Walking Among Humans

By TLPhillips

496 42 0

What could be worse than finding out you're not human? How about finding out that half of your kind, includin... More

Author Note
Chapter 1 - Part 1
Chapter 1 - Part 2
Chapter 2 - Part 1
Chapter 2 - Part 2
Chapter 3 - Part 1
Chapter 3 - Part 2
Chapter 4 - Part 1
Chapter 5 - Part 1
Chapter 5 - Part 2
Chapter 6 - Part 1
Chapter 6 - Part 2
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 - Part 1
Chapter 8 - Part 2
Chapter 8 - Part 3
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 - Part 1
Chapter 12 - Part 2
Chapter 13 - Part 1
Chapter 13 - Part 2
Chapter 14 - Part 1
Chapter 14 - Part 2
Chapter 15 - Part 1
Chapter 15 - Part 2
Chapter 16 - Part 1
Chapter 16 - Part 2
Chapter 17 - Part 1
Chapter 17 - Part 2
Chapter 18 - Part 1
Chapter 18 - Part 2
Chapter 19 - Part 1
Chapter 19 - Part 2
Chapter 20 - Part 1
Chapter 20 - Part 2
Chapter 21 - Part 1
Chapter 21 - Part 2
Thank You!

Chapter 4 - Part 2

9 1 0
By TLPhillips


It hits me in the gut like a lead weight when I hear her cry out. I race to the bathroom door, ready to kick it in. "Mona? Are you okay in there?"

"I'm fine. I was just surprised to see a new mark on my back. Let me cover myself and you can come in and take a picture of it for me."

I run to her room and grab the digital camera off her dresser.

"Okay, you can come in. Don't forget the camera. We need to show John."

I turn the knob and push the door open. I'm struck senseless by the stunning beauty that she's become. Her ivory skin glistens with droplets of water, and her long brown hair shimmers like satin down her back. Yep, she's definitely not a little girl anymore.

Mona turns an attractive shade of red. "Are you going to take the picture or just stand there staring at me? I'd kind of like to put some clothes on."

Now it's my turn to blush. I take the picture and hurry out of the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I head straight for her room, ashamed of my thoughts. I straighten the blankets on the bed and sit down on the edge.

When she comes in, I try to keep my attention on the digital image of her new mark. She sits down on the bed next to me but says nothing.

"I'm so sorry, Mona. I didn't mean to stare. Please forgive me. It will never happen again."

"Maybe now you'll stop seeing me as that little girl with scraped knees and elbows needing to be protected."

I look at her for a moment. "I haven't seen you that way in a long time. I just never really noticed how beautiful you are." For some reason I can't seem to raise my voice above a whisper. "And I'll always protect you, even when you don't think you need it. Now into bed, young lady – you promised."

* * *


I obediently climb into my bed and watch him walk across the room to grab the stack of profiles he had brought with him.

He comes back and sits down next to me on the bed. "Is the light going to bother you?"

"Nope, I'm good. So who's first on the list?"

"Hey! You're supposed to be trying to sleep."

"I promised to try to sleep. Right now I'm too wired up over the new mark to sleep. So either you tell me about the candidates, or I go get the book on marks and obsess over it all night long."

"Okay, I get your point. But at least lie down and close your eyes."

I nod in agreement and nestle back into my pillows. I've won this one and I'm not going to press my luck tonight. I can hear him rustling through the papers, but he isn't saying anything yet. I open one eye just enough so I can see him without him seeing me. He is just sitting there staring down at me, shuffling the papers. He looks so worried and gentle. He's so gorgeous when he's serious.

* * *


I can't believe what I just heard. I look over at her lying on the bed next to me with her eyes closed, looking so beautiful and peaceful.

"What did you just say?"

"What? I didn't say anything." How embarrassing.

"No need to be embarrassed. I think it's sweet you think I'm gorgeous."

"Okay, what on earth is going on? How did you know what I was thinking? Did you suddenly become telepathic and not tell me?"

"Relax, you're blushing. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. Now close your eyes and relax."

"Are you making any progress on the profiles?"

"There are several here whose traits would certainly be beneficial – a couple with speed, a couple with strength, a healer, a couple of elementals, even another telepath..."

Before I have a chance to go on I hear her heart rate slow, and her breathing evens out. She's asleep.

* * *


As I step out of the shower, I catch a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror. What I see both frightens and amazes me. There isn't an inch on my back that's not covered in marks. Other than some faint voices coming from the hall, I can't hear anything. I dress in a hurry so I can go find Ben. I give myself a quick once-over to make sure all my marks are entirely concealed, and head out into the main living area of my suite. There's nobody in the room so I head straight for my bedroom to grab a pair of shoes. That's when I see him.

Ben is sitting on my bed crying. I usually try to stay out of his head, but since he won't look up at me I close my eyes and focus all my energy on him. It doesn't work. I walk over, sit down on the bed next to him, and say his name. Nothing – he just keeps crying. It's like I'm not even here.

Despite the silence I hope someone might be around to give me a clue about what is going on.

I open the door leading out of the suite into the hall and am surprised when I see a dozen or so of my classmates huddled at the end of the hall, whispering.

Nobody seems to notice when I step into the hall and start walking toward them. As I get closer, I notice shadows dancing on the wall from dozens of lit candles. I look around, and it looks like a traditional shrine of mourning.

Several students are whispering in the corner. I still have excellent hearing so I don't have to strain to hear what they are saying.

"Poor Ben, I hear he's taking her death the hardest."

"I heard he hasn't left her room since he got back."

"Well, who can blame him? It was his job to protect her, not the other way around. Where was he when she and her other guardians were ambushed?"

"I heard he was right there with her, and when it started he bailed."

I can't believe what I am hearing.

I force myself to finish scanning the memorial shrine. In the middle stands an over-sized portrait of me surrounded by four smaller indecipherable photos that I assume are of my guardian detail.

No way, it can't be. I can't be dead. I'm standing right here!

I start screaming for Ben.

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