How Much?
Chapter 11- And the Marker Drops...
Chapter 12- No. Just. No
Chapter 13- Delly's Minions
Chapter 14- I Have A Message For-
Chapter 15- Who?
Chapter 16- The Question
Chapter 18- Upperhand
Chapter 19- Jealously, a Downfall

Chapter 17- The Pier

1.3K 21 24
By jaded_clovers

//I'm having a little writers block so this is just a little Fannie fluff because... Why not? Oh who am I kidding, it's a boat load of Fannie Fluff//

Finnick's POV:

As you all know, Katniss and Peeta are on their date that should have happened four years ago. Peeta had just left, and the guys sit on their bunks, in this thick silence that I couldn't stand.

"I'm texting Annie!" I announce, almost falling out of the bunk. Okay, I actually fall out of the bunk. Cato glances at me, holding his phone. He rolls his eyes and slightly smiles, trying to refrain from laughing. Then he looks back at his phone.

Marvel on the other hand bursts out laughing, almost falling out of the bunk himself.

"Sure. Tell her to bring the rest of the girls too. I'm guessing they aren't busy at all." Gale shrugs, stepping off of his bed and moving over to Cato's and Peeta's bunk sitting down on Peeta's bed next to Cato.

I stand up off of the floor, dusting myself off, before grabbing my phone to send a text to Annie. Marvel regains himself and sits back on his bed.

Me: hey, beautiful. Wondering if you and the girls wanted to hang over here while Katniss and Peeta are on their date.

Girlfriend<3: why of course, we will be there in about five minutes.

"Okay. They'll be here in five." I say, tossing my phone on my bed. Marvel picks up a couple pieces of paper and begins writing viciously.

"Who's coming?" Cato sets his phone next to him.

"Um... I think just Annie, Clove and Jo. Yeah." I respond, popping a sugar cube in my mouth. Cato nods in response. Marvel just continues to scribble down an essay due in two days for his history class.

"Calm yourself, Marv. You are writing like I do when the essay in due in twenty minutes. Why are you so on edge?" Cato questions, looking at Marvel, who's almost breaking a sweat. //WHY DO YOU WRITE LIKE YOU'RE RUNNING OUT OF TIIIME//

"On edge? I don't know what you mean." He breaks his pencil, curses and throws it across the room, hitting Gale in the face.

"Hey!" He says holding his eye. Marvel grunts and shoves his half written essay in his bag. He glances over at Cato, who narrowed his eyes at Marvel.

"Okay. I guess you can say I'm on edge. I don't really know. Maybe I'm still mad at Glimmer... Or because I'm failing history... I don't know." He sighs, and leans back, running his hands through his hair before holding his neck and looking down at his lap.

Gale rolls his eyes, right before a knock at the door makes him jump out of his seat. He sighs and opens the door, expecting to see the girls.

But no, that's not who was standing there. I mean technically, it was a girl. But not Clove, Johanna or my rocking girlfriend. It was some girl, who was quite short, wearing a light pink, PINK jacket, some black leggings, and Adidas shoes. Her hair was a very light brown and she had light brown eyes. I would say she was pretty, but no one is compared to Annie. She is my world.

This... Girl... Stood at our door biting her lip, one arm draped across her torso holding the other arm which dangles to her side.

"Uh... Can I help you?" He starts, stepping back slightly realizing this girls presence. She eyes him slightly, before switching her weight on her other leg.

"Hi. I'm Nina. This must be slightly confusing."

Cato jumps up and stands next to Gale.

"Oh you know, just a little." Cato shrugs, crossing his arms. "What's your business here?"

She sighs, putting her arms by her side. "You know my sister, Clove, correct?" We all nod.

"Sister?" Gale asks, moving out of the way inviting her inside. Nina nods.

"Y-yeah. Well, step sister. I can't find her anywhere. You guys know where she is?"

"Wait, where did you get our dorm number?" Cato raises a brow causing her face to turn white.

"Uh... Uh... About that..." She starts, but Cato crosses his arms, scowling, causing her to jump slightly.

"I asked Delly...."

Marvel face palms, Gale groans, Cato pinches the bridge of his nose. I just breathe, "Really..."

"Well, do you know where she is?" Nina questions, throwing her hands up angrily, getting fed up. I raise my hands in surrender.

"Well, technically no, but we know where she will be in like two minutes." I respond, putting my hands down slowly.

She narrows her eyes slightly in my direction, before her eyes slightly widen at the sight of me. I was expecting nothing less, she has just witnessed a living God. Gale just rolls his eyes.

"Well, then where will she be?"

"Where will who be?" A voice comes from behind Nina. She whips around to reveal her slightly taller sister Clove, Johanna, and Annie.

