City of Blind ✓

By WhiskyInATeacup

4.3M 200K 91.8K

The whole city was blind until a certain silver eyed stranger held Astrid at a gunpoint. More

Let's know our characters ;)
Introducing The Parker Clan!
Elephants dancing in my brain
Way to make first impression, I already don't like you Alex
I lost my first kiss to a rollerskating jerk!
Mystery boy!
I heart you
Revenge is a sweet feeling
Pillow talks
Call me maybe?
How am I supposed to rest?
Let the games begin!
Who thought Felix could be like this?
Hating me isn't hard after all
My brother and his future wife
The jerk called Connor Brown
Parker children are officially crazy!
Future girlfriend
Prankster Astrid!
Give our sister and take yours!
"Me and you will undergo a more energetic reaction then Potassium and water"
Nerdy date
Payback is a female dog after all
Let's entertain you some more
I am happy
Is it me or normal parties look like this only?
you have no clue
"Just, don't kill my brother, okay?"
Night changes
Saviour of a different kind
I have a question!
'How to be a FBI agent'- a 101 by Liam Williams
My suit for your funeral is ready!
Drunk on kisses
In a nutshell
Playing the duty of Astrid's personal Sherlock Holmes
Secrets Written In The Document
Discussion And Announcement Of A Q/A Session
How dare you hurt my sister?!
It's time to make it right.
You guys can call me Alex, you know
What went down in the dark
Still the same
How much will that stupid punch on Felix cost me?
"I am proud of you, little tiger."
Not so fast
"I already listened to Aiden, thank you very much."
Truths and sorries
Thank you so much
Still the clumsy chick.
"Slapping you helped a lot."
Lilix ;)
"Perfect sibling moment"
"I like the sound of munchkin."
"You owe me something, Duckling."
"How are you feeling?"
"You are so dead, Astrid. So dead."
"You are exceptionally violent today."
Heart to heart
Your destiny awaits
Bonus Chapter!

Hey! I am a nerd, alright?

61.4K 3.1K 1.1K
By WhiskyInATeacup

Cody Christian is such a cutie!

*Fans like a fangirl*


"So, would you like to tell me what happened between you and Liam?"

I stopped and sighed, keeping the little spoon in cookie dough ice cream tub. I turned to face Neal who was avoiding an eye contact by busying himself with his vanilla ice cream.

"Actually, no. I am kind of trying to forget that anything ever happened."

He looked panicked for a second before he recovered and plastered a mischievous expression.

"Something romantic happened?" I scoffed.

"Liam hates me. Having something romantic with him is as probable as gold undergoing oxidation."

"But gold never oxidises?" he asked in confusion.

"Exactly my point."

He laughed and shook his head as I resumed melting my worries in my ice cream.

"Sometimes, I feel like you are the nerd and I am the jock."

"Hey! I am nerd, alright?" I whined and pouted as he looked at me teasingly.

"Whatever you say, Astrid." I noticed the accent again.

"Is this your birthplace?" his face contorted into confusion at sudden topic change.

"Why?" he cleared his throat.

"There is a slight accent in your speech."

"Oh, that! I spent a few years in Malaysia and picked up a slight accent."

I nodded, satisfied by the answer. Silence settled between us. I finished my ice cream and threw it in the dustbin near the park bench, Neal followed.

"Ryder and Lizette asked me for a get together on Monday. Would you mind joining me? I don't feel like third wheeling." He asked after some time.

I bit my lip guiltily and shook my head.

"I have plans with Alex." His eyes flashed at Alex's name and I couldn't figure out the reason.


"What's up with you and Alex?" he panicked at my query.

"Nothing. Why?"

"Don't lie to me. I have seen you murder each other with glares."

He sighed in defeat. "Personal history. I don't want to talk about it, Astrid."

He added the last part when he saw me open my mouth. I nodded glumly.

My eyes fell on the swing set in front of us and I smiled at the memory of Asher and Aiden pushing me to swing higher as I laughed, carefree.

"You wanna swing?" I looked back at Neal and mirrored his smile as I nodded.

He stood up and stretched his hand for me. I hesitantly took his hand as he tugged me up. My cheeks flared and tummy got swarmed by butterflies at the innocent skin to skin contact. It didn't help when he didn't let go and intertwined our fingers.

I let go of his hand to sit on swing and he went behind me. I giggled childishly when my feet left the ground and swing gained momentum.

For once in a long while, I feel like a child again.


I paused the reruns of teen wolf and craned my head back as I heard jingling of keys.

Aiden entered.

"You're home early?" he nodded.

"I needed to talk to you." I nodded as I totally saw that one coming.

"Where is Asher?"

