Marcel Imagines

By KaylynKaren18

114K 2.2K 693

Take a read through! Each part is a new story! If you have any requests or even ideas feel free to ask. Pleas... More

Marcel Imagine's
y/n Popular and Marcel
The Proposal (y/n & Marcel)
Marcel Finally Admits To Liking You
The Haunted House
Y/n Saves Marcel From Being Bullied
Cuddly Marcel
Baking With Marcel
You and Marcel Have A Fight
Marcel The Runaway
The Wedding Day
Open Up To Me {Part One of Three}
Open Up To Me {Part Two of Three}
Open Up To Me {Part Three of Three}
Our Baby Boy -Request Imagine for midnightm3mories
Forbidden Love - Request Imagine for Leighannexp
The Sound of True Love- Request Imagine for Daniii_517
Concert With Marcel

Y/n Nerd & Marcel

7.9K 181 29
By KaylynKaren18

"H-hey, Marcel." You squeaked and pushed your big glasses up your nose. They always seemed to be falling down.

"Hi, Y/n! How are you today?" Marcel asks as he slows down to your pace. It was early morning and you had just gotten to school. There wasn't a lot of people here, but when you saw your only friend Marcel, your heart started to flutter and a smile came on your face.

"I'm good. I've been working on that project for m-math all night! It's going to be really cool!" You reach your locker and Marcel leans on the locker next to it. He was taller than the lockers as you peered up at him through your lenses.

"Oh. I haven't done much..." Marcel admits. You know that you have done a lot of work on the project. Maybe you should have shared it a little with Marcel.

"I'm sorry. I just get too excited about it. Ya know, math is my thing." You smile up at him hoping he notices your new lip gloss. You picked it out just the other day when Marcel was oogling another girls glossy plump lips.

He smiles down and shakes his head. "You only you."

Those words set your heart on fire. You wish he would have meant that in a different way, but either way, he said it. You blush.

"So, um..." He pauses as Virgina, the most popular and beautiful girl in our highschool, walks by. She gives Marcel a warm smile and he stands up tall from the locker, his face paling. She doesn't ever notice him, but when she does she has always been nice. That surprised you because Virgina wasn't exactly nice in PE class.

"S-sorry." He apologizes and rips his gaze from her and returns to you. You sigh and wish that he would look at you like that, but you know he never will. No matter how much lip gloss you apply or even what clothes you wear.

"Haha! Your face was funny when she smiled at you." You say trying to play it off. Marcel seems to relax and laughs about it too.

"I couldn't help it. She's pretty." His glasses start to go crooked and he fixes them with one large hand. Oh how you wish you could hold that hand. Or he could wrap his arm around you and it could rest on your hip.

"I agree. I wish I was like her." You sigh and turn to your locker.

"Why? I like this you better." Marcel says his face concerned. Sure he might be your bestfriend, but how do explain to your bestfriend that you wish he would look at you like he looks at other girls.

"I just..I don't know. Let's go to class." You say trying to change the subject. Marcel huffs but quietly walks beside you to class.

"LOOK! It's the nerd and nerdette!" Someone shouted and the whole hallway started to erupt in laughter.

"Stop it." you muttered under your breath as they all laughed. You didn't want to look up at Marcel. You were sure his face was bright red. The classroom is only a few feet ahead. Just a few more...

Your books scatter across the floor as a foot draws back in. You feel yourself fall to the ground, the cold hard ground.

You lay there as they all laugh at you. Marcel hurriedly bends down and begins to scoop you up and helps you get back to your feet. All you can do is watch as he swiftly picks up your books and hands them to you. He pulls you by the arm into the empty classroom and finally lets out a breath.

"I-uh, thanks." You say and check yourself over for anything amiss. Nothing seems to be ripped or torn, your palms and knees hurt from the fall but you're okay. Marcel watches you, but quickly looks away when your eyes meet his.

"No, problem."

You had become so used to them pushing you both around. It wasn't worth the fight. They would just make fun of you some more if you tried to defend yourselves. The best thing to do was to just get up and walk away from it all. And that is what you did.

