I'm Here For You

By obrienkaties

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HIGHEST RANKING: #1 IN STYDIA 9/7/24 In which awkward and dorky Stiles Stilinski and perfect queen bee Lydia... More

note from the author !
1.They're Pretty Good Together
2.Wildest Dreams
3.I Found
4.All Of Me
5.Can You Hold Me?
6.Safe And Sound
7.Star Wars
8.Being Adorable
9.Best Stilinski Cook
10.Shipping All The Way
11.Wanting It
12.Back Again
13.The Note
14.Emotional Tether
15.Do You Love Me?
17.Feelings Change
18.Not For Them
19.Couple Building
20.It Really Is Him
21.Another Girl
22.The Locket
23.Best Friend Rides
24.Another Plan In The Plan
25.Secret Love
26.Spilling Secrets
27.Real Broken Heart
28.A Mistake
29.Back Together
30.Is It Possible?
31.Prank Wars
32.Movies and Cuddles
34.The Makeover
35.He Showed Everyone
36.Long Time No See Dream
37.That Special Treat
38.You Don't Have To Rush
39.The Dance
40.You Never Left
Author's Note

33.Couple Name

74 1 1
By obrienkaties


The best song! I love this song so much! It's called "Smoke and Fire" by Sabrina Carpenter. Btw, I'm not a fan of her but I'm definitely a fan for some of her songs. Sorry Sabrina fans!


I woke up by Stiles' dad screaming. Oh shiiiiit. I clearly need to stop saying shit. I look around and everyone was sleeping. I smiled. We should hold one again. But this time, we need to get more girls.

"Stiles! Wake up!" He shouted again. I don't think he liked what he saw. "Stiles! I told you to not break any bowls! You broke 3!"

I tried to get up but Allison was squishing me. I let out a huff and grab a handful of popcorn that was still with Stiles.

Scott stretched out his arms and he opened his eyes. He looked at me and I signal him to keep his mouth shut. Unfortunately, he didn't.

"Good morning, Sheriff." Scott said. I heard Sheriff Stilinski huff. "Good morning, Scott. Can you please wake up your friends that are on the floor. Stiles won't wake up."

Scott woke up Allison first and she whined. "Ugh! What time is it?"

"I don't know,"he answered. Guess I'll have to wake up Stiles. I shook Stiles and plead him to wake up. "Tickle him."

I turned around to find Allison. "What?" I asked confused. "He wakes up if you tickle him."

I shrugged and did it anyway. Stiles started squirming and tried to sway my hand away. "Stiles, wake up." I whispered in his ear. I saw him smile.

I looked around to find everyone waking up and starting putting their stuff away. Scott pulled me away from Stiles. "Let me try. It's better if his best friend did it."

I stood up and Allison leaned over. "That sounds weird." I nodded. Scott started tickling Stiles and he started laughing. "Stop! Stop! Who--who is this? Oh lord!"

Scott stopped and Stiles opened his eyes. "Oh shit! It was you?!"

Awkward silence.

I stepped up. "Um, actually it was me." I laughed awkwardly.

"Hey Stiles!" His dad yelled. I totally forgot about him. Stiles turned around and saw his dad's face. "Oh great."

"You're gonna pay me back for those bowls." He said. "And can you please go to the grocery store and buy some stuff for me while I cook breakfast for your friends."

Cheering filled the living room. Stiles got out of the couch and walked over to his dad who gave him a list of groceries.

Stiles came back while inspecting the grocery list. I grabbed my bag and went to the bathroom.

If I want to make a move on Stiles, I gotta go to the store with him. And I don't want to be wearing something that I wore yesterday.

I opened my bag revealing all my makeup. I grabbed my dress. It was a white strapless. I smiled. It was my favorite dress. And the luckiest one. I hope.

When I was done putting it on, I started doing my makeup. While I was putting on my mascahra, there was a knock on the door.

I opened it, only revealing my face only to see Kira standing there. "Hey, you almost done because I'm going to change."

"Change in Stiles' bedroom." I suggested. Kira shifted her feet. "Um, he's actually changing there."


"I'm almost done. I'm doing my makeup now." I said. "Can I see your outfit?" Kira asked. I opened up the door wide and let her see. She shook her head slowly. "Nuh uh, sweetie!"

I looked down at myself. "Is there something wrong with the dress?"

"No. It's just missing something." She replied. What am I missing?

Kira unzipped her bag and was going through her clothes when she finally took out a black and white stripped flannel. "This should work!"

I backed away. "Uh, no! I can't take it! You were going to wear it."

Kira huffed and went through her bag again. She pulled out a black leather jacket and handed it over. "No! I'm really sorry but I can't!"

"Look, can you a least wear it? Just this once." Kira said. I looked at it for a few seconds and finally grabbed it and put it on. 

Kira smiled. "There. You look stunning. Why are you wearing this dress though?"

Fuck. I can't tell her is just to look nice for Stiles. What should I say? Kira exhaled. "It's okay that you want to look nice for Stiles."

I looked at her. "No, that's not it!" Kira raised her eyebrows at me. "Lydia, is okay if you still love him. I don't really care. I ship you guys. Really."

I was shocked. I can't believe she didn't took this the wrong way. She even wants us together. "Wow! Thanks, I think."

Kira laughed. "Your welcome! Anyway, I'll tell Allison to make you go to the grocery store with Stiles since you know." I did know. Allison is the one who makes Stiles and I have some time together. And we know that she'll never stop. Probably she'll stop if we get together. Probably.

I grabbed all my makeup and clothes and put them back in my bag. I definitely shouldn't wear makeup. Because Stiles didn't like me for me looks. He liked the real me. And I'm going to show it.

