The Prince's Duchess { Illyri...

By SeraEnigma

196K 8.4K 922

Hardworking Sarina loves her job and is considered a kind hearted girl. Along the way, she befriended an ecce... More

Author's Notes:
Chapter 1: Blinded
Chapter 2: Who are you?
Chapter 3: A Promise
Chapter 4: Death of a Duke
Special Chapter: Luis Valentine
Chapter 5 - Grief on both sides
Chapter 6: I'm a Duchess?!
Chapter 7: Invitation
Chapter 8: On My Way
Chapter 9: First Meeting
Chapter 10: Living with the Prince
Chapter 11: An After Party Invite
Chapter 12: Jealousy
Chapter 13: Seductive Kiss
Chapter 14: Lovers
Chapter 15: Stay with me
Chapter 16: Henry's Funeral
Chapter 17: Tonight
Chapter 18: A Prince's Warmth
Chapter 19: Town Legends
Chapter 20 Part 1: The Charity Gala
Chapter 20 Part 2: She is Mine
Chapter 22: Alone with you
Chapter 23: What It Means
Chapter 24: This is not Goodbye
Special Chapter: Catherine Lyonel
Chapter 25: Missing You
Chapter 26: Telling the truth
Chapter 27: Old Wounds
Chapter 28: Twins
Chapter 29: Hidden Shame
Chapter 30: Reunion
Chapter 31: An Unexpected Meeting
Flash Back Chapter: Before I Met You
Chapter 32: Did you Miss Me?
Chapter 33: Tonight, I'm Yours
Chapter 34: Cousins
Chapter 35: The Lost Princess
Special Chapter: Seymone
Chapter 36: Results
Chapter 37: A Stronger Bond
Chapter 38: World of our Own
Chapter 39: Be Honest
Chapter 40: The Brother In Law
Chapter 41: Back to Illyria
Chapter 42: My Fiancée
Chapter 43: Kassim
Chapter 44: Forgive Me?
Chapter 45: Like Father, Like Daughter
Chapter 46: The Forgotten Agreement
Chapter 47: Leaving again
Chapter 48: The Truth about Laila-Part 1
Chapter 49: The Truth about Laila - Part 2
Chapter 50: The Poison
Chapter 51: Flaunting your Title
Chapter 52: Akhun
Chapter 53: The Plot Thickens
Chapter 54: Now and Always
Chapter 55: Sex, Netflix and Chill
Chapter 56: The Lyonel Family Secret
Chapter 57: The Trial
Chapter 58: Forever Mine
Chapter 59: A Lost Love Returns
Chapter 60: An Unexpected Invitation
Chapter 61: Sealed Letter
Chapter 62: Elite Affair
Chapter 63: Her True Colors
Chapter 64: Kidnapped
Chapter 65: Huntress
Chapter 66: Redemption
Chapter 67: Body Heat
Chapter 68: Who am I?
Chapter 69: Rekindled Interest
Chapter 70: Memories of Us
Chapter 71: Aphrodisiac Fever
Extra Chapter: Laila
Chapter 72: Surprise Ambush
Chapter 73: Luce e Ombra
Chapter 74: La Famiglia e tutto
Chapter 75: The Cat is out of the Bag
Chapter 76: Abstinance
Chapter 77: The Wedding
Chapter 78: Night at the Tower
Final Chapter 79: The Prince's Duchess
Epilogue Chapter 80: The Princess' Personal Chef
End of the Story Greetings!
Special Mini Novel Coming Up!

Chapter 21: Confrontation

2.4K 103 14
By SeraEnigma

Sarina's POV:

My heart was pounding by the time I walked out of the maze as subtly as I could.

Subtle as in making sure I looked presentable and walking slowly, but the truth was I wanted to find Cat as soon as possible after that huge debacle with that jerk of the guy who tried to steal a kiss from me.

Looking back at the situation, I should have avoided the guy who wore a look I knew so well. But somehow my common sense flew out the window when I saw Leone with another woman clinging to him. My heart felt like it was being squeezed.

Especially when my lover leaned down towards her face as if he would kiss her. I felt sick and then accepting his offer to take me somewhere for air was the fatal mistake.

Thank God Leone found me in time and even knocked the asshole in one shot or it might have turned ugly.

As I made my way through the gala, a few of the Illyrian elites greeted me, some stopped me just to ask my opinion on their country's resources.

I have the princess to thank for that because of all the etiquette lessons she taught me these past few days because I made sure to answer them politely in a calm manner before bidding them farewell as I continued to walk towards Cat.

