Captured By The Mafia

By BlackxRaven

1.3M 41K 13.2K

*Completed 2017* *EDIT 2024 Hey lovelies! I will be editing this story for Kindle publishing! Will update wit... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Authors Note
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 10

36.6K 1.2K 514
By BlackxRaven

You guys are truly amazing. Thank you for you support and love. Because SO MANY of you have commented and messaged me for this book update!!! I'm finally getting off my lazy bum and doing it!!!! I tried to make it nice and long for you guys!!!

I hope I don't disappoint.❤️


Chapter 10: Seeing Her


*** Earlier This Morning ***

When I woke up Dante was gone. I sighed in relief. My body was sore from sleeping in a ball all night. So I stretched then a throbbing soreness came, my eyes teared up from the pain. My ass was so sore. And my eyes were swollen from all the crying. I didn't want to talk because I know my throat also hurts. I finally had the strength to get out of his bed. Walking over to his closet I found some of my clothes. I quickly slipped out of the dress I was wearing and put on a long shirt and some shorts. And then I tied my hair up in a messy bun and headed down stairs for breakfast. When I walked into the dinning room Dante was already there eating while on his laptop...with glasses on?

That's a first.

I walked over to my seat, my food was already waiting for me. I stabbed the juicy strawberry with my fork and eat it.

"Morning Carny." Dante said to me, I mentally cursed him out.

"Mnn." Was all I said and continued eating. Dante just sighed and closed his laptop.

"I'm leaving now. Mother will be here in a hour, be ready." Dante said before getting up and leaving. I continued eating my breakfast in silence. I'm never talking to that fuckboy again.

"Morning!" Kelin said tiredly. I smiled back at him.

"Morning Kelin. Long night?" He grabbed some food then sat down next to me.

"Enough about me, how'd it go with Dante? You have fun? I saw all the crap he bought you!" He said excitedly.


"He blew it! I knew he would! So what happened!"

"Well it was going okay until I realized he was using me to look good for his mom... Kelin I'm so stupid. I should've known he doesn't understand affection if it's not sex." Kelin pulled me into a hug.

"Look, I understand where you're coming from. My cousin is cold blooded but he is not heartless... Not that I'm defending his actions of course. But he does know how to love... But he doesn't show it often... But trust me...deep down he feels something... I know he does." I pull away from Kelin, he can not be serious?!

"Oh really? What tells you that?" Kelin gave me the most serious face I've ever seen him make.

"Because you two haven't had sex."


"What was that for!?" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Like I would ever sleep with him Kelin." Kelin just laughed.

"But I'm serious. Dante gets into the pants of any women in less than a hour."

"I don't care how good his game may be. Me and him are never going to happen."

"Why? Got the hots for me? I understand I'm pretty irresistible myself." He said while running his fingers through his hair.

"Don't make me puke please!" I said before laughing.

"What ever. Auntie is coming in a hour or two so start getting ready."

"After another fruit bowl."


I put on a simple but appropriate outfit... Something Dante had picked out the other day. But hey, it's cute.

I heard the door open so I hurried to meet her again. When I made it to the the front door it was just Kelin! I huffed and fixed some of my fly always.

"She's about to come in so don't give me that face." He said with a smirk. So I took a step closer and I saw her. The same beautiful women from last night. Once again the genes in this family is amazing. Even their mother is beautiful. I wonder how old she is?! When she saw me she smiled.

"Hello dear!" She said before pulling me into a bone crushing hug again. She then gave me kisses on my cheeks.

"Hello Aunite." Kelin said and she hugged him too.

"Look at you Kelin! Not the same little boy anymore huh? You're so handsome, you used to look like a girl." Kelin blushed.

"T-Thank you Auntie." He said before heading to his post.

"Now it's just us girls-where is your friend dear?" I forgot she told me to bring one.

"She couldn't make it." She pouted but smiled again.

"That's alright, that means I can ask you all sorts of questions. Oh! Before I forget again. I'm Ariah, but like I said you can call me Mother." She said before pulling me away.


"So tell me, how did you meet my son?" Ariah asked while looking at the wine list. Ahhhhhhhhh shhhiiiiiiitttttttt.

"We met at one of his clubs... It was quite embarrassing." Well I didn't lie!

"Hmnnn. Do you love my son?" HELL NO! FUCK HIM!

"Yes, of course." I said smoothly. Ariah sighed deeply and placed the menu down.

"Dear I love you but you're lying to me, and no one likes a lier."


