My Only Chance (Under Constru...

By Unjudgemental97

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Kimberly has been through hell. She was abused by her family and forced to do their work. Two days before her... More

My Only Chance
Final Straw
Meeting the Family
Party Gone Wrong
Mates and Werewolves
What the Hell and Why?
Is It True?
Reality or Nightmare?
Why Me?
Right Decisions
Start of Something New
Say What?
Who Are You?
No More

Food Saves All

304 14 0
By Unjudgemental97

To get them off the idea of killing each other, I interrupted.

Ok, before you three kill each other, we're going to start by washing our hands and getting all the ingredients needed for the dough first. 

 I went and washed my hands first then went into the pantry, which was right by the fridge, and got the double-zero flour, sugar, and yeast. I came out to a somewhat tense moment, and I thought for sure that I heard a growl coming from Jace, but I decided I was just hearing things. Humans don't growl. I cut in again. 

Uh.....what happened in that minute I was gone?

That question snapped Jace out of his rage moment, and he put a calm expression on his face and spoke. 


It sure looked like nothing. 

I put the ingredients on the counter then got the olive oil and salt, and a cup of warm water. I added a couple of tablespoons of yeast to the water along with a tablespoon of sugar. I stirred it, and let the yeast bloom. This whole time, he hasn't said a word. None of them did, and I got tired of waiting. 

Since you haven't said a word, I'm just going to guess it's about Sara. I understand that siblings fight, but at the end of the day, you two still love each other, so whatever it is, just forgive and let it go because as soon as anyone of you gets into trouble, you're going to be right there next to each other. Makes no sense to be mad at each other then. 

I started measuring out the rest of the ingredients of the dough then set it to the side, and turned on the oven to the highest it will go. I put three pizza stones in it, so they can start getting nice and hot, and got out a large pot, so I could start making the sauce. Yes, I washed off everything to get the dust off of it. Jake broke his silence first. 

You hit the nail on the head there. Truce?

He was talking to Jace and Sara then, and the both of them spoke at the same time.


I had a small grin on my face from the moment but then turned my attention to the sauce. I went and grabbed an onion, garlic, canned crushed tomatoes, and different herbs and spices. I finely minced the onion and garlic and turned on the pot. I added a little bit of olive oil then added the onion and garlic to it and let it cook for a couple of minutes then added the large can of crushed tomatoes, red pepper flakes, salt, black pepper, dried oregano, fresh basil, and water. I stirred it and turned the heat down, so it could slowly simmer and come together. I saw that the yeast had bloomed, so I poured it into the mixing bowl and added the flour, oil, and salt. I attached the dough hook, and let it run on medium speed for 10 minutes. While it ran, I cleaned up the mess I made, and took the opportunity to wash the dust off of a lot of the dishes, utensils, equipment, and counters. I greased a large bowl with olive oil then put the dough inside it, and covered it with plastic wrap, and set it to the side, so it can rise. They didn't just stand around this whole time. They helped with everything, and there was peace between them again. Now, we have to wait an hour for the dough to rise and the sauce to cook down. We just talked and joked the entire time we were waiting, and once the wait was over, I portioned the dough out into four even balls, and we each made our own pizzas.

Ok. We're going to knead the dough a little before we roll it out. Put flour on your hands and the counter then take the dough and press it down with the bottom of your palm while pushing it away from you. Then, you're going to fold it over itself. You're going to do that a few times then roll it into a ball, and depending on how you like your crust, you're going to roll it out as thin as you want it to be, but don't go past 18 inches in diameter because the pizza stones are only 18 inches. Anything bigger than that, and it won't fit, but before you roll it out, you're going to take some cornmeal and put in on the counter, and we're going to roll out the dough on that. 



The cornmeal keeps the dough from sticking to the pizza stone, and it adds a crunchy texture to the bottom dough. You don't notice it unless you put too much like Jake is about to do. 

Jake had grabbed a huge handful of cornmeal, and he put a lot of it back when I said that.

