NYSM •Moments In Time•

By TMNT221BHobbit

36K 653 101

These are just a bunch of one-shots, moments, headcanons, and imagines between the Four Horsemen and my OC, L... More

One-Shot #1
Headcanon #1
Moment #1
Moment #2
Headcanon #2
Headcanon #3
Soulmates AU!
Headcanon #4
Zombieland AU!
Headcanon #5
One-Shot #2
Zombieland AU! Part Two
Headcanon #6
Moment #3 (Rated-R!)
Imagine #2
Headcanon #7
Moment #4
Zombieland AU! Part Three
Imagine #3 (Rated-R!)
Moment #5
Happy Birthday, Jesse Eisenberg!
One-Shot #3
Nerve AU!

Imagine #1

5.3K 53 6
By TMNT221BHobbit

Logan was the last to get with the program.

She had noticed the other four smiling more fondly at each other. Slight touch of wrists, flirty responses, hugging from behind playfully, even from Merritt and Danny! None of them needed to kiss or say three words to each other. Logan just knew.

But she didn't think they wanted her in on the action.

She first started noticing that little fact when Merritt came into her room and asked if he could sleep there for the night. She agreed, not thinking much of it as he stripped himself from his jacket, hat, and shoes and crashing onto one side of her bed. She stayed up a little longer to read before shutting the lights off and burying herself in her blankets, but kept her distance from the other sleeping form beside her.

Merritt was her best friend to say the least. Have any of you readers ever watched the show, Criminal Minds? Well, Merritt is the Morgan to Logan's Garcia. They were beyond flirty to each other but respected one's privacy and love life, almost like siblings. Logan didn't want to break that boundary so she kept her distance as the two laid in bed together. She didn't expect to wake up in the middle of the night to Merritt snoring softly in her ear with his arm draped around her, his body pressed up to her back. Never the less, she went back to sleep and the next morning pretended as if it never happened. She just assumed Merritt has strange sleeping habits and moved forward.

The days dragged on and Jack finally asked one evening while standing with her in the kitchen, "Logan, why do you push us away?"

She dropped the spatula she was using to cook dinner and stared at him strangely, confused as her right eyebrow quirked up. She noticed that behind him, the rest of the Horsemen were sitting at the dining table also staring at her. She looked back to the youngest magician and swore she could see a look of rejection placed in his huge, sad, doe brown eyes.

"What? Why-! I would never do that, Jackie." She smiled sweetly, then breaks eye contact to bend down and fetch her spatula from the floor.

"No, that's not what I meant." He mutters, watching her movements with those eyes that can tear a heart apart out of cuteness.

She looked to the others for help, asking with her eyes what he meant by that. When she noticed that Merritt, Danny, and Henley were siding with him, she sighs. She detected some sort of argument coming on and turned the stove off, turning back to them and leaning against the counter.

"Alright. What do you mean?"

Jack felt like he was at a loss of words. He didn't know how to describe what he felt. He didn't know this conversation would have to go this far for Logan to understand, and realized he didn't have a proper answer for that. As he fumbled with words, slightly flustered, he heard Merritt's voice from the table behind him,

"Just show her, Jack." He ordered with a less stern, but more soft then usual voice.

Jack turned slightly to see Henley smiling gently, nodding in agreement, "Yeah, Jack. It's okay."

Confidence sprung from his chest suddenly as Danny only nods in approval. Jack takes a deep breath, then looks back at Logan, who was confused as to what the others meant by that. She looked back to him and they locked eyes. Before she could say anything, the Sleight walked towards her, cupping her face with his hands as he leaned in to brush his lips with hers.

He felt her body tense against him at the touch of pure shock, his lips moved slightly while tilting his head, reaching for a better angle as the kiss deepened. Logan didn't know how to react, lost of words when he pulled away, leaning his forehead against hers with his eyes closed, his hands still on either side of her face.

She stared up at his content face with wide eyes, her now swollen lips parted when she let out a soft, "Oh."

Jack opened his eyes and pulled away slightly when her hands touched his arms, lowering his grip from her face as she looked over towards the others, "And you've all been feeling the same way?"

Henley nods, "We have. All of us. Together."

"For how long?" She swallowed back when something caught in her throat.

"I'd say about a month...maybe two," Merritt shrugs honestly, "We thought you knew but it's clear to see that you didn't."

Danny ducked his head back into his book to hide the color he gained in his cheeks, "We thought you hated us," he muttered bluntly.

"I had no idea..." Logan admitted with a small whisper, "I noticed you guys were being...different around each other, but I didn't..." She looked back up at Jack, squeezing his wrists gently, "I didn't know," her eyes grew pink as she tried blinking back some tears that had formed, her nostrils flared as she dropped her gaze to look at Jack's chest.

