Take Good Care Of My Baby-Seq...

By Footiequeen8

249K 5.2K 501

Cristiano had hoped, wanted and wished for one thing. A child of his own. After a series of up and downs, his... More

Chapter 1- Joy And Emotion
Chapter 2-You Know Who Isn't Here
Chapter 3- Glad Some Things Haven't Changed
Chapter 4-Remember That
Chapter 6- Winners Kiss or Not
Chapter 7-Teaching Papa
Chapter 8- She's Just The Babysitter
Chapter 9- Who's Her Fave?
Chapter 10- I Can Handle Him
Chapter 11- Getting Too Close?
Chapter 12-I Was Always The One Who Could
Chapter 13-Betrayal
Chapter 14- Full Of Visitors Today
Chapter 15- Perfect Family?
Chapter 16- Fun Over Breakfast
Chapter 17- Muffin Man
Chapter 18- Just Go Ronaldo
Chapter 19- Are You Kidding Me?
Chapter 20- You Can Have What I Don't Want
Chapter 21- Bag Of Trouble
Chapter - Doesn't Want To Play With Me
Chapter 23- Play Fair
Chapter 24- Tension Starting?
Chapter 25- Stranger Than Usual
Chapter 26-Protecting Him
Chapter 27- Fit To Snap
Chapter 28- Not Some Dog
Chapter 29- Watch It
Chapter 30- Beginning To Wonder Why
Chapter 31- Go To Hell
Chapter 32- I Have Know One
Chapter 33- Not My Fault
Chapter 34- Home Truths From The Family
Chapter 35- I Know Why I'm Sorry
Chapter 36- Can We Get Past?
Chapter 37- She Hates Me
Chapter 38- Don't Ever Lie To Me
Chapter 39- That's What I Get?
Chapter 40- I Just Wish
Chapter 41- Childish Games
Chapter 42- You Should Do That More Often
Chapter 43-Feisty Girl
Chapter 44- Do I Like You That's Different
Chapter 45- Good Things Never Change
Chapter 46- Friends Ya?
Chapter 47- Playing Nicely
Chapter 48- I Won't Let Anyone Hurt You
Chapter 49- Could Be The Reason She Breaks
Chapter 50- Nothing To Worry About
Chapter 51- Ever Wish You Hadn't Picked?
Chapter 52- What Ever Normal Is
Chapter 53- Let The Games Begin
Chapter 54- Always Did Like
Chapter 55- A Blessing and Nearly A Curse
Chapter 56-Mind Your Eyes
Chapter 57- Tell Me What To Do
Chapter 58- How Do You Prepare?
Chapter 59- Hit A Nerve
Chapter 60- Let's Say It How It Is
Chapter 61- One Baby Step Forward and Three Backwards
Chapter 62-Papa's Foolish Thing
Chapter 63- Everyone's Friend But Mine Apparently
Chapter 64- Wait Is This?
Chapter 65- I Wouldn't Be Opposed To It
Chapter 66- Shopper Helper
Chapter 67- Feeling
Chapter 68- Just Like His Mothers
Chapter 69- Wasn't Cheap
Chapter 70- I Didn't Force
Chapter 71- Believe What You Want
Chapter 72- What's Bothering You?
Chapter 73- Needing To Tell Someone
Chapter 74-Something On Your Mind?
Chapter 75- Why Don't We
Chapter 76- Surprise
Chapter 77- I Doubt She'll Notice
Chapter 78- Learning Something Unexpected
Chapter 79- You're Biting Your Lip
Chapter 80- Breakfast With
Chapter 81- Is That A Problem?
Chapter 82- Pep Talks
Chapter 83- Photo Shoot Fun
Chapter 84- Take The Credit
Chapter 85- A Push In A English Direction
Chapter 86- Doubting Mind
Chapter 87- You Get Used To Things
Chapter 88- Protective or Controlling?
Chapter 89- Dinner With A Side Of Laughter
Chapter 90- A Smitten Rose
Chapter 91- In Need Of A Pep Talk
Chapter 92- What Could Be Better?
Chapter 93- Not Needed
Chapter 94- If You Go Down To The Lake Today
Chapter 95- Under The Stars
Chapter 96- Guess Who's Coming For Dinner
Chapter 97- Nothing Changes
Chapter 98- A Leading Question?
Chapter 99- What Is Best?
Chapter 100- Nothing Left To Say
Chapter 101- Time To Say Goodbye?
Chapter 102- First Night Away From Him Ever
Chapter 103- The Blame Game
Chapter 104- So Do I
Chapter 105- Remember What Is Truly Best
Chapter 106- I Can't Do Anything Right When It Comes To You
Chapter 107- On My Knees Asking
Chapter 108- They've Gone Where?
Chapter 109- Wish You Were Here
Chapter 110- What Will The Night Bring?
Chapter 111- Declaration

