True Love (Sequel to A Love S...

By rauralove_4227

206K 4.3K 1.3K

Sequel to A Love Story It's been 5 years since a pregnant Laura left LA for New York, after she found Ross ch... More

Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88 (Mature)
Chapter 89
Chapter 90 (Mature)
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
⊱ ♡ ⊰ Questions ⊱ ♡ ⊰
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122 (Mature)
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128 (Part 1)
Chapter 128 (Part 2)
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Ending part 1
Ending part 2

Chapter 108

2.3K 57 23
By rauralove_4227

Savannah's POV

Today is my wedding day and I can't wait! I'm so excited, nothing can ruin this day for me. The girls are getting ready, I'm drying my hair. Our hair stylist that Laura got is coming soon. The make up artist is here already and she's doing my make up right now.

Laura: Sav, are you excited? (She says taking a seat next to me)

Savannah: super! I can't wait to be apart of the family.

Rydel: you already are. You've always been part of the family when Ryland introduced you as his girlfriend. (She sits next to Laura and I smile)

Savannah: thanks guys.

The hair stylist comes and does my hair while the makeup artist goes and does Laura's makeup. Rydel is blow drying her hair.


We're all ready, Stormie, Roxy and Riley came earlier. Mark had Ryan and Ryder and took them to the rest. We took a few pictures, Ryland and I hired a professional photographer to take pictures of our wedding.

Stormie: sweetie, you look so beautiful. You all look beautiful

Everyone: thank you.

Stormie: are you girls ready?

Everyone: yeah.

We all get in the car outside. It was a huge car, all of us got in and the driver drove off to the venue.

Ryland's POV

Last night was crazy. After the party, we went back to the house and slept. We all had hang overs this morning and it was the worst idea to have so much drinks before your wedding day. We took some Advil this morning and it kinda eased it a bit.

Anyway, we all got ready. Dad came earlier and brought Ryan and Ryder. Ryder and Ryan were running around while Ross and Riker were chasing them. It was pretty funny, well to me and Rocky it was. Ross and Riker thought it wasn't that funny.

Ross's POV

Last night was crazy. We had a few drinks and that was the first time I drank in a few months. I stopped when we were at our second last stop for the tour which was Pittsburg then we went to New York and that's where I found Laura and Ryder. Since then I didn't drink until last night.

I remember some things that happened last night, but not all. All I know is, there was a part of the night where Laura wouldn't be too happy about if she found out, but I won't tell her. And no, I didn't cheat on her, just clarifying that.

Ryland's POV

Dad told us that the girls arrived a few minutes ago. I was in my room, I was really anxious. There was a knock on the door.

Ryland: come in (I turn around)

The door opens and my sister in law's head pops in. It was Laura.

Laura: hey Ry. You nervous? (She comes in the room and closes it)

Ryland: a bit.

Laura: don't worry, Savannah is nervous too. Everyone gets nervous on their wedding day. Remember how nervous I was? (I chuckle remembering how nervous she was)

Ryland: yeah, you were saying some pretty crazy things. (She laughs)

Laura: yeah, have you seen Ross? I wanna talk to him.

Ryland: do you want to talk to him about last night? (Laura gave me a confused look)

Laura: what happened last night?

Oh shit, I'm in trouble.

Ryland: uh, nothing. I....uh.....I thought you'd want to talk to him about not texting you goodnight last night. (I smile nervously)

Laura: no, not because of that

Oh thank god. Ross didn't text Laura last night, we were so drunk.

Laura: but what happened last night, Ryland?

Dammit, Laura's going to ask me till she gets her answer.

Ryland: nothing. I told you nothing happened.

Laura: I kn- (she gets cut off with a knock on the door)

The door opened and it was my dad.

Mark: it's time Ryland.

Ryland: ok (I fix my tie and stand up)

Laura: this conversation isn't over.

Ryland: don't worry. Nothing happened I swear. (She sighs)

Laura: ok then. Good luck.

Ryland: thanks, sis (she smiles and hugs me)

Laura: any time Ryland. (We pull away and she leaves)

Mark: ready son?

