Rivero Decaying

By JasmineSiller

95.8K 3.7K 1.7K

Book #1 in the Decaying Series The city that never sleeps is now closing her eyes for good as something weird... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
Author's Note
Author note pt.2
author's note pt.3

chapter 16

2K 96 81
By JasmineSiller

May contain a trigger.

After the stunt Will pull yesterday I told everyone to look out for people like that if they ever meet anyone. It was fucked up but I had a job to do. I look at Claire and she followed me."Look this is what happen, he tried to take control and aim his weapon at the growler and shot it, then tried to aim at me but he attracted more and tried to fight them off and I yelled run he didn't listen got surround and bitten then Bobby shot him and that's it" I said. She looks at me and understood, "I'll go talk to Bobby to see if he is all good" she said and I nodded at she left. Today was a slow day in a sense. There wasn't much to do in a city with the undead walking around. I mean you could read all day and build but after awhile you tend to want something new to happen. Not in something bad but something good. I wasn't in the mood to stay at the school all day. "Hey, sally I'm going out alone for a while be back soon" I radio her. "You better not pull any shit or I'll find you," she said in a calm voice. Damn, she is scary when she cares. I went to go find Tabi to tell her I was going out just to go out and that I would be back soon.

After telling her I was leaving I bump into Riley. She smiles at me and I gave an awkward smile back. Why am I so awkward? "Where are you going" she ask me."out just can't stay in too long it will drive me crazy and maybe raid a bookstore," I told her. She just smiles and asks if she could come along. I don't see the problem with that and this was a chance to get to know her. After gearing up and finding her a blunt object to use and a pistol we walked to the gate and waiting for it to be open. We when left the school I stay quite and so did Riley. It was awkward silence it was a quite nice one. It was like we didn't need to talk to be good in each other's company. I don't know why but I really like it. I wasn't a person much for spending time with anyone. I just like being by myself with my music and a good book to read but now my world changed and I was thrown into hell but it wasn't just me it was everyone is this city. It was the native new yorkers, to foringer the new people on the block who were all feeling like this. I was alone from the start trying to save women I didn't know to becoming a leader with a group of people that I can be close with.

We were walking down central park west when I decided to go the-the east side. I stop walking and just pointed out to the park to let her know we were going to walk through the park. It was a nice March day so why not. As we enter the park I notice some of the trees had green bulbs on them. It was getting ready for spring and for some reason that spark something inside of me. I really couldn't put my finger on it but I didn't really care. We were nearing the water when we both decided to just sit down on the grass looking over it. It was so still and quiet that this didn't look like my city anymore. As we were sitting I look up at the sky watching the clouds go by with no care in the world. "Jackie what were you like before you got the tattoo on your neck" Riley ask me." I was a bit a loner type, I mean I had few people I called my friends but I don't know if there alive or not, and I never really had a family before, so in a weird way I made friends and gotten a small weird family out of this," I said. Riley hums her response and we continue looking out over the water. "What were you like before all this happen?" I ask her. " I was a nerd. I was good in school but I was a weird nerd. I was like outgoing and good at sports but I was in ap classes so no one really knew how to deal with me until I left for school. I got a full ride at UCLA for basketball, it was winter break so I decided to come home and now I'm here with you and I'm fine with that" she said. She looks over to me and gave me a warm smile. I blush at her and smile back. I didn't mean to blush.

After a few more minutes of us just sitting down, we got up and made our way to the west side. There was a Barnes and Nobles on 86th street. As we continue to walk we passed my second favorite place in the city. That was the metropolitan museum of art. I wanted to go in and explore the world of art but I also wanted to go into Barnes and Nobles. "So do you like art," Riley ask me. I look at her and laugh. "I fucking love art so much, like all forms of it". She just smiles at me and I smile back. Her smile was beautiful. They way it reached her eyes made me melt. Woah what is with me, I know I'm gay but I never felt like this since I got my heart ripped out two years ago. We were nearing the bookstore and I was getting giddy. I love reading and the smell of books so much. Riley notices this and laughs at me. I gave her a look and she just laughs a bit more. After giving her all of my looks I give up and smile at her. She rushes to the door and opens "after you shorty" she said. I step up to her and slap the back of her head. She just smiles and we walked inside the store. This Barnes and Nobles were underground because there were apartments on top.