Kira came back up. "I told Allison. Stiles is going to head out. Hurry!" She said before she disappeared in the bathroom.

I hesitated and headed downstairs. Stiles was looking for his stuff and Scott was helping him just when he look up and nudged Stiles.

Stiles suddenly turned around and we locked eyes. I was finally down and Allison hugged me. "You look so beautiful!"

When we pulled back, I saw Stiles still smiling at me. I smiled. There is still another shot to get him back.

There is.


Lydia. She looked really beautiful.

Scott nudged me. "Hey, you okay there?" I nodded. Scott handed me my phone, wallet and Kira's keys.

"Okay guys," I said. "I'll be back sooner than you think. Gonna get some crap from the store and I'll buy more snacks!"

"Umm, Stiles?"


Allison pushed Lydia gently forward. "Can Lydia come with you?" I looked at her. Lydia had a sad-happy face. I nodded.

We went outside and hopped in Kira's car. "Why are we going in Kira's car?" Lydia asked.

"My Jeep is at Malia's. Plus, Kira said that I can borrow her car." I answered.

I turned on the engine and pulled out of the driveway. When I was fully on the road, Lydia asked something. "Stiles, do you miss Kira?"

Shit. Didn't expect that. It was part of the plan. How the hell am I supposed to answer that? It was a stupid thing we did. I shrugged. "I guess I'll get over it."

"What's that?"

"What's what?"

"What you did?"

"What was that I did?"

"This!" Lydia shrugged.

"A shrug?"

"Yeah, I know. Don't you even miss her a bit? Did she make you happy? Didn't you love her?" Lydia said. Okay stop.

"I don't want to talk about it." I replied. If only she knew the truth. And yes she did knew, for a while. But we'd had to fool her again.

"You know your hard to understand sometimes, right?" Lydia said.

"I know! I just think a lot, you know?" I said.

But Lydia didn't stop. Only for a few minutes, which was getting worse for me to answer. "Stiles, really. How was it with her? There must have been something that made you happy."

I sighed. Can she at least for once be quiet? This is some weird conversation. "I did. She's such a weirdo and always seems to be happy even if you guys don't see it. Like, literally don't." Lydia laughed. Okay, so basically she's like that but yeah. That's why she's my friend. Because she's just a weirdo.

At the grocery store

We entered the store and bought all the stuff that my dad ordered me to get.

"Now can we get the snacks?!" Lydia whined as she pushed the cart. "Yes."

We went all the way to the snacks and Lydia almost wanted every single thing in there.

We grabbed 6 bags of chips, 3 sodas, and 2 of the 12 pack of donuts.

We were finally going to pay when Lydia said. "Can we get ice cream?"

"Girl, you are too hyper for snacks aren't ya?" I said. She nodded happily.

We started putting everything to be checked out and I grabbed my wallet. I pulled out the credit card.


I swiped the card. Everything was quiet when the cashier just said the most awkward thing. "That's cute that a couple buys groceries together."

I looked up at her and frozed. "Um, sorry what?" The girl smiles. "You guys are a cute couple. I feel like you guys really connect each other even though I don't know you. It's weird."

I smiled. Let's be honest. I'm glad she said that. I love Lydia. And yes, the girl was right. I also feel like Lydia and I really connect each other just I don't know how.

She gave me the reciept. "What's you guys' names?"



She smiled. "Stydia, isn't it? That makes a perfect ship name. Good luck you guys. I know you two are gonna turn out pretty well."

The ride all the way home was silent. I also know that Lydia and I are gonna turn out pretty well but the plan has gotta work.

I turned to my neighborhood and that's when I saw something in the middle of the road. I stopped and looked at Lydia. She also knew.

We both got out and walked towards it. It was a green. It kinda remind me of someone. And I knew there was something going on with him.

"Wait." Lydia said. She slowly walked around to see the face and I felt worry inside me. "Uh, Lydia. I don't think is safe if you do that."

"I know what I'm doing."

I saw the tail moved. Oh lord. It's waking up. It's gonna attack Lydia. I gotta get her out of the way. I gotta save her.

It's waking up! Its head was lifting up. Oh god. I ran to grab Lydia out of the way and we both crash on the other side of the road.

I closed my eyes to not see the horrible thing in my face. I kept my arm around Lydia in a protective embrace. "I know what it is."

I opened my eyes and the creature was gone. "You know?" I said and she nodded.

"Well, what is it?"



"Whoa! Hold on a sec."

Scott stood up and Lydia and I were standing there. "That's impossible! Jackson is a werewolf now and he's all the way at Europe. He can't be here."

"I felt it! It had a very weird greenish color and it had a tail." Lydia said. "It turned around and I saw it but it was different."

We all stood there in silence. If they ask me is that true, I can't answer because I didn't saw it. Well, when it turned around.

"But why was it just there in the middle of the road?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe getting ready to attack us but we stopped when we saw it lying there --"

I stopped and looked at them. "Guys, it's a warning. It's telling us it's getting ready to attack."

"Okay," Scott said. "Allison and I will come up with a plan and find a way to figure this all out quickly while all of you guys keep on look out. We gotta make this fast."

"Yeah, you guys have to."

Scott looked at me. "What do you mean by that?" His voice was a bit cracked. "It was in the middle of the road, near my house when it know all of you guys were here."


"It's saying that this is the last warning."

A/N: finally revealed it! Yay! I'm excited to write more! Did you guys expected that? I'll give you guys a question and I want you guys to answer it in your head:

Do you think Jackson is involved?

I know, crazy question. I do know how I'm going to end this story so I do have everything planned out.

Gave you guys Stydia once again. I even changed the story summary so yeah I'm mixing my mind right now.

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