Playing Juliet

Від bluemellowjello

12.1K 535 187

After an accident in the soccer field, the soccer team was forced to join the school play. Needing a replace... Більше

Copyright and Disclaimer
2: My Self-esteem Lives Under A Rock
3: Markers and Cupcakes
4: Hotter Than The Temperature in Mercury
5: Blessing Or A Curse
6: Midnight Escapades
7: Enigma
8: Busted

1: Hopeless But Still Hoping

2.4K 93 58
Від bluemellowjello


I have noticed that some of my character's names are very common here in wattpad, so I have decided to change it. I know that it is very inconvenient but please bear with me.

I have changed :

Chace Adams to Troy Creston

Luke Michaels to Alec Hemmington


This chapter is dedicated to wanderrlust for the amazing cover :D

I'm not that good in writing because I usually just stick to reading but I hope you like it :)


Please vote and comment if you like it, it'll mean a lot :)

Chapter One: Hopeless But Still Hoping


Every hormonal teenage girl has them. Constantly wasting your time stalking them on social networking sites. Daydreaming about scenarios wherein the both of you are forced to spend time with each other then falling in love in the process, him becoming your saving grace or just plain daydreaming about how good he looked that day.

We've all been there and I wasn't an exception.

In high school, there are commonly three types of crushes. One, the friend crush, wherein you're afraid to tell them how you really feel, in fear of ruining your friendship by making things awkward if he doesn't feel the same way.

Two, the mutual crush, wherein the universe loves you and actually decided to use two arrows and hit you and your crush. This type of crush eventually leads to a relationship.

But since the universe can be a female dog and usually uses one arrow instead of two, hitting only you, this type of crush rarely happens and when it doesn't happen, that leads us to the third type of crush, the most common and saddest of them all.

The impossible crush.

Wherein you like someone and you know they'll never like you back or unrequited love.

Unfortunately for me, I was included in the third category.

I watched, as I do everyday, as Alec and his girlfriend Peyton entered the cafeteria. She immediately grabbed his hand, intertwined their fingers then kissed him on the cheek. My heart sunk to my stomach and I looked away, finding it hard to bear the sight even though I should've gotten use to it by now since they've been together for almost a month.

Despite my best efforts, my eyes still wandered off to him. If you haven't guessed it already, Alec Hemmington was my impossible crush.

With his impeccably good looks --he had the bluest eyes I had ever seen-- and amazing personality --he was down to earth, smart, kind, the list goes on and he didn't care if you were popular or a nerd, he treated people the way they truly deserved, which was what I admired about him-- , you could already tell that he was way out of my league, but what makes him even more impossible to reach was his girlfriend, Peyton Reed.

The girl who turned heads when she enters a room and practically oozed self-confidence, the source of a lot of girls' envy and starred in a lot of boys' fantasies, suffice to say, she's gorgeous.

How could you compete with a girl like that? Not that I would even be considered much of a competition. 

Her only downside was, to put it mildly, she wasn't exactly the friendliest or nicest of people.  But I don't exactly have the right to judge since I don't know her. I believe that there is always a reason behind why people are the way they are and act the way they do.

But as far as I know, she too had been in love -maybe in love is a bit too strong to describe how I feel. Let' say,  deeply infatuated- with Alec for as long as I have but our difference was that she finally got him and I'm still left admiring from a far.

I remembered when she and Miranda Keller got into a horrible cat fight over Alec. Seeing what happened to Miranda after that and the fact that she changed schools after, was one of the reasons I didn't let anyone else know -especially Peyton- about my infatuation with Alec.

They sat at their table in which everyone calls the popular section. Well nobody actually said it out loud that it was only for the populars but it was like an unspoken thing. It was at the back of the huge cafeteria by the glass wall that overlooked the soccer field. 

In their table sat five other people, Brianna, who was Peyton's best friend and their two other friends, Kirsten and Yvonne. 

The two other people were Keaton and Carter, Alec's best friends, who were also undeniably handsome. Normally there was another person, also one of Alec's best friends, but he must had been in the janitor's closet  "Hooking up with some chick. " as Audrey always says.

Keaton was the slightly mysterious type, he didn't like to show off as much as the other two -like Alec- and preferred to lay low -well, as lay low as someone who's got girls falling head over heels for them could get- but that doesn't mean that he doesn't flirt with all those girls, because he does, just not as bad as the other two.