Ryland: yeah (I say with a smile)

Dad smiles and pats my back. We walk to the aisle. I stood there waiting for my love.

The music started playing. Roxy and Riley start walking throwing flower petals. Behind them Ryder who was carrying the rings Ross and Laura were behind him. Ross was my best man. Behind them was Rydel and Ellington, then Danielle and Rocky, Vanessa and Riker. Then my beautiful bride comes walking down the aisle with her parents by her side.

When she reached me, we had a huge smile on our faces. I took her hand in mine. The priest motioned everyone to sit down.

Priest: dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Savannah Hudson and Ryland Lynch in holy matrimony. If there is anyone who objects that these two shall not be married, speak now or forever hold your peace.

Priest: do you Ryland, take Savannah, to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, for better or for worse, for richer or for poor, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?

Ryland: I do

Priest: Do you Savannah, take Ryland, to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold, for better or for worse, for richer or for poor, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?

Savannah: I do

Priest: you may now kiss the bride. (I smile and kiss her)

Priest: everyone, Mr. and Mrs. Lynch! (Everyone cheered)

We pulled away with smiles on our faces. I took her hand and we walked down the aisle with everyone clapping and congratulating us.

Laura's POV

Ryland and Savannah walked out of the venue to the reception. We were on our way there, Ross held Ryder's hand. I was about to hold Ryder's other hand when I felt a buzz on my phone. Then I felt another buzz.

I got my phone and looked at what it was. It was a two messages from an unknown number. I opened the messages one was a picture message that got me infuriated. It was a picture of Ross with a slut on his lap and the other was a video of the girl grinding on his lap and he was holding her waist. I felt tears prick my eyes.

Ryder: mommy? (I looked up and see Ryder looking up at me)

I turn my phone off and put it in my purse. I pretend like nothing happened and smile at Ryder.

Laura: yes baby boy?

Ryder: you ready to go?

Laura: yeah. (I say smiling. He held his hand out and I take it)

We walk to Ross who gave us a smile. I felt like crying, but I don't want this day to be ruined by mine and Ross's problems.

We get in the car with the rest who were waiting for us. Ryland and Savannah had a car waiting for us to take us to the reception.

Rydel: you ok? (She told me quietly)

I shook my head looking at my fingers.

Rydel: what's wrong? (I shake my head again)

Laura: I'll tell you later (I whisper to her, she nods)

Ryder: mommy (I look down at him)

Laura: yeah?

Ryder: I want to tell you a secret come here (I put my head to his and he whispers in my ear)

Ryder: are you ok? (I move and smile at him. I take his hand and nod)

Laura: trust me. It's nothing to worry about.

Ross: what's to worry about? (I turn my head to him, I can't even look him in the eye)

Laura: nothing.

Ross: Laur-

Roxy: we're here! (We all get out and we enter the reception)

It was really pretty. Savannah and her wedding planner did a really amazing job.

Rydel's POV

On the car ride to the reception, Laura seemed to be upset. I asked her and she told me she'd tell me later. We're all sitting down at the table together and Laura was upset anyone could tell.

Stormie: sweetie, are you ok? (She asks Laura)

We all look at Laura. Ross held her hand, but she pulled away and pretended to fix her hair. I know Laura wouldn't do that, she'd fix her hair with one hand if Ross were to hold her hand.

Laura: yeah, I'm fine (she smiles)

I know that, that was a fake smile.

Rydel: Laura, can I talk to you? Outside, alone?

Laura: sure (she gets up and takes her phone)

We walk outside away from the party.

Rydel: ok spill, I know something wrong. (She sighs)

She gets her phone and unlocks it. She shows me a picture that made me so mad.

Rydel: what the hell?! (I take her phone and take a good look at it)

I look at Laura who was looking at her fingers. She looked at me and she had tears in her eyes.

Rydel: Laur, come here (I give her a hug and she cries in my arms)

Rydel: don't cry, it's ok.

Laura: it just hurts too much. (She pulls away and wipes under her eyes. I help her)

Rydel: I know and I'm only saying this because I'm your best friend, don't cry over it he's a jerk. He has a kid with you and one on the way, he shouldn't be doing things like that.