The princess was talking with a few men by the fountain, she saw me and waved them away so that I can approach her.

"Where were you, a lot of people wanted to meet yo-?" Cat smiled at me but then when she saw my face, her expression turned serious. "What happened?"

I told her about what happened in the maze and she looked surprised, shocked, and then thoughtful.

"Wow! You actually made him punch a guy? Leone never gets into fights just for a girl." she then took my hand and closed her eyes. "Hmmm as I are very special to him."

I notice that she does this practice quite often with me. Strangely she always seems to know exactly what I am feeling as soon as she holds my hand.

Call it a mannerism or whatever but when she looked at me with an affectionate smile, I could not resist asking something....something that has been at the back of my head.

"Cat, Leone took me to a town in Gavin and I read about the legends of your country. He told me about mysterious legends regarding my eyes." I paused for a minute but pressed on. "He also told me about the Seer Lady and I read about how her bloodlines possessed gifts?"

The princess then smiled at me.

"The answer you seek may be a bit of a shock." she stroked my hand. "You must have realized that by now, your meeting with my brother was fate and several unexplainable things have happened to you."

I thought back on the year-long dreams, the odd way I felt when I met Leone for the first time, and the seemingly natural feeling that I belong with him despite our different backgrounds.

And the strangest thing may be my sudden eye color changing.

"Do you want to know Sarina?" Cat's rather soft voice made me look at her.

Curiosity killed the cat as they say but I wanted to know so badly if somehow meeting Leone had any meaning to the dreams I have had of him or how the princess always seems to know what I am feeling.

"Yes. If it shocks me then at least I will know the truth." I said rather bravely.

"You are scared but determined. Follow me." The princess led me away from the party area and led me to one of the small pavilions by the lake.

Once inside, Cat turned towards me and finished her drink. She seems hesitant for a while and then she looked around before she talked.

"The Royal family of this country possesses abilities unlike any other, it is because the bloodline of the Seer Lady flows in our veins." she began. "I think you read that legend correct? Well, the Seer is a true person and even at present. Everyone connected to the Royal Family by blood has a gift. Most people...outsiders have dismissed the legend as just a mere fairytale but that just works to our advantage."

What she said was very surprising but I cannot seem to muster any doubt after seeing her so-called "gift" in action.

That and my own experience with Henry, who also seems to know random, strange things about her even though I did not remember telling him anything.

Like how I was scared of sharks or that I  like dipping french fries into ice cream.

"Henry's gift is that of dreams isn't it?" I whispered.

"Good deduction skills. Yes....Uncle has always had the ability to use dreams to interpret the present and future. And now that his bloodline has accepted you; you have his gift as well." Cat regarded me with an enigmatic smirk. "An outsider receiving such a thing has not happened in a long time. It is a rare gift."

If that was true then...

"Wait....Cat, you said that Leone has a gift?"

"Yes. He does but it is something that only he can tell you." the princess said.

"And you? What is yours?"

"I can summon fire."


The princess just laughed but then she took my hand and somehow I felt a stronger sensation. It felt like something was stinging my skin like small prickly needles.

"My gift is sensing one's emotions through tactile contact, all I had to do is touch them to know exactly what they are thinking or feeling," she said. "I guess this is why I liked you right away because you aren't after my brother for his money and title. You are one of those rare girls."

"T-the stinging..."

"Ah sorry, that happens when I get overexcited." she let go of my hand and her expression turned somber as she watched my face. "Are you scared of me now?"

I looked at the princess and imagined that it must have been difficult to say such things.

Still, I cannot believe it. The Royalty of Illyria are not your usual royals, they were mysterious beings with gifts one could only imagine or watch on a TV series.

However these past few days I also see that despite their unique traits, they are also like normal people for they also had fears and insecurities.

"I am still shocked but somehow I can tell it's not a joke. Henry has always had this otherworldly feeling to him. Maybe what you said explains that." I smiled at her, feeling lighter as I processed the news more."Thank you for telling me this Cat. I appreciate this."

Somehow my sincere words made the princess look at me with adoring eyes and she hugged me.

"Ah, you are so cute! You really are a darling Sarina." then she touched one finger to her lips. "However please keep this a secret. No outsider should know about this."

I nodded as we made our way back to the gala. Then my curiosity got the better of me and I asked the one thing that was on my mind for a while now.

"Leone's gift...what is it?"

"Hmm... Yes. It is a very unique one too but it is something you will have to ask him."


