Every Assassin Has Their Secr...

By hey895

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[Book 1 in the Secret series] My life before this was . . . was normal if you would believe me. I... More

Chapter 00: The Start
Chapter 1: When One Thing Dies Something New Comes In
Chapter 2: No-One Deserves Me . . . Not Even Me
Chapter 3: Something Feels A Bit Like Home
Chapter 4: The Start Of Everything New
Chapter 5: So Many Questions That Cannot Be Answered
Chapter 6: Scouting Around And Finding Out Secrets
Chapter 7: The Truth Comes Out At Last
Chapter 8: My Dead End
Chapter 9: First Of Several Trips
Chapter 10: Family Moments
Chapter 11: I am Coming, No Matter What
Chapter 12: Returning The Favor
Chapter 13: Adding Someone Else To The Family
Chapter 14: First Day And First Discovery, If Only I Was Old Enough
Chapter 15 (part one): Defeating One Battle At A Time
Chapter 15 (part two): Something Reveled That Was Meant To Stay Quiet
Chapter 15 (part three): The Ceremony
Chapter 16: A New Day, A New Discovery
Chapter 17: We Need Our Hero Once Again
Chapter 18: A Death Of One Can Lead To The Death Of Many
Chapter 19: Telling The Truth About A Husband's Death
Chapter 20: Let us Take You As An Example
Chapter 21: The Welcome Party
Chapter 22: Taker
Chapter 24: A Small Victory Will Not Do Us Much Now
Chapter 25: Requiescat In Pace
Chapter 26 (part one): Observations
Chapter 26 (part two): Good-bye Once Again
Chapter 27: Some Need To Know The Truth, Others Need To Forget It
Chapter 28: A Secret Cave
Chapter 29: A Letter Came For You
Chapter 30: Mentors Return
Chapter 31: Saved
Chapter 32: Leaving
Chapter 33: Subject 17
Author's Note: Q&A

Chapter 23: Continued Torture

266 21 0
By hey895

[Trigger Warning]

Chapter 23: Continued Torture

Year: 1225

Age: 29


  Abbas walked towards me with a knife in his hand and Swami smiled once he also saw the knife. I wanted to roll my eyes or sigh or something to show that I was not scared. When I looked down to myself and remembered, I was the one bound and not them. Damn. Abbas walked over to me and then smiled as he brought his knife up so I could see it. It had just recently been sharpened. I was in for something that I did not want to be a part of. Abbas looked over to Swami and then back to me. He examined the wounds that Swami gave to me. He smiled when he looked at my lips. He looked over to Swami.

“Try not to hurt anything ‘important’.”

  Swami nodded his head. Fuck me, I was in for something painful and something I would have to suffer with for a while. Abbas and Swami walked around the table looking at me to find their next target area. I knew they were not going to kill me but I would not be surprised if they nearly killed me. Swami stopped by my right side and then tilted his head a bit towards me. I saw Abbas smile and nod his head. Swami turned to me and lifted up his knife.

  I closed my eyes waiting for the cut but nothing happened. I opened my eyes to find Swami still looking at me with the knife held up, ready to attack. He lowered the knife to my stomach. He wanted me to see what he was going to do. I turned my head but he fiercely grabbed my face and turned it towards the knife so close to my stomach. He lowered the knife a bit more before the knife hit my stomach.

  He still held my face to the knife on my stomach, I tried to move my head out of his hands but as I did so he lowered the knife lower and lower. He had already broken the skin and was now giving me a deep cut. He slowly moved the knife across my stomach as he held my face to look at his evil doings. My teeth clenched trying to stop from screaming in pain. He stopped and lifted the knife covering in blood up to my face. He let the blood drip down on my face and then moved the knife away from my face.

  Abbas was next in line to hurt me. He moved to my legs and slowly and painfully moved the knife across my leg. My hands went into fist and unclenched and clenched again. I was full of anger and pain. Abbas stopped and then did a quick cut on my leg giving me even more pain then the last one. He moved away from the table and so did Swami. They walked over to one of the doors and talked for a second before they both charged at me and started to cut me everywhere.

  I wanted to scream, yell, or cry, anything that would let me release this pain. The only thing I could do was clench my fist and teeth until they stopped. It hurt so much. I had to be strong; it was the only way out of here alive. Once they finished, I looked down at the damage and I was covered in blood. The blood on my neck was starting to dry and I guess that was a good sign. I rested my head back trying to forget about the pain and think about something else. Abbas looked at me and smiled.

“Looks like you need some help. Is that little girl returning to the surface?”

  I stayed silent. I knew that if I let my mouth say anything that would only get me in even more pain. I swallowed hard to try to forget about the cuts. The pain all over my body started to throb. When I did not answer Abbas punched me in the side and then looked to me. I groaned before looking to him. He had anger in his eyes. He wanted payback from all the years Altaïr stood on top when he thought he should have.


  That is all I wanted to say to respond to his answer. I did not need witty comments right now. Although, I had a few to say but I did not say them. I did not need them and they would only get me in even more trouble. Hurt me even more than they had already hurt me.

“Sticking to short answers now are we?”

  I did not do anything. I did not look at him or make a move. I just looked to the ceiling and hoped he was not going to hurt me even more than he had already done. Swami walked to me and grabbed my jaw and turned my head to look at Abbas. I saw evil, anger and power in his eyes. That is all that Abbas was made of. Anger, evil and power. It was all that was powering him and it did not suit anyone well. It did not do good and it was not helping this Creed.

