Dark Letters

By megansue10

396 23 6

The five lives of these friends change when a boy with silver wings enter their lives. A contract bounds them... More

Chapter One: Vampire
Energy Magic ~Chapter 2
Ouch~ Chapter three
Werewolf~ Chapter Four
Scars~ Chapter 5
Timeset Coven~ Chapter Six
Brother~ Chapter Seven
Awkward Chips ~ Chapter 8
I'm Queen of the Playground ~ Chapter 9
Jett ~~ Chapter Ten
Ring ~~ Chapter Eleven
Silver Feather ~~ Chapter Twelve
Elements~~ Chapter Thirteen
Don't leave me again~~ Chapter 14
Cold Ice~~ Chapter Fifteen
Sickness~~ Chapter Seventeen
Popcorn~~ Chapter Eighteen
Date ~~ Chapter Nineteen
Rabid Dog~~ Chapter Twenty
Corrine~~Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty-two~~ Change
Golden Wings ~~ Chapter Twenty Three

Bird Fly in the Sky~~Chapter Sixteen

15 1 0
By megansue10

I woke up with Silas holding me on the ice and his wings wrapped around me. My eyes tiredly opened. He was pushing the hair form my face. "Silas..." I groaned. He withdrew right wing. I saw Eliot struggling to hold onto Maria and Tristen standing in front of shocked Emerson. Brayden was holding onto Loral. Cassie stood there awkwardly looking around. I tried to get up, but Silas held me tightly.

"Let me go!" I demanded.

I could hear Maria's screams over mine. "You fucking bastard! We've been together for four years! We went through everything together! We transformed together and escaped the Timeset coven together! Does that mean nothing to you! You're willing to throw everything away for some bitchy wannabe witch! Do you no longer care!"

Silas lifted us slightly into the air with his wings. He carried me to the carpet. Before I could get to Maria to talk her down, Silas landed in front of her. He placed both his hands on her head and snapped her neck. I screamed and so did Cassie. Eliot dropped her and Silas stepped away. I looked around, people were walking by us not seeing any of this. I wander what they are seeing.

I tried to get to Maria but, Eliot grabbed my arm. "She is not dead, chill. It will take more than that to kill us." He says.

I sighed deeply and he let me go. He leaned over picking her up. Silas handed him both of their stuff and they left. Silas walked over to Tristen and shoved him to the ground. "A dick move, really dude. Maria did not deserve that." He says.

"We can have mates like the wolves. I know cause I found mine." He says looking at Emerson. "And I know you feel it with Quin." He says looking at me. I looked away and could feel my face heat up. Mates?

"Oh heck no." Emerson says running to her stuff gathering it all.

Tristen got up grabbing her arm. "Em..." He says softly.

"Don't touch me." She snaps. She turns running out the door.

"Emerson!" Cassie screams running after her. Loral ran after her as well. I took a few steps and my vison swirled. I sat down on the bench grabbing my shoes.

"Are you okay?" Silas asked.

"Stop asking me that." I said sharply. I walked out the door into the warm night air. Silas followed me leaving Tristen to contemplate his thoughts.

Everyone was hugging by Emerson's car. I walked up joining the hug. "Are you okay Emerson?" I asked.

"I don't know. I want to go home and sleep this off." She says stepping away and everyone parted.

"You can't sleep your problems away." Cassie says.

"I can sure the hell try. Anyone want to join me they can spend the night at my house." Emerson said getting in her car. Cassie got in the other side.

"I'll have to go home and get my stuff first." I said. She nods starting the car. Loral mentioned the same thing.

I walked back to Silas's car. We both sat there awkwardly in the dark silence. Silas wouldn't start the car. I know he had some words to say, but for some reason wouldn't say them. We sat there. I watched the clock. 9:00 changed to 9:01 and that changed to 9:02. They were the longest minutes of my life. We got to 9:07 before Silas finally said something.

"You know about mates?" He asked.

"I have." I said my voice cracking and I cleared my throats. "I've read about them in books."

"What do you know about them?" He asks.

I've never felt more awkward and I have been in a lot of awkward situations. "I know mates are like a true love." I said my voice wavering. "They would die for each other. The couples are very protective and can be very jealous. In some cases, some will describe that their soul mate is the reason they are alive, they are the gravity keeping them on earth."

Silas finally starts the car. "That's a good description." He says.

