NYSM •Moments In Time•

By TMNT221BHobbit

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These are just a bunch of one-shots, moments, headcanons, and imagines between the Four Horsemen and my OC, L... More

Imagine #1
One-Shot #1
Moment #1
Moment #2
Headcanon #2
Headcanon #3
Soulmates AU!
Headcanon #4
Zombieland AU!
Headcanon #5
One-Shot #2
Zombieland AU! Part Two
Headcanon #6
Moment #3 (Rated-R!)
Imagine #2
Headcanon #7
Moment #4
Zombieland AU! Part Three
Imagine #3 (Rated-R!)
Moment #5
Happy Birthday, Jesse Eisenberg!
One-Shot #3
Nerve AU!

Headcanon #1

2.4K 34 2
By TMNT221BHobbit

How They Wake Up In The Morning:

((The Headcanon and Moment chapters are gonna be a little shorter))

Usually, it's Henley and Danny who are up bright an early. Danny would make a pot of coffee then make five cups, each made a different way to how the person likes it, while Henley cooked breakfast. Usually she cooked eggs and bacon because it was everyone's favorite, but then she would add an extra treat to the meal.

It was quiet, early moments like this where the two Horsemen spent quality time together. It wasn't much. Sometimes it was just small touches to the wrist to make sure the other was still there. Danny and Henley still had a little tension from the previous years of knowing each other and working together, and it was mornings like these where the two would make breakfast in silence, almost as a way of respecting one another and forgiving past mistakes.

Merritt would usually wake next, but wouldn't go to the kitchen right away. Once he's out of his room, he goes to Logan's to wake her up. She always relied on him to be her personal alarm clock. He always gave her a piggy back ride to the kitchen every morning. Once they sat down, Danny and Henley would join them with coffee and plates of food in their arms for everyone.

Jack would come in last after he smells food, late for breakfast as usual. But even though the others have already eaten, they would sit beside him as he ate and talk so he wouldn't ever dine alone.

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