Twilight Morning Sky (COMPLET...

Autorstwa SimpleEllegance

247K 7.8K 763

COMPLETE Please read the "before you read" section. Thank you (Ninety years after breaking dawn) Nobody real... Więcej

Twilight Morning Sky
Chapter Two: Secrets and Lies
Chapter Three: I Know Who You Are
Chapter Five: Love Comes in all Forms
Chapter Six: Nothing but Tears
Chapter Seven: Beauty
Chapter Eight: Here we go again.
Chapter Nine: Angles
Chapter Ten: YOU DID WHAT!!!?
Chapter Eleven: Surprise...
Chapter Twelve: Wait whoa what!
Chapter thirteen Taken
Chapter fourteen Well...
Chapter Fifteen Savior
Chapter Sixteen oh dear god
Chapter Seventeen Well.... that's not convenient
Chapter Eighteen: Bad News
Chapter Nineteen Sinking
Chapter Twenty My life will never be the same
Chapter twenty one my new family
Chapter Twenty Two, Here we go again
Chapter Twenty Three, should have seen it coming
Chapter Twenty Four, pain, pain, and more pain.
Chapter Twenty Five, Fire
Chapter Twenty Six: The Letter
Chapter Twenty Seven: How to be a vampire (for dummys)
Chapter Twenty Eight: An eventful evening
Chapter Twenty Nine: The Vampires, The Werewolves, and The Clearing.
Chapter Thirty: This is war
Chapter thirty one War at last
Chapter Thirty Two Aftershock.
Chapter thirty three But Your Dead
Chapter thirty four peaceful day
Chapter Thirty Five The new Enemy.
Chapter Thirty Six Forever and Never
Chapter Thirty Seven Funeral
Chapter thirty eight Worst timing ever
Thirty Nine Spiraling
Chapter forty Those broken few
Chapter forty one Goodbye memories
Forty two Forever and ever
Chapter forty three This is Family
Chapter forty four "Freshman Orientation."
Chapter forty five The date
Chapter Forty Six Birthdaycakes and Fear
Chapter Forty Seven Broken bones
Forty Eight Hospital kisses and morphine
Chapter forty nine The Last Dance
Chapter 50 Is it goodbye, or is it hello?
Chapter 51 The one less travled by
Chapter 52 The visitors.
Chapter 53 The proposal
Chapter 54 Bridesmaids
Chapter 55 If only they cared.
Chapter 56 Stressful Occasions
Chapter 57 Happiness at last
Chapter 58 Just the Flu
Chapter 59 Thats NOT the Flu
Chapter 61 Alls good... I think.
Chapter 62 The twins
Chapter 63 Fresh Eyes
Chapter 64 Definitely did not see that coming
Chapter 65 A New Day
Chapter 66/ Epilouge Safe Haven
Alternate Ending

Chapter One: New Faces in Forks

16.8K 337 147
Autorstwa SimpleEllegance

Chapter One

My eyes fluttered open and sitting up the world turned sideways, and it took me a second to late to realize I was sliding off the edge of the bed and onto the hard wooden floor. My gray covers falling on my head. I peaked out from underneath the covers and looked at the ocean blue walls of my room. I got up and threw the light gray covers back onto my bed, grabbed a pair of skinny jeans and a black blouse that I had gotten from a clothing store in Seattle last week.

Walking to the bathroom that was all the way down the hall, I took a shower an emerged smelling like strawberries and pomegranate. I threw on my clothes then looked at the perfumes I had sitting on the counter. Mango, Beach, or Hibiscus flowers. 'Lets go with mango, I can smell like a tropical fruit bowl today.' I thought as I sprayed the fine mist onto my clothes and skin then grabbed my deodorant and put it on.

I straightened my hair, which took about an hour because of how dense my curls are, and then applied a modest amount of makeup before walking down stairs.

"Mornin' sunshine." My dad said to me as I entered the kitchen. He was enjoying a bowl of cereal while reading the sports section from the newspaper. My dad was a doctor and when I sat down at the table with toast, I was afraid he would tell me about his latest amputation or emergency heart transplant, but that was the exact opposite. "There's a new doctor at the hospital now." He said with a smile.

"Oh really?" I asked, intrigued and using as much kindness I could on a dreary Tuesday morning.

"Ya, he has some adopted kids that are going the be attending school with you today." He smiled. "I forget their names, but there is a lot of them, and most are in your grade, I think two are a year younger." My dad started rambling, and I couldn't help but smile, because I knew that that was the sign of him not dwelling on my mom. "Sorry honey, my point is you need to be kind, live up to the Mellow name." He said with a proud smile.

"I will dad." I said laughing as I put the plate in the dish washer and grabbed both my keys and my bag. "I got to go to school. Love you! Bye!" I said hugging him goodbye and then walking out my door to the tiny green car with "a rusty accent color" as my friend Justin calls it.

