By lovetastic109

390K 7.8K 271

Anna has recently gotten married to chad. it felt as if they were unbreakable until Anna starts to grow suspi... More

chapter one: the wedding
the Honey moon (restricted);)
chapter 3: working late
chapter 4: mr grey will see you now
chapter 5: morning!!
chapter six: the in-laws
chapter seven: really, chad?
chapter eight: trouble
chapter nine: zoe
chapter 10: who is she?
chapter 11: never ever
chapter 12: pinky promise?
Chapter 13: It's Not My Fault
chapter 14: forgive me?
Chapter 15: The bad turns worse
Chapter 16: Fight to save a life
Chapter 17: Reckless behavior
Chapter 19: the calm before the storm
Chapter 20: love turns black
Chapter 21: battle before the war

Chapter 18: imperfection consumes you

12.8K 298 12
By lovetastic109

I couldn't believe my ears! Disorder. Pills. Behavior. I couldn't get those words out of my head
"What?"I heard myself say, "How long has he had this disorder?"
"He was diagnosed when he was three. He was abnormally getting aggressive with his friends,teachers, and even his sister. Nardil is a drug that helps level his feeling of aloneness. It's helps him feel normal"
I was so confused. How could he have abnormal behavior, I've known him for years! How come I didn't notice this?
"Normal?! Let me tell you something about normal! Normal is not hitting your wife like she's a stranger on the street and then forgetting you even did it. I know for a fact that's not normal. He has never acted like this toward me before, what changed?"
His mom looked down at her hands and shook her head. "I-I just don't know that part yet. It could be the fact that he's not taking his pills but the doctor said that the pills doesn't take away his aggression. The pills are only for his sense of loneliness. The doctor does these procedures on him once every two years but chad was just there last year. The Doctor said that everything was fine with him."
She looked at me. "Honey, I wish I had the answer you were looking for".
I rolled my eyes "of course you don't! Look I'm not staying here after finding this out. I refuse to be his personal punching bag"
She took my hand "I agree. For a few days you could stay with me. Go grab some clothes honey."
I ran up the steps and grabbed all the clothes I could possibly fit in my small suitcase. I was rushing only because I knew chad was due to be home any minute now. I did not want to bump into him on my way out. I searched the room for one more it! I put my car keys on my purse just in case I needed to come back for my car. I looked in the mirror at myself. Ugh! Curse this black eye! I look horrible. "Just a touch up" I said to myself as I started doing my makeup.
"Going somewhere,love?"
I spun around to see chad standing in the doorway.
"C-c-chad you scared me" I had to wipe the sweat that was dripping to fast off my face. He made every bone in my body tremble.
He walked over to me "yeah? People only get scared when they are up to no good. Who's the makeup for?"
I turned back to the sink to finish "for me. My face looks horrible without it". I wasn't sure which mood he was in. I didn't know if he was saying this as a jealous husband who thinks his wife is cheating or as a man who needs to take his pills.....or both. Both would be bad.
He turned to walk to the bathroom "what's my mom doing downstairs? I thought she'd be gone by now".
I hesitated but then grabbed my suitcase and headed for the door. "I'm gonna stay with her for a couple days...."
He turned toward me "your gonna what? No your not. Who do you think you are that you could just leave me? Huh?!"
When he yelled my whole body shook and I backed up even more.
"Your not leaving me, ever!"
"B-but it's just for a few days. I'll be back sun-"
I couldn't finish my sentence because he walked over to me, yanked my suitcase off of me, threw it across the room, then grabbed me by the neck.
"What part of no do you not understand? You are not going anywhere so take your ass back in the room and stay there!"
Tears started forming in my eyes. "I don't want to stay with you!!" I thought I had said that in my head but the way chad was looking at me told me different. He choked me tighter, I could barely breathe.
"You don't want to what?!"
"Dude what the fuck! Get off of her!"
I couldn't see him but I knew it was aiden coming to my rescue.
AUTHORS NOTE: any ideas for the next chapter? Tell me in the comments. What do you fear will happen? Who's your favorite character? Tell me tell me I would surely appreciate the feedback
Goal: 50 comments
Once I reach that goal I will update my next chapter!

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