I'm Here For You

By obrienkaties

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HIGHEST RANKING: #1 IN STYDIA 9/7/24 In which awkward and dorky Stiles Stilinski and perfect queen bee Lydia... More

note from the author !
1.They're Pretty Good Together
2.Wildest Dreams
3.I Found
4.All Of Me
5.Can You Hold Me?
6.Safe And Sound
7.Star Wars
8.Being Adorable
9.Best Stilinski Cook
10.Shipping All The Way
11.Wanting It
12.Back Again
13.The Note
14.Emotional Tether
15.Do You Love Me?
17.Feelings Change
18.Not For Them
19.Couple Building
20.It Really Is Him
21.Another Girl
22.The Locket
23.Best Friend Rides
24.Another Plan In The Plan
25.Secret Love
26.Spilling Secrets
27.Real Broken Heart
28.A Mistake
29.Back Together
31.Prank Wars
32.Movies and Cuddles
33.Couple Name
34.The Makeover
35.He Showed Everyone
36.Long Time No See Dream
37.That Special Treat
38.You Don't Have To Rush
39.The Dance
40.You Never Left
Author's Note

30.Is It Possible?

73 1 0
By obrienkaties


We all sat down and waited for Scott to start the meeting. "Great! Why did you brought me into the talk? I don't even know what we want to tell them." I whispered to Kira.

"Oh, shut up! We are ending this whole plan." Kira said. "What?! Why should we end this?"

I waited for her to answer. "It's not working well. Plus, we are only ending our part not them. I need a new plan to get Lydia go back with you."

"That's their part!" I protested. Kira sighed. "I know. I just want to come up with one on my own. Like, a backup plan."

"Kira, we talked about this,"I started. "You're not bringing Malia into a plan."

"Why not?!"

I sighed. She just can't never understand. "Malia likes me, okay? I mean, seriously, she would never help you to bring me back with Lydia. That's the whole point. Now, does that change your mind?"

Kira tapped her chin. "Well, no. But, why should we care what that she likes? Like I said yesterday, she's not important."

"Can you be nice for a minute? It's Malia. I gave her a chance today and it went fine." I said. Kira looked confused.

"I'm sorry. A chance? Since when did that happened?"

"This morning. I was in her house and we talked for a--"

Oh shit.

"What!" Kira screamed and everyone looked up and glared at her. "Sorry guys."

Kira grabbed my hand and lead me to the kitchen. "You were at her house this morning?"

"I'm sorry, okay! But it went fine." I said.

"I can't believe you! I tried to help out and this is what you do next? Stiles, it's you and Lydia not you and that...girl."

"Fine," I said. "But just so you know, I have another plan." Kira looked at me for a second like I was joking. "You have a plan."

I nodded and she sighed. "Okay, what is it?"

"Why don't you guys try to get her to come back and when she finally says yes, you can tell me and I can plan out a way to just, you know, suprise her. And I have something that she will like and just give it to her." I said.

"What's this special thing?" Kira asked. I pull out the locket from my back pocket and gave it to her gently and she took a good look at it. "Wow, it's a locket. It's really beautiful!" She chimed.

Kira kept her eyes on it and then opened it. "Wow. Did you do this?"

I shooked my head,"I just had to grab it, that's all."

Kira looked up at me with deadly eyes. "Please, don't tell me you stole it."

"What?! No! Well, maybe! But technically no!"

Kira gripped the locket tightly in her hand and crossed her arms. "What's your story?"

Oh shit. If I didn't said that, I wouldn't got into telling her what happened that night.

I sighed and told her everything. I started off by telling her that she came by my house and wanted to get back with me. But then, I just had to ruin it for her and all and tell her I was 'with Kira.' So then she ran off and that's when I realized she left her bag. Lydia's phone was ringing and I had to look for it. I found the locket in her purse and kinda stole it in order to just use to make her feel better I'm some other time.

I left the part where she had left the keys in her bag and she went home walking with her car in my driveway so...Kira didn't seem to care about that. And also when I had to 'talk' to Malia on the phone. And the fact I was actually looking for her keys than her phone.

Oh God. I have her phone.

Finally, Kira sighed,"Okay, I believe you. I would say I'm sorry about that night but we shouldn't have this locket with us now."

Kira was about to head back when I remembered. "Kira, I need the locket."

"Oh, sorry."

Kira handed me the locket and I putted inside my back pocket. We both headed back to the living room to see them all into a deep conversation.

"Hey, glad you're here." Scott said. "Okay, now that everyone is actually here, let's start the pack meeting."

Scott was standing and looked like the boss. Well, he is but more like the leader not boss. "So, before we get started with this crap, please welcome Malia to her first pack meeting."

Scott motioned her to stand up. Mlia looked kind of awkward and Kira clapped but then it disappeared into the air when no one followed her lead. "Everyone, give her a hand."

Unfortunately, that's what people say to tell you to clap but as me, I actually gave her a hand. I reached out and gave her my hand and she just looked at it, while everyone was still clapping and stop when they knew what was happening.

She sat back down and Scott once again, told her to stand up. "Can you introduce yourself?"

Her face was red and she cleared her throat. "Hi, my name is Malia Tate. I'm a were-coyote. I live with my dad. My mom's actually the Dessert Wolf and she wants to kill me. What else? I love Tumblr so much! I'm actually horrible at math. I'm actually here because of Lydia. What else? Oh, and Damon Salvatore is bae! Thank you!"

Everyone was stunned and clapped. Allison raised her eyebrows. "Wow, welcome. And I actually do agree that Damon is bae!"