Much better. 

I grabbed a small handful of cornmeal, put it down, and rolled out the dough until it was 12 inches across then put it on the peel. The sauce was done, and it had cooled off enough for me to put a small amount of sauce on the dough and spread it around. I had already taken the toppings out, and I added a layer of mozzarella then pepperoni, chunks of raw sausage, and a light dusting of parmesan. I opened the oven and pulled out one of the racks with the stone on it. I took the peel and gently and carefully transferred the pizza on to the stone then pushed into the oven. I helped Sara with hers, and put it in the oven, but the boys had to wait because there were only two stones. Once ours were done, I helped the boys and cooked theirs, and once all of them were done, I cut all of them, and we started eating.

This pizza is great.

Just as I remember it.


Thank you very much. I will only make it every now and then.

They immediately started to complain.

That's not fair!

That's completely selfish!

I need this to live!

I'll tell you when I'm making it and you can come over including Greg.


We continue eating the pizza until it is completely gone. We clean up the kitchen, and I go to the living room, plop down on the couch and turn the TV on. I get up and remove the rest of the plastic from the furniture. They walk into the room when I finish. Sara sits next to me.

Ok. We have to talk about your party.

I knew this was coming.

Do you want a pool party or a house party?



Red, black, and white.

Number of people?

Doesn't matter.

When do you want it?

Doesn't matter.

Sara has this far away look in her eyes like she is planning every single detail. I feel kinda worried about that. She can go overboard with things.

Ok. It's gonna be this weekend at our house. We have to get you a swimsuit. Bikini or not?

Anything except a bikini.


I don't like them.

Come on. This is gonna be your 18th birthday party. You have to be the most stunning person there. Please?

She starts giving me the puppy dog eyes. She knows that's my weakness. I cave.

Fine as long as it's not a G-string.


I shake my head at her and turn my attention to the TV. It was showing a football game. It was the New Orleans Saints vs. San Francisco 49ers. I decided to watch it. A couple of hours later, the game was over. The Saints had won which upset the boys. I glanced at the clock and saw it was close to seven. Time to make dinner. I got up and stretched happy to feel my back and shoulders pop.

Ok. I remember that your favorite is anything alfredo. Am I right?



I walk into the kitchen and take out everything I needed. I decided to do a simple chicken alfredo with broccoli. I make it up really quick, and I look at the clock and see that it is close to eight.

Guys! Dinner is ready!

They rush into the room and sit down. I give them the plates and they immediately dig into the food. I take my plate and sit next to Sara. They start talking after a minute.

This is great!

It's better than Dad's.

What about Dad?

We all look towards Greg who was walking into the kitchen.

Hey Greg! How did you get in?

Did you forget I have a key?

Ah. Do you want something to eat?

No. I already ate. I just came to collect my kids and truck.

They groaned and looked at me with pleading eyes. They knew I couldn't disagree with looks like those.

Um.. Actually, can they stay for tonight and you just take your truck home? I'll drop them off tomorrow.

He thought about it for a moment.

Ok, but they need to be home for lunch tomorrow. Apparently, we have a party to plan on Saturday.

He looked at Sara when he said that. She just shrugged and continued eating. Jace gave him the keys.

Ok. Thanks, Greg.

Your welcome Kimmy. Goodnight!

Night! See you tomorrow!

He left, and we all finished eating. I had taken out our brownies

Ok. I'm gonna show you how to make the brownies even better.


I got the brownies out of the fridge and put them in the microwave for a few seconds. I took some fleur de sel and sprinkled it on each and put a scoop of ice cream on them. I give it to them. They hesitantly try it.




A small smile makes its way onto my face. I dig into mine. They're right. This is awesome. I was interrupted by Sara asking me a question.

How did you learn how to cook?

My grandparents taught me ever since I started coming here. It actually came pretty naturally for me.

Can you teach me?

Sure, but not tonight.


I nodded my head towards the clock which read nine-thirty.