"Annie!" I stand up and hug my girlfriend, who instantly returned the hug. We part, and I lean down to kiss her.

"Clove!" Nina exclaims happily, running over to hug her sister. Clove looks completely appalled by her action.

"NO!" Clove screeches, and Nina breaks the hug, smile not faulting.

"Nina? What are you doing here? Did Marvel find another girl toy?" She crosses her arms raising an eyebrow. Nina shakes her head, nose scrunching up in disgust.

"Hey!" Marvel exclaims, offended.

"Actually, I was looking for you. You weren't in your room."

Clove is still looking at her in disgust before holding up her coffee cup into her line of vision.

"She wouldn't shut up about wanting coffee, so I bought her one." Johanna explains. Nina nods in understanding, knowing how hard and demanding her step sister can be sometimes.

"Oooh..." Nina trails off. Clove raises the cup to her lips, taking a slow sip of the steaming coffee.

"It's not my fault I wanted coffee! It tastes good. Not this one though... They put too much sugar. I told them two. But nooooo." Clove huffs, plopping down next to Cato on Peeta's bed. Cato looks taken back by this action at first, before shrugging it off as just something Clove would do. No, I can't read his mind, but I'm guessing.

"Anyways, Clover-"

"Don't call me that!" Clove spits, venom lacing her words. I smirk and raise an eyebrow.

"You let Cato call you that." I say, wrapping my arm around Annie who leans against my chest. Clove's jaw drops and her cheeks turn a light pink.

"Let? You've got to be kidding me! I don't let him call me that! This idiot can't get it through his thick skull that I hate that nickname!" She smacks Cato's head lightly for emphasis. He just smiles goofily.

"Suuuuure..." I trail off. "Just continue your reasoning." I wave Nina on and she turns back to Clove.

"I need you to talk to Fabian for me. I-I... I think he wants to break up with me." She says, and Clove facial expression doesn't really change all that much. She holds out her hand, and Nina quickly places her phone in Clove's extended hand. She shoves the coffee that she was holding into Cato's hands. He took it out of her hands, almost getting scolded in the process. Clove unlocks the phone with a finger print. She dials a number, (I'm pretty sure she used *67 before to make her anonymous) before holding the phone up to her ear.

"Put it on speaker!" Nina exclaims, throwing her hands in the air.

Clove complies and holds in front of her mouth, waiting for the person they are calling to pick up. None of us really know what is going on, but apparently those two do.

"Hello?" A British voice says through the phone. I'm guessing that is Nina's boyfriend.

"Hello, Rutter." Clove states, viciously, clearly ticked off. I couldn't tell if it was because the caffeine still wasn't in her system or she was just really was mad at this boy. Or both.

"Clove? Is that you?" He asks, making Clove pinch the bridge of her nose.

"Yes, dumbass. I'm bored and I wanted to talk to someone from my old school. Don't question why I am using someone else's phone. It's a long story... I only used star sixty-seven so you can't trace the number." She covers, quite convincingly. Well played, Clover. Well played.

"What about Patricia? You actually like her."

"She's too busy sucking faces with her damn boyfriend." She snaps, quite quickly.


"Don't call me that!" She yells at the object in her hand. So she really doesn't like that. I make a mental note to call her that every time I talk to her.

"...Clove" he corrects himself, realizing he made a mistake. "You aren't still mad about Eddi-"

"NO!" She shrieks, getting flustered.

"Okay, okay! Well everything's good here. Meet any new friends?"

"Friends? You know I don't make friends. I met a few people, some worse than others. Some are fine. They are just roommates and my roommates friends."

"Put one on the phone. I wanna hear one talk."

"Really, they don't sound all that different from me, my 'accent' isn't really that strong."


"Fine!" She shoves the phone in Cato's hands. He looks up at her like she's insane. She gave him a look that said 'Just talk to the damn boy...'

"Who is this?" He starts, causing the boy on the line to laugh slightly.

"Ooh, so Clove gave the phone to a boy, I see, I see."

"Wait, what?" He says, slightly taken back. Clove's face was priceless, and no words could describe how pissed and shocked she looks. I can just imagine all curse words she wants to scream in this dude's face.

"I mean she gave the phone to a boy, and very quickly. So what's your relation with my friend?"

"Uh, relation? I'm her friend..."

"You sure?"

Clove snatches the phone out of his hands, grunting. "Fabian! What the hell?"

"It's on speaker isn't it..."

Gale comes closer to the phone. "Yup."

"Is that ANOTHER guy?"

"NOT THE POINT!" Clove yells, before taking a deep breath to calm herself down. "I'll take it of speaker..." She lies, running her free hand through her hair.

"How's your relationship with Nina going?" She asks, repositioning the phone in front of her mouth once more. You can hear his heavy sigh.

