Freedom with Styles (Harry St...

By FoodLover27

1.7K 55 2

Kiriana is an opinionated individual who has a little trouble connecting with her fellow students. For 18 yea... More

Meeting Harry
Threatened Olivia
Bruises and Break-up
Sierra and Harry
Soft and Smooth
Confusion and Shock
Drunken Haze
Crushing Reality
Slurred Torture
Blackout and Badass Brother
Trial and Error
Bloody Justice
The Perks of Being Injured

Blissful Embarrassment

77 3 1
By FoodLover27

CHAPTER TWELVE AND A HALF – Blissful Embarrassment

Harry sighed, before pulling away from me. He looked down at me, a sad smile on his face. I smile back, still feeling the raw emotions hovering in the air.

“Thanks Kiriana…for understanding. But, if you don’t mind, can you not tell anyone about this?” He asked quietly. I rolled my eyes at jokingly.

“Who am I gonna tell?” Harry chuckled.

“Well, I figured you were pretty close to Sierra now so…” I looked over at him sceptically.

“Not that close. That chick’s cool and all…but she talks like hell!” I whistled lowly, just thinking of Sierra’s motor mouth.

Harry gently grabbed my chin, and turned me towards him, making me stare into the gorgeous green pools that are his eyes.

“Thank you Kiriana. You are honestly the only person I have left. Everyone else has left me, or I have left them. So thanks for sticking around” his voice faded into a whisper, his breath caressing my lips, before gently pressing his mouth onto mine.

He gently moved his lips against mine, running his tongue lightly along my bottom lip. I parted my mouth, and his tongue slid in, massaging my tongue, his mint and vanilla scent intoxicating my senses. I let out a low moan, threading my fingers into his hair, and gripping it tightly. He groaned deeply, before grabbing my hips and pulling me onto his lap. I straddled him, while his arms wrapped around my waist tightly, trying to remove any space between us. His lips slanted, deepening the kiss further, and they moved with more urgency.

I gasped when he bit my lip roughly, before sucking hard on my tongue. I returned the favour, running my teeth along his tongue, making him shiver and tighten his grip on me. My hips slowly started shifting in his lap, causing him to groan.

“God, don’t do that” he gritted his teeth, his hands clenching around my waist, but not stopping me; as if he wanted to stop me, but he felt too damn good to.

“Why the hell not?” I trailed my lips along his neck, getting to the part where the neck and shoulder met, and sucked hard. He let out a loud, uncontrollable moan, rocking his hips up against mine. F*ck yes.

“Because you aren’t prepared for the consequences” he snarled lightly, licking my ear. I shivered, gripping his hair tighter, pulling his lips back to mine.

“What makes you so-” a loud gasp had me shoved back onto the sofa, with Harry somehow halfway across the room.

I looked up to see my mum and dad standing there with shocked expressions on their faces.

Uh oh.


“That had to be the single most awkward experience of my life. That beats having to go through the period talk with my dad, when my mum was away in New Zealand! Let me tell you, that was the top of the list for several years…until NOW!” I exclaimed in a hush voice, standing outside my house.

At first, my mum had been full-on ecstatic that I had a boyfriend, while my dad just stood there glaring at Harry. But then my mum pulled on that calculating expression of hers, and began to interrogate Harry, asking the little things; name, age, hobbies, career choice, criminal record, drug usage etc. Normal stuff.

Harry performed brilliantly, of course.

But my dad just stood there, arms crossed, his biceps bulging intimidatingly, and his face set sternly. The moment my mum weaselled as much information as possible from Harry (I managed to steer clear of the parent questions), it was my dad’s turn.

God damn. Worst half hour of my life.

He did a slow simmer, unlike my mum, who jumped from topic to topic with no real strategy. But my dad, he started off with easy questions; does he work, what were his plans for the future, where was he from etc. Then he started to probe our relationship. How long had we been going out, where did we meet, are we in the same school, and if so, what classes do we have together. And finally, he got to the hard core stuff.

-       What happened to your face?

-       Do you get in fights often?

-       Are you a virgin?

-       Have you ever gotten a girl pregnant?

-       If you got a girl pregnant, would you stay with her?