Oh. You can start teaching me Sunday.


I get up and head to the living room with my brownie. I sit down and flip through random channels until I see Ridiculousness playing. I decide to watch that. When I'm about 3/4 done with my brownie, I start to get sleepy. I fall asleep with the spoon in my mouth.

= The Next Morning =

I wake up the next morning in my bed and in a nightgown. I sit up and see Sara sleeping next to me and Jake and Jace sleeping at the foot of the bed. They looked so cute. I take a picture of them with my phone and wake up everyone.

Good Morning!

They all jump awake and glare at me while I laugh. Sara gets up and heads to the bathroom. Not wanting a repeat of yesterday, I unlock the door. I head to my closet and choose some destroyed skinny jeans, a red racerback tank-top, a cropped motorcycle jacket, combat boots with studs on the toe, and some underwear. I place them on my dresser and choose a pair of black studs, a black choker, and black leather cuffs. By the time I finish, Sara is out of the bathroom. I take the clothes and head into the bathroom. I wash my body and hair this time. I put on my clothes and walk out fully dressed with my hair still wet. I start putting on my jewelry, but Sara pulled me towards a chair and sat me down.

What are you doing?

I'm gonna do your hair and make-up. Now keep your head still.

I didn't protest as she did it. She added some mousse to my hair and blow dried it. She then curled it into soft rings and sprayed it with oil sheen. She then put eyeliner, mascara, and lip balm on my face.


I looked in the mirror and I looked so different. I looked great.


You're welcome.

I got up and put my jewelry on. By the time I finished, Jace was coming out of the bathroom, but something was nagging me in the back of my head.

Um... Who changed my clothes last night?


Aw ok. Is everyone ready?


Ok. What do you want for breakfast?

Bacon, eggs, and pancakes.

Ok. Sara, you're helping.

That's fine, but we have to leave before 11 so we can find you a bikini.

The boys looked at me with wide eyes.



Jake spoke next.

Jace looks like we'll have to get out our shotguns early.

I know. Look how much she's grown. It feels like it was only yesterday when she was just learning how to swim.

They started getting teary-eyed and fake crying. I was laughing my ass off at them. I walk out of the room still laughing and headed downstairs. I went to the kitchen and started taking out everything I needed to make breakfast. I put the bacon on a tray and put it in the oven. I made the pancake batter with flour, sugar, salt, baking powder, baking soda, buttermilk, eggs, vanilla extract, and some chocolate chips as a nice little surprise. I heated up the griddle and sprayed it with non-stick spray. I started making the pancakes. Sara walked in with the boys when I started making them.

What can I do?

Check on the bacon to see if it's ready, and flip the pancakes when you see bubbles forming around the edges. I'm gonna start on the eggs.


She checks the bacon then walks next to me and grabs a spatula. She flips the pancakes and they aren't burnt at all. I whipped the eggs then poured them into the pan while Sara removed the pancakes from the griddle and added more.

By the time she finished with all of the pancakes, I was finished with the eggs and removed the bacon from the oven and onto a plate.

Breakfast is ready.

The boys wasted no time and quickly made their plates. Pigs. Sara and I took our time and put whipped cream and chocolate chips on our pancakes. I got four glasses and poured orange juice for everyone. Jace spoke first.

This is great. I haven't had chocolate chip pancakes in a long time.

I made them because you three helped me so much these past few days. Why not do something a little special? 

We finish eating and clean up the kitchen. Once everything is clean, We head back upstairs, and I get my phone, some money, and keys. They get their clothes and put them into a bag. We use the elevator this time after I see that it's almost 10. I walk out and head straight to the garage with them following me. I get on my bike and pull out and lock the house. Sara and the twins get into the truck and lead me to the swim shop, and we get there around 10:30. Sara drags me to the female section of the store and starts giving me random bikinis to try on.

I want to see you in every one of those. I know you might not like some of them, but we have to find you a style before we can choose a color.

