The Unlikely Lover

By JayceTheGaymer

481 44 24

Jacob Booth, a Junior in high school, has a near death experience that lead him to finding his one true love... More



26 3 1
By JayceTheGaymer

I spent the rest of the day sitting up on the roof crying, thinking, and imagining. I finally went home 3 hours after school let out. I tried to sneak past my parents up to my room, but when I opened the front door they were sitting there waiting for me. "Jacob where have you been! We were about to call the police!" my mom frantically yelled at me while she ran up and hugged me. "I went to Vicki's after school, I thought I texted you, sorry." My mom stared at me then I remembered I was just crying and my face was probably a mess. "Honey what's wrong?" I couldn't tell her the truth, especially not that he was the boy who hurt me. "Nothing I'm fine." But that couldn't be farther from the truth, I ran up to my room before they could ask another question. "You are grounded for the rest of the week young man! You need to tell us where you are!" my father yelled at me as I ran upstairs.

It's not like they could help me if I told the truth, honestly they would probably just make things worse. But the more important thing is, what am I going to do? He probably doesn't want to talk to me anymore, I have to come up with something to do.

Austin's Point of View

Why did I let myself do that? I know I can't be with a boy, not just because my parents would kill me, but they would also kill him. I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing that it would be my fault. I'm not even exaggerating, my father would legitimately kill us both without a second thought. He almost lost his medical license over it once, I still don't know how he got away with it, he nearly killed this poor kid who was in the hospital.

I need to make it clear to him that we can't be more than friends. Oh gosh did I really just say I want to be friends with the kid that I bullied for so long? That feels weird but at the same time it's a nice thought. It's just what I have to do, me and him can't be more than friends. Do I really want to be more then friends with him anyways? No why would I want that?

Jacob's Point of View

I woke up the next day and remembered I would be walking to school now, not like Austin will be driving me anywhere. I got up, got dressed, and headed out the door for school. About half way there I heard a car behind me honk, I turned around and to my surprise it was Austin. "Hop in!" he yelled from his car. Maybe he does still want to talk to me? I guess I shouldn't poke around too much, at least not yet. "Why weren't you at your house?" he asks as I'm climbing in the car, "Well after you ran off yesterday I kind of thought you didn't want to talk to me anymore." I said trying not to sound mean. "I'm sorry about that, can we meet up on the roof during lunch and talk about it?" he said. He actually sounds sorry, I think that's the first genuine apology I have heard from him. "Okay I guess that's fine." It was so quiet the rest of the ride. I looked at him out of the corner of my eye once and caught him doing the same thing, but that was the closest thing to communication we had for the rest of the ride.

It felt like eternity before lunch came, I was just so anxious to find out what he was going to say. It's hard to believe I went from hating his guts to wanting to meet up with him really badly. Love is a very strange thing. Oh god did I just say love? Do I.... no that's not possible, I'm just being silly, at least I hope I am. When the lunch bell rang I ran up to the roof faster then I think I have ever run before. He was up there already, not really surprising, he probably skipped his last class or something. I walked over and sat next to him on the bench.

He didn't say anything so I figured he was waiting for me to start the conversation, "So about yesterday, I wasn't going to ask this but I think I have to, why did you run off without even saying bye?" he looked over and stared at me for a second then he smiled a little. "Because I know you and me can't happen, we just can't ever be a thing. and I shouldn't have let that kiss ever happen. I'm so sorry Jacob, I shouldn't have run off, I should have explained myself." What did he mean we can't be a thing? Is he worried about other people at school? It's not like anyone could bully him, he would kick their ass. His parent's maybe? Ah so many questions "But why can't we be a thing Austin? What's wrong?" he looked down at the ground and closed his eyes, he didn't say anything for a couple minutes. He looked up at me and hugged me which caught me by surprise and almost knocked me over. I hugged him back and he broke out into tears, I was still just confused on why he was crying? Did I do something? "Because we just can't Jacob! Look we just can't! I'm so sorry!" he hugged me really tight then ran back down stairs before I even had a chance to process what just happened. Why won't he just tell me why we can't? Also why does he just have to run off like that? I teared up a little bit, but stopped myself from full crying.

I decided to go home then, I didn't want to be at school then, I just needed to be alone. I got home and luckily my parents didn't get home for a few more hours so they wouldn't know I was skipping school. I ran up to my room, laid down in my bed and just thought about Austin. This eventually made me start to cry, at least I was alone so no one saw me crying. I passed out a few minutes later.

"AUSTIN! YES, MORE!" "JACOB WAKE UP!" I hear my mom yell, waking me up from a dream. "Huh what?" she is just standing next to me looking at me like I was crazy. "I came home and heard you in here yelling about something, Austin, you were yelling Austin." Shit I was just dreaming about him, then I felt it, my boxers where sticky. I just had a wet dream about Austin, oh my god what the fuck? Why can't I make up my mind if I hate him or not? "Care to explain yourself?" she says, ah crap what do I say? How do I explain that one? "Ummm I was dreaming and a friend of mine from school got killed, I guess it caused me to yell in my sleep." That was total bullshit and she was looking at me like she wasn't believing me, but she just turned around and walked out of my room. I looked over at my phone and it was 9:00PM.

I went and cleaned myself up in the bathroom and someone texted me. I checked my phone and it was Austin "Please come over now, I need you!" So he runs away from me crying, and now he wants me to come to his house because he needs me? This boy should make up his mind. But his text looked serious so I decided I should go. My parents wouldn't let me leave the house so late on a school night. I locked my bedroom door and snuck out through my window, if my parents find out I am so dead.

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