In The Supernatural

By shadowhunterwizard

166K 5.8K 2.3K

Ever since my brain figured out the realities of life, I knew I was different. Not magical, exactly, just tha... More

In The Supernatural
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 22

3.7K 137 263
By shadowhunterwizard

"Time to get up, knucklehead," was the first thing I heard after what felt like was the shortest night of my life.

I groaned. "Just five more minutes. Or ten... Maybe an hour."

"No, you need to get up. You've been asleep for 19 hours. It's 5 in the afternoon. Wake up." 

Slowly I sat up, not wanting to leave the comfort of the not-so-soft-but-warm motel bed. I was slumped over in total exhaustion and even though I was still sitting up, I refused to open my eyes. 

I felt the air shoosh past me as Dean walked by quickly, as if with a purpose. "Damn, Jules, you need to shower. Your hair is insane."

I groaned and laid back down into the bed, covering my head with the bedding. The blankets muffled my voice as I said, "You're mean. I like Sam better. He doesn't tell me I'm ugly when I wake up."

Dean chuckled. "That's because he isn't here, young one."

"Where is he?" I asked, still covered in thick blankets, as I slowly woke up withint our conversation. I really didn't care where Sam was, but I was honestly willing to do anything to distract Dean from getting me out of the bed. 

"He went shopping for food," Dean said, his voice leaning toward disgust. "Probably getting rabbit food," he muttered. 

I laughed but didn't say anything. My mind was quieting back down and I was drifting off again. Dean's boots were making loud sounds, and I felt like he was stomping just to annoy me. 

Well too bad, Dean. I was too tired to be annoyed.

Suddely he sighed and I listened to the sound of those loud footsteps make their way over to me, stopping right beside my bed. The next thing I knew, a rush of cold air washed over me as my blankets were pulled off of me by a very, very cruel person.

Immediately I curled up in a little ball, trying to recover as much warmth as I could, knowing the inevitable, of me getting up, would happen soon anyway.

Dean sighed. "Jules, you are literally the most stubborn person I know."

"Dean," I mimicked in a deep tone, "You are literally the most cruel person I know."

"That's bad grammar."

"It's almost like you think I care."

"Allrighty then... I didn't want to have to do this, but..."

"Do wha-"

Without letting me even finish my sentence or anwer me, Dean's hands were on my stomach and I started to laugh. The tyrant was tickling me.

"No, stop!" I yelled.

"Only if you get up," he said roughly, trying to keep in his own laughter.


Without answering, he started to tickle me harder. I couldn't breath I was laughing so hard. My abs were physically hurting. Finally I managed to gasp out, "Okay, okay, I'll get up!"

"You promise?" He asked, not ceasing.


He let me go immediately. I was still chuckling and breathing really hard, but I was sort of mad because I really hated to be tickled. I was finally able to calm down enough to lay down and breathe normally. Eventually I sat up and noticed Dean sitting on the edge of the bed, an arrogant smirk set on his stupid face.

"You still need to shower," he said.

I sat up so quickly he didn't even see me as I pushed him off the bed.

"You are such a jerk," I laughed.

"Maybe, but I am honest."

"Ugh," I groaned, pretending to be disgusted. I finally got out of the bed and walked to the bathroom. Looking at the mirror, I was definitely able to see why he thought I needed a shower.

My hair was a tangled mess, and I had never seen it quite so out of plac.e The dark circles under my eyes made my already pale skin even more translucent looking. The only thing I could standing looking at were my big eyes, which stood out against the rest of me, with laughter still shining in them. Until I noticed the way my cheekbones were prominent and more defined. I frowned at the weight I had lost when I was dead.... 

Which, by the way, is a really weird thought.

Trying to get those rather creepy thoughts from my mind, I turned, took off all my clothes, and hopped in the shower.

I wasn't sure how long it had been since my last shower, but it must have been many moons because I had never loved a shower more. As the nice water pressure massaged my skin, I felt like the heavens had opened up and blessed me with the most refreshed feeling in the world. 

I didn't know how long I was in the shower for, but I was positive it was a really long time because by the time I was ready to get out, the water was icy and Dean was violently knocking on the door, yelling at me to hurry up and get out because he had to leave.

"I'm coming!" I yelled, turning off the water and grabbing the towel. After drying myself off and putting on some fresh, clean, warm clothes, I waltzed out of the bathroom and into the main room where I was greeted by a very annoyed look on Dean's face, and the back of Castiel's head (who was sitting on the bed facing the wall opposite of me).

"Really, Jules?" Dean asked exhasperatedly. "An hour and a half... You were in there for a freaking hour and a freaking half."

I smiled at him innocently. "I really needed the shower... Apparently."

