Can Destiny Be Changed? | A V...

By PrincessSerenity16

145K 3.6K 899

"It all started with a dream...." Lily Adachi, a 17 year old noble vampire hunter was cursed on the day that... More

About the OC
Chapter 1: Dreams
Chapter 2: Voices of the Past
Chapter 3: The Night Class
Chapter 4: It Will All Eventually Return
Chapter 5: Shards of Memories
Chapter 6: The Inconditional Love We Once Shared
Chapter 7: Confessions of Love
Chapter 8: He Returns
Chapter 9: Seeking Forgiveness
Chapter 10: The Stormy Night that Changed Everything
Chapter 11: The Class Trip
Chapter 12: The Island of Our Memories
Chapter 13: Our Passionate Evening in the Moonlight
Chapter 14: Yuuki's Envy
Chapter 15: The Past Returns
Chapter 16: Hidden Feelings
Chapter 17: My Feelings Conveyed Through a Song
*Watch Out Guys!*
Chapter 18: The Secret to the Curse
Chapter 20: Saying Goodbye
Chapter 21: Going Back in Time
Chapter 22: A Date To Remember
Chapter 23: Blessings
Chapter 24: Shattered Hearts
Chapter 25: Tears of Regret
Chapter 26: A Sticky Situation
Chapter 27: The Mission Begins
Chapter 28: Revelation
Chapter 29: The Blood Moon
Chapter 30: Two Months Later
Chapter 31: The Race for the Scroll
Chapter 32: Yami's Plan
Chapter 33: This is Our Destiny
Chapter 34: Moving Forward
Chapter 35: Together Forever
Epilogue: Here's to Our Future
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Chapter 19: Hideki's Resolve

2K 52 18
By PrincessSerenity16

*Lily's PoV, the next day*

Kaname and I decided to go to Mamoru Fukui's home for breakfast, since we told them that we would come by sometime.

I softly knocked on the door and the one to welcome us was little Ryoko, who had a happy smile once she saw us.

"Kaname, Lily! I'm happy you guys are here! Please come in!" She said with a happy smile.

"Thank you, Ryoko." I said with a smile.

When we made it inside, the only one we saw was Ryo, the reincarnation of Yusuke Fukui.

"Yo, Lily, Kaname." He said.

"Yusuke! I mean, Ryo." I giggled. "Sorry we didn't have enough time last night, it's just.."

"I know what happened. It's all over the radio." He said as he turned it on.

I then changed my attention to the radio.

This morning, it has been revealed that one of the legendary vampire hunters, Kazuki Adachi has died during a mission last night during a battle with a pureblood. According to his wife Hiromi, she reveals that he was successfully able to kill it but at the same time the vampire struck at him at the same time, causing him to lose a great amount of blood... He was not able to be saved due to the loss of blood..."

I-I can't hear anymore of this... It's too much...

"Can you please turn that off?" I said in a soft voice.

"Right. I apologize, Lily..." Ryo said.

"It's fine...I have to go home later today anyways to see what is going on over there. Plus I'm pretty sure Seira told Hiroki and Daisuke the news, but I'm not sure.." I said.

Then I saw Mamoru and his wife emerge from their room.

"You must be Miss Lily! Aww, you look sooo adorable!" She said as she touched my cheeks and pinched them. "Hehe, rumor has it that Princess Kira had very soft cheeks as well!" His wife said excitedly.

"Hehe...that is true, she did." Kaname said with a smirk.

"Now, now, Reiko. Don't embarrass Lily!" Mamoru said with a chuckle.

"It's just incredible how reincarnation works.." She then looked over at Kaname. "And you, are you Kaname Kuran's reincarnation?"

He smiled. "No. I am the same one from 9,000 years ago. I was simply put to rest after the war concluded." Kaname stated.

"Wow... Well, anyways! Let's make our way to the breakfast table and talk there! I've prepared a great breakfast for today!" Reiko said happily.

We made our way to the table and a simple Japanese breakfast was prepared: rice, miso soup, and tamagoyaki, which is an egg omelette.

"Hey, Lily. I just heard in the radio about..."

I then interrupted Mamoru's sentence.

"Yes, I know. My father died during a mission last night. "

"I'm sorry about your loss..."

"It's ok. To protect the people that they love from danger, vampire hunters must be prepared to die. That is what my father told us during our training. He did what he had to do." I said as I took my first bite of rice.

"So, are you prepared to die if things get to worse?" Ryo said.

I looked over to Kaname and then to everyone. "I want to say that I'm not, that I want to live and be with the ones I love. But if things get worse to a point that there is no resolve to it, then I am prepared to welcome death even if I am afraid."

