best friends brother // joe s...

By dancinggravesss

4.3K 128 18

a love story where a girls falls for her best friends annoyingly cute brother More

*not an update*
another author's note


140 7 2
By dancinggravesss

9/5 - saturday

Lydia's POV

It was the Saturday after Joe and I made up, and a week in my scan. It's also the day of mine and Joe's date.

Zoe came around early this morning. We were planning on filming a video for my channel so before she could arrive, I set up my camera and lights in front of my bed. My outfit consists of a black crop top with colourful flowy pants. The first thing Zoe said when she entered my house was 'I really like that outfit on you!' I replied with 'Thanks, gotta make the most of this body while I still have it, right?' We both stood there laughing for five minutes non-stop. Once we were both calm, we made our way down to my bedroom.

My bedroom is unusually warm from the lights being on, and my camera sits lonely in front of my bed.

Soon enough we're both seated in front of the camera, getting ready to start the video.

"Hi guys, Lydia here! Today I have a special guest with me, as you can see. Here with me I have Zoella! We're going to be playing Never Have I Ever! I got Zoe to pick some Never Have I Ever's that you guys sent in, so I have no idea what's been picked... And if we've done it then we have to hold up a sign, and if we haven't we hold up the other," I smile softly at the camera as Zoe starts with her first one.

"Never have I ever watched porn with someone else."

"I watched it with you once," I say, holding up the 'I have' sign.

"Oh yeah!" Zoe says, as she bursts out laughing. "Okay next. Never have I ever accidentally said 'I love you' to someone."

I laugh and hold up my 'I have' sign. "I once said it to the pizza man. I just love pizza so much."

She does a few more innocent ones until we get to the final one. She looks at me with a cheeky look in her eyes and a smirk on her face.

"Never have I ever had a crush on or fallen in love with a friends sibling."

"Fuck you, Zoe, you chose that on purpose!" I say, with no seriousness in my voice.

"Of course I did, now hold up the sign," I flash my eyes down and hold up my 'I have' sign as Zoe holds up her 'I have not' sign. "So which one is it?" I look at her, confused. "Had a crush on or fallen in love with?" She explains.

"Uh, a bit of both, I guess. Probably the latter at the moment..."

"Aw! So you love Joe?" Zoe says, her voice perking up.

"No, I said I've fallen in love with him, not that I love him. There's a difference."

"What's the difference?"

"In my opinion, you can only really love someone if you've been together for a little while. If you've fallen in love with them it means you've had feelings for a long time that could result in love if you ended up together. So I've fallen in love with Joe, but I don't love him. Not yet. And I am definitely editing this out!" I say my goodbyes before shutting off my camera.

We spend the rest of the day watching TV and eating. At 5o'clock, we decide to head to my room again to get ready.

As Zoe does my makeup, I try my best to calm the nerves that were racing through me. By the time she was done, I had dark smokey eyes, with dark red lips to match with my dress. I slip on my dress and shoes as Zoe carefully curls my messy hair. I'm just about to slip my coat on when the doorbell sounds through the house, interrupting the soft silence that Zoe and I had been sitting in. She rushes through the house to open the door as I walk slowly down the hall, grabbing my phone and purse. By the time I reach the lounge, Joe stands there wearing a dark suit, his blonde hair styled to perfect. We make eye contact as he turns around, his eyes almost popping out his head.

"Wow Lydia, you looking gorgeous," Zoe giggles next to him, proud of her work.

"Well, you two kids better get going, don't wanna be late," Zoe shuffles us out the door, pulling it shut behind her.

Once Joe and I are alone in the car, he grabs my hand, linking together our fingers.

"You look fucking amazing tonight, Lyds," My cheeks flush a light pink and I turn my head slightly.

"So do you, Joe, God you look good."

He takes me to a small restaurant in the middle of London, an Italian restaurant. We make small talk as we eat, Joe with his pizza and me with my pasta, both of us just enjoying the food and each others presence. I can't help but grin as I watch Joe, happy that he's here with me tonight. Despite the fact that he could have anyone he wants, with his good looks and amazing personality, he's still here with me tonight.

"What are you staring at?" He asks. I just shake my head because really, I wasn't staring at anything, and I didn't want to boost his ego by telling him what I really thought.

He next takes me to a park, lit only by the moonlight. We were snuggled next to each other on a blanket only meant for one, when he unexpectedly stands up pulling me up with him.

"We're going to dance," He switches on music from his phone as we stand there, swaying to it. His hands rest on the small of my back, and mine are tied behind his neck. Almost four songs later, he pulls back. "Hey, Lydia, can I ask you something?"


"Will you be my girlfriend? I mean, we're basically together anyway, and it will be easier for the babies to have parents that are together..." I chuckle as his rambling and roll my eyes at his nervousness. Instead of answering, I step forward, our bodies as close as they could be. Our lips find each other, and they mold together almost perfectly. He kisses back straight away, and we stand like this for god knows how long, my fingers tangled in his soft hair and his roaming my back. I pull back, too soon, heavily breathing.

"Of course I'll be your girlfriend, Sugg."


Sooooooo , they're finally together!!!!!!!

Also I'm almost at 400 reads, which I know isn't that much but it's still an achievement! Much love to all my readers xo

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