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CHAPTER ONE - Judgement

I flinched when I got slammed into a locker by a bunch of cheerleaders. I cursed under my breath, glaring daggers at their backs. I pushed away from the locker and continued to walk out of the school and away from this sh*t hole.  My shoulders slumped, and I plugged in my earphones and a song that blasted in my ears, what I liked to call ‘Gangsta rap’. I chuckled to myself, making some little old lady with her pet schnauzer stare at me like I was crazy.

“Sorry” I mumbled, my dark hair swishing over my shoulders, and in front of my face. I hate it when people stare at me. Judgemental f*ckers. My heels clacked loudly as I walked down the street, my long legs wrapped in tight blue skinny jeans. So I walked around in slightly sl*tty clothes, so what? It’s not like my cleavage hangs out of my tank top. And I’m wearing a kickass leather jacket that I love to pieces. So you can suck it if you don’t like my style.

I reached my house, which was only about a ten minute walk from the school…which is seriously lame. I hate my school. I don’t why my parents parked our home so close.

“Mum! I’m home!” my mum popped her head around the corner to the kitchen.

“Hey. Go get changed into something decent, and help me with dinner” when I said that if you don’t like my style, you can suck it…yeah, I’m not gonna tell my mum that. I jogged upstairs, and into my blue-walled room, with posters of hot guys all over them. My favourite actor; Channing Tatum, had the honoured spot above my bed. I’d drawn big red love hearts around his tasty abs.

“Stop drooling Kiriana! Channing Tatum isn’t gonna jump out and grind you” someone chuckled. I screamed at my stupid older brother to get the hell out of my room, and slammed the door closed.

I quickly changed my clothes, pulling on some track pants, and a more modest tank top, and walked downstairs to help my mum with dinner.


The next day, I showered, and slipped on a tight white sweater, and red skinny’s, and pulled on some black heels, before strutting downstairs. I grabbed some toast, my bag, and walked off to school. My mum is always asleep this time of the morning. It’s not as if I’m really far from school or anything.

“F*ck it” the heaven’s decided to open, and pour rain down on me. I sighed, and started to run to school, almost killing myself when I tripped on my heels. A car passed by, and splashed the biggest f*cking wave of puddle water all over me, and I flipped the driver off, only just making out the shiny black rear end of the car. “F*cking rich c*nt”

I arrived at school, dripping wet from head to toe, and once again, a subject of laughter for the students. I ignored them like usual, and continued my way to my locker which (suck it b*tches), was the only locker on the entire campus, that was undercover. The perks of being nice to the teachers.

I clutched a payment form for our excursion to the city and walked to office, but just as I reached the door, it swung open, nearly whacking me in the face. The door opened to reveal the cutest boy I have ever seen.

 A/N: Quick uploads guys! Anyhoo, yeah this is also a short story...so I don't plan on dragging it out like my other stuff...

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