"Lily..." Ryoko said sadly.

"However, there is always a way out of things. You know, fate can be changed Lily. I'm sure that the world won't be destroyed if you two find a way out of this curse." Ryo said.

There it goes again... Destruction of the world? Could it be what the Ayakashi said is true?

Kaname seemed to understand my worry, and looked a bit confused as well.

"I would like a further explanation, if possible. What do you mean the destruction of the world?" Kaname said in a serious tone.

"You didn't know? There is more to the Adachi family's curse... If the eldest daughter falls in love with a vampire and becomes one with him, the destruction of the world awaits and the only way the world can be saved if her eternal soulmate kills her and takes her life away. Then her soul will dwell into her eternal soulmate, for all eternity, as long as he lives. However, her pain will worsen throughout her day as then in the end, she will beg her loved one to kill her to save her from her pain." Mamoru stated sadly.

My chopsticks fell to the table. I was surprised and upset. But Kaname and I... already became one...

"Lily..." Ryo said sadly.

"Oh my goodness... No! That can't be true! If that's the case, then..."

"Is there a way out of this?" Kaname said.

"I'm not sure. You two either need to find a way, or accept your destiny." Ryo said.

Can my day get even worse? Father's gone, and now there may be a chance that Kaname might have to kill me to save everyone...

Kaname touched my shoulder. "I'm not going to kill you, Lily. We are going to find a way out of this." He said, trying to comfort me.

Everyone smiled. "We believe in you, Lily, Kaname." Ryoko said with a happy smile.

I smiled. "Thank you, Ryoko." I said as I picked up my chopsticks as I continued eating.

After we finished eating breakfast, Kaname and I stood up and bowed. "Thank you for the meal, everyone, it was delicious." Kaname said.

I then wiped my face and stood up, and Kaname and I made our way to the door.

"It's no problem. Would you like to stick around for a cup of tea?" Reiko said.

"We really have to get going. We have to pack up and leave today by 12 pm." Kaname said.

I nodded in agreement.

"That's too bad. We didn't get to see each other as much. We could have gone hiking or something in the mountains." Mamoru said.

"Maybe next time when we come here. It doesn't have to be a class trip. We can come anytime, right Lily?" Kaname said.

"Yes! Sounds like a plan!" I said happily.

"Lily, take care... Next time, let's play dolls together!" Ryoko said as she softly pulled on my dress.

I crouched down to her height and held both of her hands.

"Of course, Ryoko! We can play dolls the next time we meet!" I said with a big smile.

"Take care of ya selves the both of you, and be careful, ok?" Ryo said.

"Don't worry, we will." Kaname said.

The both of us said our goodbyes and we decided to go to the hotel where everyone was staying at to see how things are going before we leave.

It wasn't too far from Mamoru's home,  so Kaname and I decided to walk there.

When we made it to the hotel, I saw Seira, Daisuke, and Hiroki were in the front of the hotel, and they both had their hands on their foreheads.

Seems that Seira told them the bad news...

We slowly approached them. They weren't crying; but they looked very upset.

"Umm.. Daisuke, Hiroki...?" I said in a quiet tone.

"Lily... we have to go home, and as soon as possible. I'm worried about Mom." Daisuke said sadly.

"I know. I am too. The first boat leaves today at 12. We are taking that one back home."

"All right then. Well, I'm going to my room to start packing right away..." Hiroki said, leaving dejectedly back to his room.

"This is crazy.. To think that our dad as gone. Having to say goodbye to him..." Daisuke said, sighing with a hand on his head.

"I'm going upstairs to pack up. I'll see you both at the docks." Daisuke said, as he went back inside the hotel.

"How did they react?" I said.

"They were surprised at first and then they put upset faces. However, they looked like they were about to cry, but they held back." Seira said.

"I see..." I said.

"Anyways, I have to go inside now. I'm going to go finish packing." She said, going back inside.

"Well, shall we go finish packing?" Kaname said.

"Yes, let's go..."

"Lord Kaname! And Lily! I haven't seen you guys since we were at Cross Academy!" We turned around and find ourselves with Maria, or should I say Shizuka Hio, my target.

I fake smiled.

"Hello, Maria. It really has been awhile, my dear." I said.

"Lily! It really has been!" She fake smiled as well.

"I heard that you're leaving back home today, why is that?" She asked.

"Do you have to know that? That is none of your business, Maria!" I said in a fake cheerful tone.

"Oh, well I'm sorry for trying to pry... I was just worried!" 

"Hehe... You don't have to worry about me!" I said.