Some days however you would go home and sit in you room and just cry. Cry about not having friends, cry about getting bullied, just everything. Your mind starts to wander back to the time you let loose in front of Marcel. He was explaining something and you weren't paying attention, you were thinking about your horrible day at school and the tears came before you could stop them. You remember Marcel stop talking and watch you cry before awkwardly putting his hand on your back.

It wasn't much of a gesture, but it was comforting. He told you that it was going to okay and it was just a bad day. After that he had offered to take you for some ice cream. That made you feel so much better. You thought that maybe something was going to spark between you two,  you could almost feel it. But then the next day came and it was like nothing had ever happened.

"So um, what are you doing after school today?" Marcel's voice breaks your thoughts. You open your mouth to answer but when you look up at him, he isn't even talking to you. He is talking to Virgina. Her hair shines as she flips it over her shoulder and looks at him thoughtfully.

"Well, nothing actually. It's my day off from work. Why?" She asks and twirls a piece of her hair around her finger. Marcel watches it and then gulps.

"Did you maybe want to uh, get some dinner or something?" He asks you can hear how nervous he is.

"Really? I'd love too! Are you buying?" Well that was rude for her to ask.

"Y-yeah. If that's what you want." He stutters and pushes his glasses up his nose. He was slowly starting to transform out of his extremly awkward and nerdy phase.

Back when you were freshman, he used to wear sweater vests, high waisted pants and shiny black or brown shoes. His hair was held back with gel and he wore thick lenses. You thought he was cute back then and that's why you started talking to him. He was your first and only friend here. Now that you are in our final and last year, he had changed quite a bit. He went from sweater vests, to plain t-shirts, high waisted pants to regular jeans. Sometimes when you hung out together he would wear tight black skinny jeans nearly killing you with his great legs.

He even started to change his hair. He no longer gelled back his beautiful curls, instead he chopped them sort and made his bangs stand up in a cute quiff a few curls on the side. The glasses he wore morphed each year, getting smaller and more stylish. Inside however, he was the same nervous Marcel, except he had gotten a little braver.

  You find yourself missing the old Marcel so much, but you couldn't help but love the new one too.

"Okay sounds g-good. Want to ride with me or..?" He questions and pushes his glasses back up his nose.

"No. I drove so I can meet you there?" She says slightly annoyed that he would even offer to drive her. It must be so she doesn't ruin her reputation. But you know it's a game. It's all a game. She just wants something to occupy her time and buy her things. She's a spoiled bitch and always has been throughout highschool.

"Great." He says beaming at her, those dimples showing. You can't believe he is falling for it.

"Marcel." You whine into his ear.

"W-what, Y/n." He turns to you, still in a daze. You give him a glare and are about to explain yourself, but the teacher walks in the room silencing you both.

The class passes in a breeze and you hurry off to your next class deciding you don't really want to talk to Marcel right now. You just couldn't believe that he actually was going on a 'date' with Virgina. She didn't care for him the way you did, she just noticed that he was getting more attractive!

You walk in a huff to your locker and end up running into the janitor, he gives you a dirty look, but you don't seem to care.

"y/n! Why are you running away?" Marcel says trying to keep up with your pace. It doesn't take him long before he catches up. Those damned long legs of his.

"I just don't feel like talking right now." You say and pay attention to your combination, but you secretly like that he seems hurt you didn't walk with him.

"Oh." His voice drops and he leans against the locker. He stays quiet while you grab your things. You sigh and decide you can't hold out on not talking to him any longer.

You look up and smile at him. He looks startled, maybe a bit afraid of the sudden mood change, but he welcomes it with his own smile.

"Ready to go?" His bright eyes shining a brilliant green. So beautiful.

"Yeah. Just this, lunch, and then one more long class and we can go home!" You said happier than before as you watch his dimples deepen and his smile grow.

"Yep!" He smiles and looks into the distances sort of. He must be thinking about his dinner date tonight... Your mood starts to go sour again, but you try not to show it.

Maybe you should be happy for Marcel. Or at least let him learn.

The rest of the day drags on, but it ends and Marcel offers to drive you home. You accept and he drops you off. You live right next to each other so it makes a lot of sense that you would be best friends.

"Thanks, Marcel." You say and grab your bag from the back. While reaching back, your glasses suddenly fall off your nose and tumble to the backseat.

