By shelbsterr01

16.2K 494 66

Mila a orphan who thought she'd be spending her birthday alone , gets a sweet surprise. 5 world famous boys w... More

chap. #3 Welcome Home
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13/14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18


1.2K 35 13
By shelbsterr01

Once i get to my room i head to the closet sized bathroom to take a shower. I had to be quick knowing everyone was trying to take a shower now and the hot waters pretty limited. I don't know why I'm trying to even look good no ones want to adopt a soon to 17 year old.

I'm the only one who knows its my birthday other then the lunch lady whose my only friend here. today in lunch she gave me a red velvet cupcake and it was the best cupcake ever...! I get out of the shower and go to my even smaller closet and pull out black jeans , a white knit sweater, and my only good pair of shoes - my uggs. 

I check my white IPhone, 5:15 pm, ugh great 45 more minutes. I comb through my hair and pull all my long blonde hair into a messy bun. I sit down on my bed and play on my phone until my roomate comes in being snobby like usual...

"Hey Mila , Are you seriously gonna wear that??? you look like you a 3rd grader.." she sneered.

"Okay.. and?" i questioned.

"ugh never mind . Their gonna be her in like 10 minutes"

I do a once over to see what shes wearing of course its all one direction... Who are they anyway? 

Mrs. McIntyre call everyone downstairs and tells us to all sit in the living room. I sit on the orange / red couch and take out my phone. I started playing candy crush And Mrs McIntyre Tells us to be quiet. Everyone's quiet until the bell rings 5 minutes later. The girls go back to whispering to each other , While Mrs. McIntyre gets the door. a few minutes 5 boys walk in the room and start to introduce themselves.

"hi I'm Zayn"

"I'm Harry."

"I'm Niall And this is Louis.."

" And I'm Liam." He smiles and stands there talking to the other boys and Mrs McIntyre. She excuses us and tells us were free to leave. I am the last to leave just so I'm not In the crowd. I walk up to my room and sit on my bed not caring that we have guests.. Like who cares. Their probably just gonna pick up the Best looking so they get good publicity...  I go back to playing candy crush and ignoring my surroundings. 

There's a knock on my door, i get up and answer the door. Great , The 5 boys are standing in front of my door with the biggest smiles on their face...

"Yes? " I ask them..

" I'm Liam , this is Louis , harry , nia..."

"I know niall and zayn.. I was down stairs when you introduced yourselfs.." I snapped.

They looked taken aback by my harsh tone.

"Sorry..." I told them " I'm used to being left out of things..."

"its okay , can we come in? to talk with you and to ask some questions?" zayn asked.

"sure why not?.." I answered 

I move to the side and let them in.. they all go around and inspect some things in the room

"nice room!" Louis comments and the others agree..

"its okay.. I guess."

10 more minutes of inspecting my room and they all got settled around the room so we could talk. Each of them asked me questions..

Louis's Question- Do you like carrots? 

My answer- Yes 

Liams question- How old are you?

My answer- 17 today

Harry's question- What do you wanna be when your older?

My answer- I don't know I wanted to be a singer and dancer...

niall's Question- Who's Your Best Friend here?

My answer- I don't have any friends here...

zayns question- have you ever heard our songs?

My answer- nope .. to tell you the truth i have no clue who you are.. i have never heard on One direction.... Sorry..

They say thanks and excuse themselves, to go talk...


"robin?" - nope

"josie?" - nope

"Mila?" - Yes!

"mila it is then!" liam announces to simon and the rest of the boys.. Simon get Mrs macintyre to go get mila packed And ready to leave tomorrow at 10:00 am. 

I head over to were the other boys are.

" hey guys." 

" hey Liam" harry shouts.

"yo dude.. no need to scream in my ear.."

Nial pipes up,"Im excited tht we are getting Mila she nice and Shes kinda hot."

Well that earned a slap in the head from Zayn.. I think he may have just the tinniest crush on her too. I am excited though .. we dont have to treat her like a kid i mean shes 17 she would have been out in another year anyway..  I go Up to her room to tell her the news , but shes not in her bed.. then i heard it. her singing , she was in the shower but her singing was amazing.. I ran down the stairs and told the boys and we all creep up the stairs so she wouldnt stop ... we got to her door and we all listenned. 

harry and niall were in awe while zayn, me and louis were in total shock.

a few minutes later she shut off the water and stopped her amazayn (see what i did there?) singing. we all tried to run down stairs as quiet as possible to not get caught.. after another 20 minutes she came downstairs... I walked up to her,

"Hey Mila!"


"Guess what?"

"what?" she questioned 

"We want to adopt you!!!"



She started smiling really big.. I told her we're leaving at 10 tomorrow.. She ran up stairs and started to pack the little stuff she had.." When she came back downstairs we talked alittle bit longer just me and her.. I have no clue were all the other boys went.. "What ever" I thought. I checked my phone. 10:43PM we exchanged good byes and i went to find the booys..

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