“Answer him.” Swami said


  Abbas smiled and then Swami let go of my face for a second before Abbas slapped me. He mumbled something and then looked at me again. His arms crossed. Swami was still holding my head towards Abbas when he waved him off. I knew I still had to look at Abbas even if Swami was not holding my head in his direction. I looked at him in his eyes. I was not going to get sucked into his trap and I wanted to show him.

“You think your smart, dont you?”

  I grinned before answering, “I know I am.” I turned my head to look at Swami, “I am smarter than some people in this room.”

  Swami got angry with my comment and punch my tight. Right on a cut. Great! I flinched in pain but brought myself back to just lay there and keep up with my poker face. I looked at the ceiling when Abbas walked over to me and got in my view. He smiled and then moved out of my view and walked around the table. Swami stayed by my side for when I did something. I could not either way because I was bound to the table. Abbas stopped at the other end of the table.

“If you followed my plan, you would not be in this situation now. You could be right beside Swami and I leading this Creed.”

“I was leading this Creed before you came along.”

“How were you leading this Creed before me?”

“I was the master Assassin in Acre. I had the highest ranking in Acre and people took orders from me. They trusted me and frankly, that is something the people do not have with you that they do with me. They do not trust you, they trust me.”

  He punched my leg hard and made me flinch in pain.

“These people trust me! You were never a leader!”

  He punched me again, but this time a bit harder than before. I clenched my hands into fist and then unclenched them before talking.

“Abbas, if your such the leader that you say you are, then why does everybody fear you? A good leader should not be fear, they should be respected, not feared.”

“These people-”

“Those people fear you! Taking control and making yourself the head of the Creed is only making them fear you even more! You are betraying your Creed! Soon Masyaf will be full of weak-minded people!”

  Abbas and Swami both punched me in the stomach. I let out of groan and then laid back down in pain.

“La3! This Creed loves me! They think I am whom should be in control! You are the one that is wrong!”

“Non Abbas, you are taking advantage of the weak-minded. You are only making things worst for everybody.”

  He punched me once more. I groaned again as he walked away. He headed towards the door he had come from. I could hear the door open and then he paused. I blinked and turned on Eagle Vision trying to see if I could see what Abbas was doing but Swami was in my way. I blinked and rested my head on the table. Swami turned towards the door.

“Do what you want.”

  Abbas turned and left and closed the door. I swallowed hard knowing that Swami was going to do the worst to me. I closed my eyes trying to erase the thought. Perhaps, I can try to get Swami out of Abbas spell. I could at least try. It was worth a shot if I got out of my death.

“Swami, what has Abbas given to you that the Creed has not?”

“Leadership. He made me important. I was not held back like I was back in training.”

  ‘I guess you two have something in common,’ I thought.

“Swami, you were not held back. You just were not ready.”

“I was ready but everybody saw different. I was ready and I am glad that I got Abbas as my Mentor. He has taught me much and in those years. I saw the truth about everything.”

“Like what?”

“That Altaïr was not a good leader for the Creed, Abbas was. I realized that Abbas’ ways where the ways that everybody should be taking in life. They were the right ways.”

“Then what were the ways of my father? He was following the Creed. Abbas is only doing this to get the power he craves.”

“Your father was broken. He told lies to keep his place as Mentor.”

“Abbas is telling lies. Killing people and torturing people to get what he wants. A real Assassin would not do that.”

“Abbas is a real Assassin!”

  His fist slammed on the table with anger. I was not getting anywhere. I shut my mouth because I knew the more I got him mad, the more he will want to kill me or hurt me. I turned my head away from Swami. He grabbed my jaw and turned my head to him. He smiled at me with evil on his face. He jump up on the table and stood over top of me. He kneeled down so that our faces where so close to each other.

“I am about to show you real torture.” he whispered to me,

  He stood up and started to take off his clothes. My eyes went wide. Was he going to . . .?  His chucked his belt on the floor and the rest of his armor. He started to take off his robes.

“What are you doing?!”

“Showing you whom a real Assassin is!”

  He took off his robes and chucked them with the rest of his armor. He kneeled down and was so close to my face. I wanted to spit on him or bite him anything that would hurt him and stop him from doing what he was going to do. He leaned in closer to me. His face was so close to me. It made want to do anything to stop him. Anything!

“You are not going to be able to stand after I am done with you.”

  I started to breathe very heavily. I did not want him to show me whom is a real Assassin. I did not. I would cave and go with their plan to stop this from happening. Swami looked down at himself and then me. He smiled and tore some of my robes. I started to try to fight him but he let out a laugh.

“Stop struggling or I will make it even worse.”

  I stopped. I did not want him to do anything to me and if moving is going to make this worse, I wanted to not make a single movement. I looked around and tried to figure out a plan before he did what he was going to do to me. I tried to find their knives that they had but, they were on the floor covered in blood. I looked around some more trying to find anything that could save me.


  I was looking around. My breathing got heavy as Swami pulled down his pants. I looked around even more to see if there was anything. I needed something! He was cleaver and hid everything away from me.


  He kneeled down close to me and then laid on top of me. He moved his face up to mine and I could feel him trying.


  I screamed for the first time since I entered this room. Swami smiled. I screamed again . . .



I'm sorry I had to end it on a clif hanger. I felt as if I should have stopped it there. I know you guys are probably pissed at me now for doing that, but, it had to happen, Swami was telling me he was going to do it. 

I really wish I could control my characters some days. If I could, this would not have happened. Any writer would understand my struggles.

Vote and leave some feedback. I'll answer any questions you guys may have. 


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