
By MegynHamilton

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Fonttale is an AU where skeletons have a special power related to their font name. A Normal Font Comic Sans f... More

Chapter One: Unseen and Unheard
Chapter two: A Horror-ible Friendship
Chapter Three: What the Future Holds
Chapter Four: Born To Suffer
Chapter Five: Helping The Captain
Chapter Six: Wake-Up Call
Chapter Seven: A King's Duty
Chapter Eight: In His Shoes
Chapter Nine: Sugar Whore
Chapter Ten: A Brother's Bond
Chapter Eleven: A True Hero Is Born
Chapter Twelve: Fonts and Thoughts
Chapter Thirteen: Sick To Death
Chapter Fourteen: Memories Fade, Trauma Doesn't
Chapter Fifteen: Hear No Evil
Chapter Sixteen: Memory Issues
Chapter Seventeen: Daddy Issues
Chapter Eighteen: Problem Child
Chapter Nineteen: You Can't Choose Your Family
Chapter Twenty: A Judge Judges
Chapter Twenty-One: The Great Papyrus
Chapter Twenty-Two: Retirement
Chapter Twenty-Three: Balance
Chapter Twenty-Four: The Doctor Is In
Chapter Twenty-Five: Making Friends
Chapter Twenty-Six: Lying In The Spotlight
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Hope In Horrible Places
Chapter Twenty-Eight: If You Make Yourself A Problem
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Creepy Crawler
Chapter Thirty: Brainstorming
Chapter Thirty-Two: Turning Over A New Leaf
Chapter Thirty-Three: Carrying On
Chapter Fourteen: Twisted Love

Chapter Thirty-One: A Hero Arises, Another Falls

146 7 9
By MegynHamilton

Ugh! Where is it? I know she has at least ONE! Clattering could be heard inside of Undyne's bedroom as San's went through all the things on her dresser.

The room was a total mess. It looked and smelled like someone had confused her room with the dump at Waterfall. Socks and tank tops littered the entire room and the dressers, making it impossible to tell whether or not she had a carpet, wooden, or tile floor. There were even socks on the fan still spinning around slowly above her bed.

And Papyrus thought MY room was bad. He'd flip if he saw this mess.

The small skeleton nearly tripped over a pile of clothes as he tried to reach the chain attached to the fan. Reaching it, he pulled and the light came on making him cringe as he saw all the anime movies and figurines thrown haphazardly onto the next dresser. Not all of them were PG.

I know she has a hairbrush SOMEWHERE. She has to!

Not that he really needed a hair from the captain's head to bring her back. Anything from her would do as long as it was biotic, he just figured a hairbrush would be easier to find.

He was wrong.

This makes me want to clean my room.

UGH! Sans cried out sharply as he almost tripped over something hard hidden within the clothes. he had no idea what it was.

This makes me want to get a NEW room.

Giving up on the bedroom, Sans decided to try the bathroom instead, struggling to reach the door through the sea of clothes. Opening the door to the next room, he found that it wasn't a bathroom, it just smelled like one.

It was of course a workout room. Sans figured Undyne would have one somewhere in the house as big as it was. Unlike the bedroom, this area was neat and tidy with weights stacked up in a corner and the blue carpet vacuumed and spotless. Mirrors lined the walls reminding him of the lab.

I haven't really gotten a good look at myself yet after my font change. Am I really that different from before appearance wise?

Stepping in front of the mirror, he blinked a couple times to make sure what he was seeing wasn't some kind of illusion. He looked so much different from his usual self that it was somewhat surreal. It was like seeing a long-lost twin; it was him, but also a stranger.

Is this...really me?

I look so different...

Sans looked down at his doctor's robe. It had appeared on him the moment his font changed for some reason. He hadn't of given it much thought until now however.

I look like a crazed doctor...then again I am a Horror now, I'm supposed to look scary.

Is this what Papyrus sees all the time though?

Curious, he let his eyes glow green and ended up immediately stopping. A chill had gone through him as he gazed into his green-eyed reflection. He had the same aura as his brother coming from his sockets, but the fact that he liked it made him uncomfortable.

Heh, I guess i'm still a Normy on the inside huh?

Maybe the bathroom is somewhere around here...

Walking away from the mirrors and past a workout bench he noticed a sweat towel lying there having obviously been used. For a brief moment he wondered if he could use Undyne's sweat to bring her back, the moment quickly passed however, when he decided he didn't want to.

Let's save that as a last resort...

Turning a corner he finally found another door and opened it to reveal exactly what he was searching for. On the edge of the sink lay a hairbrush covered in red hair.