I was on cloud nine and I love it. I love books and I couldn't wait to get my hands on some of my favorite authors. I actually smile and went down stair to where the comic books are. I mean there won't be any new issues coming out soon but that doesn't mean I can't read them. Hell, this is the perfect time to catch up on the comics I was reading before all this start and discover some new ones. The manga section was the next shift over and I wanted to finish reading Naruto and start something new. I was just really happy. I didn't notice but Riley was smiling too. I looked up and saw her face and blush, she was amazingly pretty when she smile. She was looking over some of the best sellers books on a table nearby and I was just grabbing anything that sounded good. I never judge a book by its cover but more like a few chapters in. I couldn't wait to pack my bag full of books and maybe I can even get Riley to get some books for me too. If she said yes I would be happy and kiss her! Wait for what, why am I thinking about that. I have no time to think of anything but helping my crew and the other leaders. I also have to teach Riley how to fight and survive out here now. I mean she did come me with here and we did fight a bit but to really show her how to live and work within a group or going out solo I have to be a teacher and not somebody with a small crush. Did I really just admit that to myself? Yes, yes I did. Well, now that's out of the way I can get my books and show Riley the works as well.

Three hours later I had fill Rileys and I bags with books and she just smile at me. Wow, her smile and amazing. I need to stop thinking about her like that. "Okay so Riley I am going to like show you how to survive in a sense," I told her. "Alright oh wise one teach away," she said with a laugh. I smile at her and told her about the different types of undead or zombies we have to face on a day to day basis. "So you got your growlers and tickers, then we have the new one which is the freak, now the freak just come out of nowhere but I think it has to do with your genetic makeup. Allen mostly had genes that allow him to mutating the way he did in a short period of time while others have genes that are growler or ticker type" I explain the science side the best I could and throw in some details that I got from the seven. It looked like she understood me and ask questions when she didn't understand it. I also brought up different ways to take down growlers and tickers but not freaks. Freak, on the other hand, are on a new level. When I fought it I was thrown into cars and get bitten and it healed. I told her about how I have to fight him and how it was hard fighting someone who could have been a friend. "Well let's start a memorial then," she said. I stopped and looked at her and thought that was a great idea. After talking a bit more about different things such as clearing rooms and buildings and stealth, we were ready to head back to the school. It was dark out already and I told Riley to radio the school we are heading back now.

"You need to learn how important it is to stay connected with the crew and if you are in trouble or have not been seen we will go to your last location" I explain to her. She nodded her head and radio the school."ten for" said Sally. Sally still scares me when she gets mad but she cares and worries about us all. She is like the den mother of the school. I laugh at the thought and grab Riley hand to pull her to the exit. It was dark out but it wasn't that cold. I was still; holding on to her hand when she started walking to central park so we can go through it. I wanted to let go but Riley held on and squeeze my hand a bit. I stop trying to pull away from her and felt my face blush. She didn't look back at me to see the blush. After a few more minutes I hear something. I stop and so does Riley. "What was that" she ask. "I don't know and I don't like this," I said. I have a gut feeling that something or more like someone was going to get hurt tonight and it was going to be Riley or I. after a second some guys walked out of the bushes.

"Hey look at what we got here," said the small man. "Oh boy u can't wait to get inside the small one there, I bet she's a screamer," said the big fat one. They were pissing me off and I felt Riley's hand tighten and shake a bit. I look to her and saw the fear in her green eyes. Like hell was I going to let these guys touch Riley. " oh-oh-oh I can feel myself inside them already" "same here same here I can't wait for this to happen" said the third and fourth guys. They were pissing me off even more. "Riley run" I whisper to her. She was still shaking and started to hurt my hand a bit. I turn to her and push her from me and yelled "fucking run Riley" and she did. "Hey she's getting away get her," said one of the gun, but not today. I pull out my weapon and shot him in the knee. "Ahhh you fucking bitch" he yells. "Try me assholes" I yell. I knew if I made more noise it would bring the zombies and that would help me escape. But before I could do anything I was grabbed by one of them and thrown to the floor. My head the ground but I didn't feel dizzy or anything. I felt one of them on top of me and I try to fight my way up but the other two. I was started to get piss and I felt off. I felt like my body was burning up and then I felt my teeth poke into my mouth. I tasted the metal taste of my own blood and something trigger in me. I felt my blood boil and my teeth were pointing out of my mouth now.