I shrug and go into the changing room. I try on the first one which is nothing but strings. I was not walking out there.

I'm not coming out!

Yes, you are!

I look like a slut!

If you're not coming out, I'm coming in!

She came into the dressing room and looked at me and laughed.

You do look like a slut!

I change into the next one without even looking at it. I hear Sara gasp.

That's it! All we need now is the right color! I'll be right back.

She leaves and I look in the mirror. It's a blue strapless top bikini. The bottoms sit low on my hips and tie on the sides. My chest wasn't spilling out, and the bottom covered the majority of my butt. It was perfect except for the color. It made me look kinda sick. Sara came back a few minutes later with the same one except it was black-and-red. I loved it. I tried it on and it fit perfectly.

You're getting this.

I know and I don't look like a slut at all.

Maybe a little.

We both laughed, and I changed back into my clothes. We put the rest back, and Sara looked for her one. She chose a strapless one that was white and had a silver heart in the center of it. The bottom was just like mine except hers showed a little more than mine. She looked great. She changed back, and we paid for them. We walked out the store and saw Jace and Jake leaning against the car with bags in their hands. I raised an eyebrow at them, but don't say anything. I look at my phone and see that we have thirty minutes before 12.

Guys! We have to go. We have thirty minutes til 12.


We quickly get into our vehicles, and we basically raced to their house. We make it with 10 minutes to spare because we were basically speeding the entire time. We get out and head into the house. Their house was beautiful. It was two stories and looked like a log cabin. Right behind it was the forest and pool. The inside was this earthy green color with brown furniture. They had an open kitchen area with the stairs next to it. Greg was sitting on the couch watching a football game when we walked in.

Hey Greg.

Hey. You're just in time. Thanks for bringing my kids back.

They're all yours. They wore me out.

They spoke up then.


What? I cooked for you three times and stayed up all night.

They mumbled an apology.

Apology accepted.

Sara spoke up then.

Dad, we're gonna go up to my room.


She took my hand and pulled me upstairs to her room. The walls were this reddish-pink with white flowers. The floors were a dark hardwood. Her bed was white and the same reddish-pink. She had a wood desk with a printer and laptop on it. She had a small bookshelf with an oversized chair next to it. Her room was amazing.

Love the room.

I love your room better.

She dragged me to her bed and sat down on it. I sat down next to her.

What is it?

I'm just confused.

About what?

What should we call you now? You're not "Kimberly Gale Johnson" anymore.

I don't know. What can you come up with?

Izzy, Isa, Bella, Iz, and big sis.

You can call me any of those except for Iz.


That's a verb.

She laughed at that.

Ok. Now that that's out the way, how do you do it?

How do I do what?

How do you keep it all together?

Actually, I don't. I'm just an emotional wreck. I just keep my mind from remaining on it because if I start to think about it, I'll start crying, and you know how much I hate crying.

You know you just can't keep holding all of that inside right?

I know. One day, it will all come out and I won't be able to stop it. My parents died a few days after I was born. My adoptive family abused and emotionally scarred me for money. My grandparents died when I was about to start high school. I'm a billionaire, and can finally use the money how I want. I ran away to escape them. I was followed and chased after by people that were paid to force me back to them. I was starved for years on end. My adoptive family found a sick pleasure in torturing every day. I cooked and cleaned for them. I couldn't go to school. My room was the smallest closet in the attic. I wore hand me downs that were several sizes too big because I was almost skin and bones. The only happiness I had was coming here every summer and hanging out with you all, but that ended when my grandparents died.

I didn't even realize I was crying until I felt Sara hug me. I put my head on her shoulder and just cried. I don't know how long I did, but when I finally stopped, the sun was going down.

Sorry about your shirt.

It's just a shirt. You needed a shoulder to cry on.


Now that you have your emotions healed, we need to start planning this party.

I chuckled a little and wiped my face.


