A True Rogue

By Addict_101

605K 17K 2K

Rain is used and tossed away like a piece of trash by her mate after claiming to soothe her from the pain she... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3.1
Chapter 3.2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5.1
Chapter 5.2
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 22

17.1K 581 168
By Addict_101

3rd Person.

Today was the day and our dear Luna couldn't keep her excitement to herself and Jackson was pretending to be so proud. Their son was growing up, over the past four months he had been to school with his choice mate, they'd made announcements of the next leaders' mating ceremony.

The pack leaders had invited packs from far and wide to witness the mating of new Alpha and Luna of the Canyon Pack, JJ and Vanessa. Sure, no one would be privy to the information that before this ceremony, Jackson had locked his son in and begged him to reconsider, to cancel the wedding telling him that he has a team ready on stand-by to go out in search of 'the young Everton should he say the word.


Rain was not OK, something was amiss, she just didn't know what it was because so far her pregnancy term was going alright. It only lasted 5 months per she-wolf and she had barely just finished the fourth month. If she could count, she had about 31 days left and then she could deliver healthy pups.

She had managed so far, she worked in sync with her wolf, they hunted viciously, any competition over prey was defeated because pregnant meant she had more reason to fight for survival.

Living in the forest had been hard but she wouldn't trade it, right now, her wolf easily carried the weight of the pregnancy. Now she was making her way to a river she'd discovered living in the wild. She didn't know why or how but she was thirsty, and felt that the water would end whatever the bad feeling she had. She was only 30 minutes from the river and was using her human form, Lara had to rest so that when midnight comes, she be ready to keep watch.

Holding her hand to a tummy that was equivalent to a 7 month carrying human, she walked. It was dark already but still early, and the wind was whistling its warmth on her animal skin wearing self. But something was not OK, she didn't know what so she checked her surroundings over and over...


Eva could see the bustle within the pack, everybody running about, others ready for the ceremony to begin in 5 minutes. She couldn't find it in her to be joyous for her future leaders, apparently this was daughter's mate and he'd used and rejected her. She feared this was gonna kill her child, so she remained in her house instead staring out at the stars. Hoping her baby was OK...

Collin watched his mate as she stood by the window, she was worried he could feel it. So was he, he'd only come out of his self-inflicted imprisonment from his office three days after her banishment. There he'd cried his guilt out for standing by as his daughter's being got destroyed on a daily basis. Why he'd chosen to ignore her just so he doesn't get in trouble with his mate, why he'd failed to equally be a loving father as he was a mate. He resolved that it won't happen again but he wondered, will he ever get a chance to say he is sorry to his only daughter?

Their son was asleep as all children, but he'd protect that boy no matter what. For now, he wasn't attending no ceremony aimed at finishing off his daughter, if she still lives that is, he'd stay here in solidarity with his mate and pray Rain lives. So as the horn to start sounded outside, he went to his mate and rubbed her shoulders in comfort. He'd been a bad father, he was sure he was going to hell for that but no more, not for failing another one...


There was a beautiful line of lanterns hung on the trees to light up as well as to beautify their specifically chosen site in the open field within the forests of Canyon Pack. The officiator, Grand Elder Puter Kaneez stood on a white stone waiting with the male, JJ. And as the drums started beating, mimicking a sound much like a heart beat, Vanessa came through a walkway made of flowers, this was it.

Rain's heart started beating faster, what was happening? She tried to run to the river, feeling that she must get there but then she tripped on a stone, was that there before? She landed on her hands and knees, feeling a slight jolt of pain cut through her stomach at the fall, 25 minutes more to the river, looking around she found she was still in the same place as 5 minutes before, did she walk in circles? Why was she so confused, she felt like she couldn't see, quick she tried walking faster...

"And you may say your vows." The Elder said to the couple, who turned to face each other, smiling. "In our dark luck we found each other," JJ began, "Knowing you has been the best gift granted to me by the fates so, I Jackson Jr. Royalle take you Vanessa Kindly as my chosen mate and to rule by my side as Luna." He finished, kissing her knuckles. Vanessa took the same hand and placed it on JJ's face. "I am so lucky to have you and so I accept the place by your side as Luna and loving mate. I promise to always be there for you." She finished nearly in tears. The Elder instructed finally. "Now you mark her so your words bind you under view of the fates and the witness of our guests." At the words of the elder, JJ held her face to the side exposing her neck. His canines elongated and there he lowered his mouth to the site he chose, and sunk his teeth deep into her marking her as his, and erasing Rain from his life.

"Ah!" Rain screamed as she felt a searing pain in her neck, a pain so sudden she fell on her hard on her butt, instant tears glistened her eyes, that was one hard fall. Were her pups alright? Then why was there a liquid bubbling in her throat and a metallic taste in her mouth?

"What's happening?!" She asked Lara, the night, the forest, anybody, and just then, the pain intensified. "Ahhhh! He-help!"

