The Band Next Door

By TEEwaitforitHEE

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Meet six normal girls...finding their way through life. As if it wasn't already way TOO complected, guess wha... More

Chapter 01 - Butterflies.
Chapter 02 - The Fall and All
Chapter 03 - Somebody Save Me!
Chapter 04 - Nightmare (PART 1)
Chapter 04 - Nightmare (PART 2)
Chapter 05 - (Christmas Special)
Chapter 06 - Cupcakes.
Chapter 07 - Bowling and bawling.
Chapter 08 - Community service.
Chapter 09 - Problem?
Chapter 10 - Drummer boy
Chapter 11 - The Pact
Author's note.
Chapter 12 - More like "Drummer GIRL" (PART 1)
Chapter 12 - More like "Drummer GIRL" (PART 2)
Chapter 12 - More like "Drummer GIRL" (PART 3)
Author's note : THE CHARACTERS!
Chapter 14 - A little too much to drink.
Chapter 15 - We surely cant handle our alcohol.
Chapter 16 - The hangover.
Chapter 17 - Consequences afterwards.
Chapter 18 - Heartbreaks and Mistakes.
Chapter 19 -
Chapter 20 - Too many guys!
Chapter 21
Chapter 21 (Part 2)
Chapter 22~ (too lazy to name the chapters now)
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 ;)
Chapter 26
Chap 27 (Muti-POVs)
Chapter 28
Chapter-28 cont...
Chapter 29
Chapter 32 (:
Chapter-32 (P*A*R*T*2 :D)
Chapter 33
Chapter 34: Rosalicious
Chapter 35: Major surprises!
Chapter 36


142 10 8
By TEEwaitforitHEE

~Niall's POV~

I sat on the couch, with the T.V on, but engrossed deep in my thoughts.

Who. The. Hell. Is. This. Guy.

Uhh, George.

The name makes me want to punch a hole through the wall.


"And I was like aww..." Karmen said, " George can be such a cutie pie."

" That's really nice. I also want my own George!" Kaylie said. I passed a look towards Zayn. He seemed pretty comfortable with whole thing. Then again, I guess I get more jealous than others.

" I'm so happy George came along with me!" Karmen continued. Bleh!

And that is when I took an impulsive decision.

"Kar..." I said.

"Yeah...she looked at me from her plate of mashed potatoes. We were at our place, just by the way. After a hard day of practice.

" I want to meet George."

*FlashBack Over*

I was cut out of my thoughts by delicious smell of garlic and some spices cooking.

The smell so powerful, it dragged me to its source, the kitchen.

"Whats cookin', good lookin'?" I went up to Harry looking very determined as he read the instructions to make something, which seems to be our dinner.

"Nikita's Aunt's family recepie of Macoroni and cheese. Since she isnt talking to me, she hasnt invited us for dinner at her place and I really miss their Mac n Cheese."

"And you know that, how.. I mean, how do you know that what youre holding in your hand IS the actual recepie?"

"Because its from their secret recepie book." He replied like it was so very obvious.

"How do you know about that?" I tilted my head a bit to the right.

"I just do." He shrugged, not wanting to tell me any further details.

"Okay.. so how do you know its that exact recepie." I crossed my arms over my chest. He was hiding something.

"I tore the page from that book.." He said casually.

"You what?! When? How?" My eyebrows shot up.

"When I broke into their house day before yesterday.." he said, adding some liquid to the cooked spices.

I stared at him, and he gave me a short smile. I just shook my head and thought it was better to go upstairs and check out what Zayn was up to, since Louis was out with Zoey, Liam and Tori for their "double date".

Entering into the room I was in sight of a smiling Zayn, putting on his sneakers.

"Uhm, where are you going?" I asked, confused.

"Kaylie. She needs me." He said shortly before grabbing his wallet and making his way past me, the smell of his cologne almost pinching my nose. I turned around just in time to see him running down the stairs.

I sighed and headed downstairs as well, hearing the door bell ring. Zayn went to the door and greeted the person who rang the bell with a "Hey" and then muttered a "Sorry" and shouted out as loudly as he could, "HAAAARRYYY, NIALLLL. THE DOOOOR" and soon exited.