We started planning the entire party. Jace was gonna be the DJ. We would have the food catered. The cake was gonna be professionally done. Sara sent out all of the invitations. She was gonna do our hair and make-up. We were gonna put up the banner and tables tomorrow. We were gonna buy the cups, plates, and utensils tomorrow. The party started at seven. We had a lot to get done.

We continue to plan the party until we hear someone knocking on the door.

Who is it?

Your loveable twin brothers.

I laugh at that. They are anything but loveable.

What do you want?

Did Isabella go home yet?

No. Why?

Would she like to stay for dinner?

She turned to me.

Would you?

I shrug my shoulders.

She's staying.


Come on. Let's not keep them waiting. We can finish after.


Sara changes her shirt, and we get up and head back downstairs. All of them were in the kitchen sitting at the island.


Hey. Dinner is ready.


We sat down with them and started eating. They were having stuffed salmon with broccoli. It was really good. We simply talked throughout dinner. It was nice. I looked at the clock, and it was eight. Sara spoke up right about then.

Ok. Let's clean this up, so we can get back to planning.


We got up and cleaned up the kitchen. Right before we headed back upstairs, Greg started speaking.

Umm...Isabella, are you staying here or going home?

Sara spoke up before I could answer.

Yeah. Please stay.

She started giving me puppy dog eyes, so I couldn't say no. That look should be illegal.

I'll stay just stop giving me that look.

She looked smug and dragged me up to her room.

Wait! I don't have any clothes.

You can wear some of mine.

I didn't say anything after that. We went back to her room and sat back down on her bed.

Ok. Let's finish.

And finish is what we did. I think we finished around 1:00 in the morning.

Ok. Is that everything?

Yeah, but we're not going to help set up the party.


We have to get ready, and I'm your hair and make-up artist, so we have to get plenty of sleep. We're hiring people to set up the party for us, so you have nothing to worry about.


She gets up and heads to her closet. She comes out a few minutes later with two sets of clothes. She gives one to me and heads to her bathroom. I look around her room. She has random pictures of her and her friends doing the strangest things. I laugh at some of them. A pang of jealousy hits me, but I quickly push it away. I already know that they've had better lives than me, but I'm not gonna be jealous of them for it. That was how my life was supposed to go, and I'm gonna make the best of it.

Sara comes out almost an hour later fully clothed with her hair in a ponytail. I go in and take a shower. I put the clothes on that she gives me which are a little big, but I don't really mind it. I walk out and see Sara watching some show.

They are right. You do take shorter showers than me.

I chuckle at that.

That's because I just don't stand in the shower for 20 minutes.

Hey. I take offense to that.

You should have.

She pouts and I laugh.

Ok. Stop making fun of me. Let's get some sleep because we have a big day tomorrow.


I climb into the bed beside her.

Good Night!


She claps her hands and the lights go off. I quickly fall asleep.

I wake up the next morning to the sound of Sara screaming in my ear.

Wake up!

I jump up with a heart attack and a small scream. She laughs at my reaction.

What the hell? Are you trying to give me a heart attack?

You need to get up. We have seven hours until the party.


I have to start getting you ready in four hours, so we have to go to your house because you can't see the party until it starts.

Fine. Let me get dressed first.

She walks away and hands me some clothes.


You're welcome.

I head to the bathroom and take a shower. I put on the clothes she gives me which is a black half-shirt that completely shows my stomach, acid wash skinny jeans, a cropped motorcycle jacket, and a pair of black flats. I walk out and see her sitting on the bed waiting for me.



I grab my phone, keys, and clothes and head downstairs with Sara who has a large bag on her arm. When we make it downstairs, the caterers are in full effect. Movers are walking through the house carrying tables. It's crazy. I didn't even see Jace or Jake anywhere.

Are you serious?

Very. Come on. We have to go.

She grabs my arm and leads me through the crowd. I felt several eyes on me, but I paid them no mind. We quickly make our way through the crowd, and onto my bike. I gave her my helmet since I only had one, but before I pulled off, I blurted this out.