"Maria Kurenai. For the time being, you don't need get into our affairs." Kaname said.

She smirked. "Oh, don't speak like that, Kaname. We are of the same kind, after all..."

"Heh... I knew this whole time it was you, Shizuka Hio..." I said with a smirk.

I pointed Golden Artemis at her, however a sword blocked me from hitting her.

"Will you please refrain from tainting Lady Shizuka with that weapon, Miss Adachi?" A masked man with silver hair spoke out to me.

This must be the one protecting her... He looks easy to kill.

"I suggest you don't tell me what to do... O masked one..." I said in an annoyed tone as I used Golden Artemis, cutting off the silver mask from his face.

My eyes widened. "Zero?!"

"No, Lily. That is Ichiru Kiryu, Zero's younger twin brother." Kaname said, reassuring me, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Why?! Why are you helping her, knowing that Zero, your own brother despises her?" I said.

"That is none of your business. And to think.. my brother has taken in interest in someone like you."

"Hehe, what a rude comment Ichiru-san. I hope that there won't come a time where you and I will eventually have to clash because if that is the case, then you know what that means. When it comes to vampire hunter missions, I do anything that is possible to get my target."

He looked at me angrily. Why does he have so much desire to protect that woman? She killed his parents! What is it that's making him act this way?

"How interesting, Miss Lily. How much I want to clash with you here and now, but I don't want to be suspected by anyone, so I suggest that you put away that weapon before someone suspects you as well." She said, walking away either Ichiru in tow.

"I promise you I will kill you, Shizuka Hio..." I said in a soft tone.

"You surprised me there, Lily. I never seen you act that way."

"It's my job, Kaname. That's how I act on duty. I kill vampires. And that makes me feel guilty because I'm dating one."

I then felt his embrace from behind. "You don't have to feel guilty, because you kill vampires that break rules. It's not like you are killing innocent ones, your doing the right thing, protecting humans." He said.

I turned around. "Kaname..."

He smiled. "Shall we get ready for our departure?"

"Yes, let's go!"


With our luggage, we looked back at the beach house. Even though it was for 3 nights, I still had a great time.

"Don't worry, Lily. We can come back here when things settle down." Kaname said with a smile.

I smiled. "I know."

The both of us made our way to the docks, and standing there was Aido, Seira, Hiroki, Daisuke, and others decided to come along as well, such as Itsuki, Zero, Aido, Shizuka, and Ichiru.

"Yuuki wanted to come back with us, but she couldn't because she had to stay with Yori. Honestly, she can just stay here and enjoy her carefree life. None of this is even her problem. " Seira said.

Thinking back to last night, I just remembered. Ayakashi feed on any kind of negative feelings. Could that have been...Yuuki? Anyways, the main focus right now is to see if my mother is ok...

"Hey, Lily. I heard what happened. I'm really sorry that..."

I then interrupted Itsuki's sentence.

"I'm alright." I said on my usual carefree tone.

"That's right. She has someone that she can fully trust and confide in. Not a cheater like you." Hiroki said.

"I was only giving her my condolences. I fully understand that she doesn't love me anymore... " He said, looking away. He then was the first one who walked into the small ship. He seems like he's upset and hurt...

I need to end this tension between the both of us. When he was Eiichi, he and I were really good friends. We can be that now, despite our past, plus I've moved on. I'm now with someone else.

"Kaname, do you mind if I go talk to Itsuki for a bit? I just feel like this tension and sadness between us has to end. I want to start anew, as the friends that he and I used to be."

At first, he looked a bit concerned, but then smiled.

"Sure..." He said.

"I'll be back!" I said, kissing him on the cheek.

As I made my way to the boat, he took my hand once again.

"Not enough..." He said in a low tone.

He quickly turned me around and kissed me passionately and greedily on the lips.

I giggled. "Don't worry. I'll come right back, alright?" I said.

I made my way inside, and when I got into the deck, I saw him looking ahead.

"Hey, Itsuki..." I said, calling out to him.

He turned around with a surprised look on his face.


"Hey... Um. I don't know what to say, but I want to say this clearly. I want this tension between us to clear. I figure since its been three months and I've found someone else, I think this is the way to go."

"You actually want to clear things with me? I thought you hated me. Despised me."

"Well, I did hate you, I guess. But don't you remember when you were Eiichi, and we were friends? We can be friends now. Like we were in the past."

He looked away sadly. "I don't think that is possible. Because I continue to love you Lily and I need to face my punishment. I slept with another woman, that is a fact. And I did fall to my desires, as you said. I just feel like even though you were with me as my fiancée, your heart still was empty. You said you loved me, but deep down inside you did not. I think that as much as I hate the truth, Kaname is the one that is meant to fill the empty space in your heart." He said, looking into the distance.