"Shoot." You say and blindly search for them. You can see the blur of Marcel's hand reach back and grab them for you. You thank him and put them on to find him staring at you.

"What?" You ask, amused by the expression on his face.

"Nothing, you just look good with out your glasses is all." His face immediately turns a bright red.

"Oh, thanks." You say, blushing yourself. "Well um, have fun tonight."

Marcel pauses in thought.

" was thinking of canceling now." He mutters almost to himself.

"What, why?" You are genuinely surprised, but your heart begins to flutter.

"I don't know. She's pretty and all, but she's just..."

"She's what, Marcel?"

"She isn't you." Your heart nearly pounds out of your chest, happy butterflies start to dance in your stomach.

"Me?" Is all you can manage to say.

"Well yeah." He admits and runs his hand through his hair. A smile appears on your lips before you can stop it. "I'd much rather spend time with you. You are my best friend..and I.."

"Want to come inside?" You ask after he trails off.

"Sure." He shuts off the car and steps out. Marcel doesn't make eye contact with you.

You open the door and call to see if anyone is home. No one answers back so you assume that no one is here.

"My room? Or are you hungry?"

"A snack couldn't hurt." He says quietly and finally meets your eyes. You can't help but smile at him as you head towards the kitchen. There are some cookies you baked the other day sitting on the counter. He eyes them hungerily and gives you enough to know that he wants those.

"Your cookies are the best." He says shoving his fourth one into his mouth as you both sit on your bed. You had pulled your laptop out and were going through old pictures.

"Look at us in this one!" You pointed to Junior Prom pictures. Marcel had taken Alicia, a nice girl who was a sophmore then and Marcel found you a 'date'. It was one of his friends from the chess club. He wasn't exactly cute, but he wasn't bad and he was really sweet. That is until you told him you didn't think there would be a relationship after this. He went mad and called you a bitch in a nerd suit in front of everyone and told you he could see your ugly underneath all that makeup that you didn't even have on.  You never told Marcel because you know he would have said something to him.

When it came to you, Marcel would always stick up for you if someone called you nasty names. It was different from the hallway. The hallway you ignored because it wasn't worth it. You did have to hold Marcel back sometimes when he got so mad he might just say something.

"That kid was always really weird. I'm sorry I made you go with him." He sighs and reaches for another cookie.

"Well your date was nice at least." You say and click the mouse.

"I guess...Oh lord, look at that one." He hides behind his hands embarassed as his face and yours fill the screen. He was sticking his tounge out and so were you. It was back in freshman year. Your mom had taken this picture when you had gone on a hike in the woods.

"I like it." You smile at it and slap his thigh playfully. He catches your hand.

"What are you..." You say as he reaches over and takes off your glasses. You are blind, but you can see Marcel's body coming closer to you as he pulls you into his lap. You stare up into his face, you can barely make out anything, but hey, at least you know its his face.

"You are beautiful, Y/n." You feel your cheeks get hot at his words. He wraps his arms around you and cuddles you to his chest. The butterflies in your stomach are fluttering again.

"Thanks." You say into his warm chest.

"Why didn't I ever see this?" He says and you feel his chest rumble from his deep voice.

"See what?" You ask and pull back staring into his face.

"That you were always here. It has always been you. I should have just stopped trying with all the other girls and I should have went for you." He says calmly.

"Marcel..." He presses his finger to your lips. Then his head comes closer and plants a sweet kiss on your lips. You try to kiss back but he pulls away.

"I'm sorry." He says and looks away. "I'm sorry, if that was t-too much."

"No! I feel the same!" You say and head for his lips again. He doesn't move as you aim for his lips. You end up with his chin though.

"I um..." You say pulling back. Marcel's chuckles rumble through him and he hands you your glasses.

"Here." He slides them on your face and everything is clear again, even the amusement on his face. Your cheeks heat up again.

"Nothing to be embarrassed about. I still like you with your glasses too." He says shyly and looks down.

You smile at him.

"Thanks Marcel."

"For what?" He looks up, confused.

"For being my everything."

"Oh." He smiles wide and then leans in to kiss you again.


*What did you think? hehehe! love you all!.xx*

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