I felt stronger and I started to fight off the guys. I wanted to end them and that's exactly what I'm going to. But before I could do anything one of them fell limp to the ground. I saw Reily with fear in her eyes but a big ass tree branch in her hand. While the other guy was going after her and one the other two on top of me I was able to fight them off of me. " like how I am letting you guys go" I said in a low tone that didn't sound like my voice. I saw the big fat one try to pin Riley to the tree and I jump to him and kick the side of him hard. I didn't know how I did that but all I knew that I wanted to protect Riley. The other two guys look at me and I look at them. I felt my body tense and I was ready to fight. They pull out knives but I didn't care. One started running towards me and I dodge to the first attack but then he pulls out a second one and got me on the side. I grunted with the pain I felt but he was close for me to punch him in the jaw." Looks out mother fucker" I said and sent him flying to the tree. He was down and out for the count. The last guy standing was backing away from us. "You are a monster" he yells. "Thank you" was all I said. He got his friends and throw one on his back and ran shouting that he will be back for us. Like hell, he will. I'll fucking make sure of it.

My body was still feeling hot and my teeth were still poking out. I turn away from Riley and put space between us. I didn't want her to get scared even more. Riley reaches out and grab my hand and her other hand find its way onto my cheek. I saw the fear in her eyes but I also saw something else in the mix. She didn't pull away from me while I try to pull away from her. With each step back I took she took one forward. Until I was back against a tree. "Don't hide from me please?" she said and hugged me. I didn't know what to think or do but I felt my arms moving to wrap around her. She was an inch or two taller them me but I felt good in her arms. She let me go and grab my hand again. I was still burning up but my teeth were changing. They were poking out anymore. Riley squeezes my hand and we started walking to the school. I look up and saw the night sky fill with stars. We were halfway there when we heard a noise again but this time, it was a cat in a tree. We walked for forty more minutes and I could see the museum. We were almost there. I smile and Riley squeezes my hand again. I needed to tell the seven about what happen tonight and I also needed to tell my four co-leaders to see what they think.

Ten minutes later we stepped through the gate and I saw Claire and Jimmy on watch. "Hey the two rookies are patrolling the walls they thought it was a good idea," said Claire. "Yea that is a good idea," I told her and Riley and I may our way to the lunchroom to get some food and to get to bed soon. After eating I told Riley I was going to the office to do some planning and see her in a bit. She nodded and did something that I didn't think she would so. She kisses me cheek. I turn away and blush. I heard her laughing and made my way to the office to make up tomorrow's plan and yo see how Victor is doing with Lucy.

After planning tomorrow events I went to the bathroom to wash up a bit and went to my room. I saw Riley and Tabi together. Tabi was in Riley's lap and she was reading a random story to her. I smile and thought that if we were trapped in hell I would like to have this. But knowing me I wouldn't be good for anyone. I shook the thought out of my head and walked over to them. I claim the side of the bed closest to the walk with Jade by my side. I was laying on my back when Riley came out of nowhere and jump onto me. Gasping for air "what the fuck Riley" I said. She didn't say anything but just laughed. After getting my breath back I tackle her and started to tickle her. "Stop," she said in between laughs and I said no. then Tabi joins in and attacks my side with her small hands. I laugh but then something occurs to me. I was stabbed where she was touching me and I got up off of Riley and told Tabi to stop for a bit. I pull off my shirt and saw a scar there. "But you were stab there " Riley whisper. "I know and felt the scar. It was hot the-the touch but it didn't hurt.

I looked at her and she looks right back. She put her hold hand on the scar and said "it doesn't matter you're still you" and I just look at her and nodded. We stay quiet and pull Tabi to be. We went to bed and I thought about what happen today. As my eyes close and the darkness welcome me I saw Allen and blue eyes there. This time, it wasn't a nightmare but something just there. I didn't know what to make of it but I just let sleep take me.  

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