The Prince's Duchess { Illyri...

By SeraEnigma

196K 8.4K 922

Hardworking Sarina loves her job and is considered a kind hearted girl. Along the way, she befriended an ecce... More

Author's Notes:
Chapter 1: Blinded
Chapter 2: Who are you?
Chapter 3: A Promise
Chapter 4: Death of a Duke
Special Chapter: Luis Valentine
Chapter 5 - Grief on both sides
Chapter 6: I'm a Duchess?!
Chapter 7: Invitation
Chapter 8: On My Way
Chapter 9: First Meeting
Chapter 10: Living with the Prince
Chapter 11: An After Party Invite
Chapter 12: Jealousy
Chapter 14: Lovers
Chapter 15: Stay with me
Chapter 16: Henry's Funeral
Chapter 17: Tonight
Chapter 18: A Prince's Warmth
Chapter 19: Town Legends
Chapter 20 Part 1: The Charity Gala
Chapter 20 Part 2: She is Mine
Chapter 21: Confrontation
Chapter 22: Alone with you
Chapter 23: What It Means
Chapter 24: This is not Goodbye
Special Chapter: Catherine Lyonel
Chapter 25: Missing You
Chapter 26: Telling the truth
Chapter 27: Old Wounds
Chapter 28: Twins
Chapter 29: Hidden Shame
Chapter 30: Reunion
Chapter 31: An Unexpected Meeting
Flash Back Chapter: Before I Met You
Chapter 32: Did you Miss Me?
Chapter 33: Tonight, I'm Yours
Chapter 34: Cousins
Chapter 35: The Lost Princess
Special Chapter: Seymone
Chapter 36: Results
Chapter 37: A Stronger Bond
Chapter 38: World of our Own
Chapter 39: Be Honest
Chapter 40: The Brother In Law
Chapter 41: Back to Illyria
Chapter 42: My Fiancée
Chapter 43: Kassim
Chapter 44: Forgive Me?
Chapter 45: Like Father, Like Daughter
Chapter 46: The Forgotten Agreement
Chapter 47: Leaving again
Chapter 48: The Truth about Laila-Part 1
Chapter 49: The Truth about Laila - Part 2
Chapter 50: The Poison
Chapter 51: Flaunting your Title
Chapter 52: Akhun
Chapter 53: The Plot Thickens
Chapter 54: Now and Always
Chapter 55: Sex, Netflix and Chill
Chapter 56: The Lyonel Family Secret
Chapter 57: The Trial
Chapter 58: Forever Mine
Chapter 59: A Lost Love Returns
Chapter 60: An Unexpected Invitation
Chapter 61: Sealed Letter
Chapter 62: Elite Affair
Chapter 63: Her True Colors
Chapter 64: Kidnapped
Chapter 65: Huntress
Chapter 66: Redemption
Chapter 67: Body Heat
Chapter 68: Who am I?
Chapter 69: Rekindled Interest
Chapter 70: Memories of Us
Chapter 71: Aphrodisiac Fever
Extra Chapter: Laila
Chapter 72: Surprise Ambush
Chapter 73: Luce e Ombra
Chapter 74: La Famiglia e tutto
Chapter 75: The Cat is out of the Bag
Chapter 76: Abstinance
Chapter 77: The Wedding
Chapter 78: Night at the Tower
Final Chapter 79: The Prince's Duchess
Epilogue Chapter 80: The Princess' Personal Chef
End of the Story Greetings!
Special Mini Novel Coming Up!

Chapter 13: Seductive Kiss

4K 142 10
By SeraEnigma

Leo's POV:

The club's private guest rooms were expensive and used by VIPs to relax and refresh themselves while still being close to the party. It was also being used as private chambers for those who would like to spend some "time" alone while still being close to the party.

The room was decorated in black and silver with white lava lamp tubes installed for lighting. I spied a wide bed with black silk covers and a huge tinted window overlooking the whole club.

I gently placed Sarina in bed and took off her heels. She suddenly moaned and turned to her left side, which exposed her pale back to me.

I stared at the silver links on her dress and was almost tempted to unhook them so that I could kiss her soft skin, but I controlled myself.

Why the hell did she have to look like this tonight?