"Im coooking!" Harry shouted and I made my way to the door from off the bottom of the stairs, where I was sitting.

The door was half open and it was from a distance that I recognised the beautiful girl in front of me, my heart skipped a beat or two and I felt nervous. It was then that I'd remembered what I was wearing. My boxers, a white pain T-shirt and flip flops. Regret ran through my veins for about 2 seconds but then I forgot everything, coming face to face with her.

"Hey Karman." I tried to be casual, but failed miserably. My 'Its-all-normal-and-Im-cool' attitude came more like 'Im-constipated-and-you-look-scary'.

"Hey, Niall." she smiled, her right cheek revealing a dimple. "Nikita, Tanner and Aunt Soph are out for dinner, and Ive got a place to be. Just wanted to drop by the house keys so if they reach before me, they arent locked out the house."

She held out her hand and I took the keys from her, "Where you going?"I asked her, feeling kinda like a deja-vu, since I asked Zayn the same question not so long back.

"Just for a walk with George." she told me, and my heart sank a bit, "havent spent time with him in ages and I really miss him." She continued.

"A date?" I asked her, feeling my heart sink down to my stomach.

She laughed, "Yeah, I guess you could say that." Backing away a little she waved lightly, "Thanks a lot, Niall." And walked away towards the street, hugging her jacket against her body, with the hands in her pockets.

"No problem." I'd said a bit too late, not looking away till she wasnt visible any more.

She really was dating him. It felt like someone punched a hole in the middle of my chest, I was so stupid. All this time, I thought I had a chance, when her heart already belongs to someone else. I was pulled out of my thoyghts by a pillow hitting my head, "Are you gonna stand there all night? Come on in, dinners ready." I smiled and swallowed the sorrow.

I closed the door and went to the dinner table where two plates were neatly layed, two cans of soda and a fork and a knife on wither side of the plate. "Full points for the presentation." I appreciated the neatly folded napkins beside each plate. Harry bowed a bit and took his place as did I, on the dinner table.

The usual 4 empty seats were now 7. "I thought Zayn was gonna have dinner with us too. So, we have extra food left." Harry informed me as he served the both of us.

"Dont worry about that" I smiled at him and he chuckled.

He passed me my plate and the steam reached my nose, it smelt absolutely delicious. I picked up the fork and took a enormous bite, wanting to savour the flavour but as the food reached my mouth, I immediately wanted to undo what I just did.

"Harry." I said, with the food still in my mouth.

Disgusting, is how I would describe the taste.

By now he'd also taken a bite and tasted the food and held a horrified expression on his face. "Yes."

"Why. Is. this. Sweet?" I dare not swallow that 'stuff'.

"It might've got the sugar and salt mixed up." He said, spitting the chewed contents in the paper napkin, I did the same.

"Remind me not to let you cook. Ever again." I shook my head, taking a sip of the soda.

He nodded smiling sheepishly, opening his own can.

I picked my phone meanwhile.


(Louis' POV)

So...there was this carnival down the street and Zo and I thought we'd check it out. It was more of a kid thing, they again she has a thing for stuff like that. And really, I can't EVER say 'no' to her.

I rung the doorbell.

"Comin'!" I heard from the other side of the door and then the door opened after a few seconds, reaveling my beautiful girlfrend. She was in casuals, wearing her denim shorts and a red tank top.

"Shall we?" I said as i held out my arm to her in a regal manner. I had the Brit accent to carry it off anyway. She giggled.

"Just a moment" she said as she interocked her arm into mine. I gave her a confused look. What was stopping her now?

"Yeah...let's get goin'" A southern accent shouted. Oh was the evil twin.

We all walked down the road, considering I had thought it would be 'romantic'. But with the evil twin blabbering in the background, I think not. Yes, that is what I'm going to called her: the evil twin.


We were supposed to meet Tori and Liam at the parking lot of the carnival. But they still hadn't showed up! And aah, apeak of the devil(s)...

"Sorry" Both of them chorused. A tall figure was walking with them. Oh great, another third wheel.

We said are hi's while the 6' tall figure just stood there, hands in pockets, looking bored.

