Hiro x reader one-shots

By kuuroleek

35.7K 736 240

「completed」 here's a collection of hiro x reader one-shots ! enjoy ! (note that recent chapters have better w... More

Birthday Surprise [HiroXReader]
Hope (Older Hiro/Daughter)
Be Careful What You Wish For (Hiro & Tadashi)
The Visit to the Lucky Cat Café [Older Hiro X Reader]
Miracle [hiroxreader]
Saudade- part 1 [olderhiroxreader]
Saudade- part 2 [olderhiroxreader]
Unusual Confession
New Invention
Rainy Night
A Surprise Welcome
tysm !

I'll Always Be With You (Hiro/Sibling)

2.6K 41 21
By kuuroleek

A/N: Hello readers! Here's a sad Hiro/sibling one-shot. A little warning, there are feels ahead ;)

"Don't you think it's time for a break?" You asked your older brother, Hiro, who was sitting at his desk, working on a project.

"Uh huh. . .yeah. .just gimme a sec. ." He said, obviously not listening. You sighed as you continued to spin around in the swivel chair. You were currently in Hiro's lab at the Ito Ishioka Robotics Lab. You decided to tag along with your brother since you had nothing else to do. Although he was a year and a half older, he graduated earlier--not to mention that you were a kid prodigy too. You finally decided to actually stand up, walk to his desk and just drag him out the door or you would die of boredom.

"Come onnn. . ." You whined, shaking your brother's arm as he still continued to tinker on his project.

"Okay, okay! Just give me another 5 minutes and we'll go back to the café to grab a snack. Sounds good?" He said, chuckling at your toothy smile.

You found yourself walking around the lab, looking at various kinds of inventions and mechanics that your brother had made. You would've made some yourself, but, unfortunately, you're still not enroled in the SFIT. Yet.

You were looking at a robotic arm, shaking it when a smoky, burnt smell hit your nose. You sniffed the air as your heart started to race.

"Hiro, what's that smell?" You asked your brother who had just turned to look at you as he sniffed the air too.

"It's probably just Honey Lemon next door, trying out experiments." He said calmly as he continued his work.

"Oh," You said, but somehow, you refused to believe that.

Out of curiousity, you yanked the door open and you took a peek next door. Honey Lemon was not there. Your heartbeat raced as you ran down the hallway, afraid that a fire had spread into the building.

Turns out, you were right.

You gasped as you ran the opposite way, bursting into Hiro's lab when you got there.

"HIRO! THERE'S A FIRE!" You panicked, your stomach twisting in knots. Your brother looked at you, shocked and wide-eyed.

"What?!" He said, immediately dropping the screwdriver he was using. He darted out the lab just to see for himself. Blazing flames creep up the walls of the hallway as you and Hiro watched in horror as the flames grew closer and closer. Hiro immediately grabbed your wrist and you started running.

"C'mon! Where are the others?" He said as he burst into the 'nerd lab' to find no one.

"They must've gone out for lunch. . ." You said, remembering that you saw that the lab was empty earlier. You and Hiro continued running towards the exit as the smoke filled the building. Then you remembered something.


With eyes widen in fear, you yanked your hand away from your brother's grasp. He called after you, but you ignored him and you kept running towards the fire. You remembered bringing Baymax here. You found the entrance to your brother's lab and you did not hesitate to run in. The lab wasn't caught on fire yet, so you moved fast. You closed the doors as you spotted Baymax's red case below the window, which you immediately scooped up. You turned to open the door, but somehow, it got stuck. You heart skipped a beat as you try breaking the window. But it didn't work. Now you'd really hate the fact that your oldest brother installed doubled-layer glass to that window. Any minute now, the door would explode due to pressure, and you would--yeah.

You slid down in the corner, hugging the red case close to you chest as tears started to fall down your cheeks.

You've never should've ran in.

You've never should've left Hiro.

You thought about Baymax. You can't lose him. He's was the only thing left of your oldest brother, Tadashi. Smoke started to fill the room as you sobbed into your hands.

"H-Hiro. . .I'm so sorry. . ." You murmured. "Why was I so dumb?"

You started coughing, the smoke blurring your vision. Then you heard the faintest sound of someone calling your name. You couldn't take it anymore. You closed your eyes and everything started to go black.

• • •

You tried forcing your eyes open as a bright light shone down on your face. When you cleared your vision, you saw a tall, muscular figure which was strangely familiar.

"Ugh...where am I?" You muttered. Somehow you didn't feel any pain from a few burns and scratches that you've gotten earlier.

"Hey, knucklehead." The figure spoke as you gasped to find out who it was.

"Tadashi!? B-but how? Where am I?" You asked as you scanned through his facial features. Nothing really changed over the past few months after he ran into that fire.

"Am I. . .dead?" You countinued as Tadashi gave a soft chuckle, a chuckle that you've hadn't heard in a long time.

"You are, if you choose to stay, (Y/N)." Your oldest brother spoke, giving you a warm smile. "But something tells me that you should go.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N), where are you?" An image of a familiar young boy in a burning building appeared. Hiro's head was bleeding heavily, and yet, he was determined to find you. You gasped as you watched him collapsed on the ground.

"He needs you, (Y/N)." Tadashi said with a sad smile.

"B-But what about you? Please. . .come with me." You said, tears pricking your eyes.

"I can't. Only you can save him. Time is running out." He said as he ran his thumb across your cheek.

"But I can't just leave you here!" You protested.

"(Y/N), I'll always be with you. Don't you forget that." He said. "I'll never stop watching over you."

Tears poured down your cheeks as you hugged him tightly. He returned the hug until he started to slowly fade away. You gasped as you realized you were gaining consciousness.

"T-Tadashi. . ." You stuttered.

"Remember, (Y/N). I'll always be with you." He said as he fully vanished as you snapped back into the real world.

• • •

Your eyes snapped open, back to reality. You can still hear the faint shouting of your name as your burns and scratches continued to hurt.


You have to get to him.

You forced yourself back up, still clutching the case close to you. In shock, you saw the glass doors of the lab broken in shards. Did it explode while you were unconscious? That question kept boggling in your mind as a wave of pain surged through your body. Guess the door must've exploded and you're glad that you're still up and going.

You ran out the broken door, careful not to cut yourself. The fire had already died down, but only a few flames survived. You ran down the smoky, burnt hallway to see your poor brother's body, limped on the ground.

"Hiro!" You said, your voice filled with concern as you ran to his side. You observed his forehead that was bleeding heavily. He needed help.

"(Y/N). . .you're okay. . ." He whispered, weak because of his body damage the fire made.

"No, no. . .please, stay with me. Help is on the way. . ." You muttered, wailing sirens rang in your ears as tears pricked your eyes.

"I-I don't think I'll. . .make it." He whispered again as you grasped his hand tighter.

"Please, Hiro. . .you're the only family I have left. . ." You said, crying into his chest. "Please. I can't go through this again."

"(Y/N). . .I'll always be with you." He said as he used the last of his strength to stroke your cheek, wiping some of the tears. His arm fell as his heartbeat completely stopped. Your eyes widen and you started breathing heavily.

He was gone.

"Hiro. . ." you sobbed as you hugged the remains of your last loving brother.

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