Rescue (UnderFell!Sans X Read...

By BanthaBug

75.9K 3.2K 3.8K

It was supposed to be a search and rescue with your two closest friends. With your 'brother' Frisk missing no... More

~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
Art A/N
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~
~Chapter 19~
~Chapter 20~
~Chapter 21~
~Chapter 22~
~Chapter 23~
~Chapter 24~
~Chapter 25~
~Chapter 26~
~Chapter 27~
~Chapter 28~
~Chapter 29~
~Finale Pt. 1~

~Chapter 11~

2.9K 144 357
By BanthaBug

You wanted to hide but you knew you couldn't escape your fate. Your eyes avoided your captor as they approached, instead gazing at Frisk and silently pleading for help. He snickered and shook his head, stepping back a bit so I'd get the full blow.

Turning slowly, and an apologetic look plastered on your face, you turned mechanically. "Hey there..." You said. "I was just-"

Two arms clasped to yours and shook you violently as yelling filled the air. "Where the hell did you get the idea it was just 'okay' to sneak out like that while injured?! Do you know how easily a monster could have killed you?!"

"Papy please..."

"Don't you 'Papy' me! You're going back to Toriel's now!"

"Well that's kinda what I was doing anyway so-"

"Are back talking me pet?!" Papyrus snapped.

You put your hands up in arrest and closed your mouth. "Nope." You saiding, popping the 'p' sound.

Flowey hid behind your shoulder as Papyrus gave you a good look over. "(Y/N), are you aware you have a weed growing around your arm?" He asked gruffly.

You huffed and turned your face from him in a sign of defiance. "Flowey is NOT a weed!" You snapped. "You apologize right now!"

Flowey shrank farther behind you and Frisk took him off you. "Uh... (Y/N).... it might not be the best idea to yell at the angry skeleton." Flowey whispered, hiding behind a giggling Frisk.

Frisk winked at you and mouthed 'good luck' before turning and walking away. Your eyes followed him, feeling slightly betrayed. Papyrus leaned forward so he was nose to nose with you.
"Did you just give me an order?..." He growled, tone low and dangerous.

You lowered your eyelids half way and challenged his gaze. "That's right. I did. It's rude to call my friend a weed."

He growled and you heard a sharp click. He held a long leash in his hand and your eyes widened as you glanced down. "You didn't-"

"I did." He smirked, yanking on the leash.

You tried to pull off the collar but to undo the latch you needed two hands. With one occupied on your crutch, you were outta luck. "Papyrus get this off of me right now!" You yelled. "You're not my father, you don't get to punish me for walking around!"

"You're right (Y/N). I'm not your father. But Toriel, they one you accepted as your mother allowed me the permission to!"

Pulling on the collar with harsh force, he started walked. "Come on (Y/N), we're going home."

You almost fell off balance when he didn't slow. Adding in the fact you were on a crutch and had the extra weight of your pack on your back, you struggled to keep up. Papyrus didn't let up even a little bit, seeming amused everytime the leash put you off balance. By the time you were back to the house, you were panting heavily.

"Papyrus... *huff* you're... an asshole..." You huffed, hands on your knees.

Papyrus unclipped the leash and turned away. You rolled your eyes and moved a hand up to fiddle with the collar. The buckle came undone easily but when you tried to pull it off, it didn't move. Eyes widening, you probed the collar to find something keeping the metal ring of the buckle attached through the hole of collar.

"PAPYRUS YOU ASSHOLE! TAKE HIS COLLAR OFF OF ME!!!" You yelled, stomping into the house.

You were still panting for breath but your rage exceeded your need for oxygen. Entering the house everyone present turned to look at you in all of your red-faced, sweating glory. Papyrus was throughly amused by your as you stalked up to him. Gesturing roughly at the collar, you pierced him with a venomous glare.

"Get this goddamn thing off of me before I wring that skinny neck of yours!" You ordered.

"Ha! You can't even reach my neck from down there. Now be a good doggy and go sit down. This is punishment for walking off."

You glanced at Dash and Rey, silently begging for help, but they were all torn down, trying to conceal their laughter. Growling, you turned back to Papyrus.


Yelling at him took even more of your breath and you were now heaving. This was bad. Not only were you being treated like an animal, you felt like one too. You panted like a dog. Papyrus laughed at you and you stamped your foot.