"It's not that I don't love her, I do, but she lives halfway across the world and I never get to see her. I told her we'd try long distance but I just don't know. Long distance never works. I'm thinking of breaking up with her."

Clove shakes her head slightly. "We are seniors. There is just one more year before you can move here or she can move there. What's the point of breaking up with her if you still like her? If you don't, break up with her. Don't lead her on. Just don't cheat on her or my threats to gouge out your eye will become a reality. Okay? If you want, I can probably convince my dad to bring you out here during winter break. You know he's got money falling out of his ass."

"Okay, sure. That sounds cool. I'll get to meet all of your FRIENDS. And obviously see Nina. " He responds.

"Oh, by the way, Nina heard this entire conversation. I got to go. Bye." And she hung up before he had a chance to respond. Everyone looks up at her like she's absolutely insane.

Cato hands Clove her coffee back. "Man, you are brutal." He smirks slightly and she quickly grabs the cup and sips her bitter coffee that she somehow likes. I can't stand coffee, personally. I'm more of a tea person.

"Now..." Clove stands up from the bed and stands I front of her sister. She hands the phone back to Nina (I don't know why she didn't use her own phone) which she quickly snatches out of her grasp.

Clove takes a step closer. "You owe me, baby doll. Now leave, and go hang out with your Barbie dolls you call friends. Text me if you need me for anything." Nina nods and reluctantly leaves, shutting the door, winking once at Cato. He didn't notice, but by Clove's posture and facial expression, I'm guessing she did.

We all sit in a circle, basking in silence for about a minute, and I lift up my arm to twirl Annie's soft hair between my fingers. She smiles, and wraps her hand around mine, causing a smile to form on my mouth as well. She shifts her body slightly and looks at me before I lean in for a deep, passionate kiss.

It lasts for only about twenty seconds before someone clears their throat, causing us to break. Johanna stands there, crossing her arms.

"Let's do something interesting. I didn't come here for nothing."

Clove nods her head. "Yeah, we didn't sign up to watch live por-" Clove cuts herself off when she notices Cato's glare. She shifts uncomfortably in her corner and takes a sip of her coffee. I raise an eyebrow.

What should we do?

We sit in another minute of awkward silence before I get a magnificent idea. A smile spreads across my face before I stand up.

"Me and Annie shall be leaving now." I announce. I glance behind me at Annie, reaching my hand out. She gives me a shocked expression, before slowly extending her and and grasping onto my hand. I help her up, and she stands next to me, our hands still intertwined.

Clove raises and eyebrow, and Johanna snorts.

"I didn't expect any less. Go on. Enjoy your date. Leave the rest of us in the dust."

Gale looks to his left at Johanna. "Jo! Let them do what they want. They are a happy couple!" He scolds, making her smirk and cross her arms.

Me and Annie start walking toward the door. Once we get there I open it, letting her leave first before I step out.

"Don't forget to use a condom!" Johanna yells, waving goodbye. Marvel chuckles, and I just roll my eyes and shut the door. I turn back to Annie, who eyes are almost bulging out of her head, mouth slightly quivering.

I immediately kick into 'comforting Annie so she doesn't cry' mode. It pretty much is engulfing her in a hug and comforting until you know she won't cry.

I wrap my arms around her body, my hands slowly petting her head. Her arms curl closer to her body, and she sniffles holding back tears. I lean my head down close to her ear.

"What's wrong, baby?" I whisper. She pushes back on my chest lightly and looks into my eyes.

"We aren't going to have, you know, it right?" I was taken aback by this assumption. She had said close to the beginning of our relationship that she wanted to wait till marriage to have sex. I was and am totally okay with her wishes, because I love her, and I'm not going to use her.

I shake my head. "No, no, we aren't. That's just Johanna being Johanna. We made a promise. Actually, I'm going to take you somewhere special. It's a surprise though." I wink at her. She immediately smiles and takes my hand before we head down the hall.

"I still think leaving them was mean."

"Trust me, you'll love this."


"The Santa Monica Pier? How'd you know if always wanted to come?" Annie giddily bounces, beaming radiantly as I pay for parking.

I smile at her. "You've only mentioned it ten million times. Now do you understand why we left the others? She nods.

"I actually forgot about them I was so excited."

We laugh together, before linking hands and heading into the crowd of people that crowd the entrance to the amusement park.

Annie doesn't drop her smile, and she drags me into the amusement park, standing under a big 'Pacific Park' sign. //I hate doing this but, disclaimer; I don't own the Pacific park. I'm in high school for crying out loud//

I look down at Annie, who looks back up at me, expectantly.

"Do you want to get some ice cream?"  I offer. She smiles wider and nods. I lead her to the store that sells ice cream. I open the door for her and she goes inside, ready to get her food.