I stared at my hands. "Are we mates?" I asked.

"Tristen thinks mortems have mates like vampires and werewolves do. I don't really know." He says.

"Have Maria and Tristen really been together for four years?" I asked.

"They have." Silas says.

I sighed. I feel terrible for Maria. She did nothing wrong. I feel terrible for Emerson. She is dragged into this without a choice. I wonder how long Tristen felt that way for Emerson. Why didn't he let Maria down easier before blowing it up in her face? This just got very ugly. I want to be there for Emerson and Maria. I don't know if I can. Maria hates Emerson now probably.

"Why did you snap her neck? We could have talked her down." I said.

"You can't talk Maria down. I did it before she hurt anyone else." He says.

I shook my head. "There are other ways we could have handled that."

He didn't say anything till he pulled into my driveway. "I walk you to your door." He says putting the car in park, but leaving it on. I nodded and we both walked to my door. It was a short walk.

"Besides Tristen kissing Emerson and Jett, I had fun." I said.

He chuckles and I giggle. "I'm glad."

He stepped towards me and tilted my chin up to face him. I could feel my heart skip a beat as our eyes met. He leaned down and pressed his lips against mine. His hands thread into my hair and I placed my hands gently on his chest. I could feel his muscles under his shirt. I pulled away to catch my breath, but soon as I did I felt as if the breath was sucked out of me. I gasped for air and Silas quickly pushed me away. I quickly sucked in air through my lungs once the light was broken.

"Your aura is too weak for this." He says.

I stepped towards him cautiously. He didn't move. I reached up pulling the ends of his hair out of his face. His hair was so long now, covering his eyes till the point he is constantly pushing it away. "You should get a haircut so I can see your eyes again." I joked. He turns his head away from me not responding. I didn't feel like arguing with him tonight. I stood on my toes kissing his cheek.

"Don't run away from me." I whispered.

"I'm never going to do that again." He says his voice wavering.

"Good night." I said letting his hair go and turning towards the door.

"Good night, Quin. I love you." He says.

I looked back at him smiling. "I love you too." I then walked inside.

I didn't realize how weak I really was till I got in the shower. I could barely stand. When I got out into my pajamas I texted Emerson.

Me: Sorry, I can't come over

Emerson: Why?

Me: I can barely stand, side effects from the healing. I don't think I can drive. I just need rest.

Emerson: I hope you feel better soon

Me: Will you be okay?

Emerson: I'll be fine. Loral and Cassie are already here

Me: Okay

I put my phone off and crawled under my covers. I was almost asleep till I heard a knock at my door. I groaned rolling over getting out of bed. My mom could be coming late from work again and locked herself out. I opened the door rubbing my tired eyes. I saw Maria at the door her eyes puffy from crying. A duffle bag sat at her feet.

"Quin... I-I didn't mean to wake you..." She says.

I pulled my wet hair behind me ear. "Well, I'm awake. What do you need?" I asked trying not to sound annoyed. I covered a deep yawn with my hand.

"Can I spend the night here? I don't have anywhere else to go. Tristen and I share an apartment. It would be awkward to stay there." She rambled.

I sighed nodding slowly. "Okay. Come in." I said stepping away allowing her to shuffle inside. "There is the kitchen there, help yourself to anything... Bathroom... I'm going back to bed... You can sleep on the couch, my window seat, or squeeze into my bed. Whatever you are comfortable with." I mumbled out. I went to my bedroom leaving the door open and crawling back into bed.

I woke up facing Maria and almost fell out of the bed screaming. I barely remember her coming to the door. I grabbed clothes and changed in the bathroom. I brushed out my mostly dried hair. Maria was still not awake and I didn't feel like waking her. I went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

I was cutting an omelet in half and putting it on separate plates. Maria came in looking lost. I smiled at her and put the plate on the bar. "I didn't know if you wanted food... or even eat breakfast." I rambled and poured her a cup of apple juice. "Or what you even like in an omelet."

"Its fine, thank you. It looks good." She says. I nod and sat next to her. I barely know Maria. It didn't stop me from feeling sad for her. She finished her food quickly. "I'm sorry for my outburst last night and almost killing you." She says.

"Its fine... I'm still alive, all is good." I said. I grabbed my glass to pour more juice. "How did you know where I lived?" I asked.