I reach the school, and stepping out of my car, I laid eyes on some new faces in Forks. Nicely, I walked up to the group, they must have been in a really cloudy place before, because they where the palest pale I had seen or a skin tone. "Hi, I'm Clara Mellow." I said to one of the girls. She looked small, and was slightly shorter than me, her brown hair cut to give her a pixie-like look.

She spun around and a huge smile was plastered on her tiny face. "Alice Swan." She said with a smile. "This is my sister Bella." She said taking the arm of the girl next to her, her hair also brown, but wavy and long.

"Hi." She said with a smile, flashing her pearly whites. A tall bronze haired hunk came up behind Bella and looked at me, slightly defensive. "This is my adopted brother Edward." She said, noticing my fright.

"Hello." He said, sounding a little off. "You said your last name was Mellow, right?" He asked curiously.

"Um, yes, actually I believe your dad works with mine at the hosbital." I said, my voice getting quieter as I spoke, one of the bigger ones approached with his arms folded and a blonde girl walking at his side.

"I think Carlisle told us we might meet one of his co-workers kids today." Said the huge one, then looked over and smiled, noticing my fear. "Sorry, I'm Emmet." He gave a full grin. "I'm Eddie's big brother." He said jokingly.

Edward snorted. "More like little Emmy." He said as they began to wrestle and hoarse play around their shiny cars.

The blonde girl walked forward and a blonde boy came out of the car and stood next to each other. "I'm Rosalie Halen." She said kindly, but somehow also in a snooty tone.

"I'm Jasper Halen." He said, his jaw tight.

"Ya, Jazz is my little bro." Rosalie said and Jasper ruffled her hair, which she punched him in the arm for and smoothed down her hair.

Something was off about the whole bunch, and I couldn't put my finger on it. "What are your first hour classes?" I asked hoping I could lead them there and ignore the odd feeling.

"Biology." Said Edward and Bella. Then there was a third voice that chimed in, saying the same thing. The owner of the voice came out of the car.

"Oh, this is Cody." Edward said walking over and clapping his hand down on the guy's shoulder.

"Hi..." I said, trying to remember each name and face. 'Lets see, Edward and Emmet are brothers, R-Rose-Rosalie,' I struggled to remember the blonde's name. 'Rosalie and Jasper are brother and sister. Alice and Bella are sisters.... and then there was Cody.' I smiled at him, not showing my teeth because I knew they wouldn't be as purely white as the rest of them. "I'm Clara." I said holding out my hand to shake. So far none of them have shaken my hand yet, but when I held it out Cody came straight forward and shook it. His skin was sweltering hot, like I was holding a mini sun, yet it was cold at the same time.

"Nice to meet you." He said in a nice tone.

"Okay, well I have Biology first so, Cody, Edward, and Bella, you can follow me." I said with a smile. "As for Rosalie-" 'SUCSESS! I SAID HER NAME RIGHT' I thought triumphantly. "Emmet, Alice, and Jasper. What classes do you have? I can help you too." I said with a polite little smile.

"Emmet and I have English. But we can find our way." Rosalie said flashing me a smile.

I nodded my head and looked back and forth between Alice and Jasper. "We both have Math, but we got a map." Jasper said holding up a folded sheet of paper. "So we are fine."

"Okay, well then, it was nice meeting you." I said before I glanced at my clock on my phone and looked up desperately. "We should go now." I told the group that I was leading as the others departed in different directions.

We made it with seconds to spare, and when I sat at my counter, I remembered that one of these three are going to be my lab partner. They seem so nice too!

I sighed and leaned forward in my chair as Mr.Gale sat Edward and Bella at the counter in front of me, and sat Cody down next to me. 'Great, I have to start with this one.' I thought sadly. I never tried to drive my lab partners away, it's just that they give up when I zone out, when I start to doodle, or on occasion when I prove them wrong. 'When am I going to learn.' I thought shaking my head.

By the time class ended I had actually managed to not zone out and answer question after question without hesitation. 'Well Tuesday isn't seeming that bad now.' I thought full of triumph.

I walked out and down the hall to my next class, stopping at my locker and dropping everything off and walking to the gym sadly. I had to change into a yellow tee shirt and blue shorts. sitting down in the corner I watched them viciously play volleyball and before long, my team was up.

I started playing and on the first serve, I caught it with my face. Falling backward I bashed my head on the wood gym floor and the coach was yelling at me to get up and walk it off. 'Jerk.' I thought as I got up, rage spitting out of me. I may not be athletically inclined, but I can still spike a ball. When the ball came sailing over the net I jumped up and hit it with such force it hit the ground and shot back up, once again at my face. 'I swear to god there is some magnet on this ball that's attracted to my face.' I thought as I left the court, ignoring all of the yells from the coach, and walking down the hall.

"Are you okay?" I heard a familiar voice behind me. I spun around and saw Jasper standing there, Alice next to him.

"Ya, I'm fine." I said taking my hand away from my nose. Hopefully nothing was majorly wrong with it, or they could peg me as a lier.

