B5 SGILT (Trilogy)

By kbtease

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No thank you!
Dont bother
I am my fathers son
Really tho
Well looky here
Ok cool
Got You
Job done


161 11 3
By kbtease

I arrived back at home to find Janaye on the couch watching tv, I was glad she was finish hanging out with Marcus ass. I walked over and kissed her forehead.

"I expected you to be out longer, what happen?".

"Oh Marcus had some business to handle in told me to go home, he'll call me later".

I sighed.

"Well you stay in for the night okay sis, I have some things to do in a bit than when I get back we can watch horror movies like we use to do as kids".

She smiled in nodded. I got up in headed upstairs.

" Ay J' call Lucky, he called looking for you about 20 minutes ago".

I thought for a second,

'Alright Naye".

Than went in my room.

I layed down for what seemed like 10 minutes to me, but must of been a couple of hours cause I woke up to my phone going off.


"Hey Jay, its Mariah".

"Oh hey! what's up?".

"I'm calling to tell you Marcus want you at the spot, you haven't been answering so I called, he said you might pick up my call".

She chuckled a bit.

" Just hurry okay".

" Aiight, I'm on my way".

As I drove I knew nothing would be the same if this deal turned ugly. Why else would Mariah had given me a gun. The whole time I was driving there, my heart was beating a thousand miles per hour. I wasn't really scared it was more of an adrenaline rush and I kept picturing myself having to actually kill someone, hell I was only 16, my birthday was in 3 days and I sure wasn't trying to die now. I just had to tell myself everything would go as planned and the quicker it did that's when Marcus and his boys will be in jail and I will not be called a snitch.

I parked my car and looked around, I checked out this area earlier so I already knew it wasn't that bad, but before I got out, I called Mariah back.

"Uh hello".

Her voice was a little shakey.

"Ay Mariah, its Jay".

"Ooh you, uh hey you okay?".

"Yea Im cool thanks, What you up to?".

"Good, I'm just about to head to the spot real quickly, I need some things and you, where are you now!?".

"I'm here already, about to walk in".

"Ohh okay well wait, let me go first than you can go".

"Sure, Aiight".

I looked at the time, sat my phone, and pulled the gun out to make sure it was loaded. I waited a bit more than noticed Mariah walking pass, looking sexy as hell. I waited than got out in hid behind a bin of large metal recycling cans. I watched the house with the gun at my side, my heart started to speed up. About 10 more minutes of waiting, Mariah still didnt come out the house and I was getting tired of kneeling on the ground. I decided to stretch a bit and as I did, I heard voices coming from the apartment I was near. It sounded like Lucky and Marcus. Sounded like laughter. Why would Lucky be hanging with Marcus, he don't even like him or so I assumed.

Suddenly Mariah and a guy came walking out the building, I couldn't see a face but I knew Luckys voice any day. I put my gun away to walk in see if it was him, all if a sudden, bullets started ringing through the street. Two tall guys ran up and started firing shots. Bullets were going all kinds of ways so I dove back fast behind the metal barrels.

Once I felt safe, I looked at my gun.

"Might as well".

I pointed it out and returned fire, the dudes didnt know what to do because they couldn't see me and that was a good thing cause I didnt get extra ammo.

Once the shooting was over, I heard tires sound off into the streets. I looked up in saw no one but Mariah, I ran out to make sure she was okay but she wasn't. She was hit 3 times.

"Hold on baby girl, I'm going to call the ambulance".

"ooouhh Jay, I'm in so much pain!".

"Nah nah chill Shawty calm down".

I lifted her off the ground.

"Jay, I'm not going to make it", her words stared to fade.

"Yes. Yes you are, don't talk like that, I'm going to get you some help and Ima let Marcus know about this shit".

Tears started to form into my eyes.

"No need to tell Marcus Jay", she stuttered, "he's the one who shot me".

"He what!". My body froze.

"Marcus set this up so it was meant for you and Lucky to get killed".

"But why?!".

Mariah began to speak but she started coughing up blood, so I lifted her head up.

"Marcus owes people money and stuff and if he didnt pay them back they're going to kill him so he had you and Lucky work so the money y'all got he can take and to do it he had to have y'all dead".

"So who was the other guy!?"

"His crew, I'm sure you saw them back at that girls place in the park".

"Yea I remember that so why didnt they just kill Lucky now and me once I got here?".

"Because they wanted it to look like you and him argued over dealing and had a shootout but luckily for you, Lucky ass wasn't strapped".

Mariah pointed over and there layed Luckys Iifeless body near a car.

l sighed hard. All I could do was shake my head and right before I could speak with Mariah, she closed her eyes and took her last breath.

I panicked and checked her for anything, she had 4 rubber bands stacks of hundreds and a pistol. I snatched it up, ran for my car in drove off not looking back.

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