Imagines by K

De kdesousa

518 59 8

(They're not all restricted, just cant change it now.) Just a bunch of random Imagines i think of. Usually hi... Mais

Imagines by K
Wedding Day.
That One Call
Starts With a Scarf
Fright Night.
Married Man
You Lose
Friends For Never.
Security Breach
Lovely Dye - A Harry Styles imagine

Little Red Pick-up

21 3 0
De kdesousa

You sat in the passenger’s seat of your boyfriend’s pick- up truck. The two of you were bellowing the lyrics to the fast beat song spewing from the car stereos and pumping around the interior. Echoing through the slits of opened window. The car slowed down as the song ended.

“[Y/N] I love you.” He said turning his head from the road to leave a passion filled kiss to your desirable lips. They moved together in synchronization. Heat filling your fuzzy brain as the moment burned into your mind like the lyrics to your favorite song.

“I love you too Babe.” You whispered against his jaw line as you wrapped your arms around his neck.

He looked back at the road, picking up speed as you clutched onto his arm. Your hand closest to the window skimmed your knees finding its way to his arm. Slowly moving lower to his hand then latching onto his waist.

“What are you doing Love?” he whispered as your hand skimmed over the belt of his blue jeans.

“Not now, I’m driving Babe.” He called out before you pressed onto his growing bulge through the material of his jeans. You watched his face twist, trying to deny the pleasure as his grip on the steering wheel tightened.

“Im serious Babe.” He sighed as he intently watched the road. Multitasking against the urge to feel the pleasure you were enforcing as you bit your bottom lip moving closer to his neck where you placed wet kisses. You put more pressure on his groin as you elevated yourself to his neck. Small moans leaving his lips as one hand caught hold of your waist sitting you down.

“D-don’t.” he stuttered looking out the windshield at the darkened night. The empty road you passed left the pick- up stranded amongst the small town terrain.

“Don’t what?” you innocently mumbled against the skin under his jaw line. A loud sigh left his lips as he slowed the car down turning into a road with a few vehicles. He parked to the side of the slightly busy road, twisting his keys in the ignition until the car shut off then turned to you.

“What do you think I mean?” he seductively question, leaning closer, over the middle consol. You removed your seat belt and cupped his cheeks deepening the kiss.

The car wobbled forward, shifting up and loudly squeaking as something made hard contact with the back bumper.

“What the hell?” his angry voice mumbled, leaving your sensational lips as he turned his head to the back seat looking out the window at the driver responsible.

You both sighed shaking your heads in denial when a bright light caught the side of your face. You looked up in time to see the light gaining brightness in the night sky. It was too late when you realized what was happening. When you comprehended that the light had a twin. And with the speed the twins carried they also produced a loud muffle. High pitched and urgent as the twins lit up the pick- up.

When the beeping subsided the pick- up was already flying. Tires screeching against the cold hard ground only to be accompanied by the appearance of the sixteen wheel truck holding the twin headlights in place.

The front of the truck hit your door, denting the metal in and slamming into your body. Pushing you against the windshield as your safety belt was left forgot, hanging by the seat. The door smashed in as the glass cracked against your skull. Crystal pieces slicing into your skin and covering your body as the screeching of tires and the screams of two innocent citizens sounded in the calm night air.

Everything stopped too sudden. The car was no longer being collided into. Not from the back and not from the side. The beeping could no longer be heard as loud cries and shouting took its place. The bright lights could no longer be seen as your vision blurred. A thick black fog covering your sight when your brain became unable to process. Unable to manually move any organ, bone or muscle in your wounded body.

You forced the glued shut eyelids to open. All your muscles trying to lift the pieces of flesh so you could see what had happened. When your sight slowly recovered you panicked as your boyfriend sat with streams of blood dripping across his head leaning onto the steering wheel. You tried to scream, to shout out for help but every time your lungs opened to let out your mind engraved thoughts, your lungs would collapse. The feeling of the world standing on your chest rose, paining your already numb body.

Your muscles ached from keeping your eyes open and as you took in the sight of your leg that now hung pinned between the harshly dented door and the chair you gave up; the dark fog resuming its place in your vision and snaking its way to your mind. Blocking every thought and resting your body from the sharp pains as you fell into some state of drowsiness.

*His P.O.V.*

“[Y/N]? Baby look at me.” I cried out as she was getting wheeled into the hospital. Doctors swarming around her gurney as the group raced, hoping to save her before it was too late.

“We need to get her heart beating, stat!” A doctor shouted blocking the view of my beautiful girlfriend. Her paled skin covered in dark blood as points of glass stuck out of her arms. The gorgeous colour of her eyes hidden from me behind her shut lids. The ones I prayed would open one last time for me to see my girl. For me to tell her how much she meant to me. How much I loved her and how sorry I was. I shouldn’t have been so careless about my decision. I should have manned up and kept driving. We only lived a couple of blocks away.

“This is a 402 accident. Will the patient survive those odds?”

“We can test her reaction to the cardiac defibrillator before, or after her heart fails.”

My eyes flickered to the crucial looking nurses. What did they mean after her heart fails?

