Other Side Of The Closet [Per...

By lostatgotham

7.8K 317 211

Drew Tanka has arranged a party at Chandler Plaza hotel where most of the grade has been invited except for P... More

Reyna I
Piper II
Jason III
Reyna IV
Piper V
Piper (P A S T)
Jason VII
Reyna VIII
Piper IX
Jason X
Reyna XI
Piper XII
Jason (PAST)
Jason XIV
Reyna ( P A S T)
Reyna XIX
Piper XX
Drew XXI
Jason XXIV
Reyna XXV
CAST & more details
Reyna XXVI

Reyna XVI

194 8 8
By lostatgotham


NEVER IN HER LIFE HAD SHE EVER BEEN INSIDE A LIMOUSINE BEFORE. Yes, she'd seen one from afar but that was as far as she encountered one much less get inside it. All the other girls were acting,fairly calm about it so it seemed she was the only one hyped about it. When Reyna got inside the vehicle, she was recalled by how undressed she was and how undressed she felt. The others were leaked with elegant fabrics and dresses she would stray away from in the mall since the price.

"Reyna, what are you wearing, honey?" Drew asked, jokingly but her voice seemed ticked off.

 "You understand we're going to a fancy hotel and not a regular day of school."

"Yes, of course, but I couldn't find the right dress to wear." She said, quickly.

Drew smiled and Reyna's breathed in relief.

The other girls watched in amazement and quietness as Reyna looked over at Drew. She spotted Lacy, Amber, Margaret, and a few others sitting down in the limousine but they wouldn't meet her eye. Silena was sitting down at the far edge of the limousine and Reyna couldn't help but notice a faint frown on her face and wondered what had happened.

"I know what you mean. You want everything to be perfect and what better person to help you beside me?" Drew giggled. "I brought an extra dress in my duffle bag and a pair of high heels (I just hope they're your size, Drew added and giggled again). You can wear them when we get there. It just means we'll have to go through the back since you would not want to let anyone see you not ready."

Reyna was ready to take the seat next to Silena at the far left corner of the transportation but Drew patted on the leather cushion next to her, motioning her to come over. Since it seemed like the wise thing to do, Reyna sat down over to Drew. Her aroma scented with overused rose petal perfume and it reminded her of the perfume at Victoria Secrets that she had tested out but ended up coughing.

There was a row of beverages and other snacks. Reyna couldn't help herself and stare at the variety of food. A few girls were exchanging makeup pallets with each other and one of them asked the driver to higher the volume of the music so they could hear it.

"I love this song!" Lacy grinned. "Oh, this is so good!"

"What's the song called?" Reyna asked her as Drew rolled her eyes.

"Riptide by Vance Joy," Lacy breathed a sigh.

Silena finally smiled. "Lacy, that was the song they put on at the store we went to this weekend."

Lacy's eyes widened. "Yes, it was! We should go their again!"

"Oh, my Gosh I hate this song!" Drew finally said as Lacy's body squirmed and Silena's face formed back to a frown. "Driver, change the radio immediately."

The radio changed the song to something else that no one seemed familiar with, not even Drew but they kept it to that since no one seemed to want to get Drew mad.


BEFORE REYNA KNEW IT, Drew got a majority of every girl in dress up duty, fixing up girls' hairs or doing each other's makeup all at once in the hotel's bathroom. Drew had told her since she was new into their group, she could stand aside but Reyna knew the truth that she was incapable of managing to do anything aside from putting her hair up in a pony tail which she found out by Drew that only cheerlead wannabes did that.

Reyna dusted off her dress. The dress was a tinted purplish color leaning to the darker side. She brushed her hair with her fingers and eyed herself in the bathroom mirror as Drew replied her finishing makeup touches. Drew's eyeshadow are a beige,pink color and her lipstick is a classic red. Her hair is ruffled in a puffy hairdo the make her seem as if she is stilling leaving back in the days of over hair-sprayed hair.

Somehow,she had managed to put on makeup onto Reyna's face without her reappearing as a clown and she can't help but too being as satisfied as she looks like Drew. The only thing no matter how hard she tried,Reyna couldn't manage to keep herself above the ground as she tried to walk across the bathroom tiled ground. Reyna had never had a need to wear high heels before.

"Before we go, we have things to discuses about ladies!" Drew exclaimed as if she were in a campaign to become president when only they were in the bathroom, applying their makeup and covering up unwanted zits. "for one, you must not let no man be more important than your lady's sisters.

Reyna watched with curiosity. She had observed how the other girls treated Drew. They all respected her and treated her like she were their leader. Drew seemed to go along with but and who could blame her? The others nodded their head in unison and she wondered to herself whether or not they were going along for the sake of Drew or because they truly thought their friends were better than boys. She chose the ladder since each of them seem like in any minute as the excited the lady's bathroom, they would skid to the nearest boy and leave their friend behind.

"-and if you do, remember do not get attached to someone you may loose." Drew said, staring straight into every girl's face. "don't say I did warn you. boys are cruel but very good manipulators." she clapped her hands, finishing. "okay,now that we're done with that, who needs me to straighten their hair or do their hair?"

She tried to forget what she heard for the fact that she couldn't believe her ears. Is that really what all the girl's thought?

"I was actually thinking of spending time with my boyfriend Charles Beckendorf," Silena said, boldly to everyone's surprise.

Everyone seemed to mix between happiness for her and worry for her as the tips of Drew's lips turned down. Reyna glanced over at Silena's direction. A ton of girls started to giggle and swarm Silena with questions begging her to tell them about Charles and how he was like. Drew didn't leave her position in front of the mirror.

"What-no, you can't hang out with him." Drew answered to her with confidence but their as a hint of fiery in her voice. "what happened to our Aphrodite's Rite of Passage?"