Chapter 5- Good Decision

3.7K 65 8
By Footiequeen8

 "Now you're all fed and dressed" Molly smiled as she finished buttoning Junior's Babygro. Molly tried not to think about how life was going to change now Cristiano was back. It had just been her and Junior the last few weeks. The last few crazy weeks she thought. The night feeds and looking after Junior and Katia's boys at times was making Molly tired. But she felt different. She felt better. The pregnancy had taken it out of her. She had been so weak and tired when Cristiano showed up at her hotel room.


"Would you stay and take care of my baby?" Cristiano asked. "Yes I'll stay" Molly said quickly. The words escaping her mouth before she could even think. He unclenched his fists at her words. "Ok" he said fisting his hands into his pockets. "Amm right well we should get you back to the house so" Cristiano said. "Now?" she asked. "Ya I guess. You go and get dressed" he said. "Oh ya" she mumbled looking down at her robe. She had forgotten what she was wearing. "Anytime you like" he said.

"Patience was never you thing" Molly replied as she stood. "Wow" she said as her legs gave way and she sat on the bed. "Molly" he yelled rushing to her. "Are you ok?" he asked. He reached out to touch her but stopped himself. "I'm fine. I guess I stood too quickly" she said moving to stand again. He stood as she stood. His arms ready in case she felt weak again. "Have you eaten today?" he asked and watched as she took a deep breath. "Amm," she said. "Damn it Molly you just had a baby. Did you not hear what Dr. Alex said? You need to take care of yourself. That means eating" he yelled. "She also said I needed to rest which I was doing. I haven't eaten because I was asleep. And don't yell at me" she shouted before moving past him and into the bathroom.

The door shut with a loud bang and Cristiano gripped the edge of the vanity table. "Urgh" he said banging on the top. "She never does what she is told" he said.

He was crazy. He had a plan and he should stick with it. He looked at the screen of his phone. He stared at the picture he had taken of Junior last night. It would only be for a few months, A few months until his son was stronger and bigger. And so his family could see that Molly was ok. He couldn't be dealing with all their worries over her if they didn't know where she was. This way they could see she was healthy. See that she was fit to leave for good he thought.

The pain on her face when she opened the door he thought. It was worst the night he had picked her up and put her into the shower. The night they had first attempted to have sex. She thought it was Dr. Frenz touching her when it had been Cristiano. She had shut everyone out after Dr. Frenz's attack. She had looked so lost when she opened the door. She hadn't answered all their calls. He thought she could have..................He took a seat on the bed. He texted Hugo to meet him at the room. Cristiano's knees bounced as he sat on the bed. What the hell was he doing?

He asked her and she said yes. He was crazy. It wasn't the plan he thought as he heard the bathroom door open.

He looked up from his lap as Molly dressed in the clothes she wore when she left the clinic, slowly made her to towards him. He watched as she placed a white blanket into the bag on the bed and zipped it up. Molly could feel his eyes on her as she shakily took her phone in her hand. She proceeded to switch the phone on when it slipped it of her hand and onto the ground.

As she moved to bend down to pick it up, a surge of pain swept through her body and she winced. "I'll pick it up" Cristiano said shifting of the bed as Molly took a seat on the side of the bed holding her side. "Here" he said handing the phone out to her. "Thanks" she muttered. He moved back to lean against the wall and watched her frown as the phone beeped with all the missed calls and messages. "Just tell them you fell asleep" he said reading her mind that she didn't mean to worry everyone. Molly took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

"You're still sore? Thought the pain would be gone by now" he said. "It takes more than a couple of days to recover from child birth" she said as if he was dumb. He rolled his eyes and was about to say something smart back to her when there was a knock on the door.

"It's just Hugo" he said when she looked confused at the sound of the knock. "Hey?" Hugo said when Cristiano opened the door. "You know I could have been anyone. You didn't even ask who was at the door" Hugo said walking into the room. "But I did answer the door on the first knock. Unlike some people" Cristiano said staring at Molly.