When I and Charles came into the club, Even amidst hundreds of gyrating bodies; I immediately saw my sister and her dancing on the floor. To see Sarina laughing while she swayed her hips to the beat made me smile but upon seeing a few men eyeing her breasts which were unusually well endowed​ as it lightly bounced with her every step made my palms itch to touch her.

I wanted to hide her because she looked so sweet and sexy in her black dress.

But when she turned her back, Charles whistled at the exposed skin and I nearly swallowed my tongue at the lust that suddenly flowed through my blood and my lower region.

"I'm the same as those horny models." I frowned in disgust as I covered her prone form with a blanket and went to the mini-bar to look for a medicine cabinet.

I found one and took out some pain killers and took some water from the bar, placing them at the bedside table, and then sat by the bed and stroked her head.

One of her hands suddenly grasped mine and I looked at her to see if she was awake but she was still sleeping, so I just kissed her knuckles as I continued to stroke her head like a child.

It was the oddest thing to happen to me because God knows how much I want her and yet I am petting and kissing her hand like she was made of glass.

Then she moaned and her eyes opened, at first, she stiffened but when she saw me, she got up and looked around.

"What happened? Where's Hal?" her voice was husky from her sleep.

I still held her hand and squeezed it a bit to soothe her. Relief flooded her face when I explained what happened. She blushed when she noticed how close I was to her.

"I'll get Cat, you'll be more comfortable with her."

But to my surprise her hand gripped mine and she edged closer to me. I felt my body grow hotter as she inched her face closer to mine.

"I have not thanked you for saving me." she smiled. "Thank you, Leone."

She kissed my cheek and lingered there. I stiffened at how such an innocent kiss could arouse me so much.

Then she laughed at seeing my expression. It was a soft and lilting voice. I liked it.

"You look stunned. Were you expecting a real kiss?" she asked and I raised an eyebrow.

Cheeky little duchess.

"And if I am?" I purred and bend my head closer to hers. I saw her smile vanish but she did not back away. "Will you let me?"

It was payback for turning me on, a bit juvenile but I enjoy toying with her. Because in our dreams, I would tease her like crazy.

Then she surprised me, She kissed me on the lips briefly and was about to pull away from me. Not this time.

I groaned and my arms went around her. She did not push me away when I settled her on my lap and kissed her on the lips this time.

Soft and sweet. It was better than in my dreams because it was real.

Pressing her closer to me as I teased her mouth open and then slipped my tongue in to kiss her deeply, she trembled and I felt her moan which only encouraged me when she did nothing to push me away.

I thought of the hickey on her neck and I gently ended our kiss, moved to her side, and greedily licked the dark spot on her neck before I sucked on it so that another man's lips were erased from her skin. Spurred on by her soft cries, I nipped and sucked on her neck to add a few more hickeys. I felt her breasts swell against my chest and that made me smile.

"Le-Leone." she gasped as I moved to her collarbone.

The warmth of her was really addictive so I took a deep breath and moved to stare at her, it was now or never.

I have had enough of trying to hide it from her, I should tell her.

"I told you before that I would find you, my dream lady."

She looked confused for a bit then I heard her gasp and I felt her hand on my cheek.

"You remembered me?" she then hugged me. "Please tell me I was not imagining it."

"Yes, I do remember you. How could I forget?" I was relieved as I stroked her back.

Finally, I have you, Rina.


Sarina's POV:

He remembers me.

All this time, I thought he had forgotten about me but I was wrong. He knew....which explains everything.

I moaned when I felt his hand on my exposed thigh and blushed as he stroked my skin gently and he kissed me again while pressing my body closer to his.

Unlike the last man who touched me, Leone's were careful and arousing. He seems to like it when I touched his arm so I also stroked and pressed his biceps. I felt him shudder and it made me smile.

"We should stop." he nibbled on my lip and sighed but he was still pressed against me.

"Yes. I guess we should." I looked up and saw him shift uncomfortably. "What is it? You look like you are in pain?"

"Well, you are sitting on me."


He took a deep breath and smiled at me, his eyes were dark gold now.

"You are a nurse right?" he shifted his position again and I felt a growing ridge under my butt.

"Oh!" I instantly got off him and he laughed so loudly that I threw a pillow at him.

