B5 SGILT (Trilogy)

De kbtease

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No thank you!
Dont bother
I am my fathers son
Really tho
Well looky here
Ok cool
Got You
Job done


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De kbtease

The next morning was a Saturday. I didnt want no more bullshit from Marcus and his crew so I decided to squash it all, but I didnt want my baby sister hating me so as a head start I called up Marcus and faked a truths.

"Ay man was sup?", I said the moment he answered the phone pretending we were the best of friends. "What the fuck you doing calling me?", "I wanna make a truths".

There was a sigh then a long silence on the phone. I waited patiently almost wanting to hang up until he spoke again.

"So big brother wanna call it truths huh, what caused a change?".

I chuckled a fake laugh" Come on Marc, you know we go way back, let's just start like we were in middle school, besides with you dating my sister in all, we need this".

The phone became silent. I knew he was thinking. I waited for about 5 minutes before it got loud again.

"Okay then Jay, I have to test you first, tonight around 7pm I'll give you a call, will see if you can be my main ma again like the old days!".

I nodded. 'Alright then, I'll look forward to it".

Then we hung up. I thought hard.What am I doing. One call to dad and this will be shut down but then I'd be known as a snitch. I sighed leaning back on my pillow.

"Well let me change for the night".

I looked in my closet and took out my black sweats and black T-shirt and matched that with my hoodie.

It hit 6:30pm in a flash and as I paced my room, my mom checked on me asking me about my day and letting me know Janaye was out with her friends. I brushed off most of my moms words in kissed her goodnight as I waited for the call.

It hit 7:30pm so I assumed Marcus took me as a big joke so instead of staying in, I headed out. Before I was far into the streets, just to make sure they knew I was serious, I decided to call Marcus again.

"Ayyy did y'all forget about me?, its almost 8pm".

"Nah man we just got caught in some stuff".

"Okay well where should I meet you?.

"Meet me in Garamond".

"Where at?".

"Near the old park".

"Which side?"

"Don't worry, will see you".

"Aiight", I said and he hung up.

I drove around for what seemed like a hour through traffic than finally reached my destination. From the second I drove up I saw 3 of Marcus's homies posted near there cars and Marcus posted as well. I didn't like the vibe I was getting and just knew that something was about to go down.

I got out my car in walked over to them. They greeted me with the proper handshakes. Then Marcus walked over smiling.

"You ready to join my crew?".

"Yea I'm ready".

"Well follow us".

I locked my car by hitting the alarm and we entered the park, passing through the empty deserted area, we landed in a house.

"Whose spot is this?", I asked scoping the place.

"Just a chick friend of mine", Marcus replied, "She hardly here so I use it for well you know the drug deals".

I was shocked but not much, I knew Marcus was in a gang or at least a damn crook dope head and I ain't like it at all.

"So what you wanna sale for me to prove I can trust you again?", Marcus addressed me as his boys turned into another room.

"Uh just some weed will do".

"Nigga, we don't sale weed here big brother! I have that hard white for your ass if you can push it!".

I thought for a second.

"Powder Jayden".

He opened a huge case in there stood tons of white dust. Dope.

"My boys setting some stacks up for you right now and once you sold it, you're in my trust circle again".

I nodded. "Alright".

They came in handed over a case which I assumed had the dope. We exited his friends house in loaded my trunk. Once I was loaded, Marcus gave me a address to hit first letting me get a headstart on selling.

I got in my car smiling and thinking of my plan to trap him and his boys. I would get on they're good side now then turn them over to the cops in the morning but before I could even think of headed to the police tomorrow, Marcus let me know that he'll have the spot I hit, call him to let him know I dropped off some dope. I sighed inside.

"Shit". I drove off. I guess I had to play the part to get father and that's exactly what I was going to do.

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