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Harry tugged me down the road, and essentially threw me in the car. I watched him hurry around to his side, and jumped into the car, turning it on and speeding out of the drive way.

It’s been 2 years since I met him. We had moved into his apartment together, and he was currently in university studying music, while I was studying online.

It was actually our 2nd anniversary since officially getting together and Harry had planned something really big. All I knew was that we had just finished at the restaurant and we were heading off to our little clearing.

“Just tell me!!!” I yelled at him, but he just grinned, kissed the hand he was holding, but said nothing. “Dammit Harry” I grumbled, before he suddenly veered to the side, and we rode along for 10 minutes, before we arrived. I was about to get out, but Harry had slipped his mask over my eyes, making me curse at him.

He gently led me down the little slope to our clearing, before whispering for me to take off the mask.

I gasped. It was exactly the same as our first date together, except this time, Harry was kneeling on the picnic blanket.

“Kiriana Waenga. You turned my life upside down; loved me despite all the sh*t I put you through. If there was ever a girl I could spend my life with, it would be you” he took a deep breath. “Will you marry-” I launched myself at him, tackling him to the ground, not caring about my fancy dress or heels.

“YES!!! F*CKING YES I’LL MARRY YOU!!!” Harry laughed, before rolling us into a sitting position and took out a box, and showing me a beautiful ring.

It was a band of white gold, with a slightly red hued diamond in the middle, and little diamonds along the band. He slid his ring onto my finger, and we kissed slowly, fireworks running along our lips. Behind my close lids, I could see real fireworks going off but I didn’t care.

I was marrying Harry f*cking Styles!


 A/N: And it's finally over!!! Thanks for anyone who happened to be following this...

Freedom with Styles (Harry Styles Fan Fiction) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now