Emotions - (An Original Austi...

By MahoneQueen

44.6K 1.1K 123

Love conquers all. Caring, protective, sweet, and sensitive are just a few words to describe Iris Garner. Fat... More

Emotions - (An Original Austin Mahone Love Story)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 12

1.7K 58 14
By MahoneQueen

Drake - Hold On, We're Going Home

Bonnie McKee - American Girl

Afrojack ft Eva Simons -Take Over Control

"A kiss is a rosy dot over the 'i' of loving" - Cyrano de Bergerac

*Pic of what Iris would of looked like on da side* 


- Austin's Point of View -

I moved my gaze from my phone and scanned the area searching for Iris. I soon spotted her by the door way. I waved my hand and she smiled, making her way over to me.

I took in her appearance and my heart nearly stopped.

Her long white gown draped to the floor. It was cover in sparkles and silver gems. The white from her dress made her green eyes and tan skin stand out. Her reddish-brown hair was smoothed into an updo at the top of her head. I couldn't tell if she purposely left out a few strands, but I admired the way they framed her cheerfully round face. Her delicate feet were in some white sandals that corresponded with her dress. All I could think about is how badly I wanted to put my arms around her and call her mine.

She gracefully glided to the table and sat herself down in the chair in front of me. She still hadn't noticed me staring. She set her bag down on the floor next to her, folded her hands on the table, and smiled at me.

"Hey, Austin. I see you've been tweeting about me." She playfully smirked. I gathered up my confidence and replied.

"What can I say? That picture was too good to ignore." I smirked back and she rolled her eyes. "Whatever, but don't let me catch you posting embarrassing pictures of me again or else." I raised my eyebrow and leaned closer.

"Or else, what? I emphasized the 'what' to show her how much she didn't phase me. She reached into her bag and pulled out her phone. Before I could even react, she snapped a picture of me and cackled out loud to herself.

"Or else this is going on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram." She held out her phone to show me the picture. My face heated up. She had somehow managed to snap a pic of me looking like I was drunk or possibly high. Either way, one eye was up and the other eye was looking down. How I did that, I have no idea. My mouth was also slightly open and as if that weren't enough, my hand was awkwardly held up high.

"You wouldn't dare." I said hissed as harshly as possible. She just smiled innocently and put her phone away. "Don't you underestimate me." I just rolled my eyes.

I was very pleased with the fact that she had the courtesy to put her phone away and pay attention to me. Most girls that I have taken out on a date were glued to their phone as if I wasn't even there. All I can say is, big turn off.

"This place is really beautiful." Iris breathed as she looked around. I couldn't help but agree. "It is one of my favorite things about this condo, plus their smoothies are beast." She turned her attention back on me as she rested her elbows in the table, her defined chin cupped in her hands.

"Beast? Really, Austin? Looks like you can take the boy outta the crew, but you can't take the crew outta the boy." I laughed. "I guess that's true, but still." She just shook her head and continued gazing around in awe. I copied her actions.

The whole restaurant was open, so we were in the same atmosphere as the outside. The beach was in front of us and the boardwalk was in the front of the building. It was more like a tiki hut than a restaurant. I had chosen a table in the back so we could view the water and the sunset. The water sparkled like thousands of sapphires. The place was pretty empty considering it was a Monday evening.

"It is so nice how they thought to use real flowers to decorate instead of fake ones." Iris's sweet voice drifted my gaze back to her as she admired the many flowers that outlined the building.

"Welcome to Sandy's Tiki Hut, can I start you off with some drinks?" One of the server ladies pranced over to us. She was dressed in a coconut bra and grass skirt. The outfit was finished off with a flowered headband and neon flip-flops. Wow, they really do mean business here.

"Um, can I have a strawberry smoothie?" I said. Iris looked at the menu. "I think I'll have the pineapple smoothie." The lady scribbled it down and skipped off again. "Looks like you won't have to wait long considering no one is here." She called from the other side of the room.