"Hey, what's all the yelling f-"

You turned sharply to see Sans rubbing his eyes drowsily. He caught sight of you and a red blush covered his face. Lord knows what he was thinking.

"Wow (Y/N), that's a good look on you. What'd you do?" He asked.

You growled and stamped into the living room, falling onto the ground with legs folded and pulled out your phone from your pocket. You tried to drown your embarrassment with Wattpad but your so-called 'friends' kept the torture alive.

"Ya know (Y/N)... if we got you some wolf ears..." Dash lolled.

"Oh and a tail!" Rey added.

"SHUT UP!" You barked. *pun intended*

You buried your face in your knees and glared into the fire, hoping they could see it reflected in your eyes and think it was your burning rage. You felt a hand rest on your head and rub your hair. You moved your gaze to Frisk as he pet your hair. He stilled for and second and looked you straight in the eye.

"Good puppy."

Roaring like the Godzilla you secretly were, you leapt to your feet and stamped to the room Toriel left you in previously. Papyrus tried to grab you as you passed him but you warded him off with an actual growl. You'd almost forgotten about your crutch. Your bag over your shoulder and crutch under arm, you retreated to the room.

You slammed the door behind you before anyone could come after you. Locking it, you flipped on the lights and threw your bag on your bed. You growled curses under your breath as you sat on the bed. At the beginning of your day, you were happy and at peace. Now you were sweaty, red-faced, and embarassed. You weren't genocide kinda mad, like you'd kill them all. Who'd ever do that? But you were irritated out of your wits. You dug through your bag and removed a changed of clothes along with some deodorant and wet wipes.

There's no way you were going back out there for a while. So bathing by wet wipe it was. You opened the wardrobe and used a full length mirror hanging within the door to examine yourself. You removed your shirt and looked into its reflective surface. You scrubbed away any grime you spotted on your torso.

After applying deodorant and shrugging on your new top, you pealed off your pants, careful with your leg. Quickly you washed down your limbs and replaced your clothes. Your only remaining pants wear skinny jeans, which left an issue. You couldn't wear anything over your injured leg, but your couldn't bunch up the leg of this one. Rolling your eyes as your irritation increased, you tore off a large distance of the pant leg. They were now shorts on one half and jeans on the other. Looking in the mirror, they didn't actually look too bad. Really what bothered you was the goddamn collar.

You pulled it away from your next and looked at the already forming bruises. The soreness began to return and you popped two more pills. Almost instantly they went to work, filling you with relief. As you looked at yourself in the mirror, you started to calm. Your face had returned to its original color and you'd caught up on oxygen. Your eyes wondered curiously as you mulled over your thoughts, namely on what Dash and Rey had said. You glanced in the mirror, wondering guilty.


Your soul responded and you felt two things land on your lap. You glanced down at them as they faded into colors other than (F/C). The ears were black, matching the tail. Once you put on the ears, the band they were attached to seemed to disappear as well as the bands keeping the tail attached to your pants. You turned in the mirror, looking at the additions curiously.

Okay, I have to admit. I'm fucking adorable.

You giggled quietly and turned again. The ear reacted to your desire, probably because they were crafted from your soul energy. The tail flicked from side to side and you snickered again. Pulling up your camera app, you snapped a picture.

A heavy knock fell on the door and you jumped. "Hey (Y/N), are you done throwing a fit?" Sans asked through the door.

Growling, you glared at the door. "I wasn't throwing a fit. I was evacuating before I accidentally spilled someone's ashes." You huffed.

Sans chuckled. "Well whatever it was, we're waiting for ya out here. Toriel wanted to have a discussion about what exactly you humans are planning to do."

"Yeah whatever, I'll be out in a second." You grouched. Closing the wardrobe mirror, you resummoned your crutch.

You were careful not to forget your accessories and sighed. "Welp fuzzies, I guess duty calls." You muttered.

You raised a hand to you ears and grabbed them, yanking them. What you didn't expect was for you to feel it. You yelped and let go, the ear flattening. You reopened the closet and look closely at the ear. The band it sat on had disappeared, leaving on the ear. Your eyes widened in horror.

"Oh god please no...." You pled. "Please let this be a mistake..."

You took hold of the ears again and yanked at them, yelping in the process. "Nononononononononooooooo~"

You tried to pull off the tail, only to find it stuck the same way. Your clothes moved around it and it was attached at your tailbone. In a frenzy of panic, you yanked at them aggressively, being only met with the same pain. Noticing your cries, Sans tapped the door again.