She had no idea why she suddenly wanted to cry. Was it because she was beating herself up for not taking the subtle hints? She wasn't even sure if the tears were out of sadness or joy, she just had an aching feeling in her heart, and it hurt.

Jack frowned, pulling her into an embrace with his arms around her. She buried her face into his shirt as she cried, her arms finding their way comfortably around his torso.

"We're sorry if we overstepped some boundaries..." Jack says quietly, bracing himself for any kind of rejection.

"No, no no no that's not why-!" Her voice breaks off again as she chokes on a sob, pulling away slightly to wipe the tears from her face and rub her eyes, "Actually I have no fucking clue why I'm crying," she manages to breathe a laugh.

"Probably because you've never felt the same way, but you don't want to hurt us either." Danny huffs, eyes still darting through the pages of his book, not up at his companions. He's been prepared for any sort of rejection from Logan for a very long time. He just never gotten any sort of signal from her and assumed that she wasn't into what the others were feeling for each other. He was prepared to get hurt and had built up some walls from her in this month they've been trying.

Logan paused to stare at him, his face hidden from her in his book. She sniffs back another sob before breaking away from Jack and walking towards the others at the table. The room was silent as Jack, Merritt, and Henley exchanged uncomfortable looks as to what Logan could be doing. Was she angry? Merritt couldn't find it in himself to read her in fear of seeing some look of disgust or anger.

She knelt down beside Danny's chair, taking everyone by surprise as she rips the book from him. When the control freak moved his head to yell at her, she moves to lock her lips with his. She heard Henley gasp behind her and she couldn't help but smile when Danny's hand reached to grasp the back of her neck suddenly, his fingers playing with a lock of her hair. When she opened her eyes, Danny's was closed and moving forward in his chair to reach her more.

Merritt laughed suddenly out of joy and relief, his leg brushing Henley's underneath the table as a way to comfort her, "That was good."

Jack was grinning from ear to ear as he walked to stand at the table with everyone, Danny and Logan still engaged in their tender kiss. Henley smiled up at Jack and reached for his hand, linking their fingers together.

"Well done." She whispered with encouragement.

Logan gently pulls away and giggled quietly when Danny let out a soft whimper of disappointment. Instead, she pulls him in for a hug and his arms immediately wrap tightly around her waist, his face buried into her neck. She looks over his shoulder to see everyone else watching with overjoyed smiles, "I'm sorry it took so long for me to take a hint, guys."

"You owe us for waiting. Big time," Merritt chuckled, but his smiled showed pure love for her none the less.

She smiled at the others, pulling away from Danny and standing up, taking Henley's free hand in hers, "Movie night?" She offered.

"Definitely," Henley giggled along with her girlfriend as she stood, both her hands holding Logan's and Jack's as she pulls them both towards the living room.

Merritt and Danny exchange ridiculously happy grins then stood up to join the others.

They all sat on their small couch that night, watching a favorite, the Lord of the Rings. Logan sat in Merritt's lap on the one far side of the couch, snuggled into his side with one of her hands holding Henley's. Logan's legs sprawled out across the other's laps, reaching to the other far end of the couch where Jack sat, who took time to massage her feet. Danny's arm laid comfortably on the back of the couch behind Henley, while his other arm laid lazily over Logan's calves.

Eventually, Jack fell asleep on his control freak's shoulder, Logan barely noticing until he had stopped massaging her feet and was snoring through half the movie. Danny didn't even flinch when a little drool fell onto his shoulder, he just wipes it away from Jack's lips and continued to watch the movie.

Henley and Merritt soon follow Jack's lead, Henley's head on the Mentalist's shoulder while he leaned his head back against the couch's headrest. As the credits rolled at the end of the movie, Danny looked over to see Logan's eyes on him, and he suddenly smiles. She returns it, her head still snuggled into Merritt's chest as she reaches her free hand over to the only other human being awake. Danny entwines their fingers together and leans into Henley's shoulder, trying to bring himself to fall asleep after today's events. He wished he could still say more to Logan that the rest of them were dying to tell her. Out of all them, he wanted to be the first to say it but couldn't bring himself to open his mouth besides to yawn. Instead, he uses Morse code that he learned from his father when he was in the military. He squeezes Logan's hand, then pauses before doing it again, squeezing her hand in small patterns Logan quickly caught on as to what he was doing. She counted slightly in her head to figure out the code. She finds herself smiling, and in response, surprises him with squeezing his hand and making him jump slightly after he counted the pattern:

'I know Morse code, idiot. And I love you, too.'

((Please request ideas for me to do in this book! I have plenty of ideas but I would like to hear yours, too! Also! Check out my Now You See Me Fanfic: Illusion!))

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