"Now, how did you meet my son?" Time for my best acting skills. Y'all are about to see how I got my parents to buy me a place.

"I did meet him because I was at one of his clubs but as for love... Every now and then I feel like he doesn't love me back... Like he doesn't want to be with me." Ariah reached for my hand and gently squeezed it.

"My son is rocky but his a good man. And I know he loves you." She smiled sweetly. Then guilt attacked my heart. She is so kind and sweet but here I am lying to her.

"Thank you ma'am... But... I don't know what to do. H-He sometimes... He brings women home and completely ignores me. I had to ask Kelin to take me to another room." By now I was "crying".

"Shhhh Dear. Shhhh. I know their farther tried that once and trust me I have him hell. He never did it again. I'll talk to him sweetie."

"Thank you." Oh he is going to be pissed.


I was bathing in Dante's bathtub. It's so freaking huge. After being out with his mom I feel better. She's like my angel in this hell. While I was playing in the bubbles Dante walks in I quickly cover myself with bubbles. Dante looked at me then looked away then looked again. Then he started laughing. Oh my god it laughs... And it's hot while doing it!

"How fucking old are you?"

"Get out! I'm bathing!" Dante leaned against the counter. With that smirk on his face.

"This is my bathroom petardo. Continue your bath." He said before taking his tie off and headed to his closet. I quickly cleaned myself off and wrapped myself up in a towel. Dante walked back in wearing some sweat pants. We made eye contact and I narrowed mine at him.


"You're covered in bubbles still ." He said and wiped some off of my neck.

"O-Okay...bye!" I turned to leave but Dante grabbed my arm. I crashed into his hard chest.

"So I got the best phone call from my mother today... Good job on being my lover but, did you really have to tell her about the girls?" He said in a cold tone. I physically shivered.

"It was just girl talk."

"Were  you jealous that night petardo?"

"Annoyed yes but NOT jealous."

"Okay." He let me go and walked out of the bathroom. I just stood there in shock. He didn't yell at me? He didn't spank me either? I quietly walked out and Dante wasn't in his room. I shrugged and walked into his closet and slipped on a large shirt, it was his and the same shorts from earlier.  I left out his room and headed down stairs. Dante's office door was open and the guards where gone. I peeked in, Dante was working on his computer. Is this what he is like when he is working? Dante looked up from the screen at me.

"Dante I'm hungry."

"Come in." I walked in and stood by his desk.

"I'm hungry." Dante leaned back in his chair and stared at me.

"Mnn, that's my shirt? Someone is getting comfortable." I rolled my eyes.

"I said I'm hungry."

"What do you want?" He asked while closing the laptop.

"I don't know."

"Oh god not this."

"Can you just order a pizza?" Dante made a face.

"I can make a better pizza then anything you can order." I crossed my arms and raised a brow.

"Oh really? You can cook?" Dante looked insulted.

"Let's head to the kitchen then petardo." He got up from his desk and we walked to the kitchen.

***Later That Night***


I haven't made a dish in forever. I'm surprised it came out so well. Carney went to sleep already but I'm up. Hard at work. Helping Damiano find his girlfriend. So far nothing from the Russians other than I picture of her. They haven't told us their end game but we are still looking.

Honestly if it want for Carney I would leave this to my brother.

"Go snuggle up with Carney. You've been working nonstop Cousin." I look up to see Kelin.

"Carney is the one who told me to do this."

"Awe finally someone who can handle you."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh nothing. But seriously get up there Dante." Then he left my office. I guess I can sleep now. When I made it to my room Carney wasn't there. Where did she go? I walked further down the hall to her room and she wasn't sleeping there either.

"Carney!?" I yelled down the hall. She then came stumbling out of my room.

"What!?" She said clearly irritated.

"Where were you?"

"Using the bathroom or can I not do that without you staring at me like creep?"

"You know what? I forgot to punish you for what you told my mother."

"You better not!"

"Get in the bed petardo."

"No! I'm a grown women! You are not spanking me again!" She huffed. But I picked her up and carried her to my room and laid her down on my bed. She tried to get up but I pulled her down. After some struggle we laid in my bed. Her back against my chest.

"No go to sleep petardo."

"This isn't a punishment?"

"Do you want a real one?" I said while pulling her closer.

"N-no... Night Dante."

"Good night Carney."



Sooooooooo what you guys think?!?!!!!?!

Hope y'all enjoyed the chapter!!!!







(•́ ₃ •̀)

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