I want to get my belly button pierced.



Well, you should. There's a tattoo shop that does piercings in town.


I pull out and head to the town square. Sara gives me the directions from there. We get there in five minutes and head into the shop. A man is standing there with his arms completely covered in tattoos and his lip and eyebrow are pierced.

How can I help you?

I'm here to get my belly button pierced.

Ok. Choose a piercing.

I look at them and see a dream catcher with a small diamond. I choose it.

Umm... This one.

I point to it, and he nods his head. He leads me to a station, and I lay down in the chair. He wipes my belly button with an alcohol pad and sets up the piercing.

You're gonna feel a slight pinch.


I feel the pinch, and he wipes it clear. I stand up and look in the mirror. It looked great although it was a little red. We head to the counter where Sara was sitting.

That was quick.

It didn't really hurt.

It looks great.


You're gonna be fighting them off tonight. That, plus your looks will make you the hottest person there.

Thanks for boosting my anxiety.

You're very welcome.

I shake my head and pay for the piercing. He gives me some cleaner for it.

Come again anytime.

Ok, but can I change the piercing when it heals?



I choose some more piercings and pay for them. Sara and I walk out, get in the car, and head for my house. We get there in 10 minutes. I unlock the garage and park my bike. I grab my clothes, piercings, and the bag containing our bikinis out of the compartment. Sara had already gotten off with her large bag and took the helmet off. I unlock the house and head straight to my room after I put my dirty clothes in the laundry room. I really have to start doing my laundry. Sara was following close behind me. I unlocked my room and dumped everything on the bed. Sara takes her bag into the bathroom and starts unloading it. I see a waxing kit, make-up, and various hair products. I scrunch up my nose at the make-up. It's a pool party. I don't need make-up. She comes out a minute later.

Ok. I have the bathroom set up. Now, all we need to do is wait until two, so I can start.

Why do I have to wear makeup when it's a pool party?

You have to look absolutely perfect because it's your party, and the makeup is waterproof.

I still don't like it.

You're gonna have to deal with it today.

I pout and look away. She laughs, and I feel my stomach growling. I look at the clock and see that it's almost one.

I'm gonna make me something to eat. Do you want anything?

No. I ate already.


I leave my room and head downstairs. I decide to make a sandwich because I'll be eating later on anyway. I make a turkey sandwich and eat it in the kitchen. When I finish, I head back to my room. Sara is laying on the bed reading a magazine. I decide not to disturb her, and grab a book. I sit in my chair near the balcony and start reading.

A few hours later, Sara is poking me in my arm.


It's time to get ready. Go take a shower.

Why do I need to take a shower?

Instead of answering me, she pinched me.


Go take a shower.


I put the book up and go take a shower.

Make sure to wash your hair!

Yes, ma'am!

I finish and come out with my hair and body wrapped in a towel. Sara pulls me back into the bathroom and makes me sit on the stool I had in here. She towel-dries my hair then puts some mousse in it. She half-dries it with the blowdryer and puts large rollers in my hair. She sprays it with hairspray and moves on. She gets the waxing kit and makes sure no hair is on me. She moves on to my makeup. She cleans my face and adds eyeliner to my top and lower lids giving me small wings, mascara to make my eyelashes look fuller and longer, and nude lipgloss. She takes the rollers out of my hair and arranges the curls perfectly. She takes the curlers and curls the few pieces that she missed. She gives me my bikini, and I put it on. I look amazing. Nothing was out of place.

Wow! I look.....



Ok. Out. I need to get myself ready now. Just put on a pair of shorts and a tank top over it. Please don't ruin your hair.


I leave the bathroom and head straight to my closet. I put on a pair of shorts that stop a few inches below my butt, and a white half- tank that completely showed my new piercing and stomach. I looked hot, but not completely slutty. I put on a pair of flip-flops, and leave the closet. I go to my dresser and put on a black choker and a pair of black studs. I sat back down in the chair and continued reading the book while I waited on Sara. Sara walks out almost an hour later with her hair the same style as mine, but her makeup was a little heavier than mine. She was wearing her bikini and had her clothes in one hand, and her bag in another. She looked great. She puts on the clothes she had in her hand which was basically the same clothes as me except she had a full tank top.