-       How many girlfriends have you had?

-       How many of them did you have sex with?

-       How far would you ever go with Kiriana?

And worst of all:

Is Kiriana still a virgin?

I shuddered at the memory. Harry’s face grew a deep, deep tomato red, and I was probably about to burst all the blood vessels in my body from how embarrassed I was.

Harry chuckled, taking my hand, and pulling me down the path, and out onto the street. After that final, horrible question, I had fended off any further inquiries by my parents and ushered Harry out of the house, telling them we were going to go for a walk. My mum told me to be safe, and my dad threatened to chop Harry’s balls off if he hurt me.

As if Harry would hurt anyone; let alone me. He’s too damn adorable.

“So um, when are we going to go on that date?” I asked Harry timidly, unsure if it was still on. Harry looked down at me with an easy smile on his face, despite the wounds smattered across his face. I’m glad my dad only really skimmed over the topic of his injuries. Harry mentioned getting into a fight, and getting the b*stard before walking off, and my dad left it at that.

“Well, I really should get down to the police station, get all that stuff over and done with, but once it is, I’m all yours” I hooked my arm through his, leaning into him. A smile played at my lips.

“I’m all yours?” I quoted him, and he stopped us, a playful grin on his face. We stood in front of the park.

“You’re all mine” he whispered huskily, before his lips descended on mine.


Turns out there wasn’t much hassle as Harry thought, when the police asked for his statement, he gave it, ran over everything he’d told me and within a few hours he was free. Steve was locked behind bars, and it seemed all his contacts within the police force wouldn’t pull through this time.

Harry saw him getting sent out of an interview room, and I happened to be looking into the hallway waiting for Harry, when Steve went ballistic.

Steve launched himself at Harry, screaming and yelling, fighting against his cuffs, his fingers extended like claws toward Harry’s face. It took the combined force of 5 police officers to get the tall man away and out of sight.

Harry wrapped his arms around me, making me realise how hard I was trembling. The shaking slowed, and I eventually hugged him back, while he stroked my hair gently. We’d proceeded out of the police station, entering his car, which we had picked up prior to arriving at the station.

That was where Harry officially set the time for our date.

“Alright Kiriana. Eight o’clock, Saturday. Be ready in some semi-casual clothing” Harry ordered me in a no-nonsense tone, and it kinda turned me on a little.

“Yes sir! Where are we going?” I asked curiously, after saluting him. He turned to reveal his sexy, mischievous smirk.

“That’s for me to know and you to find out, babe” he chuckled at my pouty face.

So now it’s Saturday and I am almost ripping my hair out in frustration.

Sierra watched me in amusement as I rummaged through my wardrobe, finding a shirt, checking it out in my floor-length mirror, before tossing it away. I looked over at her in annoyance.

“Stop laughing and help me! What good is finally being friends with someone if they don’t even help me out!” I huffed, frowning at her in the mirror. Her smile widened.

“Fine fine. Don’t get your panties in a twist…I’m sure Harry will do plenty of that for you” I threw a shoe at her, but she ducked and stuck her tongue out at me. I sighed. I found some kickass black skinny jeans that I’d never worn before at the back of my wardrobe, but I have no idea what top to wear!

“He said semi-casual. I don’t have any f*cking semi-casual tops!” I flopped back on my bed, crossing my arms over my chest.

“How about this?” Sierra asked, holding up a black sequin tank I’d gotten last year from my aunt. I made a face at it.

“Too much black” I told her. Sierra tossed it back into the pile, and dug around some more, before yanking out another shirt. It was pink, and had white stripes across it. I shook my head. Too casual.

“Hey what’s this?” Sierra asked, her head peering onto the top shelf of my wardrobe. She gave a little tug and the most perfect f*cking top fell out.

I snatched it up, discarded the jumper I was wearing, and put it on. F*ck yes.

It was white shirt, with a faded Union Jack printed across it, with the words ‘I love British boys’ on top in black. The sleeves hung low, down to my elbows, the neckline dipping halfway down my shoulders, and the edge of the top cut off just under my belly button, showing my dark tanned stomach. I also slipped on some red converse wedges, and I was set.