(Bree's POV)

Oh my god...he was SO cute. He was a blonde lad, with tan skin and surfer hair. Well built, yes. Grey eyes. He looked trouble, to be honest. The typical badboy vibe is what he gave off.

I wanted him. And I, of all the people, go and get what I want.

"Hello" I said, flirtateously.

"Hey" he said. His eyes had been afixed on me and so had mine.

"Bree" I said, offering a hand to shake.

"Justin" he said, taking my hand in his. And then an idea came to me. I was the third wheel. He was the third wheel. Hmm...this could work...

And so, I didn't lose his hand and instead pulled it along with me.

"Let's go somewhere" I just said and he grinned at me. Smooth, Bree, that was smooth.

"See ya' around." He winked at them and we left.

(Tori's POV)

Okay...what the hell just happened?

(Louis' POV)

Who was that guy?" I enquired.

"Karmen's...Justin Case" Tori retorted.

"Whoa...seriously?" Zoey asked.

"Don't know what his parents were thinking!" Tori said and Liam laughed at that.


We drove back home now. The car dead silent, not even the radio playing, which made things even more awkward.

Okay so, my aunt was homosexual.

I didnt know how to react on that one.

So, I thought I'd not give it another thought. What has happened has happened. It might change my perspective of her, but it shouldnt. I mean, she was, is and always be our sweet caring aunt Sophia.

After our little "rapid fire", nobody was actually very hungry. We got our food packed and headed back home.

Tanner drove the car and aunt Sophie sat in the passanger seat, while I had the back seat all to myself. I texted Tori and Sam, not a group Conversation.

Me: T, you wont believe what just happened.

Tori didnt reply till quite some time. So I sent Sam a text.

Me: Okay, dont flip or anything... But, Aunt Soph, she..

Sam: ...

Me: She, uhm..

Sam: Nikita -.- SPEAK

Me: Aunt Sophie isnt striaght. Dont tell nobody or I swear... Imma slap you silly.

Sam: lol

Me: ...I feels awwks...

I'll tell you teh whole thing when I meet you. Aaah...Sam, moral support. I need moral support.

Sam: Aww...

Me: IKR! I am just...idk what to do, like dayum...this awk-ward and weird and SAM!

Sam didnt answer for some time too and I texted tori.

Me: Uhm, reply? :P

Thats when I got a text from Sam.

Sam: I NEED moral support too

Me: Uhm...what...

Sam: the teacher. Ryan Ackerman. Is in my bathroom. What do I do?????????


Sam: He's comin. ttyl love ya bye

I felt the car parking into the drive way.

Me: OKay...bye...

Wait...should I tell her bout Tanner and the love thing...too late now...

Walking up to the door, we found it to be locked and a post-it on the door. It read 'At Kaylie's. Keys with the lads. -Karman'.

"Its late, Im gonna go pick up Karman." Tanner told us and went back towards the car.

"What! No!" I protested once I realised I had to get the keys, from, where I didnt want to go. But Tanner didnt even turn round and went into the car.

I frowned and turned to look towards aunt Sophie but she was missing too, and was walking towards the car. "Not fair!" I shouted as the both of them drove away in the silver BMW.

I contemplated on what to do. Several times I walked up to the boys' house, put my finger over the bell, but walked away instead of acually ringing it. What if 'he' was at home? What is 'he' opens the door? Dont want that happening now, do we? Nope.


A/N: Shrita this way. Please don't beat me up or hit me or Nikita. We are SO sorrrrrrry! Now I promise the updates are gonna be super fast! And I can assure you that teh next update is gonna be LOOOOONG!

This chapter is unedited, sorry for that. And it is pretty short. I guess that is my part...teehee. Nikita did like I guess 70% work on this chapter (or maybe more).

It's just there is way TOO much going on. Somebody should totally write a story on our loves...I bet the book will be a bestseller.

So anyway...rate this chapter on a scale of -10 to 10, 10 being the highest, obviously.

Oh and and and what d'ya think of the cover Nikita made? And we are definately changing the name of the book. We got awesome replies the previous time. But the competion is still OPEN!

Cheers xoxo

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