The man working at the store looked like he was going to drink an array of cleaning products at any moment.

"Hello. Welcome. Yeah, yeah. What do you want?" He asks in a voice more monitor than Siri's. //Again, I don't own Siri, Apple does//

"Hi, nice man! I want three scoops-" My eyes nearly fall out of my head. Three scoops? How is she going to eat that? She can barely eat an appetizer at a restaurant!

"Vanilla, cake batter, and dulce de leche please." The guy, who's name is Markus according to his name tag, scoops her chosen flavors onto a waffle cone before handing it to her. She smiles excitedly, before snatching her cone.

"That will be 7.53." He says and I hand him a ten. He opens the register and hands me my change. The receipt prints out and he hands me that as well.

I look at Markus dead in the eyes. "I suggest calling a suicide hotline." I say before grabbing Annie's hand and leaving the store.

"Man Annie, how are you going to eat that?" I wonder out loud. She giggles before holding her cone in front of her face.

"Like this, silly." She leans in to lick the ice cream, but it was too tall and she ended up getting cake batter ice cream all over her face.

I chuckle slightly before pulling a napkin out of my pocket to wipe her face clean. "You are lucky I have this-" I was cut off by her jumping forward and kissing me, still amazingly holding her mile high ice cream cone.

We pull apart, and I realize that she transferred some of the ice cream into my face. I look down at my single napkin.

"I think we are going to need more than just one napkin." I laugh and she joins in with me.

It took Annie about twenty minutes to eat about half of the cone. She ended up giving it to me, and I ate the dulce de leche ice cream and the cone. We currently are walking hand in hand through the park, and I stop next to one of the games you can win a stuffed animal on.

I turn to Annie. "Which one of those stuffed animals is your favourite?" I point to the array of stuffed animals. She taps her chin before pointing at a decently sized dolphin stuffed animal that hung from the ceiling of the game where you throw a ball to knock down bottles.

I nod and step up to the man working the station. "I'll take one ball, please." The man nods and holds out his hand. I hand him a dollar, and he sets a ball in my hand.

I raise the ball above my shoulder, and throw the ball at the bottles. The ball hits the metal milk bottles and they clink to the floor. Annie smiles, jumps and claps. The man working the station then picks the bottles up off of the floor.

"Which animal do you want?" He asks and I point at the exact dolphin Annie pointed at originally. He gets it down and hands it to me.

"Thank you for playing." The man, who's name tag says Joseph, says and nods. I smile and thank him before turning and handing the surprisingly soft dolphin over to Annie. She smiles and hugs it.


"Next!" The woman working the Ferris wheel ride exclaims, opening the gate. Me and Annie walk in and she lifts the bar so we can get into the cart of the Ferris wheel. We sit down, buckling the seat belt. The lady lowers the bar once more across our lap.

The cart slowly gets lifted into the sky, and Annie grasps onto my hand. She has never been a fan of heights, but she loves a good view of the ocean.

Once we reach the very top, the ride comes to a halt, and we sit there, looking at the horizon. The sun is just below the horizon, but the sky is still a vibrant orange and some light pinks. It was a truly beautiful sight. I glance to my right at Annie, who's ocean coloured eyes are twinkling with the light from the setting sun. She forgets about the fact we are about two hundred feet off the ground, and stares out into the blue abyss. I turn my entire body to her.

"Annie, I love you. And I want to be with you forever. There is no words to describe how much I love you. The way you do everything, your smile, the way your nose scrunches up when you eat French fries, all of your little quirks makes my day. I know we are young, and this maybe isn't how you pictured this moment, but Annie... Will you marry me?" I pull out a box with a beautiful emerald ring that matches her eye colour. The emerald has two diamonds next to it.

Her eyes tear up, before she nods, at a loss of words. I slip the ring on her finger before she wraps her hands around my neck and kisses me passionately. I immediately return the kiss with just as much passion. We pull apart and just sit there, before the cart starts moving again, it's stops once more halfway down the wheel.

"This is an engagement ring, but you can think of it like a promise ring. I don't plan on getting married till after college, unless you want to get married any time before that, because I will be okay with it." She smiles and shakes her head.

"No, waiting is probably best. Should we keep the engagement a secret?"

I shrug. "I don't care. You can tell the world if you want, or you could tell not even your best friend. I'm just glad to know I'm going to marry such a beautiful woman." I smile and she kisses me once more.

I'm guessing she is glad we left the group.

//Like I said, extreme Fannie fluff. This chapter is actually smaller than the others, mainly because I'm trying to get over the fact school started today (I cri). How many of you saw Suicide Squad? Harley Quinn's facade was on point

Stay alive my little tributes,


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