After growing closer to the princess, We returned to the main area of the gala.

Many men tried to block us from our table, asking us if we need drinks or if we want to talk with them but Cat politely declined for both of us.

Along the way, we both saw Charles charming two ladies who giggled and blushed as he smiled softly at them. He was a cousin to the royal family, Could this rogue also have a gift?

He then noticed us and excused himself then made his way to us.

"Enjoying the party Duchess? A bit quiet and regal for my taste but I am staying for the food since Cat here organizes the best cuisine around." he then took my hand and kissed it. "Leone's been searching for you however he got waylaid."

I followed his gaze and saw that a tall, beautiful woman in a sexy gown of deep red was speaking to him and was stroking his arm.

When she turned, it was revealed to be the famous model Keira Lane. The last time I saw her was at the club party and she was really persistent with Leone at that time.

Until he blew her off.

Somehow the sight of her touching my lover as if she owns him left a bitter taste in my mouth.

"Seems like he needs an excuse to escape politely." Cat winked at me while Charles gave me a gentle shove.

I wasted no time in approaching Leone, who was brushing off the model's flirting hand.

It did not take long for him to walk over to me and take my hand, his stiff expression softened upon seeing me.

"This is my date Keira, I would like to introduce you to the Duchess of Ladon Sarina Larusso." he said in a somewhat proud manner as he slid his hand on my waist and pulled me closer to him.

The model looked like she had bitten a sour apple, her cold gaze watched me closely.

"How...nice." distaste and silent anger colored her voice then a rather nasty smile formed."So when will your contract end darling? Two weeks from now?"

I felt Leone stiffen beside me as Keira looked at him then me with a malicious smile.

W... What is she saying?

"Oh no. Could it be that you had no idea that Leone does this sort of thing?" she pressed on like she wanted to wound my ego, to delight in my misery.

The air was suddenly so thick with tension, I could see that Leone's whole expression suddenly became frozen but his hand continued to grip my waist. I could not let her get to me for his sake.

So I summoned my bravado and replied calmly.

"I have no contract with him. He and I are equals in this relationship." I stated politely. "I believe I am suddenly parched, Can we please get a drink?"

Somehow my composure made the model's face twist into an ugly sneer, she looked at me like I was some sort of bug she would like to squash before turning her back on us.

As Leone escorted me to our table, I saw the model walk away in angry strides.

It was eerily silent when we sat down and the waiter dropped by and offered us cold refreshments.

A glass flute with sparkly water was in my hand before I knew it and I took a healthy drink of it.


However Leone did not look calm, he looked tense and disturbed as he sat beside me in silence.

"I am so sorry you had to find out this way. "

That statement alone made me sigh loudly as I finished my water. My mind was running in circles about what Keira just said.

"Tell me." I asked simply, my voice a bit husky since I had a feeling I will not like what I will hear.

His expression became incredulous at the degree of understanding I was exhibiting until he got up and led me to a secluded part of the gala where no one was right now.

We both sat on one bench and somehow he did not start talking right away.

After a few minutes, the tension in the air became palpable and heavier, it was hard to breathe for some reason.

"It is time to explain about the contracts, you see...there was a scandal when I was in Harvard."


"It happened on my graduating year. I accidentally slept with a girl classmate without protection; I made sure she was not pregnant and even paid for her expenses. But somehow she suddenly released a false statement to the university papers that I forced her to have an abortion."

"An abortion? But...nothing happened right?"

"She wanted money, that has been her motive all along. Luis' parents managed to prevent the scandal from becoming worse and paid the girl's price. To make sure she does not approach me again; a contract was drawn and was signed by her before she received her hush money."

So this was the reason why he insists on making a contract.

"This was why from the moment I graduated, I had all my lovers undergo a contract. Every condition was the same and they should agree; this was to protect the crown, myself but most of family."

"Then why didn't you do one for me?" I asked him softly, he looked at me for a while then took my hand and kissed my knuckles and then my palm slowly.

"Because you are different from them. I knew you before we even met, we became friends before we even talked to each other in real life. I....felt like you can be someone I could trust."

Somehow his words made me smile and my body felt lighter; it was hard not to stay angry at him now since he just opened up to me about his past.

It still hurts that I had to find out this way but at least he came clean and did not offer excuses. I appreciate the effort he gave.

"I am glad you trust me but....Leone, I am still not happy when girls try to touch you. I actually..really hate it."

His smile widened as he leaned over, kissed my temple, and hugged me tightly.