"I have been this way for months now." he caught the pillow and instead placed it over his crotch, his smile was playful. "Give it a few minutes. I'll calm down in a while."

We looked at each other and laughed together. It was as if a wall that separated us has just dissolved.

That was when Cat came in and saw us, she went and hugged me fiercely, her concern for me was touching.

"Are you feeling better, dear? No vomiting?" the princess asked and stroked my head. Then her gaze zeroed in on my neck and then at Leone. I did not want her to think that her brother took advantage of me so...

"A little dizzy but I am fine. L...Leone helped me calm." I answered as I felt someone pressed a pill to my hand.

There was no condemned stare from Cat, she just nodded and hugged me.

"Drink," Leone commanded as he gave me some medicine and also gave me a glass of water.

After I took the painkiller and the slight pain in my head subsided, Cat and Leone led me out of the club. Somehow, the prince and I did a good job of making sure we act normal as we saw both Charles and Cat off as they drove home after they got us to the house.

Mrs. Briggs and Melissa greeted us and asked if we needed dinner, I refused and told them that I would retire early for today.

"We will get the baths ready for you two." the housekeeper said as they made their way upstairs.

"Rina, may I come to your room tonight?" Leone asked and I felt my body grow warmer but I was not ready to go far beyond making out.

"I don't think it's a good idea." I shook my head.

"Why? We know each other from our dreams. Are you scared of me?"

"N-no, I just want to take it slow," I said and massaged his hand. "Let me get used to this. I am still new at being a duchess and bring you..." I search for an appropriate word.

Leone pulled my hand against his lips and he kissed my wrist while holding my gaze with hungry eyes.

"My Lover?" he purred in such a natural way.

"Please give me time Leone," I asked as my face turned red again from his kiss on my skin.

"Very well. I will wait." his amber eyes then turned into dark gold. "but I will continue to wear you down gently. I'm not heartless but neither am I a saint."

I gaped at his teasing remarks and he let go of my hand and climbed the stairs to his room.

"Grumpy prince. Just because he was denied. he had to say that to make me nervous." I muttered as I entered my room.

After thanking Melissa, I took a quick shower and dressed up in my usual nightgown.

A lot has happened and it was only my second day here. Sey will be so surprised when she hears this.

Opening my laptop, I checked if my cousin was online. To my surprise, she was and I opened a chat and typed a message.

[Me: Hi cuz, wat tym is it there?]
[Sey: About 1:00 pm, Y? ]
[Me: Nothing much, I just miss you. How r u doin?]
[Sey: Well ever since news got out dat ur a duchess, it has been weird at school.]
[Me: Oh so sorry cuz, was it bad?]
[Sey: U kidding? It has been great! I get invited to the best parties and the popular girl in art class actually talked to me.]
[Me: Dats nice cuz but be careful about the people hu try to befriend you now.]
[Sey: Yeah I know cuz, I am aware of the situation. Gtg. Talk to u later! Got class!]
[Me: Ok. Love u.]
[Sey: Love u cuz!]

"Well at least, she is doing fine." I sighed.

"Who is doing fine?"

I gasped and my heart jumped in my throat. Leone was sitting on my bed and he was only wearing boxers and a thin white V - neck shirt.

"Ho-how? Where? What are y-" my eyes darted around, checking the entire room.

Where could he have entered because I was sure that I locked the door and the windows are closed.

"Who is Sey?" he was still staring at my chatbox.

I snapped my laptop close and frowned at him.

"Ever heard of privacy?" I looked at him fiercely, he just locked gazes with me undaunted.

"Is she the cousin you raised for 4 years?" he asked.

He remembered. I told him about Sey when a few months ago in a dream and now I remembered him mentioning a sister but he did not give a name.

"Y-yeah, I remembered a bit about what you said about Cat. She likes fruit tarts right?"

"Yes, she really likes the ones with different berries," he said.

"Ah..." an idea formed in my head and I smiled, then I went back to glaring at him. "How did you get in here?"

"There is a secret passage that connects this room to mine. Don't worry I won't try to bed you, I just want to spend some more time with you."

His hand went to mine and he linked our fingers together.