Malia smiled. "Thanks."

Did Allison just said that? Am I hallucinating?

"Okay, let's now start this meeting!"


Scott sat down in the great arm chair. Wow, he looks like a boss from an office.

Scott told Kira to go on with her story. What happened to her actually?

"So, my point of view is not that long. Well, it happened yesterday after the hangout with Stiles and Lydia. Stiles was going to give me a ride but his Jeep once again died. I went to go get my car from the school parking lot while he was fixing it. When I was finally there, I opened the door and then I heard this rattling sound and I just couldn't ignore it. I took my belt out and was looking around. Suddenly, I heard this hissing sound and I turned around and found this lizard thing with slime. Oh, gosh...I--I can't talk--Stiles..."

I saw Kira telling Stiles to tell us the rest. Ugh, I don't know about them. I still have this feeling they're not together. And yet, if I found out they're really not, why could I have been stupid enough to fall for it? Again.

"So, I will be saying the rest," Stiles said. "Kira was fighting the creature. Right?"--Kira nodded--"And I remember she told me that the Fox inside her took control."

"The fox?" Isaac asked.

Kira breathed, "Long story. I'll tell you some other time."

"Anyway, " Stiles continued. "A few minutes later, I found her lying there. I tried to wake her up for like about two minutes. Also, I found her shoulder with the greenish slime, so."

Stiles finished and Kira looked sick. I think is because she doesn't want to talk about the slime the creature was spitting on her shoulder.

"I never want to feel that thing ever come to me. You hear me? Ever." Kira said. Yep, it's definitely because of the slime.

We all turned to Scott and as I have been expecting, he has his thinking face. "Lizard kind?"

"Yeah. Why? You have an idea." We all were thinking about that. Lizard kind? Ohhh. Kanima. Jackson. He has been getting in touch with me. Is that why? But wait. Didn't in the end, he turned out to be a werewolf? I don't understand. I gotta tell Scott. I gotta warned them. I got to tell them everything.

I stood up and everyone stared at me. I opened my mouth but I didn't say a peep. Come on, Lydia. These are your friends. This is the way you can help them.

"Guys,"I said. "Is it possible it could be a Kanima?"

As soon as I said the word 'kanima', Scott, Allison, Stiles and Isaac looked at me. They remember Jackson. Oh gosh.

"Jackson?" Allison asked. "No way. He's in London. Plus, after the whole chaos, he was turned into a werewolf."

"I know but think about it. He just moved away without not saying goodbye. He has been contacting me--"

"Wait," Stiles stood up. "Contacting you?"

"Yeah, why?"

"He just contact you after he left you? What the hell is wrong with him? You can't do that!"

"You can if they need your help."

"Did he asked you for your help in the first time?"

"No...but either way, he's been helping me."

"Oh really?"


"On what?".


"Uh huh, and why do you need help on life from this guy?"

"Because he couldn't stop bugging me and just wanted to help."

"You should've just hanged up."

"But I'm not that kind of person. Plus, he wanted to help me so bad and that shows caring. Unlike other people..."

After I said that, they were a few murmurs. Great Lydia. Great. And Lydia Martin does it again. Breaking the Stiles Stilinski's heart.

"I care about you!"

"Give me one example."

Stiles raised his eyebrows. "Really, Lydia? Really? You want to play that game? I have cared for you multiple times!"

Well, that's true.

"That's so true!" Allison said. Just then, everyone was saying also that he does care about me.

"Okay! I get it! Now, can we please get back to the meeting?"

"Hey guys!" Allison said. "Did you guys know that sometimes Stiles and Lydia fight like a married couple?"

A lot of people said 'yes'. Oh fuck. God, get me out of this hell of a house!

"I'm right here, by the way!" Kira said. Allison looked embarrassed. "God, I'm so sorry!"

Scott stood up. "Let's just have another pack meeting next Friday. Thanks for coming! Be on the look out for the lizard bitch!"

Everyone was leaving except Stiles and Kira, who were just sitting there. I grabbed my bag and went to the bathroom.

I spent my time in there, texting Malia that I will be out there in a sec. I got my other phone. The most one I use is at Stiles' house. I'm scared that he'll look through it.

After what seems like forever, I stepped out of the bathroom. Then, I heard some arguments.

"What?! Are you guys crazy?"

"It wasn't my idea!"

"But that's it? You can't just leave yourselves like that? What about the re--"

"You guys figure it out yourseves!"

"But we need you!"

"Stiles, is this what you want?"

"Yes--No! Maybe...Guys, I have no idea. It's Kira who decided, not me."

"Yes, and you're doing it."

"What happens if we tell everyone?"

"They know what it means."

"But Malia. You know how she is."

"But Lydia. She's heartbroken."

"Stiles wants her back. If he does, then I'm on his team."

"We're also on his!"

"But you guys are not doing anything!"

"That's because we have to take baby steps."


"Fine! Is that what you want!"

"Then, we're both over."

My jaw dropped and I covered my mouth. Did that just really happened? Stiles and Kira noticed me and that's when Scott and Allison turned around to see me standing there.

I couldn't believe what I just saw.


A/N:Hello bonitas personas! Yes that's Spanish. Anyway, hoped you liked this chapter. Stiles and Kira will be done in the next chapter so woo hoo. Allison is kinda starting to like Malia just because of Damon. I literally love him to death!

We're almost to 400 reads so please help me out, even though I need two more. I'm going to post songs that fits Stiles and Lydia for the rest of the chapters.

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