Carter, the only blonde in their group, was -as people would refer to him- "the life of the school". He hosted the biggest parties, not that I've ever been to one, 

It sounds stalkerish, but when you've had a crush on someone for two and a half years, you kinda get to know their friends too. 

"If you keep on staring, he's gonna melt," Audrey teased as she took a bite off her chicken burger.

"I wasn't staring, I was-," I paused, thinking of an excuse, "I was exercising my eyes, they've gone sore from all the reading I had to do for History." 

"Exercising? more like feeding." She laughed and I rolled my eyes at my blonde best friend although a smile tugged on my lips.

"Give the girl a break, since she's too much of a coward to talk to him all she can do is watch from afar." Kelly, my other best friend, joined in the conversation. She smirked and threw a quick glance at me while taking a bite from her apple.

"You know I'm sitting right here," I reminded them of my presence which they purposely ignored.

"And now her two-years-and-a-half crush is going out with her of all people," Audrey spat out the word her as if it was vile.

Audrey had always hated Peyton ever since the incident during freshman year when she put red paint on Audrey's chair that left a spot on her trousers and not to mention she was wearing white skinny jeans. Well you get the picture. When she stood up to answer a question, everyone bursted out laughing, and not to mention her crush was seated behind her. It was a day that should never be mentioned again, in front of her anyway. The worst part was Peyton did all that because Audrey accidentally spilled juice on her - insert expensive shoe brand which I forgot the name of - which as she claimed was limited edition only. Safe to say she has never forgotten what Peyton did to her after almost 3 years.

"How is he gonna notice her if she won't even go and talk to him." Kelly clicked her tongue while shaking her head slowly as if disappointed. They were purposely hitting a nail.

"I know right?" They both smirked at each other then turned abruptly to face me.

"Oh Vi, I forgot you were there!" Kelly feigned surprise.

I playfully glared at them "Ahuh, sure you did. Remind me why I'm friends with you two again."

"Maybe because we put sunshine and rainbows in your dark gloomy life," Audrey suggested.

"You make it sound like I'm an emo," I said then laughed.

"Oh you forgot? I guess Audrey and I would just have to stop bringing food over." A taunting smile came over Kelly's features.

"Oh right," I drawled "Now I remember." They chuckled, knowing fully well that food was my kryptonite. Food was always the answer for me, I even have different types of food for different moods. You'd need to really know me to know what I like to eat when I have a problem, sad, happy, mad or confused.

"You know what? sometimes I think you love food more than us" Audrey accused, pointing her fry at me then eating it.

"I do love food more than you."

"Ouch" they said at the same time while feigning hurt and holding a hand over their hearts.

I have no idea how they did that in sync. Seems like they noticed too because they bursted out laughing.

Then they suddenly looked at each other and said as quickly as they could, "Jinx double jinx, you owe me a soda."

Audrey managed to say it faster.

"Ha! You owe me a soda" Audrey gloated like a little kid.

"How old are you guys again?" I mocked then it was my turn to laugh.

Kelly threw a fry at me and since I was still laughing and my mouth was open I ended up having a mini choking fit while they laughed their butts off.

I grabbed my glass of water and gulped it down.

"I definitely love food more" I said once I had my voice back, which resulted in more laughter from them. For a moment, I was worried that Alec had seen my choking fit, which would have been very embarrassing, but then I remembered that he'd never look our way. He didn't know who I was, or that I existed.

It was hopeless but I was still hoping.

Pushing the gloomy thoughts away, I glared at my two best friends but a smile still found its way on my lips. 

Yup. These were my best friends and I wouldn't want them any other way.


The bell rang indicating the last period had ended and we could finally go home.

"Class, please don't forget to read pages 74-80 of your Chemistry book, we will be having a quiz about it tomorrow," Mr. Wright reminded.

I quickly gathered my belongings and placed them inside my bag but before I could go, I still needed to do one thing.

I went out of the classroom and saw Kelly waiting for me. Her last class was just near mine so she always waited for me and we would meet Audrey in the parking lot by her car since she was the only one who had one.

"Hey," I greeted.

"You ready to go?"