Now taking off their clothes as they circled each other in admiration, Vanessa who was wearing an angelic white dress with a crown of wild flowers in her hair took it off. As did JJ who wore just formal pants with no shoes nor shirt. JJ took Vanessa's hand, leading her to a bed made of straw that was placed at the center of where they wed. The guests had placed all kinds of gifts to surround the bed, some ancient and some sacred. On the bed Vanessa went down on her fours, as JJ went behind her. The pack's drums sounded louder as some rutted, while some howled in congratulations. Then JJ positioned himself behind her, and entered her, sealing the fate of many.

"Oh goddess it's getting worse, my babies!" Rain cried out as she felt as if a dagger was stabbing away at her core, cutting her up. But no pain could rival that which she felt inside her pregnant stomach. Feeling something warm wetting her between the thighs, she let her hand to investigate. Horror struck her when her hand came back with a very dark liquid, the air suddenly thick with the scent of blood. Blood. She really was getting hurt inside, and so were here babies.

"Our pups are coming, but they are dying Rain, our fated is mating with another." Lara whimpered sadly, nearly howling in mourning.

"No, they can't, never!" Rain protested, her pups were still premature, they needed to cook some more, she couldn't, she couldn't deliver them now. Despite her protests, she found herself laying face up on the ground, sweat beading on her forehead and her cheeks flushed red as she pushed against her will. The babies were coming whether she liked it or not, and she was all alone. And Lara said they were dying, none of this was good. Rain pushed, it was painful, she was torn but she did it. And her tiny pup came out, she wanted to tend to him, but quickly the other one was coming, she only managed to cut the cord with her sharpened nails, then baby number two made his way out. This was too easy, why weren't they crying? Why did this resemble the birthing of still born babies so much? At this thought, a heavily bleeding Rain turned, using her hands to turn her body so she could get her pups. They were so small, too small. They weren't moving, why was that? They couldn't die on her. "Come on, don't you want to feed huh?" Rain said, lightly slapping their little cheeks, nothing. "Don't do this to me, I love you, please exercise those little lungs for mommy, come on angels!" She said, panicking. Lara couldn't be right. She pinched their little feet, not giving up, her chest started to heave when she still got no response. "Even though daddy doesn't want you, I'm here. I'll love you enough for both of us, please don't leave me..." She begged, her voice cracking. She pressed her nose against their little noses, their soft cheeks, all over their tiny faces, nothing. This couldn't be!

"No heart beats Rain, they've perished." Lara said, already howling in grief, having stopped her efforts to nudge her pups awake.

"No no no, please no, not my babies, not my babies...." Rain chanted in tears, the sight of her un-moving infants breaking her heart. She placed them on the animal skin she wore for warmth and dragged her hurting body to the river, the hard ground scraped off the skin on her elbows and knees, one hand holding the still babies. Arriving at the river, she reached one skinned hand into the river to cup some water, splashing it on their little faces. When they still didn't move however, Rain knew it was over. And she sobbed, loudly. "Why?!" She yelled as she cried, the pain too much. "Why them and not me? Wasn't my family enough?" Lara's whimpers backed the pained mother's sobs. "Wasn't my family enough? My pack? What about my mate? I have nothing left! Nothing! my little pups I'm sorry, so sorry. . ." She placed her bloody hands on top of her broken heart as torrents of tears dripped down her chin to accompany her hands, choking for every next breath in-between her sobs.

"Accept our fate pup, please you must." Her wolf's sad voice insisted and the words clicked a memory in Rain's mind. She never accepted, had never accepted that she was abandoned, outcast, humiliated nor that she was rejected which meant anything JJ did would hurt her unless she made peace with the fact that her fated preferred someone else. But at this point it was too damn late, the damage was already done. Still, she forced herself to stand despite feeling so weak, despite the blood loss and she did it, standing just five feet away from the not-yet cold bodies of her little ones.

"I accept!" Rain screamed wildly in savage anger and soul wrecking pain at the night skies, at whoever would listen. "I Rain Echo, the ONLY cursed Everton FUCKIN' accept your rejection you Royalle child murderers!!" She fell to her knees, her forehead touching the earth as she sobbed loudly at the loss of her precious pups. She'd done everything but it still wasn't enough, and now they were gone, they were gone.

Two faint heartbeats were heard over the loud wailing of the pained young mother, over the silent mourn of the trees, slowly getting stronger, and stronger, and stronger.

"Ohhhh! Rain! Come see dear! Thank the gods, our precious pups live!" Lara yelped in joy. At this, Rain immediately dropped to all fours and crawled her way to their twins, desperate to see, to witness for her self if this was true, to hold the little miracles in her arms.

Looking at both her tiny little boys who were crying as much as their under developed lungs would allow them, she was awed. She cried and it was tears of joy, she was thanking all the powers that be for saving them, for giving them another chance at life, for giving her a chance to be with them.

However, there was a strong current of underlying anger there, anger at her old pack, at her old life.

They'd attempted to kill her pups. Again.

If they thought she was scared of them, they were wrong, DEAD wrong because she wasn't scared. No. She was pissed and REALLY feeling the hate.


Hello loves! Hopefully you're not too mad at me?? *Fingers crossed*

I've one to thing to say to you concerning ATR:

Make No Assumptions.

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