“Eat your heart out Harry Styles” Sierra smirked, cocking her hip, and crossing her arms in satisfaction.

Ding dong.

“Kiriana! Your date is here!!!” my brother hollered, and taking one more look in the mirror, I rushed down the stairs before he embarrassed the sh*t out of me.


Harry stood there, in a long-sleeve white shirt, showing off his lightly muscled upper body, some dark wash skinny jeans and some grey converse’s, at the end of the hallway.

I just managed to save him from an embarrassing interrogation by my brother, shoving the idiot out of the way, and pushed Harry back out the door with barely a “See you later” to Sierra.

I sighed loudly as I shut the door, before turning to look at the sexy beast I was going on a date with. I ran my eyes up and down his body, much like he was doing to me. He looked so damn sexy, including all the injuries, and he doesn't even care!

"How do you look so damn gorgeous without even trying?" I asked him, exasperatedly. He cocked his head to the side. He tucked his hands around my hips, and pulled me in closer to him.

"Easy" he looked over at me with a grin. "I copy you" he winked as I blushed. He leant down, and brushed his lips against mine, but before I could kiss him back he pulled away, and tugged me down the drive way to his car.

10 minutes later, I was sitting in the car, with a soft, romantic song on as Harry drove, humming along, his fingers entwined with mine. Every few seconds, I had to fight off a blush, because every few seconds, he’d look over at me with a mysterious, sexy smirk.

I was three stares away from bursting into flames from how hot my face was.

Suddenly, we veered off the main road, into the forest, and along a dirt path. Ok…starting to get a little uneasy. I’m not very fond of the forest at night. People have claimed they’ve seen wolves and even bear’s around this area.

“You planning on murdering me?” I joked weakly, and he burst out laughing, cutting through the tense silence that had fallen over us. He wiped the tears in his eyes, and grinned over at me.

“Stay with me Kiriana. We’ve got a little bit to go, so try not to worry about an axe murderer running in front of our car” he winked at me as I once again blushed.

“In fact…” he trailed off as he suddenly braked the car. I jolted forward, but Harry flung his arm across my chest, stopping my head from slamming into the dash. He grinned at me apologetically, before twisting in his seat to grab something in the back seat. “Put this on.” He handed me a piece of black cloth. It was a sleeping mask.

I raised my eyebrow at him. He shrugged nonchalantly, and I would believe it if it weren’t for the slight tightening in his eyes.

“Sometimes I don’t feel right staying at home, so I’ve taken to sleeping in my car. The light from the lamps on the street keep me awake so that’s what the mask is for” he explained, shifting uncomfortably. I nodded, before smiling at him.

“Why do I have to wear it then?” I asked lightly, trying to pull the darkness from his eyes. He smiled, his eyes shining with gratitude.

“Because I want our final destination to be a surprise” I looked at him in disbelief.

“I don’t like surprises!” his eyes darkened, and he leaned forward until he was an inch away from me.

“Do I have to put the mask on for you, Kiriana?” he breathed, his scent wafting over me, and overwhelming my senses.

“N-nuh…wah” I stuttered, his proximity melting all coherent thought. He chuckled softly, gently caressing my face with the tips of his fingers.

“Put the mask on” he whispered, his lips brushing against mine with every word he spoke, but never moving to deepen the intimate contact. I nearly moaned, but held it in as I slipped the mask over my head, his eyes staring hypnotically into mine.

Once the darkness of the mask effectively blinded me, Harry leaned forward, diving his tongue into my mouth as he pressed his lips hard against mine in a spine-tingling, mind-numbing kiss. His lips left my mouth to trail over my face gently, using his teeth to tug my mask down a bit, before once again pressing his lips to mine in a gentle, loving kiss. As he pulled away, and started the car once more, I sighed heavily from the emotions he caused me.

“You’re really good at that” I mumbled dazedly, leaning my head back, and staring into the darkness. He chuckled lowly, his hand touching my right cheek gently before pulling away.

“Why thank you” he told me.


For the next 10 minutes, Harry filled the silence with idle chatter, and his sexy singing. Finally the car rolled to a stop, and I reached up to take off my mask but Harry caught my hand.