"In that case, I will stay away from them as much as I could. Forgive me?"

With just that, I forgave him.

When the actual charity dinner finally began, Cat and Charles retook their seats next to us and we dined on some of the fanciest and delicious food I have ever tasted.

The princess told me that the ingredients were grown by local farmers and this charity was to help build a new school building for the farmer's children.

Knowing how much hard work was placed on every food by both farmers and chefs, I offered a donation which made Cat smile as she took my cheque.

"Take some from me as well sister." Leone gave her another cheque. "This is from my personal savings."

"My! How generous. Sarina is indeed a good influence on you." Cat took his money as well and looked smug about it.

Dinner progressed smoothly and after receiving some donations from several others, Cat made a thank you speech for those participating in the event, the princess picked a random winner from the crowd who took home a gorgeous sapphire bracelet from one of the sponsors, after that the attendees then proceeded to take their leave.

Cat had my gown and makeup removed in the same guest room and I asked where the restroom was.

The restroom was not far away and I quickly did my business. Leone promised me that we would go to his favorite chocolate shop before we go back to the lodge. The dinner dessert was good but somehow I found myself feeling excited about the desserts we would be eating later.

"You think you are something special aren't you?" a venomous voice made me freeze as I washed my hands.


I turned to find Keira still dressed in her gown, she was still beautiful but her anger somehow twisted her face into something scary as she gazed at me like I was lower than dirt.

"He will tire of you soon enough," she said in a low voice. "Whether you made a contract with him or not, he isn't the type to settle for a boring woman like you. He will come back to me when he is done!"

She suddenly threw the champagne drink she was carrying at me.

I flinched as the cold drink drenched me from head to toe as she continued to speak.

"I heard about you. You are just a poor girl from some third-world country who managed to score big! Pathetic! All your money will never buy you breeding or the class that I have!" she pushed me as if she wanted me to crash down the floor.

But I stood my ground and managed to shove her back, Keira was surprised that I even fought back.

"He will never come back to you."I wiped the champagne from my face. "No matter how much you insult me, that will never make him take you back. You are wasting your time."

"You little bitch!" the model screeched and raised her arm to throw the champagne glass at me.

The door suddenly opened and before I could blink, Leo had Keira disarmed and pushed her away from me.

His gaze lingered towards my drenched clothes and I felt his body tense with sudden anger as he glared at Keira, who suddenly became fearful.

"You dare hurt her?!"

"Leone da-darling, it was-"

"SILENCE." his voice was deadly calm but even I felt the ice is in his words, then I felt something else as his voice turned strangely hypnotic. The sensation was eerie and it sapped me of any will to say anything.

"Leave Illyria. Never return, Never show your face to me again."

Keira's face crumpled but as Leone spoke, her eyes suddenly turned blank; she silently left the bathroom like a robot.

Before I could say anything, Leone suddenly started feeling up my back, sides, and arms for any injury.

"Did she hurt you?"

I struggled to process what just happened but Leone's voice made me look back at him. His eyes were unusually bright like molten gold as he wiped me off with some tissue paper.

What did he do to her? His just..

"S-she just threw champagne at me and insulted me. But nothing physical I swear."

However, that did not reassure him as he suddenly pulled me out of the bathroom and asked a nearby attendant to get his car ready.

Once we were inside the car, Leone drove away from the hotel and somehow we ended up in the outskirts of the city, in a woodsy area with small cottage houses.

Well...that was a very surprising power. His voice had the power to make Keira leave without any fuss.

Then I remembered Cat's words saying that his gift was a unique one.

 I was so lost in my own mind that I just noticed that he stopped in front of a small but cozy cabin and I saw displays of chocolates and desserts in the windows, a small spring was right beside it and small cute chairs and tables were positioned there.

"This is my favorite Chocolate shop in Acadia. We can relax here for a bit." He reached out and touched my slightly damp hair strands. "And maybe we can dry your clothes while we are at it."

He then pulled the brakes and then enveloped me in a firm, warm bear hug. I waited for fear to take hold of me after seeing what he can do but my heartfelt even warmer as his hands gently stroked my tired and weary bones.

So I hugged him back and somehow it felt right to me.

"shall we go inside?"

My question made him nod but his gaze slid towards my drenched top, without thinking he pulled off his sweater and put it on me leaving him only in his sleeveless top and pants.

"Now we can go."  he took my hand and soon we entered the shop, the bell tinkled loudly to signal our arrival.

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