Miracle [hiroxreader]

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woah that was sudden I apologize

and the picture above is totally irrelevant but its funny (ok maybe it is ever so slightly related)

Anyway, here's a few keys for you used in the story:

(H/C) - Hair colour
(S/H/C) - Sister's hair colour
(Y/S/N) - Your sister's name
(S/N) - Street name

Also this story features you having a sister. So if you dont have one, well I guess, imagination helps!

IMAGINATION (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

Jeez ok I'm done here. Read on!

(p.s. this is in 3rd person and 'the girl' that i would mention too many times is obvi you)

ring! Hiro could hear the familiar jingle of the bells on the café door. It was about 7.30p.m. and his Aunt Cass was about to close the little café for the day.

The raven-haired boy sat at his desk, yet working on another project. Even though at sixteen years of age, his hair was still tousled and untamed wherever he went. His brown eyes stared at the bright computer screen with full concentration, trying to make a blueprint for his next prototype. Hiro didn't even notice the faint sound of Mochi's bell as the cat made his way up the stairs, meowing in response. Hiro turned back, just to see the plump cat curled up on his bed. He shrugged it off, turning back to his work.

A mere fifteen minutes later, Hiro could hear his aunt's footsteps coming up the stairs. The brunette appeared at the doorway of Hiro's room with a plate of his dinner in her hands.

"Hey, sweety. Working on another project?" Aunt Cass asked out of curiousity as Hiro answered with a simple 'uh huh' and a nod of his head.

She set the plate of food on the table beside Hiro's computer. "I'll leave your dinner here, okay?"

"Yeah, thanks Aunt Cass." Hiro responded, eyes still glued to the screen. He was slightly hungry, the aroma of the food next to him filling his nostrills. But he decided that he'll eat later.

Knowing her nephew so well, she simply chuckled and ruffled his hair. She turned to Mochi, gesturing for the cat to come to her. The cat gladly leaped off the bed, Aunt Cass scooping him up as he did so.

She went back down with Mochi in her arms. Hiro continued with his blueprint on the computer, sighing contently after he finished his design about 20 minutes later.

He stretched his arms, his skinny build arching slightly as he stared at the completed blueprint. He smiled to himself, satisfied with his work. His stomach rumbled. He had completely forgotten about his dinner. He gladly picked up the plate beside as he started eating. Aunt Cass' cooking was always the best, to Hiro's opinion.

Going through halfway of his plate of food, his computer screen went from dull to bright, a little message notification popped up with a shwoop sound. 'new message' the notification read. Hiro set his plate aside, reaching for his mouse to click on the 'ok' button.

The little note expanded, a video message appeared on screen. It was Honey Lemon. The video automatically played itself.

'Hiro, quick! Another emergency! Come to (S/N) Street, the last house on the right! It just caught fire and someone's trapped in the house, the firemen couldn't find her. We have to help! Please come as soon as possible, we're waiting there for you. Honey out!'

The video message ended. Honey's frantic voice made it sound really really urgent. Hiro's eyes widened.

He stood up, pushed his swivel chair to one side and dashed to the cupboard for his super suit. He pulled off his classic navy blue hoodie as he put on his shoes that were place in the corner of the room. In the meantime, he said 'ow' to activate Baymax.

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