"Heya (Y/N), you okay in there?" He asked.

"Yep!" You lied. "I'm, uh, just taking my time!"

You could almost see him shaking his head. "Kid, I know stalling when I hear it. What're you doing in there?"

"N-Nothing! Just go wait with the others. Start the meeting even!"

There was a moment of silence as your tried desperately to get rid of them.

"Okay pet, if you're not out of here in the next five seconds, I'm coming in. I get we're allies and everything but I still have zero patience for shut like this."

"W-What?! No! Just go away!"


"Sans just go start the meeting without me!"


"I swear to god Sans just go!"


"Sans just leave me alone!"


"I'll be put in a little bit! Give me some time!"



A sharp snap broke the air and less than one blink later you saw Sans standing before you. You squealed and jumped under the sheets, hiding the new additions to your look. The only thing he could see was your red face. He groaned and approached you.

"What's wrong with you kid? Are you just that pissed at us?" He asked.

"No Sans! Just get out!" You said.

His hand reached towards you and you shrank back. "No! Don't touch me!" You hissed.

As his hand made contact, he clutched the blanket and tore it away. Blushing madly, your ear flattened and you grew flustered. Your tail hugged your leg as you tried to cover the ears with your hands.

He froze a moment, looking at the ears and tail in astonishment. His hand reached out towards one of your ears and you slapped it away. "Hey! No touchi-!"

His other hand grabbed your tail and you squeaked, pulling it away from him. His free hand attacked one of your ears as he stared at them with pure curiosity. "So soft..."

You growled and shoved him, making your furry tail stand on end. Sans stumbked back and looked at you a moment, watching as you hid your red face. A red hue covered his skull and his astonishment was twisted by thunderous laughter.

"You got stuck didn't you!" He laughed, arm wrapping around his gut. "Ha ha ha! This is priceless!"

"Shut up!" You cried. You brought your knees below your chin and hid your face. This was perfect. Make a big deal about not wanting to be treated like a dog and then get caught STUCK with dog ears and tail. This was humiliation on crack.

You buried your face and your ears flattened, tail curling around you. "I can't get them to go away and you're not making it any better." You growled.

Your chest twisted with the humiliation and your throat burned.

Nnnnooooooo..... not right now! This is any time for- too late.

You sniffled and a tear slid down your face. You wiped at it furiously and put your leg down, tugging at the tail again and wincing. More tears accompanied the first but they moved silently, cutting new paths down your cheeks. Sans watched as you willingly hurt yourself just to get rid of the additions. His skull was still but he calmed himself and faced you.

"SANS! WHAT'S TAKING SO LONG?!" Papyrus yelled.


You sent him a glare. "Are you enjoying this?" You hissed, wiping your cheek.

Sans took a breath and approached you. You flinched away but his touch was surprisingly gentle. Taken by surprise by his soft touch, you met his eyes. He smirked. "Hold on a second, I know how to handle this." He cooed.

Your heart skipped a beat and you sat up straight. "Really?!"

Your tail whipped back and forth and Sans laughed. "Yeah, just give me a second."

He sat before you and focused his red eye on your chest. Your soul appeared before you and he smiled. And without entering a battle too. He took your soul in his hands and smiled. It was smaller than usual. You looked at him and raised a brow. "Now what?" You asked.

He guided the soul towards your extra accessories and you watched closely. As it neared them, they'd grow discolored. When the soul made contact, with it target, it would glow and detach, becoming part of the soul once again. He took the soul in his hand and collected all three parts, leaving you once again as a regular human.

With all parts back in one, aside from the crutch you kept out, Sans offered your soul back to you and you smiled. You lunged at him and wrapped him in a hug, soul still in hand. "Thank you Sans."

"You're welcome (Y/N), now let's join them before they start a riot."

You nodded and stood, absorbing the soul into your body and allowing Sans to hand you your crutch. He held the door for you as you left and met the group. You knew he was all that... you just had to find that sweeter side of him, and according to the video you'd seen there's a lot of sweeter sides to him you'd forgotten.
P.o.V. Sans
When I left the room the first time and saw her, it almost killed me. She was all red-faced and sweaty, panting heavily as she sent dirty looks my way, and the collar. Wow....
But then she has ears?! And a TAIL?! Was it wrong to find it cute when she cried in front of me? And when she let me hold her soul? Oh the things I was tempted to do with her soul....

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