Then,the giggling stopped and the girl's bodies sulked and moved away from Silena. Reyna didn't know what was all the commotion about this passage thing. The only thing familiar in that phrase was Aphrodite but she was confused to what that had anything to do with this.

"Drew, that was a long time ago. We're not children anymore who poke fun of love and break people's hearts. I've changed and so should you."

Drew didn't answer and like that, the room seemed to turn quiet. She moved her position a little from the mirror and reached for a mascara in her makeup bag. Everyone watched with utter silence as she applied her mascara.

"Fine, do whatever the fuck you wish Silena but don't come crawling to me when he breaks your heart instead of visa versa." Drew shouts to her surprise and everyone else's'.

The room gasped. A girl dropped the straightening iron, someone's makeup pallet fell in the sink, and a collide of eruption filled the room. Silena's face turned white as a parchment sheet of paper but either way, she didn't respond.

After everyone was finished with getting ready,people in the bathroom started to exit. Everyone was running out of the bathroom like a zombie apocalypse was ready to start and that was their only way to survival. They pushed and shoved. Reyna couldn't keep up with her three inch heels. Someone grabbed her hand to steady her and she felt gratitude.

"Hey, need some help?" Silena smiled at her. "You uh, seem to be struggling with your high heels."

"Is it that obvious?" Reyna groaned and Silena managed a laugh.

"It's fine. I had a hard time myself to." Then, she frowned. "Drew's calling for you outside."

Reyna noticed her name and the owner of the voice calling her name.

"I'll meet up with her in a second." Reyna smiled at Silena but she didn't return it.

"You gotta keep watch of Drew," Silena whispered to her. "it may not some like it now, it never does in the beginning but she's a witch made in hell. Trust me, she means no good. I-I should know."

"I'll keep that in mind."

Silena grabbed her shoulder. "No, I'm serious. It may seem like she's helping you to win Jason over but she's only doing it for her intentions. You'll see. She's got a bone to pick on someone and she's going to use you to get them."

"Who?" Reyna asked, curiously.

"I'm not saying anything." Silena put her hands up in defense. " I hear stuff from her. She trusts people to easily so she tells me everything." Silena rolled her eyes. "The irony since no one trusts her."


"WHAT DID SILENA SAY TO YOU?" Drew asked, not keeping her eyes of Reyn as if trying to catch a clue of some sort. "I know she talked to you."

"She didn't say anything," Reyna shrugged. "I almost tripped on my heels and she helped me walk on them more properly." It wasn't completely a lie, she told herself.

Drew nodded her head like she believed her. Silena was right, she thought. Drew is very trustworthy towards people.

"Okay," Drew said and moved the conversation to something else. 

"So, are you going to look for Jason or what? We got to get you guys together in weeks top!"

Reyna faked a smile,"can't wait." she couldn't help but hear in uncertainly in her voice. It seemed more like she Drew wanted Piper and Jason together more than she did herself.

"oh, come on." Drew giggled. "I've seen you guys together before, darling. You would be such a cute couple."

"Uh, Reyna?"

It was Hazel but she didn't look like Hazel with her dress and applied makeup. Hazel frequently wore dresses to school but this one was unfamiliar; she had never seen this one on her so there was a good chance it was brand new. The dress was a bright,golden yellow color that made her amber eyes seem more yellow.

Hazel walked over to Drew and her as she frowned. Reyna couldn't help but notice that she didn't acknowledge Drew's presence. She was looking at Reyna but at the same time, Reyna felt as if she weren't and looking past Reyna and at someone else. There was something unfamiliar on her expression or the fact that Hazel had never looked at her like that. Somewhat of betrayal.

"What are you doing here?" Hazel asked her, glancing sideways at Drew.

"I'm at the party," Reyna rubbed the back of her head,then dropped it after she was reminded that she had just had her hair done. She doesn't know what else to say. There's no harm in hanging out with Drew,she told herself.

Frank is with her, a head taller than her and looking different than usual then Reyna is used to seeing him. He had on a navy,blue tailored suit and Reyna could spot a reptile tattoo sticking out of the collar of his jacket that simplifies as a dragon. She wondered whether or not it's new or he had always had it and she never noticed. Both of them have a sour look on their face as they notice Drew standing next to her.

Drew had her arm intertwined with Reyna as if she were her bodyguard. She doesn't know whether or not she should be uncomfortable about it or flattered.

"Oh, hello hun!" Drew said, loudly since the music was in a fairly, high volume. "How are you two love birds liking the party?"

They glanced, awkwardly at Drew before turning their heads to each other. Hazel's tan skin started brighten with pink and Frank's entire face turned red.

"Oh, we're just friends," Frank exclaimed, quickly as the girls swarming Drew started to form with uncontrollable laughter.

Hazel's body stiffened. "Frank and I should probably get going. I'll make sure to tell Jason you're here."

Reyna awkwardly smiled. "Yeah, okay." Why was it so weird for her to speak to Hazel when she was her friend?

"Well, you two have fun," Drew winked at the two of them. "But not too much fun."

The DJ had already started a music just after five minutes of the party had started and the dance room had started to seem smaller as more people seemed to come. Reyna never noticed how many people there were in her school until now when they were all in this one gigantic room. There was a crowd of people cheering and many people were dancing. Reyna couldn't imagine herself dancing since her heels weren't meant for any act of movement except for standing still like a doll.

A big majority of people went over to Drew and congratulated her on the party as she faked a blush and grinned with all her perfect teeth. Reyna felt invisible next to Drew as if no one seemed to notice her. Reyna couldn't find Jason anywhere and Drew reassured her that he was just be fashionably late whatever that meant. Even if he were here, she was starting loose hope of anything. Why would he want to hang out with her anways?

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