|If You Love Me|✔️

By Olivia5Hemmings

257K 10.4K 4.7K

>>5SOS Ot4<< On your 13th birthday a mark would appear on your wrist. Initials to be exact, of your soulmate... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13*
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25*
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Ashton Is Daddy asf Tag
Character Answers
Character Answer 2


13K 417 284
By Olivia5Hemmings

I opened my eyes groggily until I realized what day it was today.

My 13th birthday!

Today was the day I had been waiting for, since I was little. Today I would get my soulmate mark.

I jumped up and put on some clothes, then ran downstairs and got some breakfast. The kitchen soon filled up with everybody getting something to eat.

I just sat quietly and ate my cereal.

"So...are you excited?" Mom asked me.

I nodded furiously. "My baby brothers finally 13." Jack joked and ruffled my hair. I just gave him a glare.

"Has it showed up yet?" My dad asked and I check my wrist, shaking my head sadly when I see my wrist is still clean.

"Don't worry baby, it will show up later. Mine didn't till almost 11 that night." I smiled.

"Thanks mom."

"Now hurry up. We don't want you late for school." She said, kissing my forehead and quickly heading to get herself ready.

I finished up my cereal quickly and put my bowl in the sink. I grabbed my bag and yelled bye before closing the door, hearing a quick 'bye Luke' from mom and a 'happy birthday buddy' probably from one of my brothers. I started my walk to school and made it just in time.

Throughout the day I kept checking my wrist but still there was no change.

By the end of the day I was bummed out and not as excited as before. On the walk home I wondered if I was one of the few people in the world who didn't have a soulmate.

Maybe I would just have to live my life alone or with another soulmate less person.

I frowned and by the time I reached my house, I had tears in my eyes.

"Hi honey how was school?" Mom asked me but I just quickly escape to my room with a 'it was fine'.

I spent the rest of the night on my bed. When it was close to dinner time, I suddenly felt a tingling on my wrist.

I looked down to see black start to appear. I quickly say up and watched as the letters appeared. A.F.I

I smiled wide. I wonder what A stands for. Maybe Ashley? Or maybe Aaron?

But then I felt my wrist start to tingle again. I looked down confused as I saw more black appear. What the heck?

Another pair of initials appeared right under the first. M.G.C

I jumped off my bed. What does this mean? I have 2 soulmates? But that's extremely rare.

And what does M stand for?

Was it a boy or a girl? Where they both girls? Or maybe even boys? Or maybe a boy and a girl? I honestly wouldn't care either way, as long as they loved me and weren't jerks.

My breath stopped as my wrist tingled for a third time. I watched in horror as a third set of initials appeared.


I ran down the stairs as fast as I could. "Mom!" I screamed.

She quickly ran in the room, along with the rest of the family. "What's wrong sweetie?" She asked worriedly.

"M-my wrist!" I cried. She sighed and my dad laughed.

"We talked about it this morning, I thought you were happy about a soulmate?" My dad asked and I just shook my head.

"But there's three of them!" I yelled and everyone gaped.

"Three?" My brothers gasped.

Mom quickly grabbed my wrist and inspected it.

"Three." She confirmed. "Ohhh I can't wait to meet them!" My mom shrieked and I frowned.

"B-but isn't that weird? Shouldn't I only have one?" I asked and my mom shook her head.

"Some people have two sweetie." My mom said and I frowned.

"But I have three." I answered and my mom just smiled.


"No ones ever had three before though. I must be a freak." I mumbled.

My mom shook her heard. "Somewhere out there, there are three other people who also have three soulmates. That does not make you a freak honey. It just makes you special. Besides there could be others."

"You don't know that for sure." I argued and she nodded.

"No I don't but I do know that your soulmates also have three others they're probably dying to meet, and I don't think they would take to kindly to you calling them freaks." She had a point.

"But what if I'm they're soulmate and they're not each others?" I ask, to that she had no answer.

Welcome back!

I'm so excited for this story!

Stay lovely🌹


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