Laura: I thought he changed, Rydel.

Rydel: He did, well that's what he said.

Laura: do you know that they all went to a strip club last night?! (I gasp)

Rydel: what the fuck?! Seriously? Oh, they're so dead! (Laura sighs and I hug her)

???: Laura? (I turn my head to see the jerk, aka, my stupid brother)

Rydel: I'm going to go inside (she nods and I wipe her smeared mascara)

Laura's POV

Rydel leaves, Ross goes in front of me. He has a look of concern on his face. He takes my hand, but I pull them away.

Ross: Laur, what's wrong? (I look away from him)

Laura: nothing. (He lifts my chin up so I'd look in his eyes)

Ross: I know it's something more. (I move my head)

Laura: I don't want to talk about it. (I walk back to the reception before he could answer)

I sit back down and everyone looks at me. I smile, they were about to say something, but Ryland and Savannah come in and everyone cheers. Ross sits next to me.


The wedding ended, we're all on our way back home. Ross, Ryder, and I are in one car and the rest are in other cars. Ryder was sleeping on mine and Ross's lap. He had his head on my lap and his feet in Ross's lap. I was looking out the window. Ross tried to talk to me, but I'd ignore him.

Ross: Laura, I want to know why you've been ignoring me.

Laura: I'm sure you know why I've been ignoring you. (I keep looking out the window)

Ross: no, I don't.

Laura: don't act stupid, you know what you did. (I say harshly)

Ross: can you roll up the partition? (The driver nods and rolls the partition then turns the music up at his part)

Ross: tell me. (He says sternly)

Laura: why don't you tell me? Tell me, Ross, what you exactly did last night.

Ross: we just went out for drinks and then went back to the house. (I shake my head)

Laura: tell me the truth, Ross. What did you do last night?

Ross: I just told you! We went out for drinks and went back to the house. (I scoff and shake my head)

Ross: what the fuck do you want from me, Laura?!

Laura: the fucking truth!

Ross: I already told you the truth!

Laura: oh yeah?

Ross: yes!

Laura: then why did you leave out that you guys went to a fucking strip club? And that you had a fucking slut sitting on your lap and fucking grinding on you?! Huh, Ross?! Yeah, some truth you told me! (He became speechless)

Laura: I thought you'd always tell me the truth. (I cross my arms and look out the window)

Ross: La- (he was cut off by the driver knocking on the partition)

Driver: we're here.

Laura: thank you. (I quickly take Ryder and get out of the car leaving Ross)

I go to the front door and unlock it. I walk to the stairs. I hear Ross come in and close the door.

Ross: Laura! (I ignore him and take Ryder to his room)

Once I get to Ryder's room, I slam the door. I put Ryder on his bed and get his pajamas. I change him and once I was done, I go to the room to see Ross sitting down with his head in his hands. He looked up, his hair was messed up and his tie was loosened, yet it was still tied. Not going to lie, he looked hot. He stood up and walked to me, I walked in my closet and slammed the door.

Ross: Laura (he knocks on the door)

I ignore him and change my clothes. I remove my makeup and put my hair in a messy bun. I open the door and Ross waiting for me.

Ross: Laura, I'm sorry (he held my hands)

I pull my hands away from his.

Laura: whatever I don't want to talk about this. I'm tired and tired of your lying. (I walk away)

Ross: Laura! Get back here, we're not done talking! (He grabs my arm and makes me turn)

Laura: well I am! (I pull my arm from him)

He did something that I would've never thought he'd do in a million years. He slapped me, hard. I held my cheek and tears were coming out of my eyes because of the pain, but most importantly because he slapped me. The one who said he'd never hurt me and love me forever.

Ross: l-Laura (he says shocked. He tries to hold my hand but I back up from him)

Ross: no, no (he walks towards me and I walk back)

Tears keep flowing out my eyes and I'm still holding my cheek. He had a guilty look on his face and had tears forming. I left the room and ran to the farthest guest bedroom. I locked it, I fell on my knees and cried. I was sobbing, I couldn't believe he'd do that to me.

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