Make Me Fall

By xXMade2LoveXx

62.2K 2.3K 422

Autumn Rose Turner was adopted. She doesn't know who her birth parents are, but she does know that her adopti... More

1. Me
2. Him
3. Her
4. Yuletide
5. He's Back
6. Family
7. OWLs
8. A Question of Blood
9. Subtle Threats
10. Poor
11. The Note
12. Quidd- Ouch!
13. Hospital
14. Boys, boys, boys.
15. Detention!
16. Snape Lets Slip
17. Emeralds and Rubies
18. Home Again
19. Christmas Day
20. Goodbye Hogwarts
21. Branded for Life
22. Locked Away
23. Taking Sides
24. Draco's Birthday
25. My Birthday
26. ... Something Blue
27. Wedding Bells
28. Back to Reality
30. Little Sisters
31. Deadly Secrets
32. Anniversary
33. Safehouse
34. Resolutions
35. Back To School
36. Hogwarts Isn't Home
37. Kidnap
38. Christmas At Saumarez
39. Resistance
40. Malfoy Manor
41. Divided Alliances
42. The Beginning of The End
43. The Battle of Hogwarts
44. Nineteen Years Later

29. The Double Agent

1.1K 48 18
By xXMade2LoveXx

It didn't take too long to unpack. Tippy helped a lot. Draco has to go into the Ministry, his father is teaching him the family buisness. When I asked about it, he said I probably didn't want to know, but that he'd tell me once he's learnt all about it, if I really wanted to know. I'm going to go to Diagon Alley and see if the Weasleys are there. I don't know if they would have shut the shop down or not. It's still summer, so I assume they'd keep it open, but... Well, they might have been shut down.

I fish out Hermione's necklace and Mrs Weasley's hair pin, and tuck them into my robes. I pull my hood up over my head, so my face is partially hidden, and disapparate.

The few people in the Leaky Cauldron jump as I appear, and two of them hurriedly leave. I hate making people scared like that. I walk out into the Alley and wrinkle my nose. They're people begging and worse, selling items to ward off dementors and Death Eaters. That makes me laugh. Nearly all the shops are closed and the few that are open appear all but deserted. I round the corner and see that the twins' shop is still open. Open, but empty.

Standing outside, I push my hood off. Fred is at the counter.

"Hi," I say, stepping inside. He looks up and gives me a half smile.

"Mrs Malfoy," he says with a nod. I poke my tongue out at him. He walks around the counter and holds his arms out. I run over to give him a big hug.

"Thank you for the wedding present," I tell him, "it was perfect."

He holds me tightly then releases me.

"OI! GEORGE!" he yells upstairs.

"So, how was it?" he asks.

"The wedding?" I ask, "it was alright."

"And the honeymoon," Fred winks and I blush.

"We went to the beach, it was nice," I say, "speaking of, here."

I fish out his mother's hairpin and Hermione's necklace and hold them out to him. Fred takes them and looks at the necklace for a moment before handing it back.

"You might see her before we do," Fred says.

"Why's that?"

"They're on the run," he says, "we... We don't know where they are."

"Right, of course," I tuck it into my robes. George comes down the stairs and gives me a hug.

"I came to make sure everyone is alright," I tell them, "after what happened at your brother's wedding."

"We're all fine," George says, "bit shaken, you know. They questioned us for hours. But we're all fine."

"What's You-Know-Who up to?" Fred asks boldly. I frown and glance at the door of the shop.

"I don't know," I tell them honestly, "he hasn't told anyone, we're just sort of going about our business."

"And what is your business?" George asks, raising an eyebrow, "home making? Planning to have any little Malfoys running around the place?"

"Ah, no," I laugh, "no way. I'm a house wife now, whatever that means."

"Well, if you need some excitement, feel free to become a double agent," Fred says, "the offer is always there."

I hoist myself onto the counter and swing my legs.

"It's getting more and more tempting to accept that offer every time you make it," I tell them with a sigh. Fred leans on the counter, looking at me seriously.

"Autumn, are you alright?" he asks gently.

"Yeah, fine, I guess," I say, "I just... I don't think I'm on the right side, but... I'm stuck there."

"Couldn't you convince Draco to switch over?" George smirks, "that's the thing keeping you, isn't it?"

"You know, the thing is, I think I could," I say, "if it wasn't for his parents. He's so afraid of disappointing them, and his family situation is dodgy enough as it is, after the summer before last."

"Aren't you afraid if he lets You-Know-Who down, You-Know-Who will take it out on you?" Fred asks.

"Well, I am now," I scowl jokingly, "I'm most afraid that this will break out into an all out battle."

"And you might have to kill one of us?"

"Don't be stupid, I'd never hurt either of you," I say earnestly. I slide down off the counter and give Fred a hug.

"I'll try to come in and see you soon," I say, hugging George, "maybe we can keep each other updated."

"I knew you'd come around," Fred smirks.

"I'm not agreeing to anything," I warn him, pulling up my hood, "keep safe."


"Hey," Draco walks in and takes off his robe, revealing a black suit underneath.

"Hi," I give him a kiss on the cheek and take his robe, "have a good day?"

"As good as I expected," he replies evenly. I fold his robe and set it on a chair. I wrap my arms around Draco. He leans his head on the top of mine.

"Come and let me make you a cup of tea," I say, taking his hand. I sit him down on one of our couches and bring him a tray of tea and biscuits.

"Thanks," he says, taking a long sip, "ahhhh..."

I sit down on the couch and put my legs across his lap.

"So, what did you do today?" he asks, rubbing my leg.

"Not much," I say, "just thinking about decorating."

"Do you want to go back to school this year?" Draco asks. I stare at him, open mouthed.

"Do what?"

"Go back to school, do your NEWTS," he says. I put my cup of tea down and sit up straight.

"I don't know," I reply honestly, "I hadn't thought about it. I mean, my parents hadn't let me go for the last... Year and a half? I just assumed... I don't know, that we'd be working for the Dark Lord."

Draco takes one of my hands and gives it a squeeze.

"Autumn, if you want to go to school, go," he says, "I'm not going to stop you."

I squeeze his hand.

"Are you going back?" I ask.

"No," he shakes his head, "I'm not going back. I've got work at the Ministry now."

"I want to be with you," I tell him decidedly, "I can work from home, I've done it for ages. I can do my schooling and be your wife."

Draco leans over and kisses me.

"I love you," he says softly.

"I love you too."

So, it's decided. I'll do my last year of schooling at home as well as be a homemaker. I got an owl from Mother, apparently she has more to teach me about that. I want Draco to finish his schooling too. I know it's not essential, but it's important. To me, at least.

In Mother's owl she told me Josie quit and asked if I can mind the kids until she finds a new nanny. At least it'll give me an excuse for not having kids of my own.


Hey guys, thanks for reading! Let me know what you think - should Autumn go back to Hogwarts? And what about Fred's double agent suggestion?

For those of you who are reading Trouble Meets Trouble, that's temporarily on hold, I've had a whole ton of stuff on the last few days and I'm not really sure where the story is going yet, but I'll keep you updated on it.

Thanks again for reading! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think!

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