"He is hanging out with Rose after his duty." He replied with a sigh as he dropped keys in key bowl while dancing around to remove his socks. He dropped next to me on the couch once he was done.

"What was all of the Liam thing about? Asher told me why you didn't make it to Physics."

"Believe me, Aid, I had to be a bitch to save his butt."

"Care to elaborate."

I sighed and shook my head. "I can't."

"What do you mean you can't? Did he do something? What are you hiding, Astrid?" his eyes narrowed.

"He didn't do anything, Aiden. I can't tell you what went down between us but that bitchiness was totally an act."

"I know that. I know that you're not a bitch, squirt. But seriously? We are keeping secrets now?"

"Don't you have secrets, Aid? I am sure there are things that I should know but I am not even aware of-"

"What do you mean?" Aiden paled. I raised an eyebrow but decided to leave it and focus on getting my point through his skull.

"Nothing. Just leave it, Aid. It's between me and Liam." He contemplated for a second before nodding.


"Can you talk to Asher for me?"

He nodded absently.

I sighed in relief. "Now can I enjoy my date?"

"YOU'VE A DATE?!" I flinched at his loudness.

"Calm your tities, I am talking about Dylan O'Brien!"

"You and your obsessions!" He mumbled and rolled his eyes.

"No need to be jealous, peasant! You can join us too." I declared. Aiden glared at me but begrudgingly let me cuddle on his side. I swear I felt him smile against my hair.

"You are my miracle, Astrid. I couldn't have asked for a better sister."

I looked up at Aiden and smiled.

"I love you, brother dear."

"I love you too, baby sister."


I took a deep breath and willed myself. Knocking his window hesitantly, I waited for a response. As expected, I didn't get one. I knocked again and again and again but got absolutely no answer.

I huffed.

A plan formulated in my brain as I carefully climbed down the roof and landed on ground. Quickly rounding the fence, I rang the neighbour's doorbell. I heard shuffling and footsteps before the door swung open.

"Hi, Samantha."

"Astrid? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. I just-"

"Astrid? Mom is Astrid on door?" I chuckled at Kim's question.

"Yeah, Kim. Astrid's on door." Samantha shook her head and smiled. "She is hopelessly in love with you. Come in."

I nodded and tried to hide the smile when Kim came running to me.

"Hi, Astrid."


Footsteps resounded when a nervous Liam stumbled downstairs. I bit back a sinister grin.

"Liam, I think Astrid is here for you?"

"Actually Samantha-"

"Astrid, my binder is in my room actually. Care to accompany me and sort what all you need yourself?"

I almost laughed at the amount of strain he was putting in his words. Samantha looked suspicious but didn't comment as Janet joined us.

"Oh hey, Astrid."

"Hey, Janet. I will catch up to you guys later, I have to sort some notes right now."

I emphasized on notes as Liam glared at me before asking me to follow him. I hopped upstairs following his gloomy self. Once we were inside the perimeter of his room and out of earshot, he turned and gave me the deadliest glare possible.

"What are you doing here?!"

"I told you that I never learned to give up and I am not letting-"

"Cut the bullshit, Astrid! Why are you stuck like a leech to me? What exactly do you want?! One second you are pretending to help me and next moment, you are threatening me using my moms. One second you are insulting me in front of whole school and next moment you punch a jerk for me! What do you-?"

"You saw that?"

"Almost every student of Eastwood high saw that." He scoffed.

"What do you mean?" I ask, incredulously.

"Some girl recorded your little encounter with dare I quote 'prince charming' of Eastwood High and uploaded it on Facebook. It's viral."

I paled with every word he spoke.

"I am sorry-"

"See, that's your problem! You won't apologize for what you said to me but you will apologize for what you did for me! I have absolutely no idea what kind of puzzle you are, Astrid Jane Parker!"

I bit my lip sheepishly and looked away. I heard him sigh.

"Why won't you give up-?"

"I can't!" his eyes widened at my outburst. "I promised myself that I won't ever give up on someone ever! If I wouldn't have given up, I possibly had my mom alive! I possibly had every bit of my memory but I gave up and-" I took a sharp breath. He looked at me with wide eyes.

"I am so-"

"Don't be. Just let me help you."

He studied my face for a while and nodded gingerly.


Acting on impulse, I gave him a brief hug and pulled away before he could snap out of daze.

"I didn't mean any of words I said to you today. I-"

"You were trying to beat me in my game and save me from your brother at same time. I know."

I blinked and nodded.

He figured out?

I can totally see him as a future FBI agent.

"I gotta go. But see you in 2 minutes. Till then, keep a lullaby in mind." I winked as he shook his head and chuckled.

I happily skipped downstairs and said goodbye to Janet, Samantha and almost asleep Kim, only to comeback through Liam's window.


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