Long Distance Love

By Whovian3002

426 29 26

When Amanda Ridges prank on the fuckboy Ricky Brown goes wrong and lands on the Ice Queen, Jessica Wayne, th... More

Uh Oh...
Meeting The Trickster.
Proper Introductions
Becoming The Tricksters Personal Stalker.
Not Sure How To Feel...
Am I Catching Feelings?
The Dark Truth
Revealing the Past...
Deciding On Revenge
Meeting the real Trickster
The Date part 1
I don't know how to name this Chapter...
Is this going to be cute or upsetting?
I Remember
Am I being mean now?
The Dance part 1
The Dance part 2
Close to the End?
The End
My goodbye
Sequel Is Out!!

The Date part 2

14 1 1
By Whovian3002

Jess's P.O.V.

  "Where are we going?" Jess asked,  a bit confused.

  "Your place. I have the perfect outfit for you to wear, that will leave her drooling for you!" Nathan replied.

  "Whatever you say Moose." Jess said, staring out of the car window.

  "Moose? Really? Who do you think I am? Sam Winchester?" Nathan said, sounding playfull.

  They filled the 20 minute drive with useless banter, not even realizing how much closer they became. In a friend way of course.

  "Ok, I know this is my house, but I have to grab something real quick." Nathan rushed along, barely letting Jess process what he said. It wasnt even 2 minutes later that he came running out of his house again that they were heading to Jess's house. 

  Upon arriving there, Jess snatched the grab to see what "The Perfect Outfit" was. To say the least, she was shocked. Jess could live with the crop top and skinny jeans, what she did NOT approve of was the heels.

  "Really? Heels? You must be shitting me. Can YOU even walk in these?" Jess asked incredulously. Her eyes widened as Nathan pulled her outside, put on the heels, and proceeded to run up and down his HILLED driveway.

  "Yes." He finally replied, not even out of breath. Leading a slack jawed Jess back inside he proceeded to drag her to her room. "But, I'm going to assume you don't, judging by all the shit-kickers here. Sooo..." He trailed off, grabbing her favorite pair, a black pair of biker boots, "you can wear these. Now hurry up, it's almost 7:30 and I sill have to put a little bit of make up on you." Ignoring the looks she gave him, he sauntered out of the room, leaving her in the room to change.


  "Hold still! I'm almost done!!" Nathan seethed through clenched teeth.

  "YOU'RE GONNA POKE MY EYE OUT!!" Jess screamed!

  "It's just eyeshadow!! This is the last part I need to do and you should have your eyes closed!!!" Nathan yelled back.

  Finally getting her to calm down, Nathan applied the last of the eyeshadow and handed her a tube of lipstick.

  "You put this on, and I'll go wait for Amanda. Since, it's almost 8, I know she'll be here soon." Nathan said as he walked out of the room.

  Just as Jess was finished applying, she can do at least that, She heard voices downstairs. 

She's here... sweet...

  Walking down the stairs, she was greeted to the sight of an Amanda, with freshly dyed hair, in black ripped jeans, a sleeveless jacket and white top, with beautiful black piercings, and suprisingly heels, that raised her from her short 5'2 to 5'4.

  Searching for a proper greeting she settled with "Hey Panda."

  What she didn't expect to recieve was a cool "Hey, Queen" in return.

  Following Amanda out the door she told Nathan goodbye and walked to Amanda's car.


  After grabbing their seats in the theatre, Jess prepared to be scared. Looking over at Amanda, she could see the first signs of being nervous on her face. 

  "Scared already?" She asked, trying to be funny.

  "Of a movie" Amanda scoffed "please, it takes so much more than that to scare me."

  Jess went to reply, but the starting of the movie interuppted her. As it started, she snuck one more glance at Amanda, only to find out the she had the same idea.

  One of the things Jess noticed about Amanda, was that she didn't scare easy. Even at some of the most unexpected jumpscare, that even got her, she barely even flinched. She saw no signs of fear, only sparks of intrest.


  "Wow, that was actually pretty ggod. Unlike most horror movies." Amanda said walking out the theatre.

  "What are you talking about? You didn't even flich at any of the jumpscares!" Jess exclaimed, a little angry that she got scared, but not Amanda. Jess was use to wearing the pants in a relationship.

  "So? I enjoyed, nothing really scares me anymore, so making me flinch was an accomplisment." Amanda replied. 

  It took Jess a second to realize, that Amanda had been scared, so this was probably been nothing to her. Looking down at Amanda (Jess is 5'6) she realized, that she was going to have to replace the bad memories with good ones, anything to make her realize her worth.

AN: Sorry if the date sucks, I've never been on one and don't want to be cliche or cheesey

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