I can bring Undyne back with this!

Grabbing some hair from the brush he repeated the same process as before with his brother's bone.

I'll bring Undyne and everyone else back from the dead if I can, then bro will love me more than freaking Comic Sans. He'll see that I'm better this way and forget all about the old me...

As the glowing stopped, Sans smiled and let out a relieved sigh. His happiness was short-lived however, when Undyne opened her eyes and he realized he had made a mistake.

"Wh-What happened? Sans?"

Sup' Undyne? Gotta go!

"Hey wait!" yelled Undyne as the small skeleton took a shortcut. She looked around the bathroom for a minute.



Papyrus sat in the grass chewing on the knuckle of his glove. He didn't like when Sans left without telling him where he was going, it always made him nervous.

"Relax Bonebag, after he's through having his little bitch fit, he'll come craaawling back with an apology," said Flowey waving a leaf. He had watched Papyrus's brother long enough to tell exactly where this was going. "He'll probably be sobbing and begging you to forgive him like a drunk that beats his wife. PLLEEEEEASE TAKE ME BACK PAPYRUS!" imitated Flowey clasping his leaves together pleadingly.

Papyrus gave him a look that said "shut the hell up" and turned away. He didn't feel like listening to jokes right now.

He didn't WANT Sans to come back upset. He hated his brother's constant self-hate. He hated listening to it.

He's such a good guy, why can he not see that?

Even if it WAS his nature to hate himself he's a different Font now, so why does he still hate Comic Sans so much?

"I know what'll cheer you up Pappy!" exclaimed Flowey sticking his tongue out and winking.

Ohhhh dear...

"I have a plan to free Horror from the ground..."

Papyrus looked up. "Really? Pray tell."

The tiny flower shook his head. "I'll tell you all about it when Smiley comes back. That way he'll be happy and we can skip this afternoon's soap opera." Flowey's eyes grew wide. "Let's bribe him! Let's say we have a plan, but he has to come back to hear it! Get out your phone!"

Papyrus did as he was told and dialed Sans' number.

One ring...two rings...three...

No answer.

"That little drama queen! What's his problem?!"

"He's probably in the middle of doing that tele-thing he does."

"BullCRAP! He's probably sitting near that ugly music box statue, feeling sorry for himself, and letting the water get him all wet because it's saaaaad..." said Flowey hanging his head and leaves in mock depression.

Papyrus couldn't help but laugh at that one. It was true Sans had been a bit teary-eyed these last two days. Papyrus was use to being the dramatic one in the family.

I wish I could help him though.

"Excuse me, Flowey was it? Are you talking about that statue in the Resort? I'll have you know that was a memorial to my son Asriel," said the king offended.

"Then why'd you let Mettaton replace it with a statue of himself?" asked Flowey.

"He did what?!" Asgore stood up from his throne angrily. That statue may have not been the best craftsmanship, but it was built with love! Toriel even put his favorite music box in there before she left! Did that robot really have the gall...?

"Yeah, he took the statue of your son and put it somewhere in Waterfall."

"How dare he?!"

"Shhh...You'll wake the baby," said Stranger Danger pointing to the baby bones still clinging to Asgore. They were fast asleep, tired from today's little adventure.

The sight of Broken Baby slumbering peacefully was all it took to calm His Highness. He sat back down and rubbed the baby's back gently.

Papyrus smiled at the sight, remembering how his brother used to hold him all the time, though most of those times Sans had been angry with him. Sometimes the Horror Font yearned for the days when he was that small and could be picked up and loved anywhere.


"You've got quite a mouth on ya' dontcha' brat?"


Flowey smiled at Bloodthirsty and did a little wiggling dance. "Is part of your font being a jerk? Cause' that's what you're being."

"Ehhhrrrnnn..." Broken Baby began to stir, their nap disturbed by Bloodthirsty's yelling.

"Easy child, return to the realm of dreams," cooed Papyrus petting the baby's little head with his soft glove.

"Ah ha..." The baby bones reached out for Papyrus and Asgore handed them to him smiling.

"Nyeh heh heh heh heh...who's a sleepy little baby bones?"

"*Yawn*" Broken baby smiled and went back to sleep, curling up against Papyrus's battle body.


"I wonder if Smiley's bringing everyone back from the dead? He needs to if I'm gonna break the barrier..." whispered Flowey.

"I don't want him pushing himself too hard."

"Geez! So selfish know that's why he's not here right?"

Papyrus looked up from the baby to Flowey, surprised. That was twice he'd heard someone say that. "You...think I'm being selfish?"