And sure enough, she placed out drinks in front of us less than a minute later. "No one even comes here anymore since they put up that night club around the block. I don't even know why I still bother running this place."

We thanked her for the drinks. "I don't know why they wouldn't come here, this are delicious plus the real flowers you put up are absolutely gorgeous!" Iris gushed after taking a sip of her smoothie.

That instantly changed the ladies expression. "Oh thank you, thank you! You are the first to appreciate the flowers here! I just wish more people would come by. My name is Sandy by the way, I own this place."

Iris grinned and shook Sandy's hand. "Nice to meet you, I'm Iris." I shook her hand too and introduced myself. "Is there anyway we can help?" I asked. Sandy shook her head. "I am 2,000 dollars in debt. It needs to be payed off by the end of the month or else no more restaurant."

"I have an idea!" Iris exclaimed. "We can have a benefit concert here to raise enough money." I brightened at her idea. "I can perform too. If I tell my fans to come they'll be sure to show up!" Sandy beamed at my offer. "I can ask my new cast mates to come too! We can have a meet-and-greet!"

The evening continued with us making plans to help Sandy out. She ate dinner with us as we discussed a time and date. When everything was settled, I paid for the dinner and we hugged Sandy goodbye.

"Thanks for paying, Austin." Iris said as we started our journey back to the our condos. "Anytime." I replied. She smiled and looked out in front of her. We continued walking in a comfortable silence until I couldn't take it anymore.

We needed to talk things through. I kissed her and she ran away. I planned on telling her my feelings tonight. I seriously cannot deny my love for her any longer. It is literally tearing me apart. Tonight will be the night when I ask her to be my girlfriend. It may be soon, but I can't deny that I have fallen for her.


"Iris? I need to tell you something." I stopped walking and looked at her. "Austin, you can tell me anything." She looked up at me with clear concern written across her face. I suddenly noticed that it was now dark out. The moon was the only light that shone. How I didn't realize this sooner is a mystery to me.

When she noticed me being quiet, her expression softened and she gently held my hand. "Let's go sit," She said softly. She pulled me over to a bench and we sat. I took a deep breath and gathered up all the strength I could muster.

"Iris, do you remember how I kissed you?" I said my voice shaking with nerves. She squeezed my hand in reassurance. "Yes. That is why I asked if we could talk things out tonight." She spoke quietly. I turned my body to hers and shut my eyes.

"It was because I have feelings for you." I opened my eyes and saw her seemingly unsurprised face.

"I mean, well, yeah. I kinda figured that after you kissed me. I was just taken off guard when you kissed me is all. It also didn't help that I didn't know how to react, so I ran off in panic. The funny thing is, is that I have feelings for you too, Austin." The moonlight lit up her face as she stared deep into my eyes. Her full pink lips were desperately inviting me to kiss them.

And so I did.

I closed my eyes and pressed my lips to her's real slow. I cupped my hand along her jaw when I felt her kiss back. She draped her arms around my shoulders and rested her hands on my neck. Her fingers brushed the back of my neck slowly, driving me insane.

I captured her top lip between my two and kissed with a little more pressure. The amount of passion that sparked where our lips met was indescribable. Our noses brushed against each other every few counts as we continued. My stomach swooped and my throat dried. Never has a girl had that kind of impact on me. It scared me to think how much I already cared for her in the small amount of time that we have known each other. It scared me even more that when I was with her I couldn't be in control of the situation.

Control was something that was crucial to me.

For as long as I can remember, I had always felt like I didn't have control of my life. Having to grow up with a missing father figure to look up to and teach you the ways of life really impacted me. Don't get me wrong, my mother is amazing, but they are only so many topics I can discuss with her. I needed my father when I was too nervous to ask a girl out, or too scared to face the playground bullies, or even just to go fishing with. Just like a girl needs her mother to talk about girl problems, I needed a father to talk about guy problems.

Control was something I strived for. Without it, I would be lost. If I didn't have control over a situation, it gave me anxiety on another level. I just couldn't function. Still, even to this day.