“I’m sorry Sir you have to stay here while we take her into intense treatment. The secretary will keep you updated if she responds to anything.”

“Please is, is she going to live?” my voice cracked as I spoke, looking into the woman’s dark brown eyes for assistance but she looked down avoiding my gaze. Her hand took grip of my shoulder pushing into the nurse behind me as she spoke

“We’ll try our best. Please go with him, you’re injured as well.”

“I’m fine!” I shouted before I noticed my pitch.

Her eyes widened to the man behind me as he grabbed my arms pushing me into an all- white room and sitting me on the plastic sheeted bed. Gauze was being soaked in something before his gloved hands removed it and lifted the material to my head. Pressing against my wounded skull. A burning sensation filled the area of my forehead as I squeezed my eyes shut; trying to ease the pain.

“Most patients don’t survive a collision like the one you were in.” he preached, inspecting the skin on my head before resting the gauze on the wound. Pressing down as I spoke.

“My girlfriend was with me.” I stated slowly opening my eyes as the burning pain became tolerable.

“Is she the one that their treating?” his strong southern accent asked.

“Y-yeah.” My voice faltered at the memory of what caused us to end up in the hospital.

“Well if the odds are against you. Just remember to celebrate her life over mourning about her death.-”

“She’s not going to die.” I cut in.

“Well that’s what I learned, working here for 10 years.”

As he finished his sentence many feet shuffled along the hall. My tear filled eyes watched through the glass as they disappear into her room. When they didn’t return I felt queasy. Only one young looking nurse left her room. A pained expression filling her face as she walked through the hall, poking her head into every room before she stopped in mine.

“Are you the one who was in the collision with the girl?” I frantically nodded waiting for her to continue as the southern doctor next to me stopped his actions to listen as well.

“Her heart is beating but she is getting treated for a broken leg as soon as she’s finished with the glass removal surgery.”

“Thank you!” I shouted running up to the small woman and pressing her into my chest in a grateful embrace. She unhooked her arms from my torso and the pained smile returned.

“That’s not all Sir.” She sternly said before looking up, into my eyes as a single tear rolled down her cheek. My heart rate slowing as I thought what could be wrong. My girls alive, she’s hurt but I can still hold her in my arms.

“She had severe brain trauma during the collision. Although she is responding in a remarkable fashion she seems to forget basic information.”

“What are you saying?” I smiled as I thought of her luscious hair between my fingers as we lay on my old couch watching re- runs of her favorite show. Something she always asked me to do with her and I never declined the offer because I loved everything about it. Her hair in my neck, sweet kisses during commercials. The way her body molded on mine and her voice giggling at all my jokes. Even the show wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be the first time round.

“I regret to say that there’s quite a large probability that she won’t remember anything about her past.”


I sat in the waiting room. Both hands clawing into one another just under my chin as I waited for the small nurse to return. I had been sitting here for two long hours after the doctor bandaged my head and stitched up my hand. But as long as I get to see my Baby- Girl I don’t care what kind of pain I go through.

“We’re ready for you.” The small woman’s voice interrupted. But I didn’t mind not the slightest bit. I unhinged my hands prying my body from the figure I had become accustomed to while waiting in the small grey chair.

I was lead through the shiver causing hall into a long room. Curtains separated the recovering patients. I weaved through the monitors until the woman pointed at a blue curtain and left us alone.

I whisked the material out of place and there she lay. My stunning Princess. Even in a cast and hospital dress, with paled skin and stitched flesh she was the most beautiful person I had ever laid eyes on.

I ran to her, smashing her body against mine in a hug as my lips pecked at hers. I loved her so much it hurt. I felt her small cold hands push at my chest and I released her knitting my eyebrows together.

“Nurse!” she cried as she looked at me horrified, wiping the back of her hand across her mouth.

“Baby its me.” I whispered to her as she shuffled her body on the small bed as far away from me as possible. My hands reached out showing I wanted to hug her again but she smacked my palm still screaming out for assistance.

“Baby? … [Y/N]?” I tried again and again. “[Y/N] it’s me, your boyfriend.”

She stopped her frantic fidgeting and looked deep into my eyes. I knew she had remembered something when her mouth curved upward. Her glowing eyes moved to my mouth and she opened her arms. Before she could say another word I had her wrapped in my arms. Hugging her like my life depended on it because in reality it did. If I lost her, I lost myself and I couldn’t go through with that. I would rather die than lose the love of my life. My hand rubbed her back trying to demolish any space between our two bodies. She turned her head to my ear and whispered “I think you got me confused with someone. I don’t have a boyfriend.”

Her arms unfolded themselves from my body as she gave me an apologetic smile. “I’m sure you’ll remember her.” She cheered.

“I guess you’re right. Sorry.” I whispered back and quickly turned on my heels running from her. Hot salty tears streaming down my fast as I thought of the quickest way to end the pain.

The girl who I loved didn’t remember me. We were supposed to grow old together, have a couple of kids and maybe a cat. But she didn’t remember me. In those mere seconds my entire world went downhill. My once whole heart felt as if it had been removed by a pack of hungry wolves. I didn’t realize where I was until the light pelts of rain hit my corpse. My numb corpse and after today…my dead corpse.

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