"Actually, I still have to find Mrs. Phillips to submit my research work in Social Studies, I left it at my locker this morning and told her I'd pass it during dismissal time. I'll meet you and Audrey in the parking lot in 5 minutes," I informed.

"Let's make that 10, I know how you tend to set up a time then you arrive late." She rolled her eyes at the last part.

"You know me so well," I said then grinned.

I made my way towards my locker and Kelly took off in the opposite direction, towards the parking lot.

There were still a lot of people rushing to get out of school as I unlocked my locker and took out my blue folder that I had left earlier. I closed my locker and walked towards my Social Studies classroom where I knew Mrs. Phillips was.

Once I was near enough, I could hear two people talking inside the classroom. I peaked inside through the little window on the door.

When I saw who was inside, my heartbeat immediately quickened, my nerves started kicking and my hands were sweating.

Alec was in the other side of the door talking to Mrs. Phillips.

Maybe I should just pass this tomorrow, Mrs. Phillips would probably understand, right?

I debated whether I should go in or just go home.

At the back of my mind, I knew I wanted to go in. I knew if I didn't go in that I would regret not taking the chance to finally talk to him and let it slip through my fingers.

Don't be such a chicken.

He doesn't know who I am or that I have a major crush on him, so what's there to lose? Just go in, submit the folder, then leave. Easy-peasy.

More like easier said than done.

And I'm talking to myself. Great.

I took a deep breath. Hopefully inhaling some confidence along with the oxygen.

Okay, here we go.

I wiped my sweaty hands on my light wash jeans and ran a finger through my brown, long, wavy hair. I made sure the shoe lace of my black converse shoes wasn't untied. The last thing I wanted was to trip in front of him, that would be beyond embarrassing. Thinking about tripping in front of him only made me more nervous. I straightened my navy blue three-fourth top that had the design of the Eiffel tower in the front and took one last deep breath.

I reached for the doorknob and put on a calm façade. I opened the door and both heads snapped in my direction.

I didn't let my eyes go over to him in fear I'll start embarrassing myself. I felt incredibly self-conscious under his gaze.

"Ms. Avery, are you here to submit your work?"

"Um yes, here" I answered politely and walked towards the teacher's table which was stacked with papers and handed her the blue folder.

He was standing opposite me on the other side of the teacher's table while Mrs. Phillips skimmed through my folder.

I didn't know if he was still looking at me but I was just really happy that I hadn't embarrass myself so far.

The sudden ringing of a cellphone broke the silence

Mrs. Phillips stood up from her chair and rummaged through her brown shoulder bag that was on the desk. She pulled out her phone and looked at the caller ID.

"I'll be right back, Ms. Avery could you please help Mr. Hemmington find the worksheet we worked on yesterday? Thank you," she said quickly, not even giving me a choice, then went outside.

For the first time since I entered the room, I finally willed myself to look at him just to find that his piercing blue eyes were already looking at me.

You always wanted to talk to him, here's your chance. I chastised.

I moved to where Mrs. Phillips was standing before, behind the desk.

"What worksheet did you miss?" I spoke, a hint of nervousness in my voice.

"I think it's number four." I nodded. I made a mental note of how smooth and warm his voice was.

I started skimming through the stack of papers that Mrs. Phillips was already going through when I came in.

I suddenly froze for a moment when he moved beside me and helped me look for an extra worksheet. I could feel his body heat as his side touched mine.

I continued looking through the papers as if at that moment my heart wasn't going spastic and felt like it was gonna burst out of my chest just because of mere skinship.

"I'm Alec," he introduced, and glanced sideways at me at me, a friendly smile gracing his face, then continued skimming through the papers.

"I know." I instantly regretted it as soon as it left my mouth, it sounded so snobbish and that was the last thing I wanted his first impression of me to be.

"I-I mean, everybody knows who you are," I stammered. I knew not embarrassing myself was too good to be true. By that time I was already facing him.

He stood up straight and faced me and it surprised and relieved me to see him looking amused and not looking at me as if I was some kind of weirdo.

"Emma Watson probably doesn't know who I am." He joked.

"Probably?" I raised and eyebrow.

"You never know." He shrugged and I laughed, all nervousness from earlier almost gone. Almost.

I then remembered common courtesy and introduced myself also.

"I'm Violet."

"I know," he mocked a lopsided grin playing on his lips. Could he get anymore adorable?