I brought Iris closer, if that was even possible. I craved the feeling of her lips on mine over and over again. She must of felt the same way because she continued to kiss me with just as much passion and energy. Not quite love.

At least, not yet there wasn't.

Iris pulled away giving us the perfect moment to catch our breath. Our chests heaved up and down for a few moments. I wonder if she was as shocked as I was at how that kiss turned out. That was by far the exhilarating kissing experience ever to happen in my life.

Damn, she was a good kisser.

When we finally caught our breath, she took the liberty of speaking first. She cleared her throat and asked the question that ached to be said.

"So, where does this leave us now?" She spoke softly. I'm glad she did. The still night was too piercingly silent to be shattered with loud syllables.

I'm a poet, I know.

I sighed happily to show her that I was relaxed and totally okay with what happened. Because, in reality, I was. I sat up straighter and laced my fingers with hers. I gazed deeply into her moon-lit orbs and flashed a small smile. Her eyes bored back, her expression neutral as ever.

"Iris, do you think you could give me a chance? Give me a chance to be your everything. I promise I will stick with you through thick and thin. I will always be avaliable whenever you need me if you just say yes." I never once broke eye contact as I nervously waited for her response.

"Aw, are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" She gave me a childlike grin. I giggled nervously at her unexpected childish behavior. This girl was always leaving me guessing. "Yes?" It sounded more like a question. The next thing she did completely surprised me.

She started laughing.

First it was giggling, then it grew into laughing, and then it spiraled into her being doubled-over laughing so hard it was sure to wake a few people. She clutched her stomach as the tears rolled down her reddened cheeks.

"Ha ha ha ha? Iris? What is so funny?" I spoke slowly trying not to make her laugh even more.

"I'm s-s-s sorry. I n-n-n need a m-minute." She continued laughing until eventually her giggling dwindled down to a faint smile.

"What. On. Earth. Was that all about?" I demanded, embarrassed at the fact that she was probably laughing at me. She shook her head as her smile grew. "It is just that the little will-you-date-me speech you just declared to me sounded more like a wedding vow. Hate to break it to you, but you totally lost all your swag and manliness with that adorable speech, just saying.

Picture the reddest possible shade of red that you can think of. Good, now multiply that by 10. Now maybe you have an idea of how red my face turned after she spoke those horrific words.

After some more teasing and giggling, things finally got serious again. I took a deep breath and asked the tough question again. "Iris, will you be my girlfriend? Look I know it's soon and all but if you just give me a chance I can prove t-"

She interrupted me by placing a delicate finger over my lips. "Yes. The answer is yes. Just as long as I get more of those cute widdle Austin speeches." She playfully pinched my still-red cheeks and smiled cheekily.

My face spread into the widest grin possible. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into my lap. I smashed my lips to her's quickly before standing up and spinning her around. I twirled her around and around, overjoyed with the fact that she said yes.

I am such an embarrassment. 'She said yes'? Really Austin? You asked her out, you didn't purpose to her. God, why am I such an over thinker?

I ignored my thoughts and placed her down. I pressed my lips to her cheek repeatedly until she gently pushed me off with a smile.

"Someone's excited." Iris teased as I tied my arms around her waist. "What is with all this teasing?" I joked back still grinning. She shrugged. "What can I say? I have right, I mean after all you are more of a girl than I am." She smirked up at me.

"Oooohhhh, gurrrrllllll, you is 'bout to get some payback!" I sang. I lifted up a shrieking Iris and held her body across mine. I held her legs with one arm and my other held up her top half.

"AUUUUUSTIN PUT ME DOWN RIGHT THIS SECOND!" She screamed loudly. I cackled evilly. "Sorry hon, payback is payback." And with that I ran off and sprinted to my my condo, a hysterical Iris on my back. 


Mmmkay. Too corny? I tried to make it cute, but I dont know.... Why dont you tell me your thoughts so far? I dont know about you but I prefer cute and dramatic fan figs over the overly sexual ones you feel me? VOTE VOTE VOTE. please share this with the people you can(:

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