I took a deep breath and smiled at him. He always backs down when I asked him to and he was being sincere.

"So what do you want to talk about?"

In the end, Leone and I talked about a lot of things until midnight, it reminded me about the times we talked in our dreams.

"May I come again tonight?" he asked.

"This cannot be a habit" I scolded him. "I feel like we are hiding something from everybody."

But his arms went around me and he nuzzled my neck and kissed the hickeys​ he made, which caused me to gasp.

"Alright, I won't come tomorrow night but in return; you come with me to work."

"But Cat is coming to teach me."

"I'll call her to teach you at La Belle."

"Fine, I'll go but only because I have shares in La Belle and I wanted to see how the company is doing."

I saw Leone look at me with an odd expression but he kissed me on the forehead before he when near the closet and pressed something on the side.

The walls shifted, revealing a narrow but tall space where he slipped inside and the walls closed in on him.

I let myself relax as I laid down and covered myself.

Somehow, a prince visiting a woman in the middle of the night was kinda illicit and it was new to me.

I cannot help but feel excited about tomorrow.


"Miss Sarina?" I heard Melissa's voice behind me. "It is 6:00 am. What are you doing?"

I smiled back at the sleepy voice of the maid.

"Making fruit tarts?" I said as I piped the custard into the pastry shells.

"You bake too? It smells good Miss." the maid looked impressed then she saw the dishes on the sink. "Let me help you wash these."

"Thanks, Melissa," I said as I finished making 12 fruit tarts and glazed them.

And once again, I helped Mrs. Briggs make breakfast. This time we made cheese and spinach quiche, poached eggs, sausages, and mashed potatoes with parsley.

They even sampled my tarts and said that it was great so I packed them up so that I can give them to Cat later.

I showered and dressed up. Melissa picks a plum blouse that hid my hickey, a cream knee-length skirt, black stockings, and a pearl trench coat and scarf for the growing cold.

When I met Leone at the breakfast table, He was looking every inch the business magnate with his black suit, he saw my dress and I swear I saw an appreciative smile.

We sat down to eat and I noticed that he ate a lot of the food. Even two of the fruit tarts I have placed on the table.

"Mrs. Briggs. That was exceptionally good especially the tarts." Leone smiled at the housekeeper.

The dear old woman just nodded her thanks but winked at me secretly, We made a pact not to tell the prince that I have been helping out at the kitchen for two days now. Even Melissa is in on it.

"Oh, and I have invited the Duchess over to see my company as a guest. I have contacted Princess Catherine and she will continue lessons there."

"Of course, young master."

"The food suits your taste then Rina?" he asked me.

"I like it. The quiche was delicious." I smiled at Mrs. Briggs.

I stood up the moment Leone did and followed him to one of his three cars. He chose a sleek black Chevrolet car and opened the door for me.

"No chauffeur today?"

"I don't use my chauffeur every day." he smiled before he leaned down and gave me a soft peck on my lips."Besides, I want to show off today. Because you are with me."

I get inside the car's front seat and when Leone was seated. He drove off and I was distracted by the buildings and scenes that we passed by.

Vanid was a metropolis but what impressed me was how the buildings seem to mesh with nature and I even saw a few men in suits riding bicycles to work.

The parks and local sports center seems to be in working order and I was once again impressed at this country's beauty.

I cannot help but feel like there is something more to this country than meets the eye.

"Rina, look up ahead." Leone's voice made me look in front of me.

We came into a tall gate and I saw the La Belle building.

It was a white and sea green building with about 50 floors covered in high-grade glass and was designed to look pleasing aesthetically, it was more like a tower but it was surrounded by rows of gardens and hothouse buildings.

"It's certainly quite a company," I said in awe.

"We have headquarters in Paris, Rome, Athens, and Berlin. In five years, Charles and I are planning to expand to the U.S and Asia," he said. "This is the company I built from scratch."

The pride in his voice was undeniable and I somehow felt the drive in his eyes as he stared at the company grounds.

"Leone. I can see why Henry is so proud of you."

We looked at each for a moment, He then grinned at me and got out of the car, he opened my door for me and suddenly offered his hand to me.

"Let us go?"

I took his hand and took a deep breath as I walked inside the company's revolving doors.

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