“Wait. Not yet” he told me, his voice belying his nervousness. I huffed in annoyance. I heard his door open and shut, and his footsteps crunched on the forest floor, before I felt a light breeze as my door opened. Harry tentatively took my head and led me out of the car and into the forest. He gently wrapped an arm around my waist and guided me along the path for a moment before he stopped me. He briefly walked away, and I heard things shuffling around, before he whispered for me to take off the mask.

I ripped it over my head, and I gasped in shock.

We were in a clearing, a circle of trees surrounding us. Harry had managed to string up fairy lights all over the trees, and in the centre of a downy carpet of leaves and grass was a large blanket, with a picnic basket sat to the side, with pillows scattered across it. Harry stood in the middle of the blanket, smiling at me nervously, his hand running through his hair.

But as perfect as he was, it wasn’t the best part.

The best part was how the trees parted, and showed that we were near the edge of a cliff, and showed the big beautiful sky, turning pink as the sun began to set, and the long stretch of city lights underneath.

It was beautiful.

“Do you like it?” Harry asked anxiously. My mouth was gaping open, and I looked over at him in disbelief.

“Of course! I love it! It’s amazing” I exclaimed, and his face relaxed in relief. I laughed, and ran forward. He opened his arms just as I flew into them. I hugged him tightly, and he sighed and laid his head over mine.

I would have loved to stay like that if my stomach didn’t have other idea, as it growled loudly, making me blush, and Harry laugh loudly.

“C’mon. Lucky I packed some food or else I’d have to listen to that the entire time” he chuckled, tugging me down to sit on the blanket.

For the next hour we just ate and laughed and kissed and talked and made out some more.

“Harry. Are you really ok? After all that stuff that happened to you?” I asked as we lay on the blanket, my head pillowed against his chest as he played with my hair. He sighed deeply, his fingers combing gently through the strands of hair.

“I don’t know. I could stay at my house. But without my mum there, it feels empty and cold, and nowhere near like home. Plus, I can’t afford to maintain it, but I can’t stay in my car for the rest of my life” Harry mused thoughtfully. I gently rubbed his chest in comfort.

“I’d offer to keep you at my place, but…well, my dad would probably kill us both” Harry chuckled.

“That’s ok. But I should probably get another job, and find an apartment I can afford. Mum’s got enough in her account, and she’s left me everything…so I should be fine for now” he told me, rolling over to throw his arm over my waist and pull me closer.

“Thanks for being there for me” Harry murmured, nuzzling his face into my hair.

“Of course. I-” I caught myself before I said I love you. What if he didn’t feel the same? I mean, this is our first date! You don’t go saying that kind of thing on your first date. Even if it is true.

“What?” he asked softly, staring at me. I looked into his amazing green eyes, and had to catch myself from saying what I wanted to say.

“I…I’m just glad I met you” I murmured. It was the truth. I’m extremely glad I met him. He beamed at me, his eyes brightening, and his entire face glowed with happiness.

“I’m glad I met you too” he whispered, before his lips descended on mine, capturing my lips. My eyes shut as our mouths moved softly against each other, tingles running through every part of our bodies that was touching, and fireworks exploded behind my closed eyelids.

He pulled away and smiled, before turning to look out over the cliff and I gasped. Real fireworks were launching into the sky, and exploding into a beautiful shower of stars. Red rockets, multi-coloured fountains, spinning blue Catherine Wheels; amazing. But how did-

I turned to look at Harry questioningly, and he grinned charmingly.

“A friend of mine is a registered pyromaniac. I called in a favour” he told me and I literally threw myself at him, kissing him roughly and passionately. He made fireworks happen just for me. This boy is too damn cute!

“I take it you like it” he laughed between kisses.

“Hell yes! You are amazing Harry Styles!” I exclaimed, and he rolled us over so he hovered above me. The light from the fireworks reflected off his face, as he leaned in close, his green eyes glittering with happiness, lust and…love?

“Nah, I’m pretty average. But you- you are beautiful, sweet, and amazing” he whispered before his lips crashed to mine.

Best. Date. Ever.

A/N: I'm a soo close to finishing off this story; I reckon I'll have about 20 I only have a few to tie up the story, and it's loose I hope you enjoy this one!!!

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