"Really, so you never accepted the truth?" I said, laughing.

"Heh, I guess not...I'm such an idiot. I always fall for things, don't I?" He said.

"Yes. You do. You're a jerk." I said with a giggle.

"I used to tell you the most dumbest lies, and you would fall for them. That's how dumb and gullible you are." I added.

"Wow, what a nice comment. But I guess I deserve the cruel comments in your case." He said with a chuckle, putting his hand on his head.

"Yes, you do." I said.

"So, is he treating you well?" He told me.

"Yes, he's been a very kind gentleman with me." I said, looking forward.

"I'm glad that you're happy." He said with a gentle smile.

"Hey... There is something else I want to apologize for."

"What is that?" I said.

"The reason why I transferred to Cross Academy was to spy on you on orders from Hideki, your grandfather."

"Let me guess, because he doesn't want any of us to have a vampire for a lover, so he decided to send you? It's nothing to apologize for. It's probably because I'm Kira Adachi's reincarnation."

"I volunteered... to split you two up. To try to win you back..." He said.

I laughed. "You wouldn't be able to.. And anyways... My grandfather always is concerned with who I'm engaged to or who I'm dating." I said in a bored tone.

"I know. Forgive me." He said with a smile.

It's been a while since I've seen his kind smile..

The ship rocked and I almost fell, however Itsuki grabbed me by the waist making sure that I didn't fall out..

"Careful there..." He said.

"Thanks..." I said.

"...Lily." I heard a voice from behind. I turned around and Kaname was standing a distance behind us.

"Coming! I have to go, Itsuki....At least think about us being friends again. I'm sure there is a woman out there for you... Bye now." I said with a smile as I ran over to Kaname.

"Honestly, I couldn't help but feel a little jealous. That man still has feelings for you, and just seeing him hold and touch you in the end angered me." He said in a jealous tone.

The boat began to move and make its way back to the mainland, and Kaname had me pinned against the wall.

"Does it bother you, Lily? That I can sometimes be a possessive person?" He said, bringing his face closer to mine.

I turned away and blushed. "Tch, stop that..."

"Your heart is pounding like crazy..." He said seductively as he put his hand on my chest.

He made his move and kissed me.

He is very possessive in a sense... But in his case, I can say that that is something good about him.

I feel so happy with him. And Itsuki was right. Kaname did fill that empty spot in my heart. I feel more complete...

We broke from the kiss.

"You know what Itsuki told me?"

"What did he say?" He said.

"He told me that when I was with him, he felt that there was always this empty spot in my heart but when he saw me with you, he saw me even more happier than I ever was with him..."

"Then that makes me very happy..." He said as he kissed me passionately once again.

I happily gave into his kiss and we then went up to the deck, seeing the Ishigaki Islands get further. I want to see this place again...

I then thought of Mom. Is she ok? Is she holding on until we get there?

I couldn't help but worry and I ended up squeezing my hands tightly on the metal bar.

Kaname noticed this and put his hand on mine, reassuring me.

I smiled and nodded my head.

*30 minutes later...*

It's raining like crazy..

We got out and and right there, the limo with the Adachi family insignia was there, ready to pick us up. The driver ran out and handed us all umbrellas.

"Lady Lily, your grandfather Lord Hideki requires that you and your siblings return to the Adachi mansion immediately. But only you four." He said.

"All right, then. I'll see you later, all right Kaname?"

"All right. I have a few things to take care of with the Senate, so I'll see you later."

"Ok, see ya." I said with a smile.

He gave me a peck on the lips, and then after the four of us said bye, we made our way to the limo and we were on our way to the Adachi mansion.

"Is our mother all right? How is she doing?" I said in a concerned tone.

"Lady Hiromi? She's doing fine. Cross has been with her ever since they left the hospital. Were you all worried?"

"Well, yes... Mother really loved Father really much, and to just lose the most important person in your life... It hurts so much." Seira said.

"I heard that she was upset at first. She thought that she had nothing else to live for. But then Cross reminded her that she still does has something to live for: you, her children. However, she still is a bit upset with his death. But Lord Hideki believes if you four are there, she'll feel a bit better."

"And when is the burial taking place?" Daisuke said.

"Later at about 5pm."

"Are we allowed to bring someone with us?" I said.

"Lord Hideki says only one person only. But he told me something. About your vampire lover... He did say that he is permitted to come as he does have a high position in society, but that's it. He said that after this day, he will succeed once again as the head of the Adachi family, and the rules that he once had will be up again. The Adachi family will be completely against the coexistence with vampires."