"Uh yeah, you're always talking about what YOU want. What about Smiley? What about your ol' pal Flowey?"

"I SAID you'll get the souls later when we have everything figured out." said Papyrus sternly, glaring at the flower.

"You gotta wait a little longer kay'?" Stranger Danger straightened out her bloody blue dress and played with the petals of a nearby flower.

"I don't GOT to do anything! This is ridiculous! Let's just plan as we go along!"

"That's dumb," said No Fear leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

"YOU'RE dumb!"

"Eeeehhhh..." whined Broken Baby. As comfortable as they were, this was not a good place for baby's to nap apparently.

"Quiet down now Flowey. You'll wake the little one..." said Asgore worriedly. 

"I don't care about the friggen' baby! This is stupid!"

"EEEAAHHH!" Broken Baby started to cry loudly.

"*Sigh*" Frisk walked over to Papyrus and took out a Crab Apple, taking a little piece off; they put it in Broken Baby's mouth. The baby clicked their mouth a few times, noticing something sweet had been put into it. They turned to Chara and reached for the Crab Apple.

"Tank you. You's a loud flower..."

Flowey's mouth dropped open in shock.

Is the BABY telling me to shut up now?!

"Hmph!" Flowey crossed his leaves. "I don't have to take this. I'm gonna go hang out with Smiley. At least HE doesn't bully me." Flowey blew a raspberry at everyone before taking off underground.

"THATFLOWER'S A FUCKING ASSHOLE," said Bloodthirsty in shock.


Sans' shortcut took him back home where he sat on the couch to rest. It had only been one person at a time, but each time he brought someone back, it took a lot out of him. To tell the truth, he hadn't been feeling so hot since he took that green stuff.

"Howdy Smiley!" said Flowey poking his head up from behind the couch. "Gosh, you look sick!" He used a vine to move himself forward and hover right in front of the woozy skeleton.

Sans FELT sick. His head was spinning like a merry-go-round, and his vision was blurring together like a watercolor painting. He was sweating profusely and breathing heavily, his soul beating wildly in his ribcage. He could hear Flowey's voice, but he sounded so far away...

"Golly! You don't think it could've been something you ate? Or perhaps it was something you drank..." Flowey put a leaf to Sans' head. "Wowie, you're burning up! I guess that green stuff was expired or something..."


It was true that Sans had no idea how old that font changing potion thing was, but if Gaster had been the one to give it to Asgore it had to of been at least ten years old...

A-Am am I gonna die?

He felt a cold chill run through his bones at the prospect. It settled in his chest and refused to leave. Could he take a shortcut to the Throne Room? SHOULD he take a shortcut to the Throne Room?

Nausea hit the small skeleton like a truck and he fell onto his side on the couch. Leaning over he threw up bright green liquid onto the floor.

"EEEWWW! Smiley! Shame on you!"

Rolling onto his back, Sans looked up to see his HP slowly start to drop.

I-I AM HP is...


Flowey's eyes grew wide as he saw the Font's HP start to drop. "Hey! Hey, are you actually dying?! You can't die yet idiot; I need you for my master plan!"

I need to call my bro...I need to apologize...

Sans struggled to pull out his cell phone and hit Papyrus's number. Hitting the buttons took everything he had; he cursed himself inwardly for not putting his brother on speed dial.

He only had half of his HP now.

One ring..."Hello, Sans?"

Heh heh...hey bro.

"Sans are you alright? I can barely hear you!"

I'm sorry, okay? i'm really sorry pap...

"What do you mean you're sorry?! SANS!"

Sans dropped the phone and closed his eyes smiling.

I did it. I said I was sorry. It's okay now. Everything's gonna be okay...


"Listen to me you piece of crap! Don't you dare die now!" Flowey dropped on top of Sans and began fanning him with his leaves. "I can break the barrier stupid! I can set us all free, but you have to bring everyone back from the dead or I won't have the power!"

Sans didn't answer. He could no longer hear Flowey or anything else for that matter. He felt warmth coil around him like he was being wrapped in a soft blanket...

How long had it been since he'd had a nap?

I'm so this death?



It's nice.

"We can save the world! You wanna save the world dontcha'?"



Sans' HP dropped to one and Flowey frowned opening the door to leave. "Stupid skeleton, you ruin I have to go to plan B."


The phone dropped from Papyrus's hand as he heard his brother turn to dust.

Flowey picked up Sans' phone with a vine before heading outside. "Alright, that clearly didn't work out, but I think I have another plan and the good news is your brother's isn't here to screw it up!" said Flowey happily. "Can we talk about those souls now?"


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