Are you ready?

Yeah. Let's go. Wait!


We can't take your bike. It will ruin our hair.

So I have to drive a car now?


I made a face of displeasure. 

I don't like cars. 

Well, you're going to have to drive one today.

I groaned then caved.


I pick up all of her dirty clothes and give them to her. She puts them in the bag, and I grab my phone and a pair of sunglasses. We head back downstairs, and into the garage. I moved my bike and let the cars out. I chose the Aston Martin, so I grabbed the keys for it, and we get in and pull out with me locking the house behind us. We quickly make it to her house where I see no one. I give Sara a raised eyebrow, but don't say anything. As soon as I parked the car, Sara shoots out and heads into the house. I shake my head at her but play along. I know what she's trying to do. I get out the car, and head into the house. It was completely dark in there, but that soon ended when someone turned on the lights.


I jumped in shock and looked at all the people that were here. I knew she invited a lot of people, but this was ridiculous. There had to be at least 50 people here. I saw Jake, Jace, and Sara standing next to each other with smiles on their faces. I run over there and hug each of them.

Thank you so much!

Your welcome. I know you usually don't like big parties, but it is your 18th birthday. Which means you are officially an adult, so....

Jake interrupted him.

Let's dunk the birthday girl!


But it was too late. Jake threw me over his shoulder and ran to the pool. I was beating his back.

Let me go!

If you say so.

He jumped into the pool with me still on his shoulder. Water shot up my nose, and I sunk to the bottom of the pool. I quickly swim to the surface.

You jerk!

Why thank you. I pride myself on getting called a jerk at least twice a day.


I pulled myself out of the pool and wrung out my hair. We had a very large audience especially me. I look down at my clothes, and my shirt was see-through and shorts soaking wet. I took them off and got several whistles from the guys. I knew to stay away from them. I saw someone push a boy into the pool, and I knew the party had started. Jace went up to the DJ station and started playing music. They started dancing and eating. It was fun. I felt someone touch my shoulder. I turned around and saw the same guy who tried to talk to me in the mall. What was he doing here?

Hey Beautiful.

What do you want?

Just wanted to congratulate the birthday girl.

The type of congratulating you want to do is not what I need.

I started to walk away from him and go find Sara, but he stopped me by grabbing my arm.

Let go.

Why? I just want to know your name.


I'm Steve. Now isn't this better?

No. You haven't let me go.

And what happens if I don't?

I saw where we were standing. He was right by the pool.

Something along the lines of this.

I shoved him straight into the pool with me going with him. When we splashed into the pool, he finally let go, and I swam away from him. I got out on the other side where Sara was sitting there talking to some girls.


Hey! Bella, I want you to meet Tina, Karla, and Sam. They're my best friends.

She pointed to three girls. Tina had blonde hair with blue eyes. Karla had brown hair with green eyes, and Sam had black hair with grey eyes. All of them were beautiful.

Hey. I'm Isabella.

Sam spoke first.

Hey. I'm Sam and let me guess. Steve set his eyes on you?


Damn. You haven't even started school, and you have boys fighting over you already.

I hope not. It feels like I'm a piece of meat.

Karla spoke up then.

A very fine piece of meat. You outshine every girl here including the slut over there clinging to Steve.

I look over my shoulder and see a girl with fake platinum blonde hair, long acrylic nails, a bikini that leaves little to the imagination, and heels.

Who wears heels to a pool party?

All four of them answered.


I chuckle at that.

I'm guessing that's Hanna.

Tina answered then.

You would be right. How do you know her?

Jace and Jake warned me about them.

Be glad they did. They are the self-proclaimed power couple of the school even though Steve just uses her. She's been trying to get with those two since they joined the football team which was freshman year.