My eyes widened. "No, but I'm...!"

"He is aware of your relationship with Kaname Kuran... He was considering what to do with you. But he is the one to tell you. I'm not in the position to say anything, Lady Lily."

Daisuke is supposed to succeed my father, but he can't yet because in the Adachi family, you have to be 19 to be the head, and Daisuke just turned 18 in December, so the only choice is my grandfather... This is going to be terrible...

I'm worried...

"Lily..." Seira said sadly.

"No, I'm fine. There is always a way out of things. I'm not going to let Grandpa Hideki do what he wishes." I said confidently.

"Lady Lily, this may not be my position to say, but I don't want you to be killed or the world to be destroyed. I agree with Lord Hideki's ideas... What he is doing is protecting you!" He said worriedly.

"Thank you for telling me. But things are going to be ok. Kaname and I are going to avert this. There's always a way out of things."

"Sorry for speaking that way, Lady Lily."

He stayed quiet for the rest of the trip back home.

*an hour later, Adachi residence*

"I'll take your luggage to your rooms. Lord Hideki, Lady Hiromi, Kaien Cross, and the Hunter's Association president are all in Lord Kazuki's office. They await your arrival."

"Aw, damn it. Not the president.... That dude freaks me out." Hiroki said.

"We just have to behave ourselves and see what Grandfather's plan is." Daisuke said.

We nodded our heads and quickly made our way into the mansion up to Father's office.

I slammed the door, and I saw my mother sitting in the couch with a box of tissues next to her.

She looked over at us and  smiled as if she hadn't seen us for many years.

"Daisuke, Hiroki, Seira, Lily!" She said in tears of happiness, running up to us finding ourselves in a group embrace.

After catching up we sat down in the office, and that's when my grandfather turned the chair, since he was facing the opposite way the entire time.

"Welcome back, my grandchildren. I'm happy that you have all returned. I'm sure you've heard how Kazuki died, correct?"

"Yes, we have." Daisuke said.

"I am very upset by his death, but we have to face what's coming. As previously stated, I will once again take the position as the head of the Adachi family. And..."

"Yes, and Lady Adachi, you still have your mission to kill the Pureblood Shizuka Hio. Have you made any progress?" The Association President said.

"You see, it's complicated at the moment. She's residing in Maria Kurenai's body. I cannot simply just kill someone like that. I need to find the location of her body."

"Well, you're going to have to focus more on that than with your vampire boyfriend. You do want to enjoy your last few months of life left, don't you...?"

"What are you talking about? Are you trying to say that Kaname will kill me?! That I'm going to die?"

"This is your doing, Lily. And people's life are at stake here. Now there is no option left. Kaname Kuran will kill you on the night of your 18th birthday to prevent the destruction of the earth." The Association president added.

"This is wrong! Kaname cannot kill her just like that! None of this is even her fault!" Headmaster Cross said.

"Open your eyes, Cross! She brought this upon herself! She needs to face the consequences!" My grandfather said.

"What are you saying, old man?! She's your granddaughter!" Daisuke said angrily.

"Do you want to die and the world to end?!" He said, standing up from his chair.

They stayed silent.

To think that my own grandfather is saying these things to me... They hurt so much... But I need to hold back these tears, so I stayed silent.

"Mom, please say something...." Seira said.

"I don't want Lily to die. I believe that miracles can happen."

"Lily, please do not take this the wrong way. I love you. You are my granddaughter. But destiny brought you to him once again. You could have at least not become one with him, but you know. I guess you can say love is powerful. But, since you are my dear granddaughter,I'm giving you one last day with him. Spend the night with him ,go on a date. I will allow him to attend the funeral, everything. But tomorrow evening, you are to leave Cross Academy and return here to the Adachi mansion and focus on your mission to kill Shizuka Hio."

One last time with Kaname... No! I don't want that!

"If he wishes to coexist so much with humans, then he will agree to this..." He said.

I stayed silent.

"This is the conclusion of the meeting. You may all return to your activities." My grandfather said.

I was one of the first ones to leave the room. This is truly the worst day of my life. I have to say goodbye to my father, and Kaname too?!

I stood against a wall where no one can see me. I put a hand over my mouth and let the tears fall out of my eyes. I slid to the ground, silently crying, where no one can hear me..


I screamed for his name in my head. I know he can't hear me. I feel like I cannot escape from this.

"Lily...?" I heard a voice call out to me.

I turned around, and the person wasn't Kaname...

It's Zero....

                                           ~I'll show you a sweet dream next night~

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