"Are you sure? Your nose is bleeding." Alice said pointing at me. Quickly I looked at my hand and saw that it had my nose blood on it too and quickly I covered it back up. "You might want to get that cleaned up." She said with a smile. "Here, I can help." She smiled at Jasper and then walked my direction and pulled me into the bathroom. With one last glance out the door before it shut I saw Jasper standing still, looking in my direction, a menacing look plastered on his face, and then the door shut.

I grabbed a bunch of paper towles, wet down a few, and then pressed it to my nose. "So what brings you guys to Forks? I mean it can't be the wonderful weather we have." I said laughing slightly as I looked in the mirror and dabbed at the blood.

She laughed, and I envied how perfect it sounded, mine sounds like a donkey getting ran over by a truck. "No, Carlisle was offered a job at the hosbital, and we where getting tired of the big city life, so we came out here." She said with a smile.

I laughed a little. "It doesn't get any smaller than this. Unless you count the wilderness." I finally stopped bleeding, and just in time, because just about now I would be able to skip the rest of Volleyball, change, and then move on to my next class.

"Your just like my sister." She said shaking her head. "She absolutely hated sports, most uncoordinated person I had ever seen." She laughed, her facial expression suggesting she was remembering the 'good old days.'

"Really? I would have never thought. She looked pretty graceful to me." I said in astonishment. Maybe if I started practicing now, I wouldn't hit my face off the ball while playing volleyball.

"Ya, well she was, I don't know what she did to fix the problem." She shrugged her shoulders and we exited the bathroom. Jasper, instead of standing rigid in the hall, he was leaning against the wall waiting for us to emerge from the bathroom.

Eventually, after three more grueling hours, lunch came. I happily sat down, and them noticed that the new kids didn't have anyone to sit with. "I-I'll be right back." Standing up I walked over to the table they all sit. "Do you guys want to sit with my friends and I?" I asked with a small smile, then turning around I saw someone had already taken my spot and pushed my food aside. 'That little back stabbing b-' My thoughts where interrupted with Edward coughed.

"No, but would you like to sit with us?" He asked politely, probably noticing me being replaced by my 'friends.'

I smiled at the offer but had to shake my head no at the invitation. "I'm sorry, I-"

"We insist." Bella said motioning to an open chair on the other side. Sighing I sat down and when they offered me food, I declined, I had finished almost all of my food, and it's never taken much to make me full.

The group just kinda talked meaninglessly, and then they turned to me. "So tell us about yourself Clara." Jasper said with a small smile. I got an uneasy feeling, but then it drifted away.

"Well, there isn't much to tell... I've lived in Forks my entire life, my parents lived in Forks. My great grandpa actually went to this school back in 2010." I said with a small smile.

"Oh really? what was his name?" Bella asked leaning forward slightly, showing intrest.

"Mike Newton." I said with a smile. Edward growled slightly and Bella shot him a look that made him stop. "He married Angela Webber and had my grandma."

"Cool." Bella said, although her body language would suggest that she felt something else about what I just said.

The bell rang and I stood up. "I uhh, I got to go to class." I said and then scurried out the door, heading straight to my next class.

School droned on as usual, and most of my classes I had with Edward, Bella, Cody, or Alice. "I absolutely love your blouse. Where did you get it!?" Alice said as we walked out the door to the parking lot. Once again it was pouring down rain and I had no choice but to put on my jacket and throw up my hood.

"I got it last week in Seattle at some department store." I said shrugging. She nodded and we departed. I stood at the tail end of my car, throwing my things in the back seat. Slamming the door shut I walked back to the front and slid in.

I finally got home and ran into the house, quickly made and sat grilled cheese in front of my dad, who was enjoying an article from the news paper. Eating mine quickly I went upstairs and commenced on homework, finishing in just under ten minutes and then going on to reading Pride and Prejudice again.

Finally finishing it, surprisingly at eleven o'clock I fell asleep. But unlike most nights, where my dreams fade away, this one was vivid. Pictures of the Cullen family, every thing that was off about them. How only one actually shook my hand, and he was both sweltering hot and ice cold at the same time. How Edward had reacted to my Great Grandfather's name, and how Bella reacted to my Great Grandmother's name. Then how Jasper seemed to stare at me. Then, there was that one odd thing about them all. They had the same exact topaz brown eyes, each one suggesting that they where from a different time. Then the scene shifted, and I was laying in my room, hooded figures coming from the shadows. Their claw like hands taking me and-

I shot straight up and my book fell on the floor. The sky was still extremely dark, and my clock said it was only 12:30. 'Great, hour and a half of sleep, and it's nothing but nightmare.' I thought as I flattened my sheets back out and curled up under the light gray comforter, drifting back into a dreamless sleep.


Thanks for reading you guys, I know that this isn't the best of chapters, but I'm trying to make them nice and long for you. Vote Comment and Share please!

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