Damn. She sure is persistent.

Yeah. She is. She won't stop until she gets what she wants.

Ok. Now I know I have to learn how to fight.

They laugh at that. All of them speak at the same time.

Sucks to be you.

I groan at my situation. How am I gonna handle horny teenage boys, and backstabbing barbies? I suddenly need something to drink.

I'm gonna get something to drink. Does anyone want anything?

Sara jumps up for some reason, and volunteers to go get them.

Why? You must be hiding something?

You're lying.

She curses under her breath.

I just don't want you to see it yet.

Fine. I'll let you keep this surprise.

What do you mean by that?

I knew you set this up as a surprise party as soon as you ran into the house. I was just surprised by the number of people.

You're no fun.

And with that, she walked off. She comes back a minute later with five drinks. She gives each of us one. I take a sip and feel a burn down my throat.

Alcohol? Really?

Yup. You're legal now.

Except I'm underaged.

Minor details. Now drink.

All four of them take huge swallows of their drinks. I look at mine. Why not? I take a huge gulp of mine, but I feel no buzz. Even after a few minutes, I feel nothing. I guess I can hold my liquor pretty well. I can tell by the smell that it's vodka and fruit punch. Sara and her friends, unfortunately, are already laughing at everything.

As the party got even later, the more people that got drunk, but right at 10, Sara made her way to the DJ station, and grabbed a microphone.

Hey. Can I have your attention?

Everyone turned towards her.

As you know, today is a certain someone's birthday. I need that person to come to the DJ station.

I shake my head at her, but get up, and head there. I feel everyone's eyes on me as I make my way up there. As soon as I make it up there, Sara pulls me toward a table with a large cake with lit candles on it.

Are you serious?

Yes. Now stand there and look pretty.

I pout and cross my arms. Several people laugh at me.

Ok. One, two, three!

They started singing Happy Birthday, and a smile made its way onto my face. When they sang the final note, I hear Jake yelling something about Christmas, and I laugh and close my eyes. I make a wish and blow out the candles. As soon as I blew out the candles, I heard Sara.

Let's eat!

She handed me a plate, fork, and a knife, and I cut the cake. I quickly get out the way, so I wouldn't get run over. When the final person got a piece, over half the cake was gone. I tried the cake. It was amazing. It was a chocolate cake with red and black fondant. I loved it. As soon as everyone was finished, Sara used the mic again.

Ok. Now, I know y'all didn't bring anything for the birthday girl becase it was so last minute, dad actually got you something, Bella. I have no clue what it is, but he said to make sure I give it to you.

She gives me a small box, and I opened it to reveal a note and a jewelry box. I read the note first.

Dear Isabella,

I know you've been crying over a lot of things, so I got something that will cheer you up. I know you will probably say that's too much, or I can't accept it, but it's from me. You're probably wondering why I didn't attend your party. The reason was because of my lovely children. You can thank all of them for that. You're also wondering how I know your real name, but you can thank Jace for that. Anyway, Happy Birthday.


Gregory Henderson

P.S. I now have to find you a new nickname. How about Izzy?

I shake my head and laugh at the letter. That's just like him. I put the note back n the box, and take out the jewelry box. I give Sara the box with the note in it. Sara was craning her neck just to see in the jewelry box. I open it and gasp.

It was a diamond charm bracelet with a locket. There was a motorcycle, paintbrush, a small wave, a wolf, and a book. I open the locket to reveal a picture of my grandparents and an engravement.

Though they are gone, they will always remain in our hearts.

I love it. I hold back the tears this time. Sara sees my reaction and gives me a hug.

No tears! You're not supposed to cry on your birthday.

I slightly chuckle, wipe my eyes, and see the black stains on my hand.

You said this was water-proof.

I show her my hand.

It was supposed to be.

I shake my head, put on the bracelet, and grab a drink off the table.

Let's get back to partying, shall we?

Hell yeah!

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