She sighs. "When Silas was gone we met at this diner about three times. Each time all he asked about was you. He gave me your address once because he had to know you were okay in the middle of the night for some unknown reason."

I set my fork down on my plate with a couple of bites left. "Did he ever plan to come back?" I asked.

"No, but when he saw you running alone in the woods. It was too much." She says. "He really does care about you."

"Why did he leave then?" I asked.

"He truly thought he couldn't control himself and might end up killing you, which would kill him" She says honestly.

"Oh." Was all I thought to say.

I finished my food and threw the paper plates out. The rest of the day we watched Netflix. In the afternoon we made cookies. Maria told me about her family and her old coven. She was a family of six. She had an older brother and sister. She also had a younger brother. She practiced elemental magic too and used to make little paper birds to fly them around. She showed me how to do it. The more I learned about her the more sympathy I had. I didn't think it was fair for Tristen to do such a thing.

She spent the night again and Silas drove the both of us to school. In the Science class room Emerson and Tristen both sat on top of the same desk. They weren't holding hands or kissing anything of that manner. They were together though. Maria walked right in and sat in the desk next to Loral. I sighed and sat on top of Loral's desk.

"Do you feel better?" Emerson asked and I nodded. Tristen didn't even look at Maria the entire time. I turned on my arura ring. I looked at their physical auras. Usually when aura's hit each other you see a thin line of separation. Their physical aura merged together into one. Almost all the other parts of the aura did as well.

I saw Brayden come into the room. "Hey!" I said. "I have something to show you." I said pulling the paper birds from my bag. I handed one to him and one to Loral standing up from the desk. "Watch this." I said holding my hand out with the paper bird. "Bird fly in the sky." I said.

The wings of the paper bird started to flap and it quickly lifted itself into the air swirling around me. I giggle. "Go to Cassie." I said and it landed in Cassie's lap.

She lifted the bird up. "That is so cool!"

"Why did you wait for Brayden?" Eliot asked.

"Because it is air magic. Brayden you try." I say.

"Bird fly in the sky." Brayden says holding the bird out and it starts flying it in the sky.

"You can send them like howlers!" Loral says making her bird fly as well. They both send it to each other. Brayden's bird landed peacefully in Loral's lap. Loral's bird slammed into Brayden's face crumbling.

"They are about as scary as howlers." He jokes picking the crumbled paper off the ground. I giggled.

"Can Cassie and I do it?" Emerson asks.

"Yes, but it will most likely crash and burn like Loral's did since you don't specialize in air like Brayden." Maria explains softly. Emerson nodded slowly shifting awkwardly.

"Why didn't Quin's crash and burn?" Cassie asks.

"It didn't crash and burn! It just got a bit crumbled." Loral defended.

"Crumbled into a snow ball." Brayden says throwing it at Loral.

"Because Quin is the channel." Maria says.

"How do you make the bird?" Loral asks.

I pulled a paper from my bag and showed her. When I finished and helped her make one, the bell rang. Maria was the first to jump up and leave. Silas and I walked to class together. We sat it our same seats. He dragged his finger across the back of my neck and down my spine sending shivers through my skin.

"Geeze stop doing that." I said quickly turning around. He chuckles. I looked up at his hair. "You cut your hair." It was resting above his eye brows again twisting to the side.

"You asked me too. Do you not like it?" He says pulling his fingers through it. I reached over grabbing his hand.

"I like it." I said smiling which made him smile.

"Do you feel alright after..."

I quickly cut him off. "I'm fine, I was just a bit weak. I slept it off though." I said quickly.

He smiled reaching over brushing his fingers over the scars on my cheek. I closed my eyes as my skin started to tingle. "Miss. Lockhand I don't think the board is at the back of the class." The teacher snapped. My eyes went wide and I quickly turned back around. I usually don't get called out by the teacher. I could feel my cheeks turning red and Silas started chuckling softly. I jerked my foot back trying to kick him and he quickly pulled back.

In the middle of class, a girl got up to use the bathroom. A white paper bird flew into the room. It crashed into my head landing on my desk. I shook my head and opened the bird. It was filled with doodles of flowers, birds, and I think a dragon? In the center of the drawings was Emerson's handwriting. "We figured the bird thing out!" I had to cover my mouth to hide my giggling. 

((Thank You for reading! Sorry chapter was a bit slow nothing exiting happened :( 

Stay Beautiful :) 

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