"Waiting for some things is good for you" Hugo said quickly before a row started. "Hey Molly" he said looking at her. "Hi" she whispered. "You two ready to go?" Hugo asked. "Yup. Now she's finished her tango" Cristiano said. "Tango. Am I missing something?" Hugo asked looking between his brother and Molly.

Cristiano frowned when Molly didn't reply. Instead she stood wincing as she did. He had hoped she might just fight back a little with him. She was too quiet. And a quiet Molly made him nervous.

"Let's go so" Hugo said and picked up the bag on the bed. Molly walked slowly in front of the two men down the hallway to the elevators. "Have you really thought this through?" Hugo whispered to his brother. He was glad his brother had wanted to at least talk to Molly tonight but he never expected to get a text message saying she was coming back to the house with them. "When do I ever think things through" Cristiano shrugged.

"This isn't just something small. Bringing her stay for a bit. Isn't that just going to make things twice as hard when she leaves in a few months?" Hugo asked. "I......Maé won't worry this way" Cristiano said as the reached Molly as she waited for the elevator.

"Take this" Cristiano said shrugging off his jacket and holding it out to her. "I'm fine" she said. "You're cold" he said noting she only had on a black tank top. "I'm fine" he said. "Take the damn jacket Molly and stop being so stubborn" he placing the jacket on her shoulders before stomping into the now open and empty elevator. He had only picked the jacket up at the last minute when he had left the house and he was glad as it had started to get colder despite the warm day.

"You take her to the car. I'll go sign out Ms. Pique here" Cristiano said as the door opened onto the lobby. "Pique?" Molly asked Hugo. "Jorge playing games" he shrugged.

"Óle again" the lady smiled when Cristiano reached the reception desk. "Óle. Can I settle up the room bill please?" he asked. "I see you found her" she said. "Eventually" he said. "The room is been charged to a Mr. Mendes but I can change it if you would like?" she asked. "No that's fine. Could you do me a favour?" he asked.

"Sure" she smiled. "Put the bill for the entire restaurant tonight onto the card" he smiled. That would teach Jorge he thought. "I hope you manage to work things out between your friends" she said. "It might not be that easy" he sighed placing 200 euro in front of her. "For all your help" he smiled.

A baby's howl filled the house as the three of them walked into Katia's house. "Where the hell have you been?" Dolores shouted as she walked up and down the living room floor with a crying Junior in her arms. "I have no idea what is wrong with him. He won't settle for any of us. Dinis has only just gone to sleep" Katia said.

"He won't take his bottle and he's cries are so loud" Elma wined. "You better have a good reason for abandoning us Ronaldo" Katia said. " I do" he said turning around as Molly and Hugo walked into the room.

"Oh Molly. You're ok" Katia said rushing to her. "She's fine Katia. She just fell asleep" he said. "I didn't mean to worry you" Molly whispered to Katia as her eyes were focused on a whaling Junior in his grandmother's arms. "As much as I'm glad to see you Molly. Could we concentrate on shutting up the baby" Elma said. "I'll take him Dolores" Molly said walking towards the woman. Dolores smiled at her before handing Junior over.

"Sssh ssh, Why are you been so cranky?" Molly mused as she rocked the baby in her arms. "He wouldn't take your last bottle" Dolores said as Molly took a seat on the couch. "And what's wrong with my bottle" she smiled down at Junior in her arms as he finally started to quieten.

Cristiano watched as his son began to suckle Molly's breast and the room settled into peace. "Peace at last" Elma mused. "Good decision Ronaldo" Katia whispered next to him. Good decision? He wasn't so sure about that.

              *****************End of Flashback*********************

"All fed?" Cristiano asked standing at the door. "Ya. All fed, changed and dressed" Molly said picking Junior off the changing mat. "He's all yours now" she said. "I missed him" he said. "I'm sorry the World Cup didn't work out how you would have liked" she said. "Thanks. But at least I'm home now" he said looking at the basinet next to the bed.

"It's easier if he's in with me for night feeds. But you can take him if you would like" she said. "No it's ok. Don't want to disturb his routine" he sighed. "I'm sure you'll have a good season with Madrid" she said handing him Junior who immediately became restless making Cristiano frown.

"He's just in one of his cranky moods" she said stroking the baby's cheek. "I'm going to go for a shower since you have him" she said moving towards the bathroom.

"Molly" Cristiano said in a panic as Junior started to squirm in his arms. "Just let him get used to be in your arms. You'll be fine" she said smiling back at him. He'll be fine if his son didn't cry every time he picked him up Cristiano thought.

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