Then his answer dawned on me.

"You do?" I asked, surprised. I wasn't exactly the most popular person in the school. I was a nobody but that meant I didn't need to become somebody who dealt with the pressures of high school other than having good grades. I was happy with my high school drama free life.

"Yeah, we have had a lot of classes together." he gave me that heart throbbing smile.

"Oh." I said, I didn't want to look away, but I needed to hide my face so he wouldn't see the blush that was making its appearance on my cheeks.

We went back to looking and his fingers would occasionally brush tingles down my arm.

"Found it!" he announced and I immediately felt disappointed.

I wished that the paper hid itself better.

"Thanks," he said as we faced each other, him now holding the worksheet.

"I wish I could say you're welcome but I didn't really do anything," I said and he chuckled.

"Well you did keep me company," He said then shot me his adorable smile, I couldn't help but smile back.

Then the door opened and ruined the moment, well, for me anyway.

"Did you find it?" Mrs. Phillips asked as she entered the classroom, phone in hand.

"Yep." I replied.

"Sorry it took so long, house emergency." She said, gesturing to her phone.

"It's okay ma'am, hope everything's alright." Alec said politely.

"Yes, it's all taken care of. You two can go home now, I'll just return your folder tomorrow Ms.Avery." I nodded.

I left the classroom, I faintly heard Alec saying something to Mrs. Phillips before shutting the door. The hallway was empty and quiet, which creeped me out a bit but I didn't pay attention to that, my head was still on cloud nine. I bit my lip trying to supress the grin that had came out.

"Hey Violet, wait up!" I stopped in my tracks. My heart beat started pounding again. I composed myself and swept off the grin that I just had on. Putting back on my calm façade just in time as he caught up to me. One thing I'm really good at is acting. Being in the drama club had its perks.

"So is someone picking you up?" he asked.

"No, my friends are waiting for me in the parking lot."

The silence engulfed us as we walked. It wasn't awkward, comfortable in fact but I had that feeling that I should talk to him or say something. This was probably the only time that I could talk to him.

"Why is your name Violet? Was it your mom's favorite color?" He asked out of the blue, trying to make conversation.

"I was actually named after the flower, it was my mom's favorite. I don't like my name though."

"Why not?"

"Long story." I didn't want to say the real reason why I didn't like my name and I was relieved he didn't ask about it anymore.

After a few moments of silence he spoke again.

"Hey, you're a girl right?"

"I'm not sure, I haven't decided yet." I joked.

He laughed. "Right, stupid question."

Then he immediately stopped laughing then looked at me cautiously.

"Unless you know, you really aren't sure yet, I don't judge. I think sometimes we get confused. I totally unde-" He immediately stopped when I burst out laughing.

"Relax, I'm a girl, straight as a ruler." I reassured him, once I finally calmed down from my laughing fit.

Relief washed over him and was quickly replaced with embarrassment with a hint of amusement. He looked so adorable.

"So, why are you asking?"

He looked like he was having an internal debate.

"You know what? Nevermind," he said dismissing whatever he was about to ask and gave me one of his adorable smiles.

"Plus, your friends are waiting"

I hadn't even noticed that we were already at the doors that led to the parking lot.

"Maybe next time," I said, trying to hide curiosity that was bubbling inside me.

"It was nice to meet you Alec." I gave him one of my own smiles, which looked nowhere near as good as his.

"Yeah, and it was nice to meet you too, Violet." He said, a boyish grin plastered on his face.

He started walking away and I was about to open the door when I noticed.

"Wait!" I called "where are you going? Aren't you going home too?" I asked

"I have soccer practice."


"And Violet, nice to finally meet you," He called just before he disappeared to a corner and I realized he actually walked me to the parking lot when he could've gone to practice directly.

And just like that, it got my hopes up.

Maybe it wasn't that hopeless.

I was left smiling like an idiot, making my way to Audrey's car.

"You said five and I changed it to ten and you arrive fifteen minutes late. Can't you read time woman?" Kelly said, flailing her arms in the air, exasperated.

"What did you do? run around the whole school? And why are you grinning like you just found out you won a lifetime supply of free pizza?" Audrey said, raising her eyebrow and looking at me quizzically.

"Umm, I just remembered something funny?" It sounded more of a suggestion than a statement.