He rolled his eyes but didn't say anything else on the matter. Instead he said, "Well... Anyways, I'm going out. Cas is here for company."

My eyes narrowed towards him, and he shifted his gaze slightly to the left so he wouldn't have to look me straight in the eye. "You made me get out of the shower to tell me that you were leaving and Cas is babysitting me?!" I asked incredulously.

He mirrored the same innocent smile I used earlier. "I sure did."

Now it was my turn to rol my eyes.

"Bye, Jules. Bye, Cas," he said as he turned around and left the motel room.

I sighed the second the door firmly closed and sat on my bed. Cas was still in the same position he was in when I came out of the bathroom.

"What's up?" I asked him, not really thinking anything of it.

He sighed. "Nothing."

Normally I would believe it, but when he said that word, I heard so much more from it. The problem being that I couldn't tell what it was. So I didn't push it because I hated it when people pushed things with me. Instead I picked up a book off the table beside my bed, plopped down on the bed, and started to read.

Several hours passed before castiel, who was still looking very uncomfortable in his trench coat and hadn't said a word to me all night, asked, "Hey, Jules?"

I grunted in response.

"What does being a human and being in love feel like?"

I slowly put my book down, thinking about it. After an awkward pause, I responded. "I really don't know, personally. All I know about love are the things I've read about in books."

He looked at the floor, a searching look placed in his face. After a few moments of pondering, he looked at me, and I saw the vulnerability within his gaze. "And what have you read about them?"

I looked into his eyes and realized that he didn't want to ask, but he had to know.

"Well," I said as I took a deep breath, "I've been told, and have read, that being in love is different from loving someone. Like..." I tried to find the right words. "When you just love someone, and it couldn't be anyone, the love's intensity varies. But if you're in love with someone... There's no stronger feeling."

Cas sighed. "I'm not sure that's what I'm asking."

Oh. "Then what are you asking?"

"I'm asking what if feels like. What is the feeling a person has? What happens?" He looked at me straight in the eyes, his eyebrows scrunched toghether.

I smiled slighlty. "I've heard that your heart pounds whenever they're near, you face flushes, and you can't breathe, but in a good way. No matter how long you know them, it never goes away, and you constantly think about them, and your heart feels like a hug is constantly surrounding it. I know, it's cheesey, and I'm a hopeless romantic." I snorted. "Sorry... That's just what I've read."

The tip of his lips tilted up with a half smile. "No, Jules... It's okay. That's what I wanted to know."

I stared at him. "So who is it/"

"Who is what?"

"Who's the person you'rei n love with?"

Cas's expression didn't changed, but his eyes went from rather dreamy -which was a weird look on him- to flat and harsh at the same time, whiich is what I was more used to.

Instead of backing off, I asked him again. "Who are you in love with?"

He looked down. "I don't even know if it's even love..."

"Shut up and tell me who it is."

"That's an oxymoron."





"... What?"

He sighed and brought his hands up to his face in what looks like embarrassment. "It's Dean, alright?"

I caught myself staring at him in shock. Quickly I glanced at the floor, trying to seem smoth and not embarrass him any farther. "Oh..."

"Yeah," he agreed. "I don't know why... His soul is just so pure. You know, for a guy who kills things for a living."

I snorted and looked back up at him, letting honestly fill my gaze. "You should tell him, you know."

He looked horror-stricken. "No, no, I can't do that."

My gaze pierced through his as I narrowed my eyes and asked, "Why not?"

He looked just as squarely at me. "I just can't. And Jules, I swear to my father that if you tell him, I will personally escort you to the depths of hell."

My arms immediately flew up in surrender. "Okay, okay, jeez, Castiel. That's a little harsh, don't you think?"

His eyes narrowed even more, which I didn't even think was possible. "You won't tell him?"

Honestly filled my gaze as I answered him. "I won't I promise."

He smiled at me. It was a small one, but it was definitely there. "Thanks," he responded, his voice gruff.

"You're welcome."

After that we were silent, both lost in our own thoughts.

I couldn't be sure what he was thinking, but my mind was definitely not wokring right, and the only thoughts that came into my head were simple:

What is it like falling in love? Is it exactly how they describe it in movies and books? Or am I going to be disappointed that it wasn't how I expected it to be, like a Prince Charming coming to rescue me from some horrible situation/

Oh well... I guess someday I'll know.


Whoops that was a quick update
And a short one.
so sorry about that
basically i can't pay attention in math and this comes out so idk tell me what you think? 
Sorry if you dont ship destiel
i hope you dont stop reading because of this
tell me what you think!

i should mention the story is not going to be a lot of Destiel... it's not going to be a big focus. 
it's here because of a purpose i swear

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