Audrey looked at me weirdly before shrugging and going over the driver's side and calling over,

"C'mon let's go already."


"Bye guys, see you tomorrow," I said, hearing a chorus of byes before closing the car door behind me. I watched them turn around and speed off.

It was only then that I paid attention to the huge moving truck next door.

I walked slowly as I watched some men carrying furniture inside the house. I rummaged through my bag for my keys. I took it out and fumbled with them, once I found the right one, I inserted it through the keyhole.

Once I opened the door the smell of home cooked lasagna enveloped my senses, making me instantly hungry.

Our house wasn't huge or gigantic but it was above the average sized house, although in our neighborhood it was the norm. Our neighborhood was the upper side of the town, where businessmen, lawyers, surgeons and other people with high-paying jobs reside.

"Mom, I'm home." I announced as I closed the door.

"In the kitchen," she called.

I made my way towards the kitchen and saw her cleaning up, also noticing the two large trays of lasagna.

"Why are you making so much lasagna?" I asked, there were only three of us, unless she invited people over.

"The other tray is for our new neighbors," she said as she returned the ingredients she didn't use back to their original places.

"So, someone finally bought the Dyers' old house."

"Yup, which reminds me do you and Cade still contact each other?"

Cade was my childhood best friend, we've lived next to each other for 15 years, until they had to move almost two years ago because his dad got a job transfer.

"Yeah, sometimes."

"I'm done cleaning up, want to come with me and give this to our new neighbors?" she asked, gesturing to the tray of still hot lasagna.

"Nah, I'll just stay upstairs."

"Okay, suit yourself."

I headed upstairs, once I got in my room, I tossed my bag to the side and kicked off my shoes.

I walked over to my closet to find something comfortable to change into and took out my shorts and a plain black tee.

I heard the front door open and close and peaked out my window, seeing my mom and dad making their way towards the next house, then they were out of my vision.

My eyes flickered to Cade's old room which was directly across from mine. I noticed the light was open. The only thing separating our rooms was a tall,sturdy tree that had it's branches sticking out just outside my room and going across Cade's old room. We used to use it as a bridge and sneak into each others' rooms. Secretly of course. If my parent's found out, I would never hear the end of how dangerous it is and how I could easily slip, fall then die or get paralyzed and they probably would have the tree cut down.

I could only see the navy blue walls and unpacked boxes, there wasn't anyone in the room.

I wonder who's gonna use the room. I hope it's a girl, not really keen on a guy or an obnoxious kid looking through my room. I have yet to buy a curtain rod since Cade broke mine when he was about to sneak out of my room and tripped, grabbing the curtain during the fall. I never really thought of buying until then, seeing as there was no need since no one had occupied the room in almost two years.

Gosh, I missed him.

Walking into the bathroom, I closed the door and changed to my comfortable clothes. Once done, I grabbed my used clothes and left the bathroom, tossing my clothes into the laundry basket.

I heard our front door open again, my parents must be done with their meet and greet session.

I grabbed a hair tie and put my hair into a ponytail, then left my room to go downstairs for dinner just as I heard the door to the room across from mine open. I didn't bother to look since I was starving for some lasagna.

"Honey, you should have came with us to meet our new neighbors, they are such nice people and their son is one handsome young man," she gushed.

"Oh yeah?" I replied, although I was only paying half attention, the other half on devouring the delicious lasagna.

"You probably know him, he goes to your school." My dad interjected.

"Really, who is he?" I asked as I shoved another large chunk into my mouth.

The next five words my mom had said sent me into my second choking fit that day.

"His name is Troy, Troy Creston."


How she feels about Alec was inspired by my crush, but sad to say their relationship has more progress than mine :(

anywho, don't forget to vote and comment :)

If you didn't read the note above, I've recently changed Luke Michaels' name to Alec Hemmington and Chace Adams' to Troy Creston. If the old names are still there, please inform me so I can edit it :)

There are a lot of grammar and punctuation mistakes here, and I do plan to fix it once I reach chapter 10. I wrote chapters 1-4 a year ago, before I took a break from Wattpad, and I had just started writing then, hence, a lot of mistakes.

I'm still an amateur though, so don't expect too much of an improvement. I accept constructive criticisms, and I would appreciate it even more if you don